C779 Web Development Foundations Master Test,

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create text boxes, radio buttons and Submit buttons.

In an HTML form, the <input> tag is used to:

It identifies the form input received in a name=value pair by the site's administrator.

In an HTML form, what is the purpose of the name attribute in an <input> tag?

Business logic

In database technology, what is the term for the SQL coding necessary to create relationships with the data stored in a database?


In hexadecimal code, the number 16 is represented as:


In object-oriented language terminology, which of the following is a group of similar objects?

the absolute URL, including the protocol indicator, for the Web page to which you want to link.

In order to create an external hyperlink, you must determine:


In programming, what is the term for an application that processes code in standard text files into executable applications?


In programming, what is the term for software used to read and process code in standard text files?


In programming, which of the following is a line of code that allows you to refer to an entire series of steps or commands?

a paragraph.

The opening <p> and closing </p> tags define:


Which attribute of the anchor (<a>) element determines the color of unvisited hyperlinks?

The alt attribute

Which attribute should you use with the <img> tag to specify the text to display if a user has configured his or her browser not to display images?

The src and alt attributes

Which attributes are required for the <img> tag in HTML?

You can use up to 100 pairs of x,y coordinates to define a polygon.

Which choice correctly describes polygon hot spots on image maps?


A list of the files that are needed for the Web application to work offline.

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)

(pronounced whiz-ee-wig) A user-friendly editing format in which the file being edited is displayed as it will appear in the browser.

image map

A Web page image with clickable regions that are defined as "hot spot" hyperlinks to other pages or page sections.


A Web user who publishes negative comments or submits feedback simply to annoy or anger.


A base-16 number system that allows large numbers to be displayed by fewer characters than if the number were displayed in the regular base- 10 system. In hexadecimal, the number 10 is represented as the letter A, 15 is represented as F, and 16 is represented as 10.

an entire paragraph.

A block-level element is a markup element that affects at least:

site map

A brief, hierarchical representation of a Web site that enables visitors to quickly identify areas of the site and navigate to them.

an unordered list.

A bulleted list is considered to be:

The <meta> tag

A character set is the group of symbols used to render text on a page. In which of the following should you specify the character set for an HTML document?


A concept or collection of symbols associated with a product, service or person.

Web 2.0

A concept referring to the changing trends in the use of WWW technology and Web design that have led to the development of information-sharing and collaboration capabilities.

Web feed

A data format for delivering Web content that is updated frequently.

document type declaration (<!DOCTYPE>)

A declaration of document or code type embedded within an HTML, XHTML, XML or SGML document; identifies the version and markup language used. Denoted by the <!DOCTYPE> declaration at the beginning of the document.


A digital carrier that transmits data at a speed of 1.544 Mbps.

application cache

A directory on a computer where applications, such as Internet apps, can be stored and run without access to the original application.


A language used for defining other languages.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

A language used to create and maintain professional, high performance corporate databases.

Request for Comments (RFC)

A document published by the IETF that details information about standardized Internet protocols and those in various development stages.

is stored in a single table.

A flat file is a database in which information:

fixed-width font

A font in which every character, including the space character, has equal width. In proportional-width fonts, letters such as I and J have less width than M or B.


A font style that does not use decorative strokes at the tips of characters. Includes the Arial font family.


A font style that uses characters with small decorative additions at the outermost points of the characters, called strokes. Includes the Times and Times New Roman fonts.

block-level element

A markup element that affects at least an entire paragraph.

text-level element

A markup element that affects single characters or words.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A markup language that describes document content instead of adding structure or formatting to document content. A simplified version of SGML.

A compiler

A member of your Web development team has created an application using the C++ programming language. The code for the program is currently in a text file. What is required to process this text file information into an executable application?

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

A metalanguage used to create other languages, including HTML and XHTML.

top to bottom.

A non-interlaced image format is read from:

an ordered list.

A numbered list is considered to be:

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

A program that processes data submitted by the user. Allows a Web server to pass control to a software application, based on user request. The application receives and organizes data, then returns it in a consistent format.

graphical user interface (GUI)

A program that provides visual navigation with menus and screen icons, and performs automated functions when users click command buttons.


A programming language that pioneered object-oriented programming. Not popularly used in Web development.


A programming methodology that uses a number of existing technologies together and enables Web applications to make incremental updates to the user interface without the need to reload the browser page.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

A protocol based on SSL 3.0 that provides authentication and encryption, used by most servers for secure exchanges over the Internet.

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

A protocol that enables operating systems to map file name extensions to corresponding applications. Also used by applications to automatically process files downloaded from the Internet.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

A protocol that provides authentication and encryption, used by most servers for secure exchanges over the Internet. Superseded by Transport Layer Security (TLS).

trouble ticket

A record of a problem related to a service provided by an ISP or cloud service provider. Used to record receipt of a complaint and track resolution of the problem.

markup language

A series of commands used to format, organize and describe information on a Web page.

Document Type Definition (DTD)

A set of rules contained in a simple text file that defines the structure, syntax and vocabulary as it relates to tags and attributes for a corresponding document

Web application framework

A set of software tools or code that is commonly used in the creation and management of online applications.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of universal commands, calls and functions that allows developers to communicate with an application or operating system.

purpose and intended audience for a Web site, and provides a rough outline of the pages needed.

A storyboard is a document that describes the:

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

A technology that allows greater style definition and formatting control of HTML elements. Formatting can be placed within the HTML or called remotely from an external style sheet.


A text file that contains information sent between a server and a client to help maintain state and track user activities. Cookies can reside in memory or on a hard drive.


A type of software that imitates a computer then allows non-native software to run in a foreign environment. Sometimes also a hardware device.


A universal character set designed to support all written languages, as well as scholarly disciplines (e.g., mathematics).


A user has just visited your Web site and updated her contact information. This information was stored in a database. Which language was most likely used to update the database?

an interlaced image.

A user with a slow Internet connection downloads an image in which 13 percent of the image is rendered during the first pass, 25 percent is rendered during the second pass, then the remainder is rendered in 25-percent increments until the image renders completely. This is an example of:

Tables should be used where appropriate to format content, but not to structure Web pages.

According to HTML5 standards, which choice correctly describes the relationship between tables and Web page structure?

Documenting the decisions for approval by all parties

After several meetings, your team's Web site plan has been developed. Which step is now necessary?


An Application Programming Interface (API) that is used to transfer XML and other text data between a Web server and browser.


An HTML5 Application Programming Interface (API) used for rendering visual images on the fly by providing scripts with a bitmap canvas.

pay per click (PPC)

An Internet marketing technique that enables you to list your site high in search engine rankings by advertising on keywords that describe your product or service.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

An Internet protocol used to transfer files between computers; allows file transfer without corruption or alteration.

3-D Secure

An XML-based protocol used by credit card companies to add security to online credit and debit card transactions.

contains a full path to a resource, including the protocol indicator.

An absolute URL:

drop zone

An area of a Web page that has been defined as a place where dragged items can be placed.

business-to-consumer (B2C)

An e-commerce model in which a Web-based business sells products and/or services to consumers or end users.

business-to-business (B2B)

An e-commerce model in which a Web-based business sells products and/or services to other businesses.

consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

An e-commerce model in which individual consumers sell products or services to other consumers.

mailing list server

An e-mail server that regularly sends e-mail messages to a specified list of users.

A Web form

An end user has just clicked the OK button on a Web document to send information to the Web server. Which of the following contains a reference to the CGI script that allows this Web page to send information to a Web server?

A cookie

An end user has just entered his authentication information into a browser. The site has automatically stored this information on the end user's hard drive. The site has also stored this user's preferences, so that the next time he visits the site, his user name and preferences will be automatically retrieved. What is most often used to store this information on the hard drive?

The Web server

An end user has just submitted data in a Web form. This form was processed using a Java servlet. Which of the following is responsible for executing the CGI application used?


An individual computer connected to a network. Also, a system or application (such as a Web browser or user agent) that requests a service from another computer (the server) and is used to access files or documents.

left to right.

An interlaced image format is read from:

section on the same Web page

An internal hyperlink is a link you can use to jump to another:

Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

An umbrella term that describes the combination of HTML, script, styles and the Document Object Model (DOM) to provide Web page interactivity.

user agent

Any application, such as a Web browser, mobile phone, smartphone or help engine, that renders HTML for display to users.

Adopt a single W3C standard and apply it consistently throughout your document.

As you develop Web documents, which of the following should you always keep in mind to ensure your pages will render properly in user agents?

include only content that is absolutely necessary for the viewer.

As you develop Web sites for mobile devices, you should:

the alt attribute in your <img> tags

As you develop a Web site designed for mobile devices, always use:

they are often looking for very specific information.

As you develop a Website for mobile devices, it is important to prioritize the content you include in the web pages. When users are viewing a Website with a mobile device:

An event handler

As you passed your mouse cursor over a hyperlink on a Web page, the text enlarged. Which of the following was used to accomplish this effect?

push technology.

Automatically providing information to a client list is an example of:

obtain a consensus of opinion about changes from customers, upper management, sales, and marketing, then obtain appropriate stakeholder approval.

Before making any changes to an active Web site, you should:

The opening <html> and closing </html> tags

Between which tags must all HTML code for a document reside?

preselect as many check boxes as you like.

By adding the checked="checked" attribute and value into the <input> tag for a group of check boxes, you can:

horizontally to the left and vertically to the center of the cell.

By default, content in a table data cell is aligned:

both horizontally and vertically to the center of the cell.

By default, content in a table header cell is aligned:

with a 3-D shading effect.

By default, horizontal rules display:

The link's specified destination will appear.

By default, what occurs when a user clicks a hyperlink in a browser?

Headings (h1 through h6) should be used whenever possible instead of the font-size property.

CSS allows you to change the size of text. Which of the following statements about the font-size property is true?

If you list multiple fonts in the font-family property, the next font will attempt to render if the first font is not supported.

CSS allows you to change the typeface of text. Which of the following statements about the font-family property is true?

Text style options

Certain functionality features are offered by most GUI editors. Which feature allows you to apply formatting such as font size and color, centering, bold, and italic?

Publishing documents tools

Certain functionality features are offered by most GUI editors. Which feature allows you to click a button to post pages to a Web server, automatically copying files from a local hard disk drive to a directory on an ISP's server?

Hyperlink features

Certain functionality features are offered by most GUI editors. Which feature allows you to connect your Web pages to other pages and files within your Web site, and to pages and files on the World Wide Web?

Templates and wizards

Certain functionality features are offered by most GUI editors. Which feature allows you to create custom Web pages quickly by selecting from a series of choices?

Import HTML pages feature

Certain functionality features are offered by most GUI editors. Which feature allows you to open pages from the World Wide Web and, when permissible, save them to a Web site or local file system?

Icon bars

Certain functionality features are offered by most GUI editors. Which feature offers easily identifiable graphical buttons to provide the same functions found in text-based menus?

one pair of x,y coordinates and a radius value.

Circle hot spots are defined by:

require CGI scripts

Client-side image maps are more common than server-side image maps because server-side image maps:

client-side script

Code embedded into an HTML page and downloaded by a user; resides on the client and helps process Web form input. Common clientside scripting languages include JavaScript and VBScript.

server-side script

Code that resides on a server to help process Web form input. Server-side CGI scripts are commonly written in Perl.

In a directory one level above the current page

Consider the following HTML code from a page that resides on a Web server: <a href="../ccyp.html"> CCYP Home </a> According to this code, where does the file named ccyp.html reside on the Web server?

In the "pages" directory, which resides off of the server's root directory

Consider the following HTML code from a page that resides on a Web server: <a href="/pages/index.html"> CCYP Home </a> According to this code, where does the file named index.html reside on the server?

In the "pages" subdirectory, which resides beneath the page being currently edited

Consider the following HTML code on a page that resides on a Web server: <a href="pages/index.html"> CCYP Home </a> According to this code, where does the file named index.html reside on the Web server?

Because the opening <html> tag is missing

Consider the following HTML code: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta name="keywords" content="HTML5, basics, elements, tags"/> <meta name="author" content="Sampson Avilla"/> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"/> <title>HTML5 Structural Elements</title> </head> <body> This code will validate as HTML5. </body> </html> This code failed validation. Why?

<a id="targetArea1"> <h1> FAQ </h1></a>

Consider the following HTML code: <a href="#targetArea1"> Top of the FAQ </a> Which of the following properly establishes the internal link anchor for the given code?

It links to an internal anchor in an external file.

Consider the following HTML code: <a href="http://www.habitat.org/support/default.aspx#DonateOnline"> habitat.jpg </a> What does the internal hyperlink in this example do?


Consider the following HTML code: <audio> <source src="audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" /> <source src="audio.wav" type="audio/wav" /> <source src="audio.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /> Your browser does not support the HTML5 audio element. </audio> Which attribute and value must you add to the <audio> element to incorporate default audio operations such as play, pause, volume, etc.?

To the right of the text

Consider the following HTML code: <blockquote> <img src="syb/syb.png" alt="Join a summer build!" style="float:right"/> The Summer Youth Build allows students to help others while having fun on the job. </blockquote> Where on the page will the image appear?

A group of square buttons from which users can choose multiple responses

Consider the following HTML code: <form> <p>Which skills can you offer a potential employer?</p> <input type="checkbox" name="Skills" value="HTML"/> HTML coding <input type="checkbox" name="Skills" value="GUI"/> GUI authoring tools <input type="checkbox" name="Skills" value="Design"/> Fundamental Web design <input type="checkbox" name="Skills" value="PMgmt"/> Project management <input type="checkbox" name="Skills" value="EComm"/> E-commerce solutions </form> Which type of form field does this XHTML code create?

A Browse button so users can select and upload files to your site

Consider the following HTML code: <input type="file" name="File"/> What does this code create on a Web form?

A drop-down list from which users can choose one response

Consider the following HTML code: <p>Are you CIW certified?</p> <select name="Certified" size="4"> <option>Not yet</option> <option>CIW Web Foundations Associate</option> <option>CIW Web Design Professional</option> <option>CIW Web Development Professional</option> </select> Which type of form field does this HTML code create?

The number of items that will appear in the scrolling list box

Consider the following HTML code: <select name="Countries" multiple="multiple" size="8"> What does the size attribute control?

Add a </th> tag after the words "Price" and "Quantity."

Consider the following HTML code: <table border="1"> <caption> Table Elements </caption> <tr> <th> Price <th> Quantity </tr> <tr> <td> 13.95 </td> <td class="center"> 72 </td> </tr> </table> This table did not render properly in the browser. Which step will solve the problem?

It is part of a table with three columns.

Consider the following HTML code: <th> Larry </th> <th> Moe </th> <th> Curly </th> Which statement about this code is accurate?

The text "Bill Gates" is vertically aligned to the top of the cell.

Consider the following HTML code: <tr> <td>Bill Gates</td> Also consider the corresponding CSS document code: tr { vertical-align:top; } What does this code indicate about the text "Bill Gates?"

As a list of bulleted items

Consider the following HTML code: <ul> <li> Administrators </li> <li> Programmers </li> <li> Designers </li> <li> Writers </li> </ul> How will the words Administrators, Programmers, Designers and Writers appear on a Web page when displayed in a browser?

The poster attribute

Consider the following HTML code: <video width="360" height="270" controls="controls" poster="image.png"> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="video.webm" type="video/webm" /> <source src="video.ogg" type="video/ogg" /> Your browser does not support the HTML5 video element. </video> What attribute prevents the first frame of the video from displaying while the video is downloading?

Close the <html> tag.

Consider the following HTML code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css" title="stylesheet"/> <title> This is an HTML5 document </title> </head> <body bgcolor="teal"> <p>Hello, world</p> </body> What change would be necessary to make this code validate as HTML5?

The line breaks between elements make the code easy to read, which is considered good coding practice.

Consider the following HTML code: <h1>CIW Site Development Associate Skills </h1> <ul> <li>Project Management</li> <li>HTML Coding</li> <li>GUI Authoring</li> </ul> Which of the following statements about this code is true?

Element, attribute, value

Consider the following HTML tag: <div align="center"> Which choice lists the proper terms for the HTML components that appear in this tag?

The page text that will be affected by the anchor element

Consider the following anchor element: <a href="http://www.habitat.org"> Habitat </a> In this example, to what does "Habitat" refer?

The target of the hyperlink

Consider the following anchor element: <a href="http://www.habitat.org"> Habitat </a> In this example, to what does "http://www.habitat.org" refer?

<input type="text" name="UserName" value="Enter Name Here"/>

Consider the following code for a text box in a Web form: <input type="text" name="UserName"/> Which modified tag should you use if you want the text box to appear with default text that reads "Enter Name Here"?

A rule

Consider the following code from a CSS document: body {color: teal; font: white;} This code is an example of what?

The heading is located in a cell that spans three columns of the table.

Consider the following code snippet: <tr> <th colspan="3"> Site Development Associate </th> </tr> Which choice most accurately describes the result of the code?

The row heading is located in a cell that vertically spans five rows of the table.

Consider the following code snippet: <tr> <th rowspan="5"> Site Development Associate </th> </tr> Which choice most accurately describes the result of the code?

<a href="#targetArea1"> Top of the FAQ </a>

Consider the following code: <a id="targetArea1"> <h1>FAQ</h1> </a> Which of the following lines of HTML code will create a link to the text that reads "FAQ"?

This code will create a bulleted list.

Consider the following code: <h1>CIW Site Development Associate Skills </h1> <ul> <li>Project Management</li> <li>HTML Coding</li> <li>GUI Authoring</li> </ul> Which of the following statements about this code is true?

Add the multiple="multiple" attribute and value to the <select> element.

Consider the following example code from a Web form: What is your favorite hobby? <select name="Hobby"> <option> Kayaking </option> <option> Swimming </option> <option> Fishing </option> <option value="NoneAbove" > None of the Above </option> </select> You have been directed to change this form field so that users can select more than one option from this list. In addition to rewording the page text, which change must you make to the code?

a stand-alone non-empty tag.

Consider the following line from an HTML document: <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"/> This code shows an example of:

a container tag.

Consider the following line from an HTML document: <title> Site Development Associate</title> This code shows an example of:

an empty tag.

Consider the following line from an HTML document: Site Development Associate<br> This code shows an example of:

Each cell in the table will be separated from the other cells by 2 pixels more than the default.

Consider the following portion of HTML code for creating a table: <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Price</th> <th>Quantity</th> </tr> <tr> <td>13.95</td> <td>72</td> </tr> </table> Also consider the corresponding CSS document code: table, td, th { border:1px solid gray; } td, th { padding:6px; border-spacing:2px; } Which statement correctly describes the resulting table?

Change the value of the CSS text-align property to "left."

Consider the following portion of HTML code for creating a table: <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Price</th> <th>Quantity</th> </tr> <tr> <td>13.95</td> <td class="center">72</td> </tr> </table> Also consider the corresponding CSS document code: table, td, th { border:1px solid gray; } td.center { text-align:center; } How could you modify this code so the number "72" moves to the left?

The number will be aligned horizontally to the center of the cell.

Consider the following portion of HTML code for creating a table: <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Price</th> <th>Quantity</th> </tr> <tr> <td>13.95</td> <td class="center">72</td> </tr> </table> Also consider the corresponding CSS document code: table, td, th { border:1px solid gray; } td.center { text-align:center; } Which statement accurately describes the position of the number "72" in a table cell?

Each cell will have 6 pixels more than the default of space between the content and the cell border.

Consider the following portion of HTML code for creating a table: <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Price</th> <th>Quantity</th> </tr> <tr> <td>13.95</td> <td>72</td> </tr> </table> Also consider the corresponding CSS document code: table, td, th { border:1px solid gray; } td, th { padding:6px; border-spacing:2px; } Which statement correctly describes the resulting table?

on the fly

Dynamically created Web page content, as opposed to pre-defined, static content.

feature crisp, concise text.

Effectively designed business Web sites:


Embedded instructions within a text file that link it to another point in the file or to a separate file.

A Web server has been specified.

End users have complained that when they click a link on your company's Web site, the wrong client loads. You review the page with the suspect link and find the following HTML code: To begin an FTP session, click the following link: <a href="http://ftp.habitat.org"> FTP Session </a> What is the problem?

To allow data to be interchanged with all types of applications

Extensible Markup Language (XML) can be used for which purpose?

the Web server and the database must recognize each other

For a database to work:

It must have the same configuration as the "live" server

For the purposes of Web site development, which of the following is an essential characteristic of a test server?

To reference a style sheet for the page

For what should you use the <link> tag in the <head> section of your HTML document?

To add video controls such as the play, pause, rewind and volume controls

For what should you use the controls attribute of the <video> element?

To place default text inside the text box

For what should you use the value attribute when creating a text box field?

sends form information to you via e-mail.

FormMail is a CGI script that is designed to receive information from a Web form. FormMail is popular because it:


From which language did Tim Berners-Lee borrow to create HTML?


Functionality that allows a user to grab an object and move it to a different location on a computer screen.

Page editors

GUI editors whose functionality is usually limited to creating individual Web pages are known as what?

have a strong, central theme aimed at a distinct audience.

Generally, successful Web sites:

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)

Generally, which Web image format should you use if you want the highest image quality?

container tags.

Good coding practice requires you to use:

allow you to modify your HTML code manually.

Graphical user interface (GUI) HTML editor applications:

an element, an attribute and a value.

HTML markup tags consist of:

are not case-sensitive but should always be typed in lowercase letters.

HTML tags:

HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript to access the Document Object Model (DOM)

HTML5 APIs are the best examples of DHTML because they utilize multiple technologies to extend the functionality of HTML. These technologies are:

mobile devices

HTML5 APIs are used to create apps for:

The <nav> structure element

HTML5 with CSS has introduced specific elements to structure Web pages. In which structure element should you include hypertext menus to access various pages of the Web site?

How well the Web site adheres to branding standards

If your Web development team includes a marketing representative, which of the following would probably be of most concern to that person?


How many colors are specified in the browser-safe color palette?


How many heading styles are defined for HTML?

Radio buttons

If a Web page author wants her users to select only one option among several specified on a form, which input type should she specify?

create as simple a form as possible.

If you are conducting search engine optimization (SEO), you should:

Between the <textarea> tags

If you want to specify default text for a text area box, where should you add the text that will appear as default text?


Image layers are supported in which of the following file formats?

inline images

Images rendered in a Web page.

A format instruction that consists of a specified selector and the properties and values applied to it

In Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), what is a rule?

The form fields will render but users will not be able to submit any information.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer, what occurs on a Web form if you omit the closing </form> tag?

the higher the numeric value representing a color, the lighter that color will be.

In RGB code:

Curly braces ( { } )

In a CSS document, within what must you enclose properties and values when you define a rule for a specified selector?

Ampersands ( & )

In a raw text string, which of the following is used to delimit name=value pairs?

Plus signs ( + )

In a raw text string, which of the following is used to replace spaces entered by the user?


In a style sheet, a format instruction that consists of a specified selector and the properties and values applied to it.


In a style sheet, any element to which designated styles are applied.

A semicolon ( ; )

In a style sheet, what must you use to separate multiple declarations for one selector within a rule?

Event handler

In programming, which term describes a line of code that allows a language to respond to a specific event or user input?

Use an inline CSS style attribute in the paragraph tag.

In the HTML5 standard, what is the recommended way to center a paragraph of text?


In which of the following formats are image layers supported?

A Web server application

Information has just been sent from a Web form on a client's system to a Web server. Which of the following is required to process this information at the Web server?

Your company posts on its site sample questions from another company's industry-certification exam to help students study for the exam.

Infringement is a violation of a copyright or trademark. Copyright and trademark infringement are punishable crimes. Which of the following would constitute an act of copyright infringement?

vertical portals.

Intranets and extranets are examples of:

<!--Jose Shmoe, 2/14/2013. This code validates to HTML5-->

Jose is working on a Web page for his company's intranet. He wants to insert an HTML comment within the page to let other developers know that the page validates as HTML5 and that he is the page author. Which line of code will insert the comment that Jose requires?

in which the more an image is compressed, the more its quality is reduced.

Lossy compression is a compression technology:

assigns specific pixel widths to page elements using HTML5 structural elements.

Many Web designers try to control the way that Web page elements will render on the screen. A designer who uses a fixed-width layout:

<img> tag, alt attribute

Marcel is inserting images into an HTML page. When he previews the page, the images render well. But when he tries to validate his page, the code will not validate. Which image-insertion tag and attribute are required in order for Marcel's HTML5 page to validate without error?

To explain the purpose of code sections to other developers

Mia is a Web developer working on a Web team that is currently coding some new pages for their company's site. As she creates each page, Mia adds comments to her code. Why?

the effect of marketing efforts influencing a particular target market or demographic.

Mind share is:


Most daemons (i.e., services) are written in which language?

Paragraph-level elements

Nancy is formatting a simple Web page. Her supervisor has directed her to create headings before the second and fourth paragraphs. Which type of HTML elements should Marion use to accomplish this most efficiently?


National departments responsible for controlling items entering and leaving the country.

Logos and trademarks

On a corporate site, what is crucial for name recognition and branding?


Pax has been hired by a small business to develop its Web site. He begins the project by creating a document that specifies the basic requirements for the site. This document defines the site's purpose and specifies the company's audience. It also directs the site navigation so that it makes sense from a user's point of view. What is the name of the document that Pax created?

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) applications.

Perl, PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), Active Server Pages (ASP) and .NET are examples of:

offline Web application

Permits the user to continue working with Web sites and Web documents even when a network connection is unavailable.

Higher bit depths result in more intense or realistic colors, and an increased file size.

Pixels, which are measured in bits, provide some amount of color information. Which statement is true regarding higher bit depths?

<nav>, <article>, <aside>, <header>, <footer>

Prior to HTML5, structuring a Web site using style sheets with the <div> tag and its id attribute has been an acceptable practice to govern the document's structure. HTML5 has introduced five new elements for more effective document structuring. Which choice correctly lists these five HTML5 structure elements?

Some proprietary formats limit a disabled person's ability to obtain information.

Proprietary file formats can enhance the look and feel of your Web site. Which of the following is a drawback to using proprietary formats?


Providing a link from your Web site to another site without permission is considered:

pull technology.

Providing information to a client only upon client request is an example of:

The radio buttons must share the same name attribute.

Radio buttons are reserved for two or more mutually exclusive options on a Web form. How do you ensure this exclusivity?


Roberto is creating a Web page using HTML5. He wants to indent a quote on the page. Which element should he use to accomplish this?

She can preview the page with all the browsers installed on her computer or device.

Sage is developing a Web page using a GUI HTML editor. She wants to use the GUI editor to preview the page as she develops it. Which of the following is true?

<!-- Modified by Selena Ramirez - for HTML compliance -->

Selena needs to insert a comment in a Web page's code to ensure that other Web team members who work with the page code understand the nature of her changes. She wants to insert a comment that reads as follows: Modified by Selena Ramirez - for HTML compliance Selena wants this page to validate as HTML5 without any warnings or errors. She does not want the comment to appear to users when the page is displayed in a browser. Which line of code will achieve these two goals, assuming no other errors exist on the page?


Server-side CGI scripts are commonly written in which language?


Similar to object-oriented programming languages, but does not allow for inheritance from one class to another.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software that is hosted centrally on the Internet and accessed by users with a Web browser.

Cloud Computing

Software, infrastructure and platform services that are hosted by a remote data center and provided to organizations or individuals over the Internet.


Table element attributes are not supported in HTML5; CSS must be used. Which is the only table element attribute you can still use for HTML5-compliant tables?

text-level elements.

Tags that format text as bold or italic are known as:

The <b> element applies the bold font style, whereas <strong> applies a heavier weight to the text relative to the surrounding text.

Text surrounded by the <b> and <strong> tags both result in bold text. How do the tags differ?

MP3, Ogg and Wav

The <audio> element supports which three formats?

a line break.

The <br/> tag defines:

MP4, WebM and Ogg

The <video> element supports which three formats?

the amount of space between cell data and the cell border.

The CSS padding property of the <table> element determines:

aligns content horizontally in all table elements.

The CSS text-align property used for table elements:

aligns content vertically in all table elements.

The CSS vertical-align property used for table elements:

Use document structure tags to lay out the page, and use a table to organize the insurance plan information.

The HR Department has asked your Web team to create a Web page for the company's intranet site that will compare the company's three different employee insurance plan options. What is the most effective way to accomplish this?


The HTML <area> tag, which defines the coordinates of an image map, uses which of the following attributes?

HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

The HTML Web development "trifecta" consists of:

non-keyboard characters.

The HTML code < and > are examples of:

Height and width

The HTML5 canvas API has only two attributes. Which are they?


The HTML5 canvas API supports only which shape?

determine a user's current position, monitor the user's location, and update any changes to that location.

The HTML5 geolocation API can be used to:

The suitability of a GUI editor for developers with disabilities

The W3C Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Recommendation outlines seven points that help determine what?

Its ability to generate proper code and its usability by a disabled person creating Web pages

The W3C Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Recommendation outlines seven requirements that all focus on what issues for a GUI editor?


The ability for a computer to approximate a color by combining the RGB values.


The ability to determine a user's location. Web sites can use this information to enhance the user experience and provide location-based services.


The amount of information, sometimes called traffic, that can be carried on a network at one time. The total capacity of a line. Also, the rate of data transfer over a network connection; measured in bits per second.

will render consistently in any browser or with any operating system.

The browser-safe color palette is a standard of 216 colors that:

A table cell

The colspan and rowspan attributes of the <td> and <th> tags specify the number of columns and rows, respectively, that a certain element occupies. What is that element?

home page.

The default or starting page of a Web site is called the:

all content to be displayed on the page through the user agent.

The opening <body> and closing </body> tags encompass:

character set

The group of symbols used to render text on a page.

electronic commerce (e-commerce)

The integration of communications, data management and security capabilities to allow organizations and consumers to exchange information related to the sale of good and services.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used for all form styles. Advanced features are now available for better control of validation and input control.

The main difference between form creation in HTML5 versus form creation in HTML 4.01 is:

create a medium that would provide for the transition from HTML to XML.

The main goal of Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is to:

Because publishing this information ensures continuing brand recognition

The marketing department wants to distribute information about proper use of the company logo. Your team is going to post this information on the company Web site. Why is such information important to publish?

text box.

The most common form field used in designing Web forms is the:

GIF 89a and PNG.

The only Web-ready image file formats that support animation are:

GIF 87a, GIF 89a and PNG.

The only Web-ready image file formats that support interlacing are:

GIF 89a and PNG.

The only Web-ready image file formats that support transparency are:

link rot

The phenomenon in which hyperlinks on a Web site gradually become invalid as referenced Web page content, links and page locations change.

Web analytics

The practice of collecting data and studying user behavior in an attempt to increase market share and sales.


The process of developing an outline for a Web presence.

search engine optimization (SEO)

The process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a Web site by structuring content to improve search engine ranking. A specific activity of Internet marketing.

one character.

The smallest unit that a text-level element can affect is:


The study of groups of people. Specifically, the practice of gathering statistical data by studying populations based on characteristics such as age, income and education.

"picture element."

The term "pixel" is short for:


The use of audio or video digital-media files that are distributed through Web feeds to subscribed users.

specify Unicode support for all of your site's Web pages

To alleviate language concerns when designing Web pages that will be viewed globally, you should:

mind share.

To design Web pages to be part of a larger marketing strategy, you need to help establish name and brand recognition, otherwise known as:

more bandwidth.

To download a large file in a short amount of time, you need:

a scripting language.

To work with the Document Object Model (DOM) for any browser, you need to use:


Unsolicited and unwanted e-mail messages; the online equivalent of junk mail.

The Web site's default page

When a user enters the minimum amount of information required to connect to a Web site, what will the HTTP server present to the user?


Using a linked style sheet, you have modified the look and feel of an HTML page. You noticed that the rules you applied remain in force unless explicitly overruled using other styles. Which term describes this phenomenon?

detect browser type and version.

Using simple JavaScript code, you can use cookies to:

in pixels.

Values for the CSS border-spacing and padding properties used for the <table> element can be specified:

use mathematical coordinates to create images and specify colors.

Vector graphics:

Your page will not validate with a markup validator.

What will happen if you neglect to include a <!DOCTYPE> tag in your HTML document?

Page editors and site management editors

What are the two types of GUI editors?


What attribute should you add to the <audio> element if you want your audio to play over and over again without stopping?

Single line breaks

What automatically separates individual list items when you create an ordered or numbered list?

Your organization runs the risk of receiving a bad reputation as a spammer.

What can be considered a drawback of obtaining feedback about your Web site by conducting customer surveys via e-mail?


What color does the hexadecimal value #000000 represent?


What color does the hexadecimal value #FFFFFF represent?


What color does the mixture of red, green and blue light on a monitor screen produce?

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

What does Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) use to describe a document's visual layout?

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

What does Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) use to organize the data on a Web page?

Whether it conforms to a specific W3C markup code standard

What does a validation engine (such as the W3C Markup Validation Service) determine about your Web page?

That you have requested a file that does not exist on the specified Web server

What does an HTTP 404 error signify?

The number of items that will appear in the list by default will depend on the browser.

What happens if you omit the size attribute when you use the <select> tag to create a select list?

The font will display as a default font face.

What happens if you specify a font name in an external CSS file that a user's system does not support?

The rule will be ignored.

What happens when you place a CSS rule between the /* and */ characters?

The page will render without the image file, and a small box with an X will appear in its place.

What happens when you place an image file in a subdirectory and neglect to reference the subdirectory in the <img> tag's src attribute?

The text will be "commented out" and will not appear on the Web page.

What happens when you place text between the <!-- and --> tags in your HTML source code?

A combination of HTML, script, styles and the Document Object Model (DOM) that provides Web page interactivity

What is Dynamic HTML (DHTML)?

A W3C-recommended language that uses XML to describe graphics and graphical applications

What is Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)?

Any element to which designated styles are applied

What is a CSS selector?

An application that conveys information provided by an end user on a user-input form to a Web server or a database server

What is a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application?

A Web site that allows all visitors to collaborate in its construction

What is a Wiki site?

An organization that issues digital certificates and helps to ensure the identity of a person, host or process

What is a certificate authority (CA)?

A language that is used to create other languages

What is a metalanguage?

A technique that combines several images in a sequence that is rendered in rapid succession to simulate motion

What is image animation?

A technique that allows an image to progressively display in a browser as it downloads

What is image interlacing?


What is the RGB code for the color red?

Document Object Model (DOM)

What is the W3C standard that describes the elements, or objects, within a document rendered by a Web browser?


What is the administrative password for Windows systems for permissions typically assigned by an ISP?

The ability to manipulate components independently of the entire image

What is the advantage of designing an image in layers?

A name=value pair

What is the basic element of a raw text string sent from a Web form to a Web server's CGI script?

Sales representatives

What is the best source from which you can obtain feedback about your Web site to evaluate the site's effectiveness and determine ways you can improve the site?

Use the GUI editor's built-in code validator or visit a validation site

What is the best way to ensure that your Web page code conforms to the W3C's standards?

Blue and underlined

What is the default appearance of hyperlinks in the browser?


What is the default value for aligning images relative to text using CSS?

An ISP provides bandwidth and possibly Web server space, whereas a cloud service provider provides more complex services such as software-as-a-service (SaaS), backup services and database connectivity.

What is the difference between an ISP and a cloud service provider?

You can access hosted applications and services on Web sites that enable you to perform computing tasks without the need to download and install any software

What is the main advantage to using a Web browser as an application delivery platform?

Web 2.0

What is the name of the concept for the changing trends in the use of WWW technology and Web design that have led to the development of information-sharing and collaboration capabilities?

To provide a way for a business's customers to find that business over the Internet

What is the primary purpose of a business Web site?


What is the programming term for a place in memory used to store information for later use?

The DTD contains a set of rules to which you want your HTML document to conform.

What is the purpose of a Document Type Definition (DTD)?

To enable Web authors to create Web pages without typing HTML code

What is the purpose of a GUI HTML editor?

To create a link to a style sheet

What is the purpose of the <link> tag in an HTML document?

The computer will compensate by dithering.

What will occur if your HTML code asks for a color that the browser or operating system cannot support?

The manifest tells the browser which files to store locally so the user can continue working without a network connection.

What is the purpose of the manifest when working with the HTML5 offline Web application API?

Coordinates are dependent upon the pixel size of an image; if an image is resized, you must change the coordinates.

What is the relationship between hot spot coordinates and the pixel size of an image?

Image map

What is the term for a Web page graphic containing one or more clickable regions that, when clicked, link you to other pages or page sections?


What is the term for a Web site that acts as a centralized access point for other sites?


What is the term for a Web user who publishes comments or submits feedback simply to annoy or anger?

Cloud computing

What is the term for a computing paradigm in which users are able to access software and services over the Internet instead of from their desktops?


What is the term for a concept or collection of symbols associated with a product, service or person?

Payment gateway

What is the term for a hardware-based or software-based system that mediates between a merchant and an acquirer?

Internal hyperlink

What is the term for a hyperlink you create to link one point to another in the same Web page?


What is the term for a logical construct in programming that allows you to control the way information flows in the application?

Markup language

What is the term for a series of commands used to format, organize and describe information on a Web page?

Web application framework

What is the term for a set of software tools or code that is commonly used in the creation and management of online applications?

Application programming interface (API)

What is the term for a set of universal commands, calls and functions that allows developers to communicate with an application or operating system?

Mobile app

What is the term for a stand-alone application that is downloaded from a vendor's software repository onto a mobile device?


What is the term for a unique word, phrase or symbol that is claimed or officially registered by an organization with the government?

Server-side include

What is the term for an instruction within an HTML page that directs the Web server to perform an action?

Client-side script

What is the term for code embedded into an HTML page and downloaded by a user to help process Web form input?

Stock photographs

What is the term for images for which you can purchase the rights to use in printed material or on a Web site?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

What is the term for rules in an external text file that determine how to display HTML elements in your Web pages?


What is the term for the Web 2.0 programming methodology that enables Web applications to interact with users in much the same way they do with desktop applications?

Electronic commerce

What is the term for the integration of communications, data management and security capabilities designed to allow organizations and consumers to exchange information about the sale of goods and services?


What is the term for the legal ownership of expression by an author?

Search engine optimization (SEO)

What is the term for the use of specific techniques to increase a page's or site's rank on a search engine?

Pay per click (PPC)

What is the term that refers to an Internet marketing technique that enables you to list your site high in search engine rankings by advertising on keywords that describe your product or service?

A photo-sharing Web site

What kind of Web site contains photographs that are copyrighted to the photographer from whom you must obtain permission to use the images?

All hyperlinks that link to that page become invalid.

What occurs when a referenced page is moved or deleted, or if page content is changed and all anchors are renamed or lost?

All form fields are cleared and set back to their default settings.

What occurs when a user clicks the Reset button on a Web form?

The data from all fields in the form is sent to be processed by the action specified in the <form> tag.

What occurs when a user clicks the Submit button on a Web form?

The image will remain invisible or incomplete for some time.

What occurs when a user with a slow Internet connection attempts to download a non-interlaced image?

A CGI script parses and formats the raw text strings into a human-readable format.

What occurs when the Web server receives raw text strings from the client?

The graphic image defined by the image tag will become a hyperlink.

What occurs when you surround an image tag with opening and closing anchor tags?

Account information, IP addresses, DNS server names, and file and directory location instructions

What specific information would you need to obtain from an ISP or cloud service provider whose hosting services you wanted to use?

<table border="1">

What table element attribute do you need to specify to add a border to a table?

Hot spot

What term is often used for the clickable region on an image map that acts as a hyperlink?

Cloud computing

What term refers to hosted applications and services offered by a third party?

50 percent of the image.

When a user with a slow Internet connection downloads a non-interlaced image, the top of the image will appear when the browser has read:

A third party may help ensure clarity in meetings that include technical and non-technical participants.

When conducting a Web development project meeting, why might it be useful to have a third party deliver a summary of progress?

Operating system, Web server software, and CGI interpreter software

When configuring a test server for your Web site, which three components should be as nearly identical to the production server as possible?

create text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and the Submit and Reset buttons.

When creating Web forms, you use the <input> tag to:

The <textarea> tag

When creating a Web form, which of the following should you use to create a scrolling text field into which users can enter multiple lines of text?

The <select> tag

When creating a Web form, which tag should you use to create a list from which users can choose one or more options?

two coordinates and the circle's radius.

When creating an image map hot spot in HTML, a circle area is defined by:

HTML pages are placed in a directory, and all images and files used in that page are stored in subfolders with the same name.

When creating your Web pages, you should consider the site's structure because your files will be uploaded to a server eventually. How are Web site files typically structured?

To reference another area within the same Web page

When developing your own Web pages, when should you use an internal hyperlink?

72 dots per inch (dpi)

When scanning images from a print source or importing pictures from a digital camera for use on the Web, to what should you set the resolution in order to display the image on screen at approximately the same size as the original image?

the type attribute.

When using the <input> tag, you designate the form field type by assigning the appropriate value to:

In most cases, it is best to use both types of editors.

When you are considering whether to use a text editor or a GUI editor, which of the following is true?

The destination server's name or IP address, authentication information, and the file location on the remote server

When you are ready to publish your Web site files to your Web host, which choice lists all the information you must specify in order to publish your files?

The href attribute

When you create a hyperlink with the anchor element, which of the following should you use to specify the target of the link?

Add the value="" attribute into any or all of the <option> tags.

When you create a select list, how can you specify to pass a value different from the text that appears in the list?

specify the maximum number of characters a user can enter into the text box.

When you create a text box field, you should use the maxlength attribute to:

specify the visual width of the text box in characters.

When you create a text box field, you should use the size attribute to:

The browser will look for an external file by the name specified in the id attribute.

When you create an internal hyperlink with the anchor element, what occurs if you omit the hash ( # ) from the href attribute?

The hash ( # )

When you create an internal hyperlink with the anchor element, what symbol must you use in the href attribute to tell the browser to look for a target within the current document?

The id attribute

When you create an internal hyperlink with the anchor element, which attribute should you use to define the area of the Web page to which the hyperlink will link?

The href attribute

When you create an internal hyperlink, you create the link that points to the bookmark using the anchor tag with which attribute?

Because HTML5 was created in part to provide support for mobile devices.

When you develop a mobile Web site, why is it important that you validate your markup code to HTML5?

Because you will be working with various file types that may have the same or similar names

When you prepare your development environment to create Web page code, why should you set file preferences to view file name extensions?

The highest value takes precedence.

When you specify the height and width of table elements, what occurs when you set multiple values in multiple cells?

a raw text string.

When you submit a Web form, the browser sends the information entered in this form to the Web server as:

your directory structure persists.

When you upload your Web site to a Web server, the file references can remain unchanged as long as:


When you use the HTML5 Offline Web application API, you must create a list of the files needed for the Web application to work offline, such as the main .html file, the .css file, and any images or JavaScript files used. What is this list called?

After the element name (before the closing wicket)

Where is the slash ( / ) character placed in a stand-alone non-empty HTML tag?


Which <form> element attribute and value is considered to be the most secure when sending data?


Which <form> element attribute and value specify that the browser will send data to the Web server location specified by a URL?

The method attribute

Which <form> tag attribute specifies the process required to send form data to a Web server?

The method attribute

Which <form> tag attribute uses the "get" and "post" values to specify how the browser will send form data to a Web server?

The alt attribute

Which <img> tag attribute specifies alternative text to appear while a graphic is loading, or in place of the graphic in non-graphical browsers?

The name attribute

Which <input> tag attribute organizes Web form information submitted by the user into the basic elements for a raw text string, which is then processed by the Web server?

The border-collapse property

Which CSS table property should you use if you want to combine the borders of adjacent cells into a single border instead of separating them?

HTML 4.01 Frameset

Which HTML 4.01 flavor must you use to place Web pages inside each other to create separate panes in the browser window?

<input type="radio" name="Certifications" value="Associate"/> CIW Web Foundations Associate <input type="radio" name="Certifications" value="Professional"/> CIW Web Design Professional

Which HTML code will produce a Web-user form field that offers the user round buttons with mutually exclusive choices?

The <pre> tag

Which HTML element can be used to create a primitive table on a Web page using tabbed data?

Heading level 4

Which HTML heading style renders text the same size as normal text?


Which HTML tag is used to contain content in a table cell?

The <blockquote> tag

Which HTML tag should you use if you want to center and indent a block of text?

The <area> tag

Which HTML tag should you use to define a hot spot region on an image map?

Container tags

Which HTML tag type consists of a pair of opening and closing tags?


Which Internet marketing practice involves studying trends associated with particular population groups?

Radio button

Which Web form field allows users to choose from among two or more mutually exclusive options?

Check box

Which Web form field allows users to choose from among two or more non-exclusive options?

Text area

Which Web form field should you use to create a scrolling text field into which a user can enter multiple lines of text?

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)

Which Web image format is best suited for line art, custom drawings and navigational images?

GIF 89a and PNG

Which Web-ready image file formats support animation?

GIF 87a, GIF 89a and PNG

Which Web-ready image formats support interlacing?

Explaining capabilities of the Web server and database to the marketing team

Which activity is most likely to be necessary during a Web site planning meeting?

Using automated link-checking software

Which approach is ideal for ensuring that a Web page is maintained and does not appear neglected?


Which attribute and value should you use if you need to define a hot spot that is neither rectangular nor circular?

The action attribute

Which attribute is associated with the <form> element and is used to specify the name and location of the CGI script used to process the form?

The name attribute

Which attribute is shared by all Web form field elements?

The method attribute

Which attribute of the <form> element is used to specify the way that user-entered Web form data will be sent to the Web server?

The file designated by the hot spot's URL reference will load.

Which choice correctly describes the effect of clicking a hot spot on an image map?

File size will decrease and image quality will diminish.

Which choice correctly describes the effect of removing pixels and compressing bitmap graphic files?

GUI page editors are usually limited to creating individual Web pages using your mouse and a toolbar.

Which choice correctly describes the functionality of GUI page editors, rather than GUI site management editors?

GUI site management editors provide both Web page creation and site management functionality.

Which choice correctly describes the functionality of GUI site management editors, rather than GUI page editors?

By default, borders do not appear around tables.

Which choice correctly describes the relationship between tables and borders?

You must determine the x and y coordinates that indicate the hot spot's position on the image and a URL reference.

Which choice correctly describes the tasks required to define a hot spot on an image map?

The checked="checked" attribute and value

Which choice correctly specifies the attribute and value needed in an <input> tag for a group of radio buttons to designate a preselected option?

Web browser, CGI script, Web form and Web server with a CGI interpreter

Which choice lists the elements that are necessary for a CGI session?

The data, the business logic, and the presentation of data

Which choice lists the three elements generally involved in an n-tier solution?


Which code example demonstrates a valid container or non-empty tag in HTML?


Which data format consists of audio or video digital-media files that are distributed to subscribed users?

Web feed

Which data format is most often used to allow users to view headlines and updates from news Web sites?

The ability to assign tasks to team members

Which feature is commonly found in a Web site management editor?


Which hosting solution is characterized by a service provider that allocates space for your equipment but does not provide the server hardware?

Americans with Disabilities Act

Which law passed in the United States is designed to ensure that disabled people are not improperly excluded from jobs?

<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,75,75" href="home.htm" alt="home"/>

Which line of HTML code uses the correct syntax to define an image map's regions?

<a href="#targetArea2"> Top of the FAQ </a>

Which line of HTML creates a valid hyperlink to the target named "targetArea2"?

<input type="text" name="UserName"/>

Which line of code creates a text box in a Web form that will validate as HTML5?

<a href="http://www.habitat.org"> <img src="questions.jpg" id="questions" alt="Questions" border="0"/> </a>

Which line of code represents a valid way to use an image as a hyperlink, and will validate in an HTML5 page?

The border-spacing property

Which of the following CSS table properties determines the amount of space between the borders of adjacent cells?

Ensuring that all pages and page elements can be rendered by audio screen readers

Which of the following accommodates Web users with vision impairment?

Resetting the form

Which of the following actions will redisplay Web form fields with their default values?

Submitting the form

Which of the following actions will upload user data from a Web form to the receiving server?

Verifying that all hyperlinks are valid

Which of the following activities is essential to maintaining a Web site so that end users do not feel that the Web site is neglected or lacks maintenance?

rect, circle and poly

Which of the following are accepted values for the <area> tag's shape attribute?

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Which of the following are metalanguages?

Partial URL

Which of the following assumes the current document's path so that all references are made from the document's current directory?

A Web site that targets consumers or end users, and sells products and/or services

Which of the following best describes the business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce model?

Site map

Which of the following can be an important part of Web page accessibility because it allows visitors to view a summary of your Web site's structure?

One simple change to the style sheet will change all elements across the site.

Which of the following can be considered a benefit of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)?

Older browsers do not render the PNG format.

Which of the following can be considered a disadvantage of the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format?

Older versions of FormMail could be fooled into sending e-mail to anyone.

Which of the following can be considered a disadvantage of using FormMail?

Update dead links and remove unused pages.

Which of the following can be considered a site management task after a Web site becomes active?

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Which of the following can be run on various systems and is used to update database files?

A graphical user interface (GUI) editor

Which of the following can you use to create HTML pages without writing any code manually?

A text editor

Which of the following can you use to create markup language code (e.g., HTML)?

It can be used on either the client side or on the server side .

Which of the following characteristics is true of JavaScript?


Which of the following coords attribute values defines a polygon?


Which of the following coords attribute values defines a rectangle?

A hardware and software support technician

Which of the following costs should be considered when providing your own Web server instead of using a cloud service provider or an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?

The <tr> tag

Which of the following defines a single table row?

The <td> tag

Which of the following defines the content of table cells?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

Which of the following describe the data from which Web pages are created, but do not format Web pages?

It is an SGML statement processed by the server.

Which of the following describes a Server-Side Include (SSI) on a Web page?

Data, business logic and presentation are all combined into one application or database.

Which of the following describes single-tier computing?

It provides a place on a Web page where developers can display graphics, animation, video and games "on the fly" without the need for a plug-in.

Which of the following describes the HTML5 canvas API?

It allows a user to grab an object and move it to a different location on a computer screen or into an external application.

Which of the following describes the HTML5 drag-and-drop API?

It permits users to continue working with Web sites and Web documents even when a network connection is unavailable.

Which of the following describes the HTML5 offline Web application API?

A collection of variables stored in a series

Which of the following describes the programming concept of an array?

The <a> element

Which of the following do you use to create a hyperlink in an HTML document?

The < title> tag

Which of the following does the HTML <head> tag contain?

<a href="http://www.habitat.org"> Habitat </a>

Which of the following examples uses the correct syntax for the anchor element?

Disabled people need to be able to use development tools.

Which of the following is a Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) concern?

It allows you to easily create HTML pages without having to know the languages.

Which of the following is a benefit of using a GUI HTML editor?


Which of the following is a block-level element in HTML?


Which of the following is a built-in JavaScript object that allows you to create a series of variables to later manipulate?

Code is executed by the Web server, not by the Web browser.

Which of the following is a characteristic of server-side languages?


Which of the following is a command-line text-only Web browser?

How many hyperlinks from other sites point to a page

Which of the following is a factor search engine companies consider when ranking the most relevant Web pages for a user's search?

Structured Query Language (SQL)

Which of the following is a language used to create and maintain professional, high-performance corporate databases?

Flash technology

Which of the following is a proprietary technology that manipulates vector-based graphics to create animated sequences?


Which of the following is a sensible method of reducing spam submissions to Web forms you create?

Make sure that your pages allow users to tab to new links.

Which of the following is a simple guideline you can use when developing your Web pages to provide accessibility for users who have trouble using the mouse?

Provide larger text on your Web pages.

Which of the following is a simple guideline you can use when developing your Web pages to provide accessibility for visually impaired users?

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="syb/syb.css" title="stylesheet"/>

Which of the following is a valid HTML reference to a CSS file?

You must provide text-based alternatives to all non-text content (e.g., Java applets).

Which of the following is an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance factor?

3-D Secure

Which of the following is an XML-based protocol used by credit card companies to add security to online credit and debit card transactions?

The brand should be simple

Which of the following is an accepted branding concept in business?

GUI editors allow you to create pages quickly by clicking your mouse.

Which of the following is an advantage of using a GUI editor rather than a text editor?

You can learn the fundamentals of HTML and update your pages to the latest version(s).

Which of the following is an advantage of using a text editor rather than a GUI editor?

<h1><em> Site Development Associate </em></h1>

Which of the following is an example of correct HTML tag nesting?

Using trend-analysis software to analyze server logs

Which of the following is an example of on-site Web analytics?

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

Which of the following is an interpreted server-side scripting language used for creating dynamic Web pages?

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Which of the following is an open standard for Web images that provides compression, searchable text and zooming features, in addition to animation?

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editors

Which of the following is another term used for graphical user interface (GUI) HTML editors?

The client is responsible for presentation and business logic, and a server houses only the data.

Which of the following is characteristic of two-tier computing?

Database connectivity

Which of the following is considered a back-end issue?

Implementing a liquid design layout using CSS

Which of the following is considered to be the preferred method of designing Web pages?

Keep your Web pages simple and uncluttered.

Which of the following is important for optimizing your Web site for viewing on mobile devices?

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Which of the following is most often used to transfer files between a computer and a server for the purpose of publishing a Web site?

Installing a third-party plug-in to include video

Which of the following is no longer necessary when you use HTML5 to develop Web pages?

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

Which of the following is proprietary to Windows-based operating systems and is used to update database files?

An element

Which of the following is required in an HTML tag?

The appropriate browser plug-in

Which of the following is required to render Flash, Java or SVG data in a browser?

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

Which of the following is the de facto standard used to process Web forms?

To accommodate an international audience

Which of the following is the most appropriate reason to create multiple Web sites in various languages?

Digitized photographs

Which of the following is the most common type of bitmap seen on the Web?

The image's dimensions in pixels

Which of the following is the most important consideration to ensure that your image's resolution will be as clear as possible when viewed on a computer monitor?

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Which of the following is traditionally the standard markup language on the Web?

Color combinations can convey the personality of the site by imposing tone and mood.

Which of the following is true about the color combinations you use for your Web site?

Most GUI editors include their own native validation tools or offer easy access to validators.

Which of the following is true about validating code when using a GUI editor to develop a Web site?

SSL and TLS are protocols that provide authentication and encryption to secure transactions

Which of the following is true of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS)?

The DOM is a vendor-neutral standard.

Which of the following is true of the Document Object Model (DOM)?

You have more choices in the configuration.

Which of the following is typically an advantage to configuring your own hosting server over using an ISP or a cloud service provider?

A break statement

Which of the following is used in many programming languages to help end an infinite loop?


Which of the following language types does not allow for inheritance from one class to another?

The user must enter the data into the Web form and submit it.

Which of the following must occur before a CGI script can process Web form data?

Text you enter will continue on one line beyond the scrolling text box border.

Which of the following occurs when you specify the wrap="soft" attribute and value for the <textarea> tag?

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

Which of the following requires that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained or used specifically by federal agencies be comparably accessible to users with disabilities?

External hyperlinks

Which of the following should you use on your Web pages when you want to reference pages on other Web sites?

The <map> tag

Which of the following should you use to define a client-side image map?

The cols attribute

Which of the following should you use to specify the width in characters of a scrolling text box?

Local hyperlinks

Which of the following should you use when you develop your own Web pages and want to link them to form a site?

The <!DOCTYPE> tag

Which of the following specifies the markup language and version used by your HTML file?

The DTD file is no longer required in HTML5.

Which of the following statements about HTML5 is true?

DHTML is both a front-end and a back-end solution.

Which of the following statements is true of Dynamic HTML (DHTML)?

Web pages can be developed using both client-side scripting and server-side scripting technologies.

Which of the following statements is true of Web site development?

HTML5 provides native support for animation, movies and other multimedia without the use of plug-ins.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the creation of animated images?

Table row <tr> and table data <td>

Which of the following table element tags are required when you use the <table> tag to create a table?

Image interlacing

Which of the following techniques should you implement to make your pages more accessible to users with slower Internet connections?

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Which of the following was enacted to protect the civil rights of people with disabilities, and includes mandates that electronic information be accessible to people with disabilities?

External CSS classes

Which of the following would be the best method to use for floating images to the left and right of text in HTML5 if you are developing sites with multiple pages?


Which of these HTML elements is considered a text-level element?


Which programming command repeats the input you type back to a terminal or an application window?

if / then / else

Which programming statement executes a group of additional commands when a given condition is false?

if / then

Which programming statement executes a process only when a particular condition is true?

The background-color property

Which property can you add to the body selector in an external CSS file to specify the color of the page background?

Active Server Pages (ASP)

Which server-side scripting language is Microsoft's original server-side scripting solution?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Which service provides the ability to automate the planning and operations of an entire organization?


Which site planning tool describes an outline for a Web presence?

Mobile Web sites can be viewed from almost any mobile device.

Which statement about mobile Web sites is true?

Mobile apps are designed and built for specific mobile operating systems.

Which statement about mobile apps is true?

All tags except <!DOCTYPE> should be typed in lowercase letters.

Which statement accurately explains case sensitivity in HTML documents?

They appear to fade in as they render in the browser.

Which statement is true about interlaced images?

It determines how far the table will extend horizontally across the page.

Which statement most accurately describes the CSS "width" property used with the <table> element?

Creating a list of action items and distributing minutes

Which step can most directly help your team follow up on decisions made during Web development meetings?

The table caption

Which table element appears apart from the table itself, by default?

Insert non-breaking spaces.

Which technique should you use to indent a paragraph or create additional spaces between words on an HTML page?

Cascading Style Sheets

Which technology enables you to place formatting instructions in an external text file to determine the look and feel for a Web page or site?


Which technology resides on a server and receives Web form data from the browser, then processes the data into human-readable format?


Which term describes a business that markets and sells goods and services that it does not own or store?

Local hyperlink

Which term describes a hyperlink that links one file on your hard drive to another file on your hard drive?

External hyperlink

Which term describes a hyperlink you create from a file on your system to a separate file on the Internet?


Which term describes a set of files called a library that you can refer to in your code?


Which term describes a style of programming that links data to the processes that manipulate it, rather than using subprograms to accomplish tasks?


Which term describes a style of programming that uses subprograms to accomplish tasks?


Which term describes a type of software that imitates a computer and then allows non-native software to run in a foreign environment?

Business-to-business (B2B)

Which term describes an e-commerce model in which a Web-based business sells products and/or services to other businesses?


Which term describes the ability of a programming language to make an object behave differently or to take on different characteristics?


Which term describes the national departments responsible for controlling items entering and leaving the country?

Transparent GIF

Which term do Web developers commonly use for an image that allows the Web page background to show through specified areas, providing the visual effect of blending in to the background of your Web page?

GUI HTML editor

Which tool's main function is to allow Web authors to create Web pages without typing the requisite HTML code?

Vector graphics

Which type of graphical image can be shrunk without losing image quality?

The <!DOCTYPE> tag

While reviewing some Web page code, you notice that the HTML is written in all lowercase letters. You are not sure which version of markup language was used to create the page. Which part of the page's code can you check to verify the HTML version?

Mobile devices have smaller screens that are used to view Web pages previously viewed only on much larger PC monitors.

Why has the advent of mobile devices caused Web designers to modify their existing sites or create alternative sites?

Because it is a command-line text-only Web browser that can be used with software that renders text into voice

Why is Lynx often used by those who are visually impaired?

A site map allows visitors to view a summary of a Web site's structure.

Why is a site map an important component of Web page accessibility?

Because most users simply scan pages quickly looking for specific information or links to it.

Why is it important to limit words to clear, necessary verbiage on your Web pages, especially on the home page?

Because <strong> can be used both to denote bold text when printed and strongly spoken text when output through an audio device

Why is it preferable to use <strong> in lieu of <b> to apply the bold text style?

Because you pay to have your page listed as highly as possible in search engine rankings instead of optimizing pages to help make them appear naturally more relevant

Why is pay per click (PPC) not considered an "organic" Internet marketing technique?

Because XHTML will render the additional spaces or hard returns, which may affect the placement of the image on the page

Why should you avoid adding spaces or hard returns within an <img> tag?

Because heading styles are automatically preceded and followed by paragraph breaks

Why should you avoid placing paragraph breaks around heading styles in your HTML code?

To avoid distorting the image

Why should you maintain an image's relative measurements if you resize it?

To ensure that the pages render properly in all browsers

Why should you test Web pages using multiple Web browsers during site development?

To protect your organization's trade secrets or intellectual property from being revealed without your consent

Why should you use a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) when you outsource Web development work to workers in remote locations?

Because most users simply scan pages quickly looking for specific information or links to it

Why should you use succinct wording on Web pages, especially the home page, when designing your site?

The text-align property

With which CSS table property can you specify values of left, center, right and justify?

The vertical-align property

With which CSS table property can you specify values of top, bottom and middle?

The <title> tag

With which of the following should you specify the text that will appear when your Web page is bookmarked or added to a browser's Favorites folder?

horizontal portals.

Yahoo! and Google are examples of:

Insert hidden comments to identify the nature and date of your changes.

You are assigned to modify an existing Web page by adding several tables that contain precise wording. The Web page has had several developers working on it, each of whom were given strict instructions about text wording. All the developers belong to your team and will probably be working on the same page again after you finish your tasks. Which strategy represents good coding practice in this situation?

Offline Web application

You are creating a Web document on a mobile device and will be out of your Internet Service Provider's coverage range for the remainder of the day. Which HTML5 API will allow you to continue working on the document?

The method attribute of the <form> element

You are creating a Web form in HTML5 for your site. You want to make sure you code it correctly to process data. You have included the action attribute in the <form> element. What else do you need to include?


You are creating a select list for your Web form. You want to allow users to choose more than one response from your list. Which attribute and value should you add to the <select> tag to allow this?

Increase cell padding

You are creating a table on a Web page for your company's Web site. Your Web team leader has directed you to add more white space within the table cells so that content does not appear crowded. How can you accomplish this?

Right-click the page.

You are currently editing a Web document in a GUI HTML editor. You want to specify a background color for the page. To do this in a GUI editor, what should you do first?

Color combinations should be as attractive and readable as possible.

You are designing the front end for your company's new Web site. You want all design elements to support site navigation and ensure page accessibility as much as possible. Which point should you verify as you design your pages?

You will create Web pages that rank highly for search engines that use spiders.

You are developing Web pages for your company's site. Which of the following can you expect as a result of developing Web pages using SEO?

<p style="text-align: right">This text will align to the right</p>

You are developing a Web page using HTML5 and CSS. You want to align a paragraph of text to the right side of the page. Which code uses the correct syntax for this style?

The HTML page's !DOCTYPE declaration

You are developing a Web site using a GUI editor, and you want to validate your code for conformity to W3C standards. What does a validation engine use to determine the W3C standard it should validate against?

The code standard specified in the !DOCTYPE declaration (e.g., HTML5)

You are developing a Web site using a GUI editor, and you want to validate your code. What information does a validation engine use to determine the W3C standard it should validate against?

Most GUI editors allow you to easily preview and test your pages in the browser(s) of your choice.

You are developing a Web site using a GUI editor. You are curious as to whether your pages will look or function any differently after you publish them to the Web. Which of the following is true?

Manually update the code to delete or modify invalid links.

You can use automatic link-checking software to identify invalid hyperlinks. If you find invalid links, what should you do next?

display preformatted tabular data if you have no time to format it.

You can use the <pre> tag to:

Change the !DOCTYPE declaration back to HTML 4.01, to which the page code currently conforms.

You are developing a Web site using a GUI editor. You have written code in the pages to the HTML 4.01 Transitional standard, and it has validated. Then a team member, hearing that the site will be updated to HTML5 soon, changes the !DOCTYPE declaration on this page to refer to HTML5. Although your page once validated as HTML 4.01 Transitional, it no longer validates. What is the fastest way to get the page to validate?

Smaller screens are used to view Web pages previously viewed only on much larger PC monitors.

You are developing pages for your company's Web site. You want to ensure that the pages are easily viewable on mobile devices. Which factor must you consider when developing the pages?

The W3C validator at http://validator.w3.org

You are developing pages using HTML5 for a small business' new Web site. Which HTML validator is best for you to perform a final check before you publish the site?


You are embedding a video in your Web page and want to incorporate the play, pause, rewind, fast forward and volume video controls. Which attribute is needed to accomplish this?

MP4, WebM and Ogg

You are embedding a video in your Web page. What three formats should you specify in the <source> element to ensure that most browsers and devices can access your video?


You are embedding audio in your Web page and want to specify that the audio file should play immediately upon loading. Which attribute is needed to accomplish this?


You are embedding audio in your Web page and want to specify that the audio file should play over and over again without stopping. Which attribute is needed to accomplish this?

Installing multiple browsers

You are preparing to begin developing your Web page code. Which step will help you test your code in various environments?

The center of the circle

You are using an image map that is 180 pixels wide and 90 pixels high. You want to define a circular hot spot on the image using coordinates "90,45,30." What does the coordinate pair "90,45" represent?

The distance in pixels from the top of the image to the top of the hot spot

You are using an image map that is 180 pixels wide and 90 pixels high. You want to define a rectangular hot spot on the image using coordinates "0,45,90,90." What does the coordinate 45 represent?

The bottom-right corner of the hot spot

You are using an image map that is 180 pixels wide and 90 pixels high. You want to define a rectangular hot spot on the image using coordinates "0,45,90,90." What does the coordinate pair "90,90" represent?


You are writing HTML code for your Web page. You use hexadecimal notation to specify the RGB values you want to use on the page. What aspect of your Web page are you specifying with these values?

You must start the escape sequence with an ampersand ( & ) and end with a semicolon ( ; ).

You can include non-keyboard characters in Web pages, such as © and ®, by entering a special HTML code for each character, called the escape sequence. With what characters must you start and end the escape sequence?


You can use a CSS style sheet rule to override the default <body> font color, which is black. Which term is used to describe this style sheet behavior?

A command that repeats the terminal input you type

You have been assigned to work with a Web developer to troubleshoot the output of a CGI application. Your job is to type commands into a terminal, and the Web developer will read the output. You cannot see what you are typing into the terminal. The Web developer directs you to enable echo in your application. What is echo?


You have created a Web page in HTML. When it fails W3C validation, you try changing the HTML standard to make your code more compliant. But the page fails W3C validation tests each time, regardless of standard. Which element that you used to structure the page is failing to validate?

The site can be moved from one server to another with minimal disruption.

You have decided to use relative links for your Web site's local pages instead of specifying absolute URLs. Your supervisor has asked you to justify this decision. Which statement provides the best justification?

Most GUI editors provide a publish feature to easily post your Web page files to the Web host.

You have developed a Web site using a GUI editor. The final step in Web site development is publishing your site to the World Wide Web. Which of the following is true?

The same type and version of Web server software as the production server

You have developed a Web site using a GUI editor. You are now ready to post the Web site files to a test server. Which of the following is an important configuration for your test server?

Post the final Web site files to a test Web server before moving them to the production server.

You have developed a Web site using a GUI editor. Your supervisor wants to allow members of the development team and other stakeholders to preview the site. What should you do prior to publishing your site to the World Wide Web?


You have included on your Web page a graphic image file that conforms to a relatively new standard. This graphic format is capable of supporting compression, animation and transparency. It is also an open standard. However, this image file format is not supported in older browsers. Which image file format are you using?

Review and prioritize the feedback.

You have just obtained feedback about your Web site from several trusted customers. Which step should you perform next?

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

You need to pay an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for services rendered. Which payment technology would you use?

The image will appear and be dithered.

You request a Web page using your browser. This Web page is coded to use a color that is not supported by your browser. How will your computer compensate for this limitation?


You see the following MIME type on a file attached to an e-mail: text/css. What file name extension is usually given to this MIME file type so that Web servers can properly process it?

obtaining permission from the owner of the site to which you want to link.

You should create external hyperlinks only after

add a horizontal line to a Web page.

You use the <hr> tag to:

display a graphical image on a Web page.

You use the <img> tag to:

on-site Web analytics.

You use trend analysis software to analyze server logs and tag Web pages to determine exactly how long a visitor used a page. These tasks are examples of:

To make information appear in an organized manner

You want to add a table into your Web document using a GUI HTML editor. You are using HTML5 and CSS. Which of the following describes a valid use of tables?


You want to create Web pages that can easily adapt to smartphones, tablets, gaming devices and smart TVs, as well as to traditional PCs. Which of the following would be best suited for this purpose?

<hr style="height:10px; width:20%;"/>

You want to create a horizontal rule on your Web page that is 10 pixels high and occupies 20 percent of the screen. You also want to ensure that the page validates as HTML5. Which line of HTML code will fulfill these requirements?

<a href="ftps://www.CIWcertified.com"> Visit Our Secure Site </a>

You want to create a hyperlink to a secure resource that ensures information is properly encrypted. You also want this link's code to validate as HTML5. Which line of HTML code will accomplish this?


You want to create a place on a Web page where you can display graphics, animation, video and games "on the fly" without the need for a plug-in. What HTML5 API should you use to accomplish this?

Create an anchor, then create a link that points to the anchor.

You want to create an internal hyperlink in your Web page. Which choice describes the two steps you must perform?

Use a client-side or server-side script to detect the browser used.

You want to enhance your Web site visitors' experience. To do this, you need to know the type of browser that each visitor to your Web site is using. You can then automatically direct each user to the proper page for that browser. How can you accomplish this most efficiently?


You want to specify horizontal alignment for the content in a table row using a CSS property. Specifically, you want to move content over to the right. Which property and value pair would you use?

their Web browsers as application delivery platforms.

Your Internet access has been interrupted and your employees no longer have access to the remote applications they need to complete their work. This situation reflects the fact that your employees are using:

To make the site accessible to all potential users

Your Web development team is creating an e-commerce site for a new product. The marketing team's goal is to develop markets worldwide. During site functionality testing, your team will use several browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla (on Windows, Linux and Macintosh), Chrome (on Windows, Linux and Macintosh), and Lynx. What is the purpose of using multiple browsers for site functionality testing?

Retain a lawyer and obtain advice.

Your Web team completed development of a site six months ago for a new marketing campaign. During this campaign, the marketing and Web teams collaborated to create and trademark several company logos. Now, while doing some research on competing companies, you notice that a competitor has introduced a new marketing campaign using logos that are significantly similar to your company's. In fact, you suspect that this company has infringed on your copyright and trademark. Which step should your team leader take?

A cloud service provider

Your Web team has been assigned to quickly develop a Web site. You have the necessary site designers, but you do not have a systems administrator available. You need someone to supply a Web server, bandwidth, and advanced Web and database connectivity. Which of the following can best help you?

Inconvenience to the user, cost, and audience limitation

Your Web team has recommended a development environment that will make the site appear more attractive. This development environment is also proven to reduce development costs. However, it requires all site users to first download a browser plug-in. Which choice lists the affecting factors your team should consider before implementing this development environment?

Branding and marketing

Your Web team is developing a new site for your company. As you are validating design issues, you review the pages' adherence to organizational design standards. What do these standards support?

Make sure that the CGI software is identical to the live production server.

Your Web team is developing a new site, and you have been assigned to create a test Web server. Your manager calls this a "staging server." Which of the following is a standard procedure for a test server?

An internal search engine

Your Web team maintains a Web site of more than 3,500 Web pages. Which of the following can help your end-users find the information they seek?

A CGI script

Your company Web site uses a Web form to collect data from a user. The user has entered data into the form fields and will soon click the Submit button, then the data will be sent to a database. Which of the following passes information from the Web form to the database server?

Edit the code so that it follows a single W3C HTML standard.

Your company has been getting complaints from its suppliers saying that its extranet site does not render correctly in all their employees' browsers. The suppliers want the extranet site to be fixed so that everyone can access it, regardless of browser type. When examining this problem, your Web Development manager finds that the many developers who worked on the site all used whatever HTML code version they knew best. What can the Web development team do to resolve this?

Mobile Web sites

Your company wants to establish a mobile Web presence. Which of the following offers mobile-friendly content to the widest possible audience?

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Your company wants to partner with another company and share information. However, you do not want members of the other company to reveal any of your company's important information, such as trade secrets. To this end, they have just signed a document that protects your company's trade secrets and intellectual property, and also stipulates penalties if information is improperly revealed. Which type of document is this?

Executable permissions have not been set correctly.

Your company's intranet Web server has crashed. You must help re-create the server. A server administrator has copied a CGI script from last night's backup tape. The server is an exact duplicate of the server that just crashed. However, this script will not process information on the new server. What is most likely the problem on the server?

off-site Web analytics.

Your tasks include identifying competitors, determining your company's market penetration and consulting market research sources. These tasks are examples of:

The Web server will need to be configured to run the application.

Your team is creating Web pages for the company intranet. Some of the pages include advanced technologies, so you need to ensure that certain current browsers are used to view the pages. You can implement browser recognition using either client-side scripts or server-side scripts. Which choice describes a drawback of using server-side scripting for this purpose?

Is the color combination used effective for the culture(s) in the country?

Your team needs to evaluate a Web site primarily designed for consumption in a particular country. Which of the following is a relevant question to ask during this process?

Update the site using a single W3C language standard consistently, such as HTML5 or XHTML.

Zack developed his corporation's intranet site using proprietary HTML language extensions based on the company's current browser at the time. The company has recently updated its systems to include the use of a new browser. Now the intranet site that Zack developed no longer renders its content consistently. What should Zack do to ensure that this site's content renders consistently going forward, regardless of the browser used?

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

markup language

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