c8 contractors practice test

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Any person who furnishes materials or supplies must be licensed even though that person does not install the materials or supplies.


The holder of an inactive license can sign contracts and carry on the work of a contractor before his license is reinstated.


All contractors licenses expire of june 30th of each year.

F 2 years from end of month when issued

The registrar is appointed by the governor.

F Hppointed by members of contractors board

Any license remaining inactive for a period of five years shall be automatically revoked.

F may remain inactive indefinitly

A person who holds a contractors license in his own name may sign contracts and do business under a fictitious name as long as he files that name with the county in which he does business

F must notify contractors board



A contractor can avoid a hearing to ascertain if his license should be suspended or revoked by placing his license on inactive status.


A contractor may give an owner, whose property he has improved, A reward, credit or kickback for getting him home improvement business with others


A joint license is any license issued to any association of persons, firms , partnerships or corporations of which one member holds a current valid license in good standing.


A license is inactivated by simply not renewing the license on june 30th of an odd -numbered year


Abandonment, without legal excuse, of any construction project or operation engaged in or undertaken by the licensee as A contractor constitutes A possible legal action by the owner, but is not A cause for disciplinary action by the registrar.


After A joint license has been issued to any individuals, co-partnerships or corporations, it would not be necessary for each entity of a joint license to keep ita original license active.


An examination is required to reinstate an inactive license.


An unlicensed person, without intent to evade the law, may use another contractor's license,


Any owner of property who builds or inproves structures thereon, through his own work or through his own employees with wages as their sole compensation, must have a contractor's license.


Every employer, including the state and its political subdivisions, shall secure the payment of compensation by being insured with a private company, by being insured with the state or by securing a certificate of consent to self-insure from the director of industrial relations.


IF an applicant or examinee has failed to achieve a passing grade in the qualifying examination within one year from the date of filing, then his application becomes void.


If A license is suspended because the registrar is not notified of the dissociation of an RME, the licensee will have to make a new original application for A license.


If an applicant is a member of the immediate family of a licensee whose license is in good standing, The licensee may transfer his license to the applicant if the Registrar is notified in writing.


If the responsible managing employee of a licensed entity wishes to become the RME of an additional entity, the qualifying person must first have obtained his own individual license.


If the work is satisfactory, A court has no cause to issue an injunction preventing an unlicensed contractor from further contracting


In order to become the RME or RMO for an entity, the qualifying person must first have obtained his own individual license.


In the event that a contractor's license is suspended, the licensee is then required to wait six months before the license may be reinstated.


It is legal for a licensed contractor to enter into a partnership with an unlicensed contractor.


The RME on an individual license is the person who is licensed with another person qualifying the license.


The courts will always award payment to one who furnished labor and/or materials whether or not that person is a licensed contractor.


The performance by an individual, partnership, corporation, firm or association of any act or omission constituting a cause for disciplinary action likewise constitutes a cause for disciplinary action against any licensee who. at the time such act or omission occurred, was the RME , responsible managing officer (RMO) , or qualifying partner of such individual, partnership, corporation, firm or association, only if he had knowledge of or participated in the prohibited act or omission.


The registrar cannot take disciplinary action against a licensed contractor if the cause for such action arose from A job of less than $300.00.


The suspension or revocation of a license is under the exclusive control of the registrar and may not be embraced in any other action in any court involving the licensee's performance of his legal obligation as a contractor.


Under the contractors license law, the registrar is empowered to specify those acts which, if done by A licensed contractor, are causes for disciplinary action.


Upon conviction of a felony a contractor's license is automatically revoked.


When a contractor makes an application for a building permit from county or city building departments to alter, improve, demolish, or build any structure, it is not necessary that his license be in effect.


An owner builder can sell or offer to sell a building six months after completion?

F 1year would be corect

Each member of the board shall have bean a citizen and resident of the state of California for at least ten years preceeding his appointment.

F 5 years each member must be at least 30 years old.

if a license lapses and is renewed within the three year period allowed by state, A delinquency fee in the amount of 100% of the renewal fee is also collected by the state to renew the license.

F 50% up to 25.00

If an RME ceases for any reason to be connected with the individual or firm to whom the license is issued, the licensee or the RME shall notify the registrar in writing within 10 Days.

F 90 Days

Licensees shall report all changes of personnel , name style, or addresses to the registrar within 30 days after the changes are made.

F 90 days

The contractors license law does not apply to any construction Activity carried on within the limits and boundaries of any site or reservation, Title of which rests with the federal government.

F Cali law requires fed gov to use contractors with license

No license shall be issued to a minor nor to any co-partner-ship , A member of which is a minor, nor to any corporation. any officer or director of which is a minor, Nor to any other kind of business organization in which a minor holds a responsible official position

F Minor must have gaurdiann from proper court

If disciplinary action is taken against a licensed contractor, the board shall require, as a condition of the reissuance of the license, that A bond be posted for not less than $7,500 or more than $25,000.

F No less 3x or more than 10x the amount of bond

If A person has previously been convicted of working without A license, the court shall impose A fine of $2,000 or imprisonment in the county jail for one year, or Both.

F Not less$1,000 not more than $2,000 N.L 10 Days No more N.M 6 months

A member of the immediate family of a deceased licensee may continue the business under the same license without applying for permission to continue?

F Permission must be filed with in 90 Days

Six members constitute a quorum at a board meeting

F Seven members is correct

A qualifying individual's bond shall be required in addition to a contractors bond when the qualifying individual is the owner, a general partner or the RMO of a corporation.

F Two bonds required contractors bond for business QIB for RME

Every applicant for an original license, Reactivation of an inactive license, or reinstatement of a revoked license shall possess finacial solvency, that is , a net worth exceeding 1,000

F must have working or operating capital of 2,500 or more.

A licensed architect or registered civil engineer, acting solely in his professional capacity, must be licensed under the contractors license law.

F only if he wishes to build what he designed

After revocation of a license upon any of the grounds set forth in the contractors license law, the license shall bot be reinstated or reissued within a period of six months after the final decision of revocation, and then only on proper showing that all loss caused by the act or omission for which the license was revoked has been fully satisfied and all conditions imposed by the decision of revocation have been complied with.

F right answer is 1 year .not 6 months

The registrar will furnish a certified copy of any license upon the receipt of 1.00

F right answer would be 2.00

The only penalties for continued failure of refusal to secure workers compensation are a fine or imprisonment or both.

F up to $1,000 or 60 days

Licensees shall write the board prior to june 30th of each odd-numbered year to request a renewal.

F will send you renewal notice

A general building contractor is one whose principal business is in connection with any structure to be built for the support shelter and enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or movable property of any kind requiring in its construction the use of more than two unrelated building trades or crafts or to superintend the whole or any part thereof


A general engineering contractor is one whose principal business is in connection with streets railroads, waterways, tunnels, bridges, dams. exc.


A licensee may apply for and receive licenses for more than one classification if the licensee meets the qualifications prescribed by the board for such additional classifications.


A licensee must make and keep records showing all contracts, documents and receipts of disbursements for a period of three years after completion of any construction project or operation to which the records refer.


A responsible managing employee (RME) shall be responsible for exercising direct supervision and control of his employer's construction operations to secure full compliance with the rules and regulations relating to such construction operations.


A specialty contractor is a contractor whose work requires specialized skill and whose principal contracting business involves the use of specialized building trades or crafts.


A specialty contractor may take a contract involving the use of two or more crafts or trades if the work in the crafts or trades, other than in which he is licensed, is incidental and supplemental to the work in the craft for which the specialty contractor is licensed


Acting in the capacity of A contractor under any license, except in the name of the licensee which is on the license, or in accordance with the personnel of the licensee which is on the application for such license, is cause for disciplinary action.


Aiding or abetting an unlicensed person to evade the provisions of the contractors license law constitutes A cause for disciplinary action by the registrar.


All accusations against licensees shall be filed within three years after the act or omission alleged as the ground for disciplinary action, except that with respect to an accusation alleging a misrepresentation of a material fact by an application in obtaining a license, the accusation may be filed within two years after the discovery by the registrar of the facts constituting the fraud or misrepresentation.


All members of the board, except the public and labor members, shall be contractors actively engaged in the contracting business and have bean engaged in contracting for not less than five years preceding the date of their appointment.


An applicant for an original license must take and pass the written examination approved and prescribed by the board for his primary license classification.


An applicant's misrepresentation of a material fact in obtaining A license constitutes A cause for disciplinary action.


An architect, builder, engineer, superintendent or other person having charge of a construction site is an agent of the owner for serving mechanics liens.


An officer of a corporation which is properly licensed may not contact as an individual without first securing an individual license.


Any one partner of a licensed partnership may terminate the license by written notice to the registrar.


Any person failing to file the bond or the cash deposit required by the contractors license law shall be denied the use of his license.


Any person whose advertising would indicate to the public that he is a contractor is subject to the provisions of the contractors license law even though his operations as a builder would otherwise be exempt.


Any reference by a contractor in his advertising, soliciting, or other presentments to the bond he is required to file, is a ground for suspension of his contractors license.


Contractors are required to include their license number of all contracts


Each licensed contractor, prior to entering into a contract in excess of $500 with an owner or tenant for a work of home improvement, shall give a copy of the notice to owner to the owner the owner's agent or the payer.


Entering into a contract with an unlicensed contractor is cause for disciplinary action.


Failure by an employer to secure the payment of workers compensation is a misdemeanor.


Home improvement contracts under 500.00 may be verbal contacts.


IF a licensee commits a fraudulent act, the correction of the condition shall not prevent the registrar from taking disciplinary action.


If A contractor is found guilty in superior court of not following plans and specifications, the court may revoke the contractor's license without the board's permission.


If a license is suspended following a hearing, any additional licenses qualified by the same individual may be suspended by the registrar without further notice.


If the licensee or his RME Qualifying for the license fails to notify the registrar in writing or replace the Qualifier with-in 90 days, the license shall be automatically suspended retroactively to 90 days from the date of disassociation.


If two or more contractors wish to jointly act in the capacity of a contractor within this state, each of the contractor's entities must have A license currently in good standing.


It is A misdemeanor for any person to advertise as A contractor unless such person holds A valid contractors license.


It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business of, or act in the capacity of, A contractor within this state without having A license; He may be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined or imprisoned in the county jail, or both.


No bond or cash deposit shall be required of a holder of any inactive license diring the period his license is inactive.


Normally, an person found guilty of contracting without A license shall not be Qualified to take an examination for a contractors license for a period of six months from the date of his conviction.


The Department of industrial relations can put an employer out of business by taking him to the superior court for failure to pay workers compensation.


The Registrar is the executive officer and secretary of the board and it shall be his duty to carry out all of its administrative functions.


The board may review and sustain or reverse, by a majority vote, any action or decision of the registrar.


The board shall require, before issuing a license, that the applicant file or have on file with the registrar, A bond issued by an admitted surety in favor of the state of California.


The claim of any employee of the contractor for wages and fringe benefits shall be a preferred claim against any bond or cash deposit.


The contractors license law does not apply to any work by one or more contracts on which the aggregate contract price for labor, materials and all other items is less than 300


The registrar may , upon his own motion, and shall, upon the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the actions of any contractor within the state and may temporarily suspend or permanently revoke a license if the holder commits any one or more of the acts or omissions constituting causes for disciplinary action.


The registrar may order immediate complete suspension by the licensee of all construction operations for a fixed period of time.


The registrar may, at his own discretion, hold a hearing and revoke or suspend a license that the contractor has previously surrendered voluntarily.


The registrar of contractors must issue a license to an applicant who has qualified as to experience and has passed the written examination even though the applicant has a poor reputation for honesty and integrity and lacks good character.


The securing of the payment of compensation, as provided by law, is essential to the functioning of the expressly declared social public policy of this state in the matter of workers compensation.


There is in the department of consumer affairs, A contractor's state license board which consists of 13 members.


Under the contractors license Law, the registrar is empowered to specify those acts which, if done by A licensed contractor, are causes for disciplinary action.


Willful or deliberate failure by any licensee, or agent or officer ther, to pay any money when due for any materials or services rendered in connection with his operation as a contractor is a cause for disciplinary action by the registrar.


It is lawful for two licensees, each of whom is individually licensed, to jointly submit a bid without first securing a joint license.

T But must contact board before starting work

City and county governments have the power to control and regulate the quality and character of a licensed contractor's work.

T permits and inspection

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