Save button
after Navigating to the drive and folder where you want to save the video, change the file name if desired, and click this button to create the video of the presentation. There is a progress bar at the bottom of the screen to see when the video creation is completed.
end editing embedded object
click outside the embedded object to end editing and restore the destination application ribbon
embedded object
data that has been copied from a document, worksheet, or presentation, and pasted as an object in another application
Create a Video panel
displays after clicking the Create a Video option, it contains the Create Video button and controls to change the video quality, file size and timing options.
edit embedded object
double-click object to open the object data for editing in the destination location using the source application
Links dialog box
found backstage after clicking the File tab followed by clicking the Info option and then click on related documents, select a link in this box and insert a check mark in the Automatic Update check box to turn on automatic updates for the link
Excel button
found in Access in the Export group on the External Data tab and used to export Access table or query data to Excel
Edit Links to Files
found in the Properties panel in the Info backstage area, used to open the Links dialog box in which you manage links to source data
Reset button
found in the Slides group on the Home tab, after clicking this button the selected slides are reset and ready to have the presentation them formatting applied
Slides from Outline option
found in the list at the bottom after clicking the New Slide button arrow in the Slides group on the Home tab, this option can import text in a Word document formatted as outline into PowerPoint to create new slides
Update Links button
found in the security warning dialog box that appears when you open a file with a linked object, click the button to update data from the source
New Data Source option
in Access, found in the Import & Link group on the External Data tab, used to import data, including an Excel workbook
Import Spreadsheet Wizard
in Access, this dialog starts when you choose an Excel workbook to import and consists of five dialog boxes to guide you through the steps to create a new table using the data in an Excel worksheet, append a copy of the data to an existing table or link the data by creating a linked table. You can also select a field and click the box to instruct Access not to import the field(skip the column).
export Access table to Excel
often done to use the advanced mathematical analysis tools available in an Excel worksheet. Tables and queries can be exported, so If you want to export more than one table, create a query with the desired data and export the resultant query
Link Excel Chart
source data that is continuously updated should be linked (instead of copied and pasted or copied and embedded) to avoid duplication of work and to reduce errors made when data is entered more than once.
Slides created from Outline
text formatted in the document with the Heading 1 style becomes a new slide title and text formatted with the Heading 2 style becomes a first level bulleted list entry
source application
the application from which data is copied
destination application
the application that receives the copied data
source data
the data that is copied
destination document
the document, worksheet, or presentation into which copied data is pasted as an object
Create a Video option
to create a video from a PowerPoint presentation, start the process by clicking the File tab, then click Export to click this option when a presentation is complete with desired transitions, animations and timing options
Paste button arrow
use to choose the desired embed option to embed copied data as an object in the destination document, includes link options to link copied data
export a presentation as a video
used to share the content with others by linking to the video file on a web page or by publishing the video to a media sharing website, such as YouTube
Export-Excel Spreadsheet dialog box
used to specify the file name, drive and folder, and export options, including formatting and layout options in the datasheet and to automatically open Excel with the worksheet displayed when the export is complete. The first row of the spreadsheet contains the field names from Access and the tab is renamed to the source query or table name