CADD Engineering 1-8

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Absolute coordinate


Diameter symbol


Degree symbol


Absolute Coordinates

(9.54, 6.66)

Where is 0° located in AutoCAD's default units setup? Where is 270°? Where is -45°?

0 is straight out to the right. 270 is straight down. -45 is down at an angle of 45 degrees below the horizon

Architectural Units

1'-0", 12'-4"

In paper space, the typical plot scale is:


Engineering Units

3.4658, 12.6259

You are rotating an object from its current position at 45° to a new position at 30° using the Reference option. The reference angle will be:

45 degrees

Polar Coordinates


Relative coordinate


Relative Coordinates


Which of the following cannot be hatched using the HATCH command?

A 355 degree arc

What is the difference between a font and a style?

A font is a named set of characters, having common design characteristics. A style, in AutoCAD, is a named set of text settings, beginning with a font but also including other characteristics such as height, width, direction, slanting, etc




Action Recorder


Alias= M


Always symmetric


American National Standards Institute

ASME stands for:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers


An angle cut across the corner of an object.

Start Point


Angle Between Items

Array polar

How many layers can you create in AutoCAD:

As many as you like

Polar tracking can be set to track:

At any angle

Which of these is not an acceptable scale to use on a drawing for this course?


Multiple Dimension


Why is it usual practice to plot 1:1 in paper space?

Because the purpose of paper space is to represent the drawing sheet you wish to plot to. A 1:1 representation of the drawing sheet on the screen facilitates this.

Layer 0

Cannot be deleted

The numbers on the coordinate display show positions in a:

Cartesian coordinate system

What is the difference between center justified text and middle-justified text?

Center justified text is center on the midpoint of an underline of the text. Middle is centered on the midpoint of a line running through the middle of the text.



Which linetype is loaded by default:


Which of these cannot be accomplished using the Layer drop-down list?

Create new layers

What selection method is always required when you use the STRETCH command?



Customize User Interface



UCS Origin


Different File Extension Types


In the MOVE command, after defining a selection set:

Define a displacement vector

Dimension units are set in the:

Dimension style dialog box

The set of visual aids and command options that move with the crosshairs is called:

Dynamic input display

How would you use SCALE to change a 3.00 line to 2.75?

Enter SCALE, select the line, pick a base point, specify the Reference option, type 3(enter symbol), then type 2.75 (enter).

To initiate a single-point object snap:

Enter an object snap mode when AutoCAD prompts for point selection

What factors define an arc? How many are needed for any single method?

Every arc has a start point, a center point, an end point, and an included angle. A start point and any two other factors will define the arc.




Extrapolates a precise geometric point from an approximate screen cursor location.

T/F: The Action Recorder duplicates the function of the ARRAY command


T/F: You can zoom with the wheel mouse but you cannot pan.


True or False: AutoCAD will not send a plot to a printer or plotter if the drawing limits exceed the sheet size.


True or False: Center-justified text and middle-justified text are two names for the same thing.


True or False: Fonts are created based on text styles.


True or False: In defining an arc, the rubber band indicates the endpoint.


True or False: In the Stretch grip edit mode and the STRETCH command, it is necessary to select objects with a crossing window.


True or False: It is necessary to match layers and color numbers.


True or False: It is not possible to plot a landscape-oriented plot on a printer.


True or False: It is usually unnecessary to perform a full plot preview.


True or False: Last and Previous selections are equivalent.


True or False: Like incremental snap, object snap will not interfere with ordinary point selection.


True or False: Mtext is drawn within a rectangular box defined by the user.


True or False: The # sign indicates that you are going to enter polar coordinates.


True or False: The command line is the best place to enter AutoCAD commands.


True or False: The ribbon gives quick access to all AutoCAD commands


True or False: The same selection methods are available in noun/verb and verb/noun editing.


True or False: When LIMITS are changed AutoCAD automatically zooms out to center the grid.


True or False: You can draw in only one color on one layer.


True or False: In order to define an arc, you must first specify a start point.

False (questionable)

T/F: C is an alias for COPY.

False, its alias for CIRCLE

T/F: Orthographic Projections and Multiview projections are examples of Perspective projection.

False, they are examples of Parallel Projection

The tool that does not appear on the Quick Access toolbar is:


How do you access the Object Snap shortcut menu?

Hold down <Shift> and right-click


In drafting practice, a concave curve at the corner of an object. In AutoCAD, the term fillet and the FILLET command refer to both concave and convex curves (rounds).

What is the difference between noun/verb and verb/noun editing?

In noun/verb editing you select an object first (the noun), then you execute a command to take action on the object (the verb). In verb/noun editing you specify the type of action first, and then select objects to apply it to.

What is a rectangular array? What is a polar array? What is a path array?

In rectangular arrays the pattern is one of rows and columns at regular distances apart. In polar arrays the pattern is circular, around and arc or circumference of a circle. Path arrays are created by copying objects at evenly spaced intervals along any curve, line, or closed figure.

Where are template drawings stored in a standard AutoCAD file configuration? What extension is given to template file names?

In the AutoCAD Template Folder. The complete path is: Documents and Settings/Username/Local Settings/Application Data/Autodesk/AutoCAD2010/R18.0/enu/Template. The extension is .dwt

AutoCAD's default color system is:



Layer cannot be edited


Layer is not visible



An acquired point will be:

Marked with a small green cross

Mirror line



Not visible, not regenerated


Object snap

Acquired Point

Object snap tracking

Object Snaps

Object snap tracking creates temporary construction lines, called alignment paths, from designated object snap points. Types: quadrant: A point on an object along one of the orthogonal axes, at 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270° from a given point, or the area enclosed between any two adjacent axes. tangent: A line running perpendicular to the radius of a circle and touching at only one point, or the point where the line and circle touch.

F8 Key


Name three ways to change the current layer.

Pick a new layer from the Layer list on the ribbon. Pick a new layer in the Layer Properties Manager and pick the Set Current button. Pick the Make Object's Layer Current tool from the ribbon and pick an object on the new current layer

To open a crossing window:

Pick points right to left

Which of these will not open the Drafting Settings dialog box?

Pick the drafting settings tool from the ribbon

You wish to use an AutoCAD-provided border and title block for your drawing. Where would you find the one you wish to use?

Pick the new tool to create a new drawing, then select an AutoCAD template with a border and title block from the template list.

Page Setup


Clock Face

Polar array

What factors define a polar array? How many are needed to define an array?

Polar arrays are defined by the number of objects, the angle between objects, and the total angle of the array. Any two will completely define the array.

To remove grips:

Press <Esc>

Datum Point



Regular array

To access the Grip Edit shortcut menu:

Right-click after selecting objects

To access the Object Snap shortcut menu:

Right-click when AutoCAD prompts for point selection

Base Point


To facilitate creating new drawings from a previous drawing:

Save it in the Template folder

How do you access the Grip Edit shortcut menu?

Select an object so that grips are displayed, then right-click.

To switch from decimal to architectural units:

Select architectural in the Drawing Units dialog box.

How would you use the Reference option to rotate a line from 60° to 90°? How would you accomplish the same rotation without using a reference?

Select the object, enter the ROTATE command, specify the reference option, type 60 and then type 90. Without using reference, select the object, enter the ROTATE command and type 30.

What would happen if a drawing created with 18 × 12 limits were printed with a 1:1 scale on an A-size printer? What feature of the Plot Configuration dialog box would you use to find out if you weren't sure?

Since 1B is 18 x 12 and A-size paper is only 12 x 9, only part of the drawing would be printed. Use Plot Preview to see the affect before plotting.

Which of these is the least useful snap and grid setting combination?

Snap = 1.0, grid = .5

Which is likely to have the smaller setting, grid or snap? Why? What happens if the settings are reversed?

Snap will be smaller typically. A smaller snap setting makes more points accessible, while a larger grid setting keeps the screen less cluttered. If the grid is set smaller than the snap, some grid points will not be accessible.

What is the purpose of the Base Point option in the Rotate grip edit mode?

So that objects may be rotated around different points, either on or off the object.

Why do we use the Zoom XP option when zooming in floating model space viewports?

So that we can have precise information about the relationship between the size of objects in the viewport and the size of objects in paper space, this also gives us information about the elative sizes of objects shown in different viewports.


Specifies the boundaries of a drawing area

The default dimension style is called:


Which of these is not required to define a polar array?

Start point (needs an angle to fill, a number of items, and angle between the items)

Which of the following is always specified in defining an arc?

Start point (where to begin the arc, where to end it, and what circle it is theoretically a part of)

In single-line text, what values must be specified before entering text content?

Start point, height, and rotation angle.

Two modes of the coordinate display are

Static, Dynamic, and Polar

Crossing window


BONUS CHAPTER 9: Polylines


The Continue option will begin an arc:

Tangent to the last arc drawn

Which is not entered when you create singleline text?

Text color

Polar Tracking

The AutoCAD feature that displays tracking lines at a regular specified angle

What are the advantages of using the ribbon to enter commands?

The advantage of using the ribbon is that several commands, traditionally accessed by extensive typing, multiple toolbars, or several menus, are brought together in one location in the ribbon for faster and easier access.

What linetype is always available when you start a drawing from scratch in AutoCAD? What must you do to access other linetypes?

The continuous linetype is always available. To access other linetypes you must load them from the ACAD linetype file, or another file containing linetype definitions

What aspects of a plot are shown in the preview image in the Printer/plotter panel of the Plot dialog box?

The effective drawing area in relation to the selected drawing sheet size in the printer or plotter.

What is the purpose of %% in text entry?

This identifies that the character that follows is to be translated by its character code.

Cutting edge


T/F: An extension line is used to indicate the termination of a dimension.


T/F: Any drawing may be saved as a template drawing.


T/F: Polar Tracking can be set to any angle.


T/F: The primary unit of measurement for engineering drawings and design in the mechanical industries is the millimeter (mm).


T/F:Five settings that would typically be included in a template drawing are Grid, Snap, Layers, Limits, Units.


True or False: 3 o'clock = 0°.


True or False: AutoCAD layouts are always created in paper space.


True or False: By default the COPY command creates multiple copies of selected objects.


True or False: Fields can be updated each time a file is opened.


True or False: In AutoCAD, plot settings are affected by your choice of a plotter.


True or False: In using the TRIM command, trimmed objects may also serve as cutting edges.


True or False: Linetypes need to be loaded, but colors do not.


True or False: Objects can be scaled from different base points with different results


True or False: Objects on the same layer need not be the same color.


True or False: Polar arrays can be defined around circles or arcs.


True or False: Rows are horizontal; columns are vertical.


True or False: Snap makes some points impossible to select with the screen cursor.


True or False: The right mouse button calls up shortcut menus according to context.


Describe the use of the scroll wheel for zooming.

Turning the scroll wheel forward zooms in. Turning it back zooms out. The zoom is centered on the position of the crosshairs.

In grip editing, you can select objects by:

Typing L for last

To move the origin point of a drawing use the:

UCS command

Annotative dimension

Viewport scale

Grid Display

Visible, but not plotted

How does AutoCAD know when you want a crossing selection instead of a window selection?

Windows are opened left to right, crossing selections are opened right to left


World Coordinate System

What is the value of using a template drawing?

You create a new drawing with settings already defined in the template.

You have selected a line to extend and a boundary to extend it to, but AutoCAD gives you the message "Object does not intersect an edge." What happened?

You have selected a point on the opposite half of the line from the direction of the extend boundary.

You have been working in the Layer Properties Manager palette, and when you return to your drawing you find that some objects are no longer visible. What happened?

You picked the on/off icon and turned off a layer with the missing objects on it

To coordinate layout scales with viewport scales use:

Zoom XP

To enter single-line text you must first enter all of the following except:


Text editor

contextual tab

To enter multiline text, pick the Multiline Text tool and then:

enter two points

True or False: By default, dimension style units are the same as drawing units.


True or False: The default dimension style is Annotative.



grip edit mode

AutoCAD borders and title blocks can be found in the:

in the template folder

Snap Mode

limits point selection

When drawing a circle using the Diameter option, the rubber band:

stretches from the center point to a point outside the circle



TEXTEDIT can be used to change:

text content

MATCHPROP cannot be used to match:

text height

Which of the following does not adjust when an object with associative dimensions is

text of a linear dimension

In model space, objects are drawn to:

to real world measurements (FULL SCALE)

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