Career Planning and Development(EVERYTHING)

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What are four things a great résumé shows employers?

You have the qualifications needed to do the job well. You can meet the employer's needs. You are likeable and work well with others. You appeal to both human and electronic reviews.

List the categories of information found in a résumé.

-Personal information -Education -Skills -Work experience -Activities -Interests

What are five things you can do to overcome stereotypes?

1. Examine why the stereotype exists 2. Evaluate why the stereotype persists 3. Encourage acceptance of differences 4. Think outside the box 5. Examine your own ideas

People work for many different reasons. What are three of them? for things around others 3. make a contribution 4. self-fulfillment

List the two categories from Gardner's multiple intelligences that best reflect your learning style. Explain your selections.

1.verbal/linguistic 2.logical/mathematical

A nurse, police office, and teacher would all have _____ interests. a. scientific b. social c. office operations d. craft


A résumé formatted so that it can be posted to the Internet and which can contain sophisticated graphics, is a _______. a. Print resume b. Web resume c. Electronic resume d. Scannable resume


A successful biologist's main interest area would be _____. a. the arts b. scientific c. business d. social


A successful photographer's main area of interest would be _____. a. business b. the arts c. crafts d. office operations


A(n) _____ is something a person wants to get out of a job or that brings them job satisfaction. a. personal value b. work value c. aptitude d. interest


All of the following are personality tests EXCEPT: a. The Big Five Personality Test b. Gardner Personality Test c. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator d. Rorschach Ink Blot Test


If it is easy for you to learn another language you have a(n) _____. a. logical/mathematical learning style b. verbal/linguistic learning style c. bodily/kinesthetic learning style d. visual/spatial learning style


Jackson enjoys seeing the end result of his hard physical labor. The interest area that he should consider careers in would be _____. a. business b. crafts c. science d. office operations


Jessica filled out her job application and is about to turn it in. In the "Position Applied for" box she wrote question marks, because she does not know what positions are available. Which of the following suggestions would be Jessica's best option for filling in this information? a. Leave the application how it is, because then the business can decided the best position b. Ask the manager what positions are available and list a specific position c. Write "All Positions" so that she appears flexible d. Write "Company President" because it shows ambition


Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. She has been playing some basic songs, but still gets a lot of help from her teacher. What stage of ability development is Justine at? a. Novice b. Apprentice c. Master d. Mentor


Kaleb is interested in working at the home improvement store, and they asked him to provide references. A good reference for Kaleb would be his _____. a. grandfather b. basketball coach c. best friend since 3rd grade d. cousin


Meagan became a costume designer because she enjoyed spending time and sharing ideas with others interested in movies. Which of the following best describes why Meagan works? a. to pay for wants and needs b. to be around others c. to make a contribution d. to be self-fulfilled


Someone who likes to work alone on individualized projects has a _____. a. bodily/kinesthetic learning style b. intrapersonal learning style c. rhythmic/musical learning style d. logical/mathematical learning style


Something you enjoy or want to know more about is a(n) _____. a. ability b. interest c. aptitude d. value


The act of fulfilling one's ambitions, desires, etc., through one's own efforts best defines _____. a. self-esteem b. self-fulfillment c. prestige d. stereotype


Which of the following would be the least effective reference? a. Your boss at your part-time job b. Your grandfather who is a small business owner c. Your neighbor for whom you do odd jobs d. Your guidance counselor


Which two types of résumés can be formatted to be visually appealing? a. web and scannable b. print and web c. print and electronic d. electronic and web


Your _____ are the beliefs and principles that define who you are, shape attitudes and choices, and help set priorities a. aptitudes b. values c. interests d. abilities


By thinking about what is really important to you, you can determine your _____. a. aptitude b. personality c. values d. career


Job satisfaction can be lost for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a. Lack of opportunities for promotion b. Bickering with co-workers c. Being recognized for a job well done d. Having little or no say in decisions that affect you


Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. She has successfully passed every level of music book and is planning her own concert. What stage of ability development is Justine at? a. Novice b. Apprentice c. Master d. Mentor


References that employers trust for the most accurate reporting include _____. a. friends b. relatives c. counselors d. parents


When applying for a job, you should not _____. a. dress appropriately b. project confidence c. use slang d. have references ready


When your résumé is first reviewed, a potential employer looks at it for approximately _____. a. 1 minute b. 30-45 seconds c. 15-30 seconds d. 2 minutes


_____ developed a theory on multiple intelligences. a. Rorschach b. Myers-Briggs c. Gardner d. Smith


A(n) _____ is a general belief about a person or group of people that may not be true. a. prestige b. culture c. occupation d. stereotype


Alice has noticed that she is starting to dread going to work every day. She is afraid that she is going to have to quit if things don't start to get better. What can Alice do to be more satisfied with her job? a. Mentor a co-worker b. Improve her job skills c. Develop her own projects d. All of the above


Being aware of your learning styles can help you _____. a. enjoy your leisure time b. make a career selection c. understand how to learn d. all of the above


If you like to spend time outdoors working with plants and animals, you have a(n) _____. a. bodily/kinesthetic learning style b. intrapersonal learning style c. visual/spatial learning style d. naturalistic learning style


Jonathan enjoys working with numbers, recognizing patterns, problem solving. The learning style that best fits Jonathan is _____. a. bodily/kinesthetic b. interpersonal c. visual/spatial d. mathematical/logical


Justine was interested in learning how to play the piano. She has become very accomplished and has begun teaching her own students. What stage of ability development is Justine at? a. Novice b. Apprentice c. Master d. Mentor


Ramona enjoys her job because she is able to help kids in an after school program. The work value Ramona feels strongest about is _____. a. leadership b. risk c. independence d. work with people


Since the application can be the prospective employers first impression, it is important to a. always answer questions truthfully b. keep the application neat and clean c. read and follow the directions d. all of the above


Someone who enjoys working with numbers and words, facts, and data would have an interest in _____. a. crafts b. the arts c. science d. office operations


Someone who likes building, designing, or creating things probably has a(n) _____. a. naturalistic learning styles b. bodily/kinesthetic learning style c. logical/mathematical learning style d. visual/spatial learning style


The kind of person you think you are best defines the term _____. a. personality b. self-esteem c. aptitude d. self-concept


This document shows that you are allowed to work in the United States: a. cover letter b. résumé c. job application d. work permit


When compiling a reference list, you should always _____. a. verify what the reference will say b. ask permission before listing a reference c. thank them for their help d. all of the above


Describe how you can develop a complete and healthy self-concept.

Engaging in new experiences and interactions with a variety of people can help you develop a more complete and healthy self-concept. Also, seeing yourself as you really are, not what you want to be; recognize what you like and dislike about yourself; and knowing what to change in order to raise your self-esteem.

How do Equal Employment Opportunity laws protect job applicants?

Equal Employment Opportunity laws protect job applicants by making it illegal for employers to ask certain information on job applications. The purpose of this is to help prevent discrimination. Employers cannot ask about a person's race, gender, age, religion, disability, marital status, etc.

Shannon is incredibly nervous about applying for a job, and she is concerned that her nerves will make a bad impression on her prospective employer. What are some things Shannon can do to help her appear confident?

Even though Shannon may not feel confident, she can give the impression of confidence by standing up straight, smiling, dressing well, and focusing her nervous tension.

A person with a poor self-concept is more likely to be hired for a position, because they are easier to "mould". Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Bragging is a sign of positive self-concept. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Jobs that require you to use your aptitudes are typically unrewarding. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Someone similar to Mother Teresa would most likely measure their work success in terms of income. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The Rorschach personality test requires you to look at ten black and white ink blots. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The portrayal of jobs on TV and in the movies is usually accurate. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The purpose of writing a résumé is to get a job. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


List five things stereotypes are commonly based upon.

Student answers should include five of the following: race, ethnicity, religion, gender, politics and ideologies

List three things you can do to improve job satisfaction.

Student answers will vary but should include three of the following: -Stop negative thoughts -Put things in perspective -Look for the silver lining -Learn from your mistakes -Be grateful -Cross-training -Break up the monotony -Mentor a co-worker -Volunteer for something different -Improve your job skills -Develop your own project

In your own words, create a definition for 'Learning Style.'

Student answers will vary, but should include elements of the following: A learning style is an individual's unique approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preferences.

Why is it important to use standard English when applying for a job?

Using standard English shows that you have good writing skills, and it is a more effective and professional form of communication.

Personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are defined by _____ categories, represented as letters. a. four b. two c. three d. five


Review the portion of the application above. Record any changes or corrections that need to be made and why.

Necessary Corrections: First Name and Last Name are recorded in incorrect boxes. Scribbles on errors instead of making corrections Does not include information in the SSN or Desired Salary blank Does not list which position she is applying for Has box checked that she has worked for the company, but does not say when For education just wrote "Yes" instead of listing the high school and address Justification: All of this make the applicant appear less professional and hurt her chances of getting hired. She is not following the directions properly, and she is not asking questions so that she can accurately fill out the application.

List the four stages of ability development. Provide an example of a person developing a specific ability. What would each stage look like?

Novice, apprentice, master, mentor. Student examples will vary, but should follow the model. Example : Driving a car S1 - take a class, have someone teach you about the parts of a car, traffic laws etc. S2 - practice driving with parent/teacher - learners permit S3 - drive on own, accident free, follow all traffic laws - No tickets or accidents S4 - teach someone else how to drive

List the five factors measured on The Big Five personality test.

Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism

Why should you think about your interests when searching for a career?

People who find their work interesting are more likely to be happy and successful.

What are the four different types of résumés?

Print, Scannable, Electronic, and Web

List the six areas of interest.

The Arts, Business, Crafts, Office Operations, Science, Social

List the five main categories of information that are included on job applications.

The five categories of information gathered on job applications include: Identification; Employment History; Education & Certification; Special Skills; and References.

In the résumé above, what would cause appearance of the "00000000000"?

The résumés was scanned, and when it was converted to text the formatting caused the appearance to change. In this situation there was an underline beneath "Objective" that turned into "000000000000".

A successful lawyer's main interest area would be _____. a. business b. crafts c. the arts d. science


According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, we make decisions by either thinking or ______. a. feeling b. judging c. perceiving d. sensing


The act of fulfilling one's ambitions, desires, etc., through one's own efforts is _____. a. self-fulfillment b. outsourcing c. competition d. adaptability


Xavier loves to sing and hum, and he always has music softly playing while he studies. The learning style that best fits Xavier is _____. a. rhythmic/musical b. interpersonal c. intrapersonal d. bodily/kinesthetic


Why is it important to create a strong résumé?

A résumé is one of the first documents that introduces you to a potential employer. It must catch their interest and attention right away, because they may never look at it again.

Describe an advantage and a disadvantage to employers administering personality tests.

Advantages -lower turnover by selecting candidates who have similar traits to veteran employees -can reveal more information about applicant's abilities and interests -can identify interpersonal traits that may be needed for certain jobs Disadvantages -difficult to measure personality traits that may not be well defined -training and experience may have greater impact on job performance than personality -Responses may be altered by applicant's desire to respond in a way they feel would result in their selection

How are aptitudes and abilities different?

An aptitude is a natural talent, and a person with that aptitude has the potential to learn the skill easily and quickly. Abilities are skills that have already been developed.

"All doctors should be men, because they are better at math and science," is an example of a _____. a. political stereotype b. gender stereotype c. religious stereotype d. race stereotype


Describe the three different stages your résumé goes through when being submitted to an employer.

First stage - The résumé is used to eliminate job candidates. Employers may receive hundreds of résumés, and they do not have time to thoroughly read each one. They scan a résumé for anywhere between 15-30 seconds. Your résumé must catch their attention; otherwise, it goes directly into the reject pile. Second Stage - Once you have passed the initial review, the employers will have narrowed the résumés down significantly. These résumés will be read thoroughly, and the candidates narrowed down to the number they would like to interview (usually 10 or less). Third Stage -The résumé is used to guide the interview. The potential employer only knows you by what was included in your résumé. You want to make sure that your résumé highlights your strengths so that these will become the focus of the interview.

What can you do to help identify your aptitudes and abilities?

First, you can simply brainstorm a list of all of your skills. If you aren't sure what you are good at, your friends and family are always great resources to turn to. They have a good idea of your skills (others can sometimes see your aptitudes when you yourself cannot see them) You can also create a chart to break down categories, it may help you identify skills if you think of them in special categories.

Where can you get job applications?

Job applications can be found in a variety of locations. In most instances, you can ask an employer in person for a job application. Applications can be mailed to applicants when requested over the phone. Many stores have a in-store kiosk where applications can be completed, and many companies have sites on the Internet where applications can be found.

Define lifestyle goals and list three questions you should ask yourself as you consider your future lifestyle.

Lifestyle goals are the ways you want to spend your time, energy and resources in the future. Questions students may ask themselves could include any three of the following: -What do I want to accomplish in life? -Where would like to live? -How do I want to spend my free time? -Do I want a lot of money, or just enough to be comfortable?

List and explain three ways you can make your reference's job easy.

Student answers will vary, but should include three of the following options: Provide an updated résumé - A résumé supplies a reference with easy access to dates of employment, employment history, duties, etc. Warn them when a potential employer has requested references - A reference will be able to give a better recommendation when they are prepared for a phone call instead of being caught off guard. Describe the job you are seeking - By explaining the job in detail, your references will better understand thechallenges you would face and see how you could meet those challenges. Explain to them why you are the best candidate - By letting them know how your skills will allow you to be successful, they will be able to relay this information on to the hiring department.

What are four causes of loss in job satisfaction?

Student responses should include any four of the following: -Bickering co-workers -Conflict with your supervisor -Not being appropriately paid for what you do -Not having the necessary equipment or resources to succeed -Lack of opportunities for promotion -Having little or no say in decisions that affect you -Fear of losing your job -Work that you find boring or overly routine -Not using your education, skills or interests

What is an example of a work stereotype that you know of? Why should you be careful of work stereotypes?

Student responses will vary. One example of a work stereotype might be that women are better nurses, because they are better at taking care of people. You should be careful of stereotypes because they do not apply to all individuals and are not always true.

A job done well can build a person's self-esteem. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Depending on your age and the state you live in, you may have to obtain a work permit before you can legally work. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Employers may require job candidates take a personality test to make sure they are the right fit for their company. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Even though Yvonne is terrible at playing tennis, she could still consider it an interest of hers. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


If you do not have a Social Security number, you can apply for one. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


In case you have to complete an application on site, you want to make sure you have your completed Personal Fact Sheet. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


In-store hiring kiosks save employers money by reducing hiring costs. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


It is possible to have what would be considered contradicting personality traits. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


It is possible to possess elements of more than one learning style. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Jessica has intrinsic job satisfaction, because she enjoys the tasks she does at work each day. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Risk is a work value that would fit a police officer.


Scores for The Big Five personality test are presented as percentiles. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Some people choose a type of work based on its prestige, or how important most people think it is. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Someone who does not have an aptitude or ability in a career area is at a disadvantage if they select a career in that field. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The statement, "All basketball players are tall" is a stereotype. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


When working on developing an ability, it is important to get feedback to know how you are doing.


You need a Social Security number before you can apply for jobs. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


eing aware of your personality type is important, because some personality types fit a particular career better than others. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


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