Catcher in the Rye - Chapter 4-6

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Why is Stradlater upset about the composition? How do Holden and Stradlater differ in their understanding of rules?

He is upset because the composition was supposed to be about a room or a place while Holden wrote about an object. Holden believed that he had done it right, he had written a descriptive piece. Stradlater was angry because it didn't follow all the rules; it had to be descriptive of a house or room.

Describe the physical fight between Stradlater and Holden.

Holden had gotten angry that Stradlater had taken jane in Ed Banky's car and went up to him to punch, but he missed. Stradlater grabbed Holden and pinned him to the ground and told Holden to stop before it got too serious. Holden kept struggling under the hold and started insulting Stradlater until finally Stradlater got off. Holden continued insulting him and Stradlater punched him really hard in the nose. Holden began crying and he slept in Ackley's room that night.

Why is it funny that Stradlater wants Holden to write his paper? What is the paper supposed to be about?

It was funny (ironic) because Holden was the one that was dropping out, and Stradlater was asking him to write a paper for him. The paper was supposed to be a very descriptive writing of a room or place. This showed how great of a writer Holden was; people were asking him to do some of his homework even though he was expelled.

What does Ackley say about his own sexual experience and what does Holden think about Ackley's conversation?

Ackley says that he was supposed ot have sex with this girl the previous summer; he had told this story many times, but every time he told it, he would change the setting. Holden thought the story was full of bull, "He (Ackley) was a virgin if I ever saw one" (49).

What information does Holden reveal about Jane Gallagher? Based on the way he talks about her, how do you think Holden feels about Jane?

He "nearly drops dead". He is fascinated that Jane is still around; he begins talking about her interests (dancing, checkers), all the things they used to do together as kids (they were neighbors). I feel like she the only person Holden actually likes and enjoys being around; he feels comfortable around her and if he had spent more time with her, he probably would have been able to open with her. The fact that she was downstairs made him ecstatic that his best friend was so close and he could finally reconnect with someone (he cant connect with all these phonies in his school)

What does Holden write about for Stradlater's composition?

He does a descriptive piece on Allie's baseball glove. The glove had poems that Allie had written all over it. It was what Holden had felt like writing about; he felt that writing about a room or place was useless.

Describe the conversation that transpires between Stradlater and Holden about Stradlater's date with Jane. What does this conversation reveal about Holden?

Holden keeps asking Stradlater questions about the date (where did they go, how did they get there, what happened). He seemed tense and protective. He knew what happened on dates with Stradlater and he wanted to make sure nothing like that happened with Jane. Holden seemed very protective of Jane and it shows that Holden really cares about Jane and hopes that nothing bad or nasty happens to her.

What does Holden reveal about his brother Allie and what he was like? What did Holden do when he found out that Allie was dead?

Holden says that Allie was his younger brother who was incredibly intelligent. Teachers would tell his mother what an amazing student he was. Allie was also really nice and didn't get mad at people easily (even though he had red hair). After Allie died, Holden punched out all the windows in the garage; he would've broken the car windows if he hadn't already damaged his hand so bad. He also slept in the garage. He says that he didn't know why he did it, but he also says that we don't know Allie. This shows how much Allie meant to him and how important Allie was to him. (extend on this if you want).

What does Holden do with Mal Brossard and Ackley?

They went to the movie theater after dinner. They had already seen the movie so they ate some hamburgers and played some pinball. They came back to the dorm sometime later.

How do Holden and Stradlater interact with one another when Stradlater gets home late from his date with Jane?

Things were very tense between the two of them; after Holden showed him the composition, he began bombarding him with questions about the date. It almost seemed as if Holden was like a protective older brother making sure nothing weird happened to his little sister.

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