Caterpillar Summer
all the things Caterpillar gives up to keep Chicken happy
In the book Caterpillar Summer , what does the cookie symbolize in The Broken Cookie?
sheepshead / convict fish
In the book Caterpillar Summer , what kind of fish does Macon teach Cat to fish for?
To make Chicken happy
In the book Caterpillar Summer, from Chicken's perspective, what is Caterpillar's job?
Cat thought he looked like a chicken when he was born
In the book Caterpillar Summer, how did Chicken get his nickname?
He covers his ears, starts crying, and his face freezes like he's screaming
In the book Caterpillar Summer, how does Chicken react to the sirens in the parade?
North Carolina
In the book Caterpillar Summer, in what state is Gingerbread Island?
a cat (a feline)
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what animal does Macon carve on the sign in honor of Cat?
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what animal is Chicken's favorite?
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what bait does Dean at the bait shop suggest Cat use?
a puzzle cookie
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Cat call Chicken's broken cookie?
The Big Blue Book / family photo album
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Cat pull out to help prevent Chicken from having a meltdown in the airport terminal?
Her hair
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Cat's mom say Cat needs to take care of when she's not able to come to North Carolina because of the college's reception?
Boogie boarding
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Cat's mother want to do instead of fishing when she comes to North Carolina for the weekend?
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Chicken call pimento cheese?
hot sauce
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Chicken dip his hamburger in before eating it?
He hits (hurts) Neddie / He gave Neddie a nosebleed
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Chicken do when he and Neddie are fighting over the same book?
Has a cup of hot chocolate prepared for her
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Macon do to let Cat know that she is welcome to walk with him in the morning?
sea turtle nests
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what does Macon look for as he walks on the beach?
He explains that Amanda (Cat's mother) had made some choices that he hadn't agreed with and he reacted badly.
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what explanation does Macon give when Cat asks why he never talks with her mother?
Mint chocolate chip
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what flavor ice cream does Cat get when she goes to Miss Sunshine's ice cream shop?
Someone had covered it in mud and taken the license plate
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what happened to Cat's bike while she was in Willis General getting cornmeal?
He put cinder blocks in the water at the end of the pier -- creating an artificial reef
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what illegal action did John Harvey do?
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what is Cat's given name?
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what is Chicken's given name?
a way of celebrating a girl becoming an adult
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what is a debutante ball?
fried cornmeal
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what is a hush puppy?
Fixing up Mom's old bike for Cat
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what is the project that Macon is working on so hard that he didn't have time to go on his normal morning walk?
The Best Hat
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what is the title of Mom's new book?
the (laundry) basket
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what item does Chicken call his "boat"?
He was a doctor/ a surgeon.
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what job did Macon (Mom's dad) have prior to retiring?
a caterpillar
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what kind of animal did Mom draw to represent Cat?
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what kind of bait does Macon use for fishing?
Ghost crab hunting
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what kind of hunting do Cat and Harriet do at night?
Second place
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what place does Cat take in the fishing contest?
a plastic shark
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what plastic toy does Chicken need every night at bedtime?
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what recreational activity did Cat's mom get trophies for when she was young?
In the book Caterpillar Summer, what subject does Cat's mother teach to college students?
He's in the house's elevator
In the book Caterpillar Summer, where does Cat find Chicken after he disappears on the night of the fishing competition?
the used bookstore
In the book Caterpillar Summer, where does Cat find Chicken after losing him on Clement Street?
The end of the pier
In the book Caterpillar Summer, where does John Harvey claim is his lucky fishing spot?
Mom's parents
In the book Caterpillar Summer, who do Cat and Chicken end up spending the summer with?
himself because as a surgeon he often had an unpredictable schedule and broke a lot of promises when work conflicts came up
In the book Caterpillar Summer, who does Macon say is to blame for Cat's mother working so much and putting work first?
John Harvey
In the book Caterpillar Summer, who has won the Gingerbread Island fishing contest for the past four years?
her friend Rishi / the Krishnamurthy's
In the book Caterpillar Summer, who in Atlanta were Cat and Chicken going to spend time with while her mother was teaching?
Gillian McDunn
In the book Caterpillar Summer, who is the author?
If the sea grass on them dies, it will destroy the dune.
In the book Caterpillar Summer, why are the sand dunes protected?
They are headed to India to be with their grandmother who had a stroke.
In the book Caterpillar Summer, why aren't the Kristnamurthys there when Cat's family arrives in Atlanta?
The college is having a reception for her so she doesn't have time to get to North Carolina and back again
In the book Caterpillar Summer, why is Cat's mom not able to come up for the weekend?
Her mother was teaching a college class there.
In the book Caterpillar Summer, why was Cat's family planning to spend three weeks in Atlanta?
She's not a year-round resident on Gingerbread Island
In the book Caterpillar Summer, why was there a challenge to Cat entering the fishing contest?