CCM Practice Exam

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b. the Delphi technique

A decision-making method that is especially useful when members of the group are not in one place and communication is carried out through text messaging and email is: a. multivoting b. the Delphi technique c. the prioritization matrix d. brainstorming

c. client has an unstable cardiac rhythm

A finding on an assessment that would place a client in the high-risk level of acuity (level 4 on a 1 to 4 scale) is that the: a. client is receiving dialysis b. client is receiving oxygen per nasal cannula c. client has an unstable cardiac rhythm d. client has continuous tube feeding

b. the treatments for drug abuse and anxiety are not compatible

A major problem in treating co-occurring disorders, such as substance (i.e., drug) abuse disorder and anxiety, is that: a. neither is amenable to treatment b. the treatments for drug abuse and anxiety are not compatible c. clients prefer the substance to the medications d. the treatment requires too long a period of time

c. one primary case manager addresses all of a client's needs

A primary goal of integrated case management is: a. case managers focus on one discipline b. a team of case managers address all of a client's needs c. one primary case manager addresses all of a client's needs d. cost containment

c. providing affirmations

A strategy that is used in motivational interviewing is: a. asking yes/no questions b. confronting inconsistencies c. providing affirmations d. listening without comments

a. knowledge

According to Everett Rogers' five-step diffusion of innovation theory of change, the first step is: a. knowledge b. decision c. assessment d. persuasion

b. unfreezing

According to Kurt Lewis's change theory, the stage in which survival anxiety and learning anxiety occurs is: a. freezing b. unfreezing c. unfrozen d. refreezing

b. brainstorm to generate and organize large numbers of ideas/issues

An affinity diagram is used to: a. prioritize any number of options b. brainstorm the generate and organize large numbers of ideas/issues c. prioritize and reach a consensus d. list the sequential steps in a process

b. a client commits suicide 24 hours after a hospital discharge

An example of a sentinel event is: a. a client falls at home and fractures a hip b. a client commits suicide 24 hours after a hospital discharge c. a client with an indwelling catheter develops a UTI d. a client experiences itching from a new medication

a. networking with other professionals

An example of an informal role for the case manager is: a. networking with other professionals b. developing care plans c. monitoring client care d. interviewing and assessing clients

b. the client never fills a prescription for a medication

An example of primary nonadherence to medications is: a. the client begins taking the medication and then stops b. the client never fills a prescription for a medication c. the client frequently skips doses of medications d. the client takes the medication incorrectly because of a misunderstanding

a. Rotary Club

An organization that offers free medical clinics that serve those with low income and undocumented immigrants in many communities is the: a. Rotary Club b. local chamber of commerce c. American Red Cross d. Freemasons

d. SWOT analysis

As part of strategic planning and decision making, an analytic method that is useful in determining an organization's strengths and weaknesses is: a. gap analysis b. data mining c. decision tree d. SWOT analysis

d. manage the client's budget and pay the bills

If a client is approved for self-directed care under Medicaid, a financial management services provider can: a. determine the amount of the client's financial grant b. develop an individualized service plan c. provide client training d. manage the client's budget and pay the bills

d. take the opportunity to provide the client with health education

If a client is confused about the various options for care available to them, the case manager should: a. give the client time to think about the options b. advise the client to read about the options before deciding c. advise the client to discuss the options with the physician d. take the opportunity to provide the client with health education

d. hard savings

If a client is transitioned to a lower acuity level of care, from a cost containment perspective, this represents: a. ratio savings b. budget savings c. soft savings d. hard savings

b. safety

If a client scores a level IV - confused/agitated response - on the LCFS, the primary concern for health-care providers is client: a. nutrition b. safety c. violent d. communication

c. client empowerment

If a client states that his glucometer is broken and the case manager advises the client to call the physician to request an order for a new one, this is an example of: a. delegation b. collaboration c. client empowerment d. avoidance of responsibility

d. ambulatory care

If a client who is currently wheelchair bound has been discharged from a hospital after a car accident, is at home, and goes to a physical therapist daily for outpatient treatment, the level of care that the client is experiencing is: a. acute care b. subacute care c. transitional care d. ambulatory care

c. internal and external customers

If a facility intends to monitor and improve customer satisfaction, the FIRST step for case management is to identify: a. those services that are important to customers b. quality measures for services c. internal and external customers d. satisfaction measures/scales for each service

c. 28 days to 6 months

If a young adult is referred to a residential treatment facility for drug abuse, the usual length of stay ranges from: a. 1 to 2 weeks b. 2 to 3 weeks c. 28 days to 6 months d. 6 to 12 months

c. a volunteer visitor program

If an older client is essentially homebound and has no family or friends other than service personnel, such as a nurse aide, the BEST resource is likely: a. audiovisual material (e.g., books, videos) b. pastoral counseling c. a volunteer visitor program d. frequent telephone contact by case manager

b. shared decision making

If the case manager discusses the benefits of an exercise regiment for wellness and suggests different options and the client decides that the best option is to join a gym for regular workouts, this is an example of: a. informed consent b. shared decision making c. self-directed care d. self-advocacy

c. risk stratification

If the case manager uses a health-related questionnaire to help place clients in groups, this is an example of: a. risk assessment b. risk monitoring c. risk stratification d. risk identification

c. predictive modeling

If the case manager uses a software program that analyzes many different factors about clients to forecast which clients are likely to benefit the most from extended case management services, this is an example of: a. structure management b. outcomes management c. predictive modeling d. descriptive modeling

a. the client's medical records

If using predictive modeling to forecast the risk of hospitalization for a client with a chronic illness, the case manager should begin with: a. the client's medical records b. a client interview c. client observatoin d. hospitalization histories for clients with similar illness

c. ask, acquire, appraise, apply, and assess

If using the 5-A step approach for evidence-based research, the five A's refer to: a. anticipate, analyze, address, apply, and assess b. ask, adapt, administer, align, and appraise c. ask, acquire, appraise, apply, and assess d. acquire, adapt, analyze, administer, and assess

c. predictive validity

If, when testing for criterion-related validity, a new instrument is used to test at two different times and the scores correlate, this is an example of: a. concurrent validity b. convergent testing c. predictive validity d. divergent testing

d. 40

In general, the minimum number of participants for quantitative usability studies is: a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40

d. quickly find a simple solution to a problem

In process improvement, the purpose of a blitz team is to: a. gather data, analyze, and reengineer processes b. prepare a comprehensive list of process improvement projects c. begin the process improvement planning d. quickly find a simple solution to a problem

a. comparison/control

In the PICOT format, which aids in the search for quantitative research, the C in PICOT stands for: a. comparison/control b. cost-effectiveness c. conclusion d. claim

c. lead to subjective results

Qualitative data: a. can usually be generalized b. are described in terms of numbers c. lead to subjective results d. involve an objective role for the researcher

b. timely

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)'s quality goals for health care include that health care is effective, safe, efficient, patient centered, equitable, and: a. cost-effective b. timely c. ethical d. evidence-based

b. L codes

The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding Systems (HCPCS) Level II codes that are used for durable orthotic and prosthetic procedures and devices are: a. D codes b. L codes c. E codes d. P codes

d. speak and swallow more effectively

The Passy Muir valve (PMV) is intended for clients with a tracheostomy to help them to: a. breathe more effectively b. wean away from the tracheostomy c. breathe oxygen on demand d. speak and swallow more effectively

a. continuity of care

The case manager's primary role during a client's transition from one health-care provider to another is to ensure: a. continuity of care b. cost-effectiveness c. client support d. self-management

a. the systems and processes in an organization

The continuous quality improvement model of improvement emphasizes: a. the systems and processes in an organization b. the individuals within an organization c. the costs of needed interventions d. increased profits through efficiency

b. 0.90

The correlation coefficient that shows the greatest reliability of an instrument is: a. 0.09 b. 0.90 c. 0.50 d. 0.05

a. identify those at risk of poor transitions

The first step in ensuring safe and effective transitions of care is to: a. identify those at risk of poor transitions b. carry out medication reconciliation c. develop a care management plan d. discuss the client's goals for transition

d. intensive

The model of case management that requires the most engagement of the case manager with the client is: a. brokerage b. strengths-based c. clinical d. intensive

b. monitoring

The ongoing process that the case manager uses to gather all pertinent information and documentation about a client to determine the effectiveness of care is: a. coordination b. monitoring c. utilization review d. planning


The process improvement model that is used primarily to identify a problem rather than a solution is: a. PDCA b. FOCUS c. IMPROVE d. FADE

d. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

The psychological assessment tool that assesses personality traits, primarily in those with psychological dysfunction, is the: a. Newest Vital Sign (NVS) screening tool b. Rancho Los Amigos Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale (LCFS) c. Mini-Cog d. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

a. ability to perform work activities

The purpose of a functional capacity evaluation is to assess an individual's: a. ability to perform work activities b. ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) c. ability to perform instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) d. ability to ambulate independently

c. Newest Vital Sign (NVS) screening tool

The screening tool that is most useful if assessing a person's ability to read and understand nutrition labels is the: a. Rapid Assessment of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM) b. Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA) c. Newest Vital Sign (NVS) screening tool d. Critical Health Competence (CHC) test

a. line chart

The type of display tool that shows progress or changes in value over time and allows one to identify trends, shifts, and changes in a process is the: a. line chart b. Pareto chart c. histogram d. pivot table

d. the electricity goes out for 4 hours, disabling the facility's computers

When collecting data as part of process improvement, an example of a special cause variation is: a. a staff member takes longer to complete a task than usual b. the Internet connection is sluggish c. poor lighting interferes with the staff's ability to carry out tasks d. the electricity goes out for 4 hours, disabling the facility's computers

d. rehospitalizations have decreased by 15%

When conducting a program evaluation to determine if changes in the case management program have resulted in better clinical outcomes, a finding that is MOST positive is: a. client satisfaction scores have increased from 82% to 89% b. caseload numbers have increased by 5% c. administrative costs have decreased by 6% d. rehospitalizations have decreased by 15%

a. interrater reliability

When conducting research to determine the effectiveness of evidence-based changes to a case management practice, the test for instrument reliability that involves having two interviewers measure the same event is: a. interrater reliability b. parallel form c. alternate form d. test-retest reliability

d. the number of clients who received vaccinations

When considering performance improvement, an example of a process measurement is: a. the caseloads per case manager b. the rate of rehospitalizations c. the rate of clients who died during treatment d. the number of clients who received vaccinations

a. in place

When developing a plan of care for an adult who has been hospitalized with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the case manager should remain aware that a goal of many older adults is to age: a. in place b. with adult children c. in assisted living d. in convalescent care

a. speaks what the text user types and types what the voice user speaks

With a teletypewriter relay service, a communication assistant: a. speaks what the text user types and types what the voice user speaks b. types what the text user types and speaks what the voice user speaks c. automatically converts all communication to voice d. automatically converts all communication to text

b. dependability

With qualitative studies, if there is consistency in the results over time, this is an indication of: a. credibility b. dependability c. transferability d. confirmability

a. 6-week period

With the accelerated rapid-cycle change approach, change is supposed to be developed and implemented over a: a. 6-week period b. 8-week period c. 12-week period d. 16-week period

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