CDS - Bidding Documents
What is included in AIA Doc A701, Instruction to Bidders?
- Bidders Representations - Bidding Documents - Interpretation or Correction of Bidding Documents - Substitutions - Addenda - Bidding Procedures - Modification or withdrawal of Bid - Consideration of Bids - Post Bid Information - Performance Bond and Payment Bond.
What must the awarded contractor provide post bid?
- Designation of the work to be performed with the contractors own forces - Names of manufactures, products, and the suppliers of the principal items proposed for project - Names of persons or companies proposed to perform major portions of the work.
What contract documents are included in the bidding package?
- Drawings - Specifications - General and Supplementary conditions - Special Conditions - Addenda issued prior to receipt of bids - Form of agreement between owner and contractor Note that the formal bid documents within the bid package is not part of the contract documents.
Can a bid be modified?
- Not after the designated time and date. - Prior to the designated time, a bid may be modified or withdrawn by making notice in writing. Request must be date stamped.
What is the intent of the instruction to bidders?
- Outline the procedures and requirements that bidders must follow is submitting bids - Outline how bids will be considered - Outline submittals required for the successful bidder.
What are non-standard bidding documents that might also be included?
- Qualification forms - Subcontractor list form - Certificates of insurance - Certificates of compliance with applicable laws and such regulations - Information available to bidders, such as geotechnical data
What do the bidding documents include?
- The advertisement or invitation to bid. - Instructions to bidders. - Supplementary instructions to bidders (if any). - Bid forms - Bid security Information - Performance bond, if required - Labor and material payment bond, if required.
Per A701, what is the Interpretation or Correction of Bidding Documents?
- The bidder's obligation to report any errors or inconsistencies to the architect. - Clarification regarding the bidding documents must be made in writing. Architects issue clarification through addendum. - Bidders must acknowledge receipt of all addenda on the bid form.
What must a substitution request include?
- The name or material or equipment - Backup information about proposed substitution
When are substitutions no longer considered?
After contract award.
When is the bidder required to submit a request for substitution?
At least 10 days prior to the bid opening date.
What is AIA Doc A303?
Contractor's Qualification Statement.
What is the amount of Bid Security?
Fixed amount or as a percentage of the bid, usually 5%.
How is Bid Security utilized?
If successful bidder does not enter into agreement, it is used to compensate for the difference between the low bid and next lowest bidder.
How are bids typically submitted?
In a sealed envelope with the party receiving the bid on the outside along with the project name and the name of the entity submitting it.
What is bidder's representation?
In making the bid, the bidder represents that he has read and understands the documents, reviewed the plans and specifications, visited the site, and that the bid is based on requirements of the bidding documents without exception.
What is AIA Doc A701?
Instruction to Bidders
Who does the Surety Company use if executing a performance bond?
May hire different contractors or supply additional money for existing contractors to complete work.
Are the bidding documents part of the contract document?
Does a Performance Bond guarantee payment for labor and materials by defaulting contractor?
What is a Labor and Material Payment Bond?
Pays for labor and materials by the defaulting contractor, protecting owner from liens against property or litigation by subcontractors and material suppliers.
What is Bid Security?
Required to ensure that successful bidder will enter into contract with Owner. May be certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond.
Who can sign a bid form?
Someone legally empowered to bind the contractor to the owner in a contract.
What is a performance bond?
Statement by a surety company that obligates the company to complete construction on the project should the contractor default on their obligations.
What happens if an architect approves a substitution.
The architect issues an addendum stating the substitution and issues to all bidders.
Who does the burden of proof for substitution rest with?
The bidder. Architect reviews, then approves or rejects it.
Who pays the performance bond?
The owner. Typically included in the construction price.
Per AIA Doc A 701, when is the document deposit returned to bidders?
Within 10 days after receipt of bids. The cost of replace missing or damaged documents is deducted from the deposit.
Where are the bidding documents found?
Within the project manual.
Does the owner need to provide evidence of financial arrangement?
Yes, evidence of owner's ability to meet financial obligation must be provided to bidder if requested at least seven days prior to the expiration of the time of withdrawal of bids.
Can withdrawn bids be resubmitted?
Yes, if they are in full conformance with the Instructions to Bidders.