Cecchetti Grade 4 Theory and Terminology

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as emble elance en ecarte

Assembling darted in a spread position

attitude efface

attitude shaded

battement balance

beatgen rocking step

battement degage

beating disengaged

battement tendu

beating stretched

battement frappe

beatings struck

pas de couree couru

bourree step running

pas de bourree dessours

bourree step under

port de bras

carriage or movement of the arms - first, second, third & fourth port de bra


chasing step

rond de jambe a terre endehor et en dedans

circling of the leg on the floor outward and inward

fixed points of the practice room

corner one, two, three, four -- wall five, six, seven, eight

eight body positions

croise devant (crossed front), ala quatrieme devant (to the fourth front), ecarte (spread), efface (shaded), a la seconde (to the second), epaule (shouldered) a la quatrieme derriere (to the 4th back), croise derriere (crossed in back)

coupe dessus

cutting over

coupe dessous

cutting under

five head positions

erect, lowered, raised, turned, inclined

eschappe suate a la seconde

escaping movement jumped to second

echappe releve

escaping movement raised

exercises a la barre

exercises at the barre

exercises au milieu

exercises in the center

positions of the feet

first, second, third, fifth

five arabesques

first, second, third, fourth, fifth

quatrieme ferme

fourth closed - opens from third

quatrieme croise

fourth crossed - opens from fifth

quatrieme ouverte

fourth open - opens from first

glissade derriere

gliding step to the back


half-counter step

grande battements

large beatings

grande plie

large bending

grande rond de jamb en l'air en dehors

large circle movement in the air outwards

grande jet en tournant

large throwing step turning

grand reverence

large, formal bow

fondu en croix

melting in the pattern of the cross (done a terre in grade 4)


on the diagonal

seven movements in dancing

plie (to bend), relever (to rise), sauter (to jump), glisser (to glide), tourner (to turn), elancer (to dart), etendre (to stretch)


posing step

pose developpe

posing step unfolding

positions of the arms

premiere, seconde, demi-seconde, throiseme, quatrieme en avant, quatrieme en haut, cinquieme en ba, cinquieme en avant, cinquieme en haut


quick steps or movements

releve passe en arriere and en avant

raised movement passing to the back and front

entrechat royale

royale interweaving step


slow, controlled movements

petit battement

small beatings

petit tours

small turns

petit retire passe derriere and devant

small withdrawing movements passed back and front

pointe tendu

stretched point

trois releve

three raised movements

deux assembles dessus soutenus

two assembling steps over, sustained

deux changements

two changings


under over step


unfolding or developing movement



fouette a terre

whipping movements on the floor

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