CEHv11 - Module Ten

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Distributed Reflection Denial-of-Service (DRDoS) Attack

-A distributed reflected denial-of-service attack (DRDoS), also known as a spoofed attack, involves the use of multiple intermediary and secondary machines that contribute to the actual DDoS attack against the target machine or application -Attackers launch this attack by sending requests to the intermediary hosts, which then redirect the requests to the secondary machines, which in turn reflect the attack traffic to the target Advantage -The primary target seems to be directly attacked by the secondary victim rather than the actual attacker -Multiple intermediary victim servers are used, which results in an increase in attack bandwidth

UDP Flood Attack

-An attacker sends spoofed UDP packets at a very high packet rate to a remote host on random ports of a target server using a large source IP range Attacker -The flooding of UDP packets causes the server to repeatedly check for non-existent applications at the ports -Legitimate applications are inaccessible by the system and give an error reply with an ICMP "Destination Unreachable" packet -This attack consumes network resources and available bandwidth, exhausting the network until it goes offline

Use of Mobile Devices as Botnets for Launching DDoS Attacks

-Android devices are passively vulnerable to various malware such as Trojan, bots, and RATs, which are often found in third-party application stores -These unsecured Android devices are becoming primary targets for attackers to enlarge their botnet because they are highly vulnerable to malware -Malicious Android applications found in the Google Play store and drive-by downloads are just a few examples of infection methods -The attacker binds the malicious APK server to the Android application package (APK file), encrypts it, and removes unwanted features and permissions before distributing the malicious package to a third-party app store like the Google Play Store -Once the user is tricked into downloading and installing such an application, the attacker can gain full control of the victim's device, enslaving the targeted device into the attacker's mobile botnet to perform malicious activities such as launching DDoS attacks and web injection

Spoofed Session Flood Attack

-Attackers create fake or spoofed TCP sessions by carrying multiple SYN, ACK, and RST or FIN packets -Attackers employ this attack to bypass firewalls and perform DDoS attacks against the target network, exhausting its network resources Multiple SYN-ACK Spoofed Session Flood Attack -Attackers create a fake session with multiple SYN and multiple ACK packets along with one or more RST or FIN packets Multiple ACK Spoofed Session Flood Attack -Attackers create a fake session by completely skipping the SYN packets and using only multiple ACK packets along with one or more RST or FIN packets


-Bots are software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet and perform simple, repetitive tasks, such as web spidering and search engine indexing -A botnet is a huge network of compromised systems and can be used by an attacker to launch denial-of-service attacks

What is a DoS Attack?

-Denial-of-Service (DoS) is an attack on a computer or network that reduces, restricts, or prevents accessibility of system resources to its legitimate users -In a DoS attack, attackers flood the victim system with non-legitimate service requests or traffic to overload its resources

Detection Techniques

-Detection techniques are based on identifying and discriminating illegitimate traffic increases and flash events from legitimate packet traffic -All detection techniques define an attack as an abnormal and noticeable deviation from a threshold of normal network traffic statistics Activity Profiling -Activity profiling is done based on the average packet rate for a network flow, which consists of consecutive packets with similar packet fields -Activity profiles are obtained by monitoring network packet header information -An attack is indicated by the following: An increase in activity levels among the network flow clusters An increase in the overall number of distinct clusters (DDoS attack) Sequential Change-Point Detection -Change-point detection algorithms isolate changes in network traffic statistics and in the traffic flow rate caused by attacks -The algorithms filter the target traffic data by address, port, or protocol and store the resultant flow as a time series -The sequential change-point detection technique uses the Cusum algorithm to identify and locate DoS attacks -This technique can also be used to identify the typical scanning activities of network worms Wavelet-Based Signal Analysis -Wavelet analysis describes an input signal in terms of spectral components -Analyzing each spectral window's energy determines the presence of anomalies -Wavelet-based signal analysis filters out the anomalous traffic flow input signals from background noise

What is a DDoS Attack?

-Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) is a coordinated attack that involves a multitude of compromised systems (Botnet) attacking a single target, thereby denying service to users of the targeted system Impact of DDoS -Loss of Goodwill -Disabled Network -Financial Loss -Disabled Organization

DDoS Case Study: DDoS Attack on GitHub

-In February 2018, GitHub encountered a devastating volumetric DDoS attack, which made its service unavailable to its users for 4 minutes -This is the world's largest DDoS attack ever recorded Attack Timeline -The attack took place on Wednesday, 28 February 2018 -The attack made GitHub.com unavailable from 17:21 to 17:26 UTC and intermittently unavailable from 17:26 to 17:30 UTC due to a heavy inflow of data packets -The first portion of the attack peaked at 1.35 Tbps via 126.9 million packets per second, and a second 400 Gbps spike occurred a little after 18:00 UTC Attack Mechanism -It was an amplification attack using a Memcached-based approach that peaked at 1.35 Tbps -The attack originated from over a thousand different autonomous systems (ASNs) across tens of thousands of unique endpoints -The attack worked by abusing instances of Memcached servers that are inadvertently accessible on the public internet with UDP support enabled -The spoofing of IP addresses allowed the responses of Memcached servers to be redirected to target a different address and send more data toward the target than needs to be sent by the unspoofed source -The vulnerability arising from this misconfiguration caused an amplification factor of up to 51,000, meaning that for each byte sent by the attacker, up to 51 kB was sent toward the target -This large amplification factor caused a devastating inflow of 1.3 Tbps of data toward GitHub, interrupting its normal operations GitHub's Response -Given the increase in inbound transit bandwidth to over 100 Gbps in one of GitHub's facilities, GitHub personnel made the decision to move incoming traffic to Akamai -At 17:26 UTC, the command was initiated via GitHub's ChatOps tooling to withdraw BGP announcements over transit providers and announce AS36459 exclusively over GitHub's links to Akamai -Routes reconverged in the next few minutes and access control lists mitigated the attack at their border -Monitoring of transit bandwidth levels and load balancer response codes indicated a full recovery at 17:30 UTC -At 17:34 UTC, routes to internet exchanges were withdrawn as a follow-up to shift an additional 40 Gbps away from GitHub's Network

DDoS Attack

-In a DDoS attack, attackers use a group of compromised systems (bots or zombies) usually infected with Trojans to perform a DoS attack on a target system or network resource.

Multi-Vector Attack

-In multi-vector DDoS attacks, the attackers use combinations of volumetric, protocol, and application-layer attacks to disable the target system or service -Attackers rapidly and repeatedly change the form of their DDoS attack (e.g., SYN packets, Layer 7) -These attacks are either launched one vector at a time or in parallel to confuse a company's IT department and exhaust their resources with their focus diverted to the wrong solution

ICMP Flood Attack

-Network administrators use ICMP primarily for IP operations and troubleshooting, and error messaging is used for undeliverable packets Attacker -ICMP flood attacks are a type of attack in which attackers send large volumes of ICMP echo request packets to a victim system directly or through reflection networks -These packets signal the victim's system to reply, and the resulting combination of traffic saturates the bandwidth of the victim's network connection, causing it to be overwhelmed and subsequently stop responding to legitimate TCP/IP requests -To protect against ICMP flood attacks, set a threshold limit that invokes an ICMP flood attack protection feature when exceeded

UDP Application Layer Flood Attack

-Some of the UDP-based application layer protocols that attackers can employ for flooding the target networks include: CharGEN SNMPv2 TFTP NetBIOS QOTD RPC CLDAP SSDP NTP Quake Network Protocol Steam Protocol VoIP

Deflect Attacks

-Systems that are set up with limited security, also known as Honeypots, act as an enticement for an attacker -Honeypots serve as a means of gaining information about attackers, attack techniques, and tools by storing a record of the system activities -The defense-in-depth approach is used with IPSes at different network points to divert suspicious DoS traffic to several honeypots KFSensor -KFSensor acts as a honeypot, designed to attract and detect hackers and worms by simulating vulnerable system services and Trojans

SYN Flood Attack

-The attacker sends a large number of SYN requests with fake source IP addresses to the target server (victim) -The target machine sends back a SYN/ACK in response to the request and waits for the ACK to complete the session setup -The target machine does not get the response because the source address is fake -SYN flooding takes advantage of a flaw in the implementation of the TCP three-way handshake in most hosts -When Host B receives the SYN request from Host A, it must keep track of the partially opened connection in a "listen queue" for at least 75 seconds -A malicious host can exploit the small size of the listen queue by sending multiple SYN requests to a host, but never replying to the SYN/ACK -The victim's listen queue is quickly filled up -The ability to delay each incomplete connection for 75 seconds can be used cumulatively as a Denial-of-Service attack

Fragmentation Attack

-These attacks stop a victim from being able to re-assemble fragmented packets by flooding the target system with TCP or UDP fragments, resulting in reduced performance. Attackers send a large number of fragmented (1500+ byte) packets to a target web server with a relatively small packet rate -Because the protocol allows for fragmentation, these packets usually pass uninspected through network equipment such as routers, firewalls, and IDS/IPS -Reassembling and inspecting these large fragmented packets consumes excessive resources. Moreover, the content in the packet fragments will be randomized by the attacker, which in turn makes the process consume more resources, causing the system to crash

Peer-to-Peer Attack

-Using peer-to-peer attacks, attackers instruct clients of peer-to-peer file sharing hubs to disconnect from their peer-to-peer network and to connect to the victim's fake website -Attackers exploit flaws found in the network using the DC++ (Direct Connect) protocol, which is used for sharing all types of files between instant messaging clients -Using this method, attackers launch massive denial-of-service attacks and compromise websites

Additional DoS/DDoS Countermeasures

1. Use strong encryption mechanisms such as WPA2 or AES 256 for broadband networks to protect against eavesdropping 2.Ensure that the software and protocols are up-to-date, and scan the machines thoroughly to detect any anomalous behavior 3.Disable unused and unsecure services 4.Block all inbound packets originating from service ports to block the traffic from reflection servers 5.Update each kernel to its latest release 6.Prevent the transmission of fraudulently addressed packets at the ISP level 7.Implement cognitive radios in the physical layer to handle jamming and scrambling attacks 8.Configure the firewall to deny external ICMP traffic access 9.Secure any remote administration and connectivity testing 10.Perform thorough input validation 11.Prevent the use of unnecessary functions such as gets, and strcpy 12.Prevent return addresses from being overwritten

DoS/DDoS Protection at ISP Level

1.Most ISPs simply block all requests during a DDoS attack, denying even the legitimate traffic from accessing the service 2.ISPs offer in-the-cloud DDoS protection for Internet links so that they do not become saturated by the attack 3. In-the-cloud DDoS protection redirects attack traffic to the ISP during the attack and sends it back 1 GB 4.Administrators can request ISPs to block the original affected IP and move their site to another IP after performing DNS propagation

DDoS Attack Countermeasures

1.Protect Secondary Victims 2.Detect and Neutralize Handlers 3.Prevent Potential Attacks 4.Deflect Attacks 5.Mitigate Attacks 6.Post-attack Forensics

DoS/DDoS Countermeasure Strategies

Absorbing the Attack -Use additional capacity to absorb the attack -Requires preplanning and additional resources Degrading Services -Identify critical services to maintain functionality while stopping non-critical services Shutting Down the Services -Shut down all services until the attack has subsided

How Does Malicious Code Propagate?

Attackers use three techniques to propagate malicious code to newly discovered vulnerable systems Central Source Propagation -Attackers place an attack toolkit on the central source, and a copy of the attack toolkit is transferred to the newly discovered vulnerable system Back-chaining Propagation -An attacker places an attack toolkit on his/her own system, and a copy of the attack toolkit is transferred to the newly discovered vulnerable system Autonomous Propagation -The attacking host itself transfers the attack toolkit to the newly discovered vulnerable system at the exact time that it breaks into that system

Organized Cyber Crime: Organizational Chart

Criminal Boss Underboss - Trojan provider Campaign Manager Affiliation Network Stolen Data Reseller

Prevent Potential Attacks

Egress Filtering -Egress filtering scans the headers of IP packets leaving a network -Egress filtering ensures that unauthorized or malicious traffic never leaves the internal network -The packets will not reach the targeted address if they do not meet the necessary specifications Ingress Filtering -Ingress filtering prevents the source address spoofing of Internet traffic -It protects against flooding attacks originating from valid prefixes (IP addresses) -It allows the originator to be traced to its true source TCP Intercept -TCP intercept features in routers protect TCP servers from TCP SYN-flooding attacks -Configuring TCP Intercept features prevents DoS attacks by intercepting and validating TCP connection requests Rate Limiting -Rate limiting controls the rate of outbound or inbound traffic of a network interface controller -It reduces the high-volume inbound traffic caused by DDoS attacks

Advanced DDoS Protection Appliances

FortiDDoS-1200B DDoS Protector Terabit DDoS Protection System DPS A10 Thunder TPS

HTTP GET/POST and Slowloris Attacks

HTTP GET/POST Attack -HTTP clients such as web browsers connect to a web server through the HTTP protocol to send HTTP requests. These requests can be either HTTP GET or HTTP POST -In an HTTP GET attack, attackers use a time-delayed HTTP header to maintain HTTP connections and exhaust web server resources -In an HTTP POST attack, attackers send HTTP requests with complete headers but with incomplete message bodies to the target web server or application, prompting the server to wait for the rest of the message body Slowloris Attack -In the Slowloris attack, the attacker sends partial HTTP requests to the target web server or application -Upon receiving the partial HTTP requests, the target server opens multiple open connections and keeps waiting for the requests to complete -These requests will not be complete, and as a result, the target server's maximum concurrent connection pool will be exhausted, and additional connection attempts will be denied

DoS/DDoS Attack Tools

High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC) -HOIC carries out a DDoS to attack any IP address with a user selected port and a user selected protocol Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) -LOIC can be used on a target site to flood the server with TCP packets, UDP packets, or HTTP requests with the intention of disrupting the service of a particular host DoS/DDoS Attack Tools XOIC (http://anonhacktivism.blogspot.com) HULK (https://siberianlaika.ru) Tor's Hammer (https://sourceforge.net) Slowloris (https://github.com) PyLoris (https://sourceforge.net) R-U-Dead-Yet (https://sourceforge.net)

DoS/DDoS Protection Tools

Imperva Incapsula DDoS Protection -Imperva Incapsula DDoS protection quickly mitigates attacks of any size without affecting legitimate traffic or increasing latency DoS/DDoS Protection Tools Anti DDoS Guardian (http://www.beethink.com) DOSarrest's DDoS protection service (https://www.dosarrest.com) DDoS-GUARD (https://ddos-guard.net) Cloudflare (https://www.cloudflare.com) F5 (https://f5.com)

DoS/DDoS Protection Services

Kaspersky DDoS Protection Tool https://www.kaspersky.com Stormwall PRO https://stormwall.pro Corero Network Security https://www.corero.com Nexusguard https://www.nexusguard.com BlockDoS https://www.blockdos.net

DoS and DDoS Attack Tools for Mobiles

LOIC -The Android version of the Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) software is used for flooding packets, which allows attacker to perform DDoS attacks on target organization AnDOSid -AnDOSid allows attackers to simulate a DoS attack (a HTTP POST flood attack) or a DDoS attack on a web server from mobile phones Packets Generator -The Packets Generator app allows attackers to generate network traffic, including the generation of TCP Syn, UDP, and ICMP ping traffic

Mitigate Attacks

Load Balancing -Increase bandwidth on critical connections to absorb additional traffic generated by an attack -Replicate servers to provide additional failsafe protection -Balance loads on each server in a multiple-server architecture to mitigate DDoS attack Throttling -Set routers to access a server with a logic that throttles incoming traffic levels to be safe for the server -Throttling helps in preventing damage to servers by controlling DoS traffic -This method helps routers manage heavy incoming traffic, so that the server can handle it -It filters legitimate user traffic from fake DDoS attack traffic Drop Requests -In this technique, servers and routers drop packets when load increases -System causes requester to drop the request by making it to solve a difficult puzzle that requires a lot of memory or computing power before it can continue with the request

Permanent Denial-of-Service Attack

Phlashing -Permanent DoS, also known as phlashing, refers to attacks that cause irreversible damage to system hardware Sabotage -Unlike other DoS attacks, it sabotages the system hardware, requiring the victim to replace or reinstall the hardware Bricking a system -This attack is carried out using a method known as "bricking a system" -Using this method, attackers send fraudulent hardware updates to the victim Process -Sends email, IRC chats, tweets, posts, videos Process Attacker with fraudulent content for hardware updates

Ping of Death and Smurf Attacks

Ping of Death Attack -In a Ping of Death (PoD) attack, an attacker tries to crash, destabilize, or freeze the targeted system or service by sending malformed or oversized packets using a simple ping command -For instance, the attacker sends a packet which has a size of 65,538 bytes to the target web server. This packet size exceeds the size limit prescribed by RFC 791 IP, which is 65,535 bytes. The reassembly process of the receiving system might cause the system to crash Smurf Attack -In a Smurf attack, the attacker spoofs the source IP address with the victim's IP address and sends a large number of ICMP ECHO request packets to an IP broadcast network -This causes all the hosts on the broadcast network to respond to the received ICMP ECHO requests. These responses will be sent to the victim machine, ultimately causing the machine to crash

Protect Secondary Victims and Detect and Neutralize Handlers

Protect Secondary Victims -Monitor security regularly to remain protected from DDoS agent software -Install anti-virus and anti-Trojan software and keep them up-to-date -Increase awareness regarding security issues and prevention techniques among all Internet users -Disable unnecessary services, uninstall unused applications, and scan all files received from external sources -Properly configure and regularly update the built-in defensive mechanisms in the core hardware and software of systems Detect and Neutralize Handlers -Network Traffic Analysis Analyze communication protocols and traffic patterns between handlers and clients or handlers and agents in order to identify the network nodes that might be infected by the handlers -Neutralize Botnet Handlers There are usually fewer DDoS handlers deployed compared to the number of agents. Neutralizing a few handlers can possibly render multiple agents useless, thus thwarting DDoS attacks -Spoofed Source Address There is a decent probability that the spoofed source address of DDoS attack packets will not represent a valid source address of the definite sub-network

Pulse Wave and Zero-Day DDoS Attacks

Pulse Wave DDoS Attack -In a pulse wave DDoS attack, attackers send a highly repetitive, periodic train of packets as pulses to the target victim every 10 minutes, and each specific attack session can last for a few hours to days -A single pulse (300 Gbps or more) is sufficient to crowd a network pipe Zero-Day DDoS Attack -A zero-day DDoS attack is delivered before the DDoS vulnerabilities of a system have been patched or effective defensive mechanisms are implemented -Until the victim deploys a patch for the exploited DDoS vulnerability, an attacker can actively block all the victim's resources and steal the victim's data -These attacks can cause severe damage to the victim's network infrastructure and assets

Techniques to Defend against Botnets

RFC 3704 Filtering -RFC 3704 filtering limits the impact of DDoS attacks by denying traffic with spoofed addresses -Any traffic coming from unused or reserved IP addresses is bogus and should be filtered at the ISP before it enters the Internet link Cisco IPS Source IP Reputation Filtering -Reputation services help in determining if an IP or service is a source of threat -Cisco IPS regularly updates its database with known threats such as botnets, botnet harvesters, and malwares, and helps in filtering DoS traffic Black Hole Filtering -A "black hole" refers to a network node where incoming traffic is discarded or dropped without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient -Black hole filtering refers to discarding packets at the routing level DDoS Prevention Offerings from ISP or DDoS Service -Enable IP Source Guard (in CISCO) or similar features in other routers to filter traffic based on the DHCP snooping binding database or IP source bindings, preventing a bot from succeeding with spoofed packets

Scanning Methods for Finding Vulnerable Machines

Random Scanning -The infected machine probes IP addresses randomly from the target network IP range and checks for vulnerabilities Hit-list Scanning -An attacker first collects a list of potentially vulnerable machines and then scans them to find vulnerable machines Topological Scanning -It uses information obtained from an infected machine to find new vulnerable machines Local Subnet Scanning -The infected machine looks for new vulnerable machines in its own local network Permutation Scanning -It uses a pseudorandom permutation list of IP addresses to find new vulnerable machines

Enabling TCP Intercept on Cisco IOS Software

To enable TCP Intercept on CISCO IOS, use these commands in the global configuration mode: access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} tcp any destination destination-wildcard -Define an IP extended access list ip tcp Intercept list access-list-number -Enable TCP Intercept TCP intercept can operate in either the active intercept mode or the passive watch mode. The default is the intercept mode The command to set the TCP Intercept mode in the global configuration is as follows: ip tcp intercept mode {intercept | watch} -Set the TCP intercept mode

Post-Attack Forensics

Traffic Pattern Analysis -Traffic pattern analysis can help network administrators to develop new filtering techniques for preventing attack traffic from entering or leaving their networks -The output of traffic pattern analysis helps in updating load balancing and throttling countermeasures to enhance efficiency and protection ability Packet Traceback -Packet Traceback is similar to reverse engineering -It helps in identifying the true source of attack and taking necessary steps to block further attacks Event Log Analysis -Event log analysis helps in identifying the source of DoS traffic -This allows network administrators to recognize the type of DDoS attack or a combination of attacks used

Basic Categories of DoS/DDoS Attack Vectors

Volumetric Attacks -Consume the bandwidth of a target network or service -The magnitude of attack is measured in bits-per-second (bps) -Types of bandwidth depletion attacks: Flood attacks Amplification attacks Attack Techniques: UDP flood attack ICMP flood attack Ping of Death and Smurf attack Pulse wave and zero-day attack Protocol Attacks -Consume other types of resources like connection state tables present in network infrastructure components such as load-balancers, firewalls, and application servers -The magnitude of attack is measured in packets-per-second (pps) Attack Techniques: SYN flood attack Fragmentation attack Spoofed session flood attack ACK flood attack Application Layer Attacks -Consume the resources or services of an application, thereby making the application unavailable to other legitimate users -The magnitude of attack is measured in requests-per-second (rps) Attack Techniques: HTTP GET/POST attack Slowloris attack UDP application layer flood attack

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