Cells - Q & A

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Match the items in Column A with those in Column B Column A - Column B (a) Vacuoles - (i) Intracellular digestion (b) Nucleolus - (ii) Respiratory enzymes (c) Lysosomes - (iii) Covered by tonoplast (d) Anthocyanin - (iv) Dissolved in the cytoplasm (e) Cristae - (v) Forms RNA

(a) (iii) (b) (v) (c) (i) (d) (iv) (e) (ii)

Given below is an example of a certain structure and its special functional activities, e.g. kidney and excretion. Write similarly the functions of - (a) Chloroplast and ............. (b) Chromatin and .............. (c) Nucleolus and ............... (d) Ribosomes and ............... (e) Cell wall and ...............

(a) Chloroplast and photosynthesis (b) Chromatin and hereditary information (c) Nucleolus and formation and storing R.N.A. (d) Ribosomes and protein synthesis (e) Cell wall and protection.

Which one of the following cell organelles is correctly matched with its function? (a) Ribosomes - Synthesis of proteins (b) Mitochondria - Secretion of enzymes (c) Plasma membrane - Freely permeable (d) Centrosome - Carries genes

(a) Ribosomes - Synthesis of proteins

All life starts as (a) an egg (b) a single cell (c) a gene (d) a chromosome

(b) a single cell

Which of the following is found both in the cells of a mango plant and a monkey? (a) chloroplasts (b) centrioles (c) cell wall (d) cell membrane

(d) cell membrane

The pair correctly matched in regard to a cell organelle and its function is - (i) Ribosome - Synthesis of protein (ii) Endoplasmic reticulum - Production of ATP (iii) Golgi body - Carries hereditary information (iv) Mitochondria - Destroy foreign substances

(i) Ribosome - Synthesis of protein

A cell organelle found only in plant cells is - (i) centrosome (ii) plastid (iii) mitochondria (iv) ribosomes

(ii) plastid

A cell is best defined as - (i) the smallest part of a living being. (ii) the body part that can be seen only under a microscope. (iii) the starting point in the life of all organisms. (iv) the structural and functional unit of life.

(iv) the structural and functional unit of life.

Match the organelles in Column I with the functions in Column II *(a) Mitochondria* (i) Rigidity to the cell *(b) Plasma membrane* (ii) Synthesis of proteins *(c) Cell wall* (iii) Intracellular digestion *(d) Chloroplasts* (iv) Differential absorption *(e) Ribosomes* (v) Trap solar energy *(f) Golgi apparatus* (vi) Production of ATP *(g) Lysosomes* (vii) Secretion of enzymes *(h) Nucleus* (viii) Division of cells

*(a) Mitochondria* (vi) Production of ATP *(b) Plasma membrane* (iv) Differential absorption *(c) Cell wall* (i) Rigidity to the cell *(d) Chloroplasts* (v) Trap solar energy *(e) Ribosomes* (ii) Synthesis of proteins *(f) Golgi apparatus* (vii) Secretion of enzymes *(g) Lysosomes* (iii) Intracellular digestion *(h) Nucleus* (viii) Division of cells

Mention any three differences between a living cell wall and a brick in a wall.

*Cell wall* 1. Non-rigid structure which is living. 2. Mainly composed of cellulose. 3. Freely permeable. *Brick wall* 1. Rigid structure which is non-living. 2. Composed of bricks. 3. Non permeable.

Differentiate between the following paris of terms - Centrosome and chromosome

*Centrosome* - Present in animal cells only. Initiates and regulates cell division. *Chromosomes* - Made up of DNA threads carry hereditary information of the genes.

Differentiate between the following paris of terms - Nucleolus and nucleus

*Nucleus* - Larget cell organelle contains thread-like structures called chromatin which contain DNA. *Nucleolus* - One or more round-shaped nucleoli inside the nucleus.

Differentiate between organ and organelle.

*Organ* - 1. These are the parts of a body. 2. Each organ has a specific function in the body. *Organelle* - 1. These are a part of the cell. 2. Organelle has a specific function in a cell.

Differentiate between an organ and an organelle

*Organ* is a part of a body having a definite shape, structure and function. *Organelles* are part of cells having a definite shape, structure and function.

Differentiate between a plant cell and an animal cell pertaining to the presence of plastids.

*Plant cells* - Plastids are present *Animal cells* - Plastids are absent

Differentiate between the following paris of terms - Protoplasm and cytoplasm

*Protoplasm* - It is the living matter, the total substance of a living cell, that is the cytoplasm and nucleus. *Cytoplasm* - All parts inside the plasma membrane excluding nucleus.

Differentiate between ribosomes and mitochondria.

*Ribosomes* - The main function of ribosomes is protein synthesis to release energy in the form. *Mitochondria* - The main function of mitochondria is of ATP.

Name the structures found only in plant cells.

1. A definite cell wall, made up of cellulose. 2. Vacuoles are prominent. 3. Usually contain plastids. 4. Centrsome is not present.

Differentiate between organ and organism.

1. An organism contains a number of organs. 2. These organisms collectively perform the activities to keep the organism active. 3. A number of tissues collectively perform a function in the form of an organ.

List the cell structures which are common to types of cells in plants and animals.

1. Both contain the cell membrane. 2. In both cells is the fundamental structural and functional unit of life. 3. the new cells are developed from a pre-existing cell. 4. Both cells require nutrition for growth, repair, and other activities of life. 5. Nucleus is the key performer or brain of both cells. 6. The structures within a cell i.e. cell organelles are concerned with different functions of both the cells. 7. Both are microscopic.

Mention three features found only in plant cells.

1. Cell wall 2. Plastids 3. Chloroplast

State the major functions of the following - Chromosomes

1. Chromosoms carry genetic characters from parents to the offspring through the union of the sperm and the egg. 2. Genes lie on the chromosomes lie in linear order. 3. Genes are made up of complex chemical substance DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Genes determine the characteristics of a species.

State the major functions of the following - Lysosome

1. Intra-cellular digestion 2. Destroy foreign substances 3. Destroy old or injured organelles 4. Formation of bones by cartileges

What is the cytoplasm?

1. It is viscous, like the white portion of an egg and more or less semi-liquid substance. 2. It is just below the cell membrane and occupies a large part of the cell. 3. Cytoplasm undergoes clockwise or anticlockwise movements in the cell. 4. Endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, centrosome, plastids (only in plants), granules, vacuoles are present in the cytoplasm. 5. The dense part of the cytoplasm has the nucleus.

List any six features found both in plant and animal cells.

1. Mitochondria 2. Cell 3. Nucleus 4. Cytoplasm 5. Endoplasmic reticulum 6. Ribosomes

Name the structures found only in animal cells.

1. No cell wall. 2. Vacuoles, if any, are small and temporary. 3. Do not contain plastids. 4. Centrosome is present.

What are chromosomes?

1. Nucleus is lodged in the denser portion of the cytoplasm? 2. Nucleus is covered with nuclear membrane and it has dense nucleoplasm. 3. In the nucleoplasm are thread like structures called chromatin fibres. 4. During cell division these chromatin fibres become which and ribbon like. These fibres are called chromosomes.

State the major functions of the following - Ribosome

1. Protein synthesis.

State the major functions of the following - Plasma membrane

1. Regulates the entry of certain solutes. 2. Maintains shape of the cell.

State the major functions of the following - Mitochondria

1. Release of energy from food in form ATP. 2. Synthesis respiratory enzymes.

State the major functions of the following - Cytoplasm

1. Streaming movements are carried in the cytoplasm. 2. Many reactions take place in the cytoplasm.

State the major functions of the following - Golgi apparatus

1. Synthesis and secretion of enzymes, hormones, etc. 2. Formation of acrosome of sperm.

State the major functions of the following - Asters of centrosome

1. The role of the asters is to shift the centriole pair to the opposite ends of the cell. 2. In these locations the centriole pairs will pass into separate daughter cells when cytokinesis occurs.

What are vacuoles?

1. These are rounded structures present in the cell. 2. Each vacuoles is bounded by tonoplast. 3. These vacuoles have cell-sap. They carry on various functions in the cells. 4. The cell-sap has water and various substances in solution form. 5. In the plants the vacuoles are large and the solution is called cell-sap. 5. Vacuoles are few in animals. They do not have prominent vacuoles.

State the major functions of the following - Glycogen granule

1. These are spherical or rosette shaped particles stored in the liver and muscle cells of animals. 2. It serves as food for the cell.

State the major functions of the following - Vacuoles

1. These vacuoles have cell-sap. They carry on various functions in the cell. 2. Vacuoles are few in animals. They do not have prominent vacuoles.

Recollect certain colours in plants. Name the plant and its part where the particular colour is found.

1. White - Potato - Leucoplasts 2. Yellow, orange & red - Petals of flower/ fruit - Chromoplasts 3. Green - young stem or leaves - Chlorophyll 4. Blue, purple and violet -Brinjal - remain dissolved in the cell-sap and give the colour to the plant structure

How many chromosome pairs are found in human cells?

23 chromosome pairs

Name the cell part which is composed of cellulose.

Cell wall

Name the part of a cell in which a network of cellulose forms the main component.

Cell wall

The additional outermost non-living layer of a plant cell is called .................

Cell wall

What is the outermost layer in plant cells?

Cell wall

Why are the cells generally of a small size?

Cells are generally small in size so that these have a large surface area.

Name the following - The kind of carbohydrate particularly found in the plant cell wall.


Mention one feature found only in animal cells.


Name the following - Any one cytoplasmic structure found only in animal cells.


Which parts of a cell are concerned with the following? Transmission of hereditary characters from parents to offspring.

Chromatin fibres

Name the following - The plastids found in the cells of yellow coloured petals.


What is the name of the chemical substance which constitutes the genes?

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

Name the following - The part of the cell which forms its supportive framework.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Name the cell part which is formed of an irregular network of tubular double membranes.

Endoplasmic reticulum

State whether the following statement is true or false - A cell wall is made of protein


State whether the following statement is true or false - All animal cells contain a cell wall


State whether the following statement is true or false - Protoplasm is the part of the cell which surrounds the nucleus


Mention which of the following statements are true or false. Give reason in support of your answer. Both cell membrane and cell wall in a plant cell are semi- permeable.

False - Cell membrane is semi-permeable whereas cell wall in a plant cell is freely permeable.

Mention which of the following statements are true or false. Give reason in support of your answer. Bacterial cells have nuclear membrane and these are categorized as eukaryotes.

False -- Bacterial cells have no nuclear membrane and these are categorized as prokaryotes.

Mention which of the following statements are true or false. Give reason in support of your answer. Lysosomes may be considered as power houses of the cells.

False -- Mitochondria may be considered as power houses of the cells.

Mention which of the following statements are true or false. Give reason in support of your answer. Chromatin fibres and chromosomes are one and the same thing.

False -- Nucleoplasm contains chromatin fibres and they condense into short thick chromosomes.

Mention which of the following statements are true or false. Give reason in support of your answer. The cell wall is absent in most animal cells.

False -~ The cell wall is absent in all animal cells.

True or False? - Bacteria have no nuclear membrane but possess chromatin fibres.

False. In bacteria organelles like endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, mitochondria are absent. Foods are absorbed in solution form.

Mention which of the following statements are true or false. Give reason in support of your answer. Larger cells have larger surface area-volume ratio.

False. Smaller cells have larger surface area - volume ratio.

On the reverse are the sketches of two types of cells A and B. Which one of these is a plant cell? Give reason in support of your answer.

Fig. B is the plant cell. The presence of vacuole in Fig. B confirms the plant cell.

Name the cell organelles concerned with secretion of enzymes.

Golgi apparatus

Name the part of a cell in which many chemical reactions occur with the help of enzymes.

Golgi apparatus

Name the cell organelles concerned with intracellular digestion.


Name the cell organelles concerned with production of ATP.


Which parts of a cell are concerned with the following? Liberation of energy


Which parts of a cell are concerned with the following? Synthesis of proteins


Name the following - The cell organelle that holds the key to the life of a cell.


Name the following - The cell organelles concerned with transmission of hereditary characters from parents to offspring.


Name the following - The organelle most vital for the survival of a cell.


Name the part of a cell in which a network of chromatin fibres occurs.


Which organelle is the key to the life of the cell?

Nucleus (Protoplasm)

What is the outermost layer in animal cells?

Plasma membrane

Name the following - Any structure other than cell wall, which is found only in plant cells.


What do you call the organelles which contain pigments?


Name the cell organelles concerned with trapping of solar energy.

Plastids (chloroplasts)

Name the following - The process by which living organisms obtain energy for their life activities.


Name the cell organelles concerned with synthesis of proteins.


Do you think the cells of an elephant would be larger than the cells of a rat?

The cells of an elephant would be large in number and not in size as larger is is an organism greater the number of cells.

Mention which of the following statements are true or false. Give reason in support of your answer. Chromosomes carry genes.


State whether the following statement is true or false - Anthocyanin's are the pigments of flowers, which are dissolved in cell-sap.


State whether the following statement is true or false - Centrosome occurs in animal cells


State whether the following statement is true or false - Genes are located in chromosomes


State whether the following statement is true or false - Plant cells contain large vacuoles


Name the cell part which is clear space with water or other substances in solution.


Name the following - Cytoplasmic parts usually much larger than those, if any, in animal cells.


Are there a definite number of chromosomes in each species?

Yes. The number of chromosomes in the following species are - Human body - 46 Maize - 20 Lion - 38 Mouse - 40 Wheat - 42 Monkey - 54 Chimpanzee - 48

........... is the part of the cell inside the cell membrane excluding the ..........

cytoplasm, nucleus

The largest cell in the living world is the ........ of .............

egg, ostrich

................ are hereditary units.


More than 1000 chromosomes are found in the nucleus of certain ............


............... is a plastid which stores starch.


Fill in the blanks - .............. consists of membranous sacs and secretes 40 types of digestive enzymes.


The chromatin fibres are found in ..................


The key performer or the master of a cell is its ...........


Fill in the blanks - Very thin flexible, living membrane which is differentially permeable is called ...........

plasma membrane

Animal cells do not contain .................


Small size of cells presents a larger .............


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