Central Idea & Supporting Details
Facts, statistics, examples, stories, quotations, definitions, reasons, comparisons which support your main idea; details help make the main idea clear
Retelling the main ideas of a text in your own words.
Background Knowledge
Your personal experiences, what you already know.
a type of supporting detail that gives numerical facts (decimals, percentages, fractions, or ratios, etc.)
a type of supporting detail that gives someone's account or experience of an event
a type of supporting detail that gives the precise meaning of a word or phrase
Quote/Direct Quotation
a type of supporting detail that repeats exactly what someone else has said or written (exact words from the story/person)
an ending or wrap-up for your writing
Explanation / Elaboration
explains how your examples support your idea
Supporting Details
information or facts that support or add more to the main idea
Main Idea
the central or most important idea about a topic that the writer wants to communicate to readers.
the order in which steps are taken
the person or thing the passage is about--usually one or two words
to bear, hold up, or prove *any material that serves to prove a claim