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Choose the following THREE components of President Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal domestic policy.

- Conservation of natural resources - fighting monopolies and trusts -Consumer protection

A student begins an independent research project about people who moved to Texas after Hurricane Katrina. Examine the steps below and place them in order of what the student should do as she completes her research project.

- Do a search for other existing studies on the same topic and identify what existing studies do not already address. - Formulate research questions that will help the gaps in the literature. - Collect new data, such as interviews and other primary and secondary source documents. - Code data to look for common themes. - Write up results to answer the research questions using data.

Allied Powers

- Great Britain - US -Russia -France

*Number of Africans Transported to the New World 1450--1900* Which TWO of the following best explains the patterns seen in the graph above?

- In the 18th century, the practice of indentured servants diminished. - In the 19th century, Great Britain and the United States outlawed the international slave trade.

Which of the following TWO would Keynesian economics support in the times of a recession?

- Increase government spending on infrastructure - Decrease taxes on the average tax payer.


- Insisted on a common religion for their entire empire. - Unified large number of peoples into one empire. - Expanded his empire through conquest. - Founded a religion.


- Supported a revival of Classical education. - Insisted on a common religion for their entire empire. - Unified large number of peoples into one empire. - Expanded his empire through conquest. - Founded a religion.


- The ruler has a charisma over the people. The people are attracted to his leadership that drives them to do what the dictator orders. - Most accurately describes Nazi Germany and Maoist China.

What economic effects occur with trade with the United States when the UK pound depreciates against the US dollar? Decreases?

- UK export prices - UK import sales -UK trade deficit

What economic effects occur with trade with the United States when the UK pound depreciates against the US dollar? Increases?

- UK import prices -UK export sales - UK domestic production - UK job creation

Choose Three of the following effects of World War I.

- the blaming of Germany for the war - The breakup of the Austrian Empire -The spread of the Spanish Flue

Central Powers

-Germany -Austro-Hungarian Empire (Austrian Empire) -Ottoman Empire

Click on four different products that made from petroleum.

-oil -plastic -gasoline -lubricant

-Strong Central Government -Loose interpretation of the Constitution -Supported by commerce and manufacturing interests -States rights over federal power -strict interpretation of the Constitution -Supported by farmers The chart above reflects two of the major political parties of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Which of the following best corresponds with the numbers 1 and 2 in the chart above?

1 = Federalists 2=Democratic- republicans

Which of the following types of studies would most likely use quantitative research methods rather than qualitative research methods?

A study of how age and religion has impacted voting behavior in the last four presidential elections.

Whenever I visited Jerusalem, I always entered the Aqsa Monsque, beside which stood a small mosque which the Franks had converted into a church... The Templars... who were my friends, would evacuate the little adjoining mosque to so that I could pray in it. -Usamah ibn Munquidh Muslim historian, 1138

After the Crusades, Christians and Muslims remained in constant conflict.

Whenever I visited Jerusalem, I always entered the Aqsa Monsque, beside which stood a small mosque which the Franks had converted into a church...The Templars... who were my friends, would evacuate the little adjoining mosque so that I could pray in it. - Usamah ibn Munqidh, Muslim historian, 1138 Which of the following stereotypes would the above primary sources document best help students refute?

After the Crusades, Christians and Muslims remained in constant conflict.

Which of the following best describes a similarity of Gulf, Plains, and other American Indian groups in early Texas history?

All of the American Indian groups adapted to their environments to ensure their survival.

This historical figure is known to have explored the Gulf Coast from Florida to Mexico in1519 and is credited to have mapped the Texas coastline claiming the area now known as Texas for Spain. This information describes which of the following European explores?

Alonso Alvarez de Pineda

Mercantilism was the economic system that dominated colonialism. in what ways were the Sugar and Tea Acts part of the greater British policy of mercantilism?

American coloinists had to buy sugar and tea from other British colonies rather than from other countries.

Which of the following is the best definition for the term detente?

An era of decreased hostility between the US and her allies and the Soviet Union and its allies.

Confucianism (religious texts or belief System).


Which of the following civilizations is known for developing the concept of zero and the decimal system that eventually spread through Asia and Europe?

Ancient India

In 1770, newspapers spread reports and images of the Boston Massacre throughout the American colonies. Which of the following was the most likely effect of the publicizing of this event throughout the colonies?

Anti-British sentiments increased ad more protests occurred throughout the colonies.

Contribution to the civilization of it's origin. Rome?


The 1920 George Grosz painting was commemorated on a German postage stamp. Which of the following would be the most likely way a historian would use this image?

As a primary source for the Germans attitudes towards the aftermath of WWI.

The Anglican Church originated in England and today is practiced in many countries around the world. 20% of the population of Australia, 35% of the population of Uganda, and 75% of the population of Barbados all practice Anglicanism. Which of the following best explains the reason for tis diffusion?

As the British Empire grew around the world, its culture and religion also spread.

Which of the following best identifies the process by which an immigrant blends her native culture with her new adopted culture to "fit in" to her new country?


Which of the following Texans was a lawyer, supported Texas ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment, and served on the house of Representatives' Judiciary Committee?

Barbara Jordan

Which of the following is considered the first battle of the Texas Revolution?

Battle of Gonzales

Sam Houston

Became the first President of the Republic of Texas

Mrs. Abdul is preparing for a lesson on comparing the Greeks and Romans . She decides that as part of the lesson students will silently read two sections in the textbook. One section is an overview of the Greeks and the other section is an overview of the Romans. Which of the following would be the most appropriate reading strategy to use to help students build their reading comprehension skills as well as to be able to compare and contrast the Greeks and Romans?

Before reading the sections, Mrs. Abdul explians that they are looking for how the Greeks and the Romans are alike and different. She then instructs the students to determine which type of graphic organizer they will use to record information about the similarities and difference found in the sections.

Match the following foreign policy titles to the president. Theodore Roosevelt?

Big-Stick Diplomacy

All of the living organisms on earth live in the -


"The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death; but it began both in men and women with certain purple and black swellings in the groin or alleviate this disease. An enormous number of ignorant men and women set up as doctors in addition to those who were trained. Either.. no treatment was possible or the doctors were so ignorant that they did not remedy. In any case very few recovered; most people died within about three days of the appearance of the dark tumors described above, most of them without any fever or other symptoms." Giovanni Boccaccio was a native of Florence, Italy and he wrote "The Decameron around 1350". Which of the following is described in the excerpt above?

Black Death

Which of the following best describes the major impact that both the Suez and Panama Canals had on world history?

Both canals decreased the amount of time needed to transfer goods to major world markets.

Both the Aztec and Incan empires dominated parts of the Americas prior to European arrival. Which of the following best describes a characteristic that was shared by both the Aztec and Incan civilizations?

Both civilizations built complex temples and other buildings.

The Missouri Compromise 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 both sought to deal with issues of slave and free states. Which of the following statements best describes the long term effects of both of these compromises?

Both led to an increase in sectionalism.

Both Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment saw major theories emerge from both science and philosophy. Which of the following is a similarity of both scientists and philosophers during this time?

Both scientists and philosophers examined how natural laws impacted society.

Both the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment saw major theories emerge from both science and philosophy. Which of the following is a similarity of both the scientists and the philosophers during this time?

Both scientists and philosophers examined how natural laws impacted society.

Both Erick Erikson and Sigmund Freud developed theories of personality development that are still prominent in the field of psychology. Which of the following best identifies how Erikson's and Freud's are most similar?

Both stressed that personally development occurs through a series of consistent stages.

Which of the following is the major contribution of Stephen F. Austin?

Bringing the first American settlers to Texas

"For Jones, one of the many lessons of the landmark case ending segregation is the idea of how central American identiy is to African Americans. In essence, bu arguing against the constitutionally of segregation undet the 14th amedment: All persons born or naturalized in the United states, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. -Library of Congress,2004

Brown v. Board

Professor Clark: "I used these methods which I told you about the --Negro and White dolls -- which were identical in every respect save skin color... I presented these dolls to them (children) and I asked them the "Show me the doll that looks bad... I found that of the children between the ages of six and nine whom I tested, which were a total of sixteen in number, that ten of those children chose the white dolls as their preference; the doll which they liked the best. Ten of them also considered every the white doll a nice doll. And , I think you have to keep that these dolls are absolutely identical in every respect except skin color. Eleven of these sixteen children chose the brown doll as the doll which looked bad. This is consistent with previous results which we have obtained testing over three hundred children, and we interpret it to mean that the Negro child accepts as early as six, seven, or eight the negative stereotypes about his own group.... Lawyer: Well, as a result of your tests, what conclusion have you reached, Mr. Clark? Professor Clark: The conclusion which I was forced to reach was that these children in Clarendon County, like other human beings who are subjected to an obviously inferior status in the society in which they live, have been definitely harmed in the development of their personalities; that the signs of instability in their personalities are clear, and I think that every researcher would accept and interpret these signs as such. Lawyer: Is that the type of injury in your opinion would be enduring or lasting? Professor Clark: I think it is the kind of injury which would be as enduring or lasting as the situation endured, changing only in its form and in the way it manifests itself. The above study who was used as one of the justifications for the Supreme Court's ruling in -

Brown v. Board of Education

Which of the following religions is dominant in the area marked with a III on the map (EURASIA) ?


"Spread of Buddhism" -Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka 247 BC. -Buddhism practiced in china 200 AD. -Buddhism in Korea 399 AD. -Buddhism practiced in Japan 538 AD. - Buddhism practiced in Tibet 741 AD. - Buddhism practiced in Thailand 1150 AD. Which of the following best explains the cause of the pattern seen in the timeline above?

Buddhism spread along trade routes.

The contribution of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca to the Spanish exploration and colonization of Texas is different from that of Alonso Alvarez de Pineda in that -

Cabeza de Vaca blazed new trails for later Spanish explorations, whereas Alvarez de Pineda's pilot chart of his expedition provided a remarkable outline of the Gulf Coast that included the location of the Texas land.

This picture shows life in which Native American group in Texas in the 1500's?


Which of the following Americans is not correctly matched to his or her correct description?

Cesar Chavez - sought equal rights for Hispanic Americans in education and other public accomodations.

"No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or outlawed, or banished, or in anyway destroyed, unless by the awful judgement of his peers." - Magna Carta, 1215 Which of these constitutional protections is described in the excerpt?

Citizens accused of crimes will be heard by an impartial jury.

The Texas Constitution sets up an Executive Department that includes specific powers for the Governor and all of the following except -

Commissioner of Education

" A recession is a period of time, normally two or more quarters (more than six months) of economic decline. A recession is typically accompanied by an increase in unemployment." According to current fiscal policy theory, which of the following decisions would best help end a recession in the United States?

Congress decreasing taxes and increases the funding for road and bridge repairs.

"Their conquest was fierce and ruthless, but their rule resulted in peace and security for their empire. Conquered peoples kept their own cultural traditions as well as ensured that trade along the Silk Road flourished. At the height of their power, that had created the largest land-based empire in the history of the world." Which of the following aspects of the Roman Empire at its height was mos unlike the empire described above?

Conquered peoples in the Roman Empire accepted Roman cultural traditions.

Match the following foreign policy titles to the president. Harry Truman?


Which of the following began the process of Houston becoming a center in computer technology?

Creation of the Johnson Space Center

"Spread of Buddhism" -Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka 247 BC. -Buddhism practiced in china 200 AD. -Buddhism in Korea 399 AD. -Buddhism practiced in Japan 538 AD. - Buddhism practiced in Tibet 741 AD. - Buddhism practiced in Thailand 1150 AD. Which of the following concepts is best demonstrated in the timeline above?

Cultural diffusion

Where on the circular flow chart above does entrepreneurial ability go?

D. (Households and Income GDP)

In Colonial America, which region was most impacted by mosquitoes and malaria?

Deep South

In colonial America, which colonial region was most impacted by mosquitoes and malaria?

Deep South

Complete the table based upon what would happen to demand in each of the following situations. The government increases a tax on cigarettes.

Demand goes down.

Complete the table based upon what would happen to demand in each of the following situations. The price of a steak decreases.

Demand goes up

After assigning a research project in a U.S. Government class. Mr. Yang asked students to submit a research project proposal. After examining the research proposals above, which of these assignments might be best for these three students to work together?

Developing a spreadsheet for data collection.

Which of the following reference materials will most help students with pronunciation and definitions of unfamiliar words?


Match the following foreign policy titles to the president. William H. Taft?

Dollar Diplomacy

Which of the following events was largely the result of poor farming practices mixed with a drought?

Dust Bowl

All of the following are correct about Eastern Orthodox Christianity prior to the 15th Century except...

Eastern Orthodox Christianity had as much political power in Eastern Europe as the Roman Catholic Church had in Western Europe.

All of the following are correct about Eastern Orthodox Christianity prior to the 15th century except -

Eastern Orthodox Christianity had as much political power in Eastern Europe as the Roman Catholic Church had in Western Europe.

includes nature-based activities that increase visitor appreciation and understanding of a natural and cultural values. It includes experiences that are managed to ensure they are ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable, contributing to the wellbeing of the natural areas and local communities where they operate. Efforts are made to minimize negative impacts on the environment and to increase awareness towards conservation of natural and cultural assets among locals and tourists.


Which of the following is not matched correctly to his or her contributions to American political and social issues?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton - anti war activist during WWII.

Charles Goodnight

Established the first cattle ranch in the Panhandle.

Which of the following best describes the process of judging another culture by the norms of one's own?


Which of the following best explains how the Crusades most affected the economies of Europe?

European crusaders returned to Europe with a desire for spices and silks that led to increased trade between Europe and Asia.

Which of the following best explains why Spain and Portugal sought to find an alternative route to Asia in the 15th Century?

European traders wanted to avoid trade with Muslims.

"Votes For and Against the 1845 Annexation of Texas" Which event most likely influenced the voting pattern on the map above?

Expansion of Slavery

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, feudal systems arose in the western parts of Europe. Which of the following best explains one of the original purposes for the development of feudal systems?

Feudal systems provided protection for people from Viking invasions.

The Civil War officially began in 1861. Which of the following events marked the beginning of the war?

Firing upon Ft. Sumter.

Spain sent explorers to the Americas, including Texas, to find riches and spread Catholicism. Spain did not find any riches in Texas, but did find many riches in Mexico, so Spain lost interest in Texas. Which of the individuals listed below were instrumental in convincing Spain to settle the land to stake its claim on Texas as part of the Spanish ruled land?

Fray Damian Massenet and Alonso De Leon

Which of the following best describes the role that Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) had in Indian history?

Gandhi's call for peaceful, non-cooperation led to world wide support for Indian independence from Great Britain.

Which of the following contributed to Texas history by being the primary author of the Texas Declaration of Independence?

George Childress

"We entered this war because violations of right had occurred which touched us to quick and made the life of our own people impossible unless they were corrected and the world secure once for all against their recurrence. What we demand in this war, therefore, is nothing peculiar to ourselves. It is that the world be made fit and safe to live in; and particularly that it be made safe for every peace-loving nation which, like our own, wishes to live its own life, determine its own institutions, be assured of justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression. All the peoples of the world are in effect partners in this interest, and for our own part we see very clearly that unless justice be done to others it will not be done to us. The programme of the world's peace, therefore, is our programme.. -Woodrow Wilson 1918 Which of the following events is an example of Wilson's "Violations of rights" that he cites as a reason for US involvement in WWI?

German unrestricted submarine warfare that had violated American rights to safe passage.

Match each of the following countries with its form of government. Parliamentary Republic


Match the following foreign policy titles to the president. Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Good Neighbor Policy

*Immigration to Great Britain* Which of the following best describes the impact of the pattern above on the Culture of GREAT BRITAIN?

Great Britain became more diversified with an increase of Jews, Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox Christians.

"So you're the little woman who made this great war!" - Abraham Lincoln Which of the following individuals was Abraham Lincoln referring to?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Which of the following best describes a major accomplishment of Hector Garcia?

He championed civil rights for Mexican Americans in Texas and throughout the United States.

Why is Stephen F. Austin referred to "The Father of Texas"?

He established the first Anglo-American colony in the Tejas province of Mexico.

In which of the following ways did Henry Ford transform the American manufacturing system?

He introduced interchangeable parts to increase production.

Which of the following best explains why Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution in the 1960's?

He sought to depose government officials who might oppose his form of communism.

All of the following are true about Confucius except.

He used Buddhism as a foundation for his own teachings.

Henry VIII (1491-1547) was a major figure in English History. Which of the following is correct about the long-term influence of King Henry VIII?

Henry VIII separated from the Catholic Church and Founded the Church of England that would be a major religious institution throughout the later British Empire.

In which of the following elections did the Texas Electoral College vote go to the republican nominee for president for the first time in Texas History?

Herbert Hoover (1928)

Stephen F. Austin

Hired frontiersmen to protect Texas Colonists

Johannes Gutenberg lived from 1398-1468. Which of the following best explains his contributions to world history?

His printing press allowed for the wide-spread distribution of ideas.

Below are important similarities and differences among American Indian groups in Texas - Gulf, Plains, Puebloan, and Southeastern during the Spanish exploration and colonization time. Select the list with the names of tribes that most faithfully corresponds to the Indian groups they belong. The list to be selected should correspond in increasing order from Roman Numerals I to IV to the list of Indian groups. - Indian group: Gulf Coast - Nomadic and hunters/gatherers - Indian group: Puebloan - Nomadic, dependent on the buffalo, and fierce warriors. - Indian group: Puebloan - Sedentary, farmers and lived in houses made of adobe - Indian group: Southeastern - Sedentary food-rich environment and complex social systems

I (Karankawa;Coahuiltecans); II(Comanche,Apache); III(Jumano,Tiguas); IV(Caddos,Wichita)

Which of the following served as major sources of labor in the English colonies during the 18th century? I. indentured servants II. Slaves primarily descended from Africans III. Native Americans IV. European prisoners working off debts

I and II

Representatives from the 13 states met in Philadelphia in 1787 to draft a new constitution. during this process many compromises were made. Which of the following resulted from what is now known as the Great Compromise? I. each state would have an equal number of senators. II. slaves would count as 3/5 of a person in determining representation. III. the president would be elected by state legislators. IV. representation in the house of representatives would be based upon population of each state.

I and IV

During the Cold War, which of the following intensified conflict between the Us and the USSR? I. Berlin Blockade II. Marshall Plan III. Creation of NATO IV. Launching of Sputnik I

I, II, III, and IV

Which of the following applies to both banks and credit unions? I. they lend money at interest II. they hold deposits III. they provide both savings and checking services IV. they are owned by those who deposit money in the institution

I,II, & IV.

Which of the following did the United States gain as a result of the Spanish-American War? I. Philippines II. Puerto Rico III. Cuba IV. Hawaii

I,II, and III.

The 1066 invasion of England by William of Normandy (the Conqueror) brought many changes to England. Examine the following and determine which of these can be traced to William the Conqueror. I. Expansive taxing system throughout England. II. Concept of the King of England having to obey the law. III. Spread of the French language throughout England. IV. Introduction of the Feudal system into England.

I,III, and IV.

The fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism throughout Eastern Europe were caused by multiple factors. Examine the following and choose which factors influenced these developments. I. Pressure from the US and other western nations upon the Soviet Union to increase political rights throughout their sphere of influence. II. Chinese pressure for the Soviet Union to end their involvement in Afghanistan. III. Gorbachev's policies of Perestroika and Glasnost IV. The results of political elections in Poland that elected Solidarity.


Which of the following designates the location of a place or places where Moderate Climates (Mediterranean, Humid Subtropical, and/or Marine West Coast) are the domestic ones?

II only (Europe)

The two most obvious legacies of the Spanish colonial period are the Catholic religion and the Spanish language. Which of the following are also legacies of that period in Texas? I. Deforestation, contamination of environment II. Tilling, irrigation, livestock-handling techniques III. Alienation, displacement, and decimation of indigenous people IV. Silver mining, smelting V. Homestead exemption, community property

II,III and V

Many Aspects of western culture may be traced to ancient Greece. Examine the following aspects of culture and determine which of these can be traced to ancient Greece.

II,III, and IV only

The two most obvious legacies of the Spanish colonial period are the Catholic religion and the Spanish language. Which of the following are also legacies of that period in Texas? I. Deforestation, contamination of environment II. Tilling, irrigation, livestock-handling techniques III. Alienation, displacement, and decimation of indigenous people. IV. Silver mining, smelting V. Homestead exemption, community property

II,III, and V

Which of the following Roman numerals indicates the location of a place or places where Tropical Climates (Tropical wet and/or Tropical wet and dry) are dominant?

IV and VI (Africa and Southeast Asia)

Which of the following is the most likely reasons for the change in production a indicated in the graph?

Improvement in industrial technology

*Farming on a steep incline hill* The type of farming evident in the image above was common to which of the following civilizations?


Which historical event most influenced the writings of Marx and Engels?

Industrial Revolution

Which of the following historical eras was most shaped by the inventions of Robert Fulton?

Industrial Revolution

Scientist have developed ways to use embryo cells to cure some diseases. Which of the following is an issue that developed as a result of this advancement?

Is it ethical to use the cells of embryos for other uses?

Which of the following regions is dominant in the area marked with Roman II (AFRICA) on the map?


Match the following foreign policy titles to the president. Herbert Hoover?


Which of the following is true of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964)?

It allowed President Johnson to send combat troops to South Vietnam.

In which of the following ways did Hinduism most influence ancient Indian civilization?

It created a framework for Indian social structure based upon social status.

Which of the following best describes the importance of the Silk Road in world history?

It established trade routes that spread from the Roman Empire to China.

Which is the most likely reason why this decree was an important link in the chain of events leading to the Texas Revolution? "The Decree of April 6, 1830: -Stopped immigration from US. -Used generous land grants to encourage Mexican and European families to come to Texas. -Placed customs duties on good made in foreign nations.

It threatened the prosperity of the Texas Colonies.

"Sculpture of David" The work depicted in the image above is most associated with which of the following countries?


In the United States the government attempts to stabalize the economy through monetary and fiscal policy. Historically, which economist most influenced the way the United States attepmts to stabilize the economy?

John Maynard Keynes

While planning for an upcoming unit of the Great Depression, Mrs. Greene decides that she wants to incorporate a piece of fiction and some artwork into her unit. Which of the following pairs would best help Mrs. Greene's students understand the Great Depression?

John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath and the artwork of Dorothea Lange.

In what way was Judaism different from the other Mediterranean religions practiced in BC era world?

Judaism was founded on monotheism while the other Mediterranean religions were founded on polytheism.

In the classic experiment by 'Edward Toleman, he placed three different rats in a maze. The first rat was rewarded with food when it got to the end and as the day went by the first rat became quicker at reaching the end. The second rat never got any food as a reward and just wandered around the maze, not caring about getting to the end. The third rat went without a food reward few days and like rat B just wandered around the maze, but on day 11, Rat C was rewarded for getting to the end of the maze. Rat C then began to race rom one end of the maze to the other without experiencing many barriers, eventually outpacing Rat A who had been running the maze since day 1 of the experiment. In essence, Rat C had memorized the correct path to the end , but never had a reason to get there until the food reward was introduced.

Latent learning

Lulu Belle Madison

Leader in the Texas Chapter of the NAACP who fought for an end to white primaries

Which of the following best explains how cognitive psychologists view learning?

Learning produces changes in mental association based upon experiences.

Thomas Jefferson actually plagiarized some of the Declaration of Independence, specifically the line that all people have the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness from...


Which of the following best explains the impact of Alfred Thayer Mahan on Us foreign policy?

Mahan proposed that sea power and the buildup of a strong navy was the key to strong US foreign policy.

"I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve". -Nelson Mandela Which of the following best explains the influence that Nelson Mandela has had in world history?

Mandela helped unite South Africans at the end of apartheid and served as the first black president of South Africa.

"And that claim is by the right... to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and feared self-government entrusted to us." Which of the following terms best applies to the ideas expressed in the excerpt above?

Manifest Destiny.

Which of the following terms best describes the self-sufficient economic system that emerged in Western Europe to support the feudal systems?


Examples of Jim Crow Laws: -1878 Alabama Law: "it shall be unlawful for a negro and white to play together or in company with each other at any game of pool or billiards. -1882 Georgia Law: The officer in charge shall not bury, or allow to be buried, any colored persons upon ground set apart or used for the burial of white persons. -1883 N. Carolina Law: Books shall not be interchangeable b/w the white and colored schools, but shall continue to be used by the race first using them. Which of the following conclusions is supported by the chart bove?

Many former Confederate states continued to find ways to limit the rights of African Americans.

What impact did the early Texas settlers have on the culture and history of Texas?

Many settlers were from the southern US and they brought with them a "frontier" mentality that embraced individual success and limited government.

All of the following colonies are correctly paired with the primary purpose for their founding except...

Massachusetts - established in order for all inhabitants to freely practice whichever religion that they pleased.

If a federal and state law conflict prevails and is considered "supreme". Which of the following Supreme court cases clarified the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution?

McCulloch v. Maryland

Barbara Johnson

Member of the House of Representatives who fought for civil rights and championed ethics in government

Match each of the following countries with its form of government. Presidential Republic?


Dear sir: My attention has just been directed to a communication... in which the writer... proposes that I should be delivered up to the vengeance of Mexico for the redemption [return] of the unfortunate Santa Fe prisoners; and that I should be detained in the country... I can assure him that no forcible detention is necessary, for there is no power in the nation that can drive me from it...

Mirabeau Lamar

Eleven slave states from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. Which of the following slave states remained a part of the US during the Civil War?

Missouri and Maryland

The division of the United States government into three separate branches is from the writings of ...


Match the following foreign policy titles to the president. Woodrow Wilson?

Moral Diplomacy

The GI Bill was passed in 1944. Which of the following best describes the most significant impact of the GI Bill?

More Americans from diverse backgrounds earned college degrees.

Which of the following was the most significant social result of the pattern seen in the graph above?

More immigrants came to the US.

Analyze the following two sources of information; then answer the question that follows. -Hinduism develops in South Asia 2000 BCE -Judaism develops in Southwest Asia 1500 BCE -Buddhism develops in South Asia 590 BCE -Christianity develops in Southwest Asia 33 CE -Islam develops in Southwest Asia 610 CE -Sikhism develops in South Asia 1500 CE Which of the following conclusions is supported by the two visuals above?

Most world religions spread to from their place of origins to other to other parts of the world.

"For a world geography unit on Central Asia, Mr. Stephenson worked with the 9th grade English teacher, Ms. Moss on an interdisciplinary unit. As students learn about the geography, history, and current issues in central Asia, students will read selections from Three Cups of Tea - a book recounting an Americans' efforts to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan in English Class. Which of the following would be the best way for MR. Stephenson and Ms. Moss to approach this book and unit?

Mr. Stephenson should focus on building the background knowledge for the books as well as refer to the book often during the unit and Ms. Moss should build on the background knowledge but also make sure students are building literacy skills of main idea and summarization.

"For a world geography unit on Central Asia, Mr. Stephenson worked with the 9th grade English teacher, Ms. Moss on an interdisciplinary unit. As students learn about the geography, history, and current issues in central Asia, students will read selections from Three Cups of Tea - a book recounting an Americans' efforts to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan in English Class. Which of the following activities would be the most appropriate summative assessment for the unit on Central Asia?

Ms. Moss and Mr. Stephenson will create a joint performance assessment where the students create a website highlighting the geography and history of the villages where schools were built by the author of Three Cups of Tea along with excerpts from the book to highlight what life is like there.

During the middle ages, which of the following civilizations invented algebra, calculated the circumference of the earth, developed treatments for cataracts, and required potential doctors to first pass exam before they could practice medicine?


After World War !!, the United States joined in an alliance with various European to protect each other from aggression from the Soviet Union. What is the name of this alliance?


Enlightenment philosophers contributed to the United States political philosophy by stressing that governmental decisions should be based on -

Natural law and reason.

In which of the following countries do humans and animals have less oxygen in their blood?


Contribution to the civilization of it's origin. Phoenicia?

Number system based upon 60.

The expansion of the United States occurred in a variety of ways. Examine the choices below and choose which territory or state is not properly matched with the correct description of its acquisition?

Oregon Territory was secured as a result of a treaty with Russia.

Which of the following is a correct statement about the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act?

Other nations retaliated against its passage by increasing their own own tariffs on imported goods from the US.

"It would never have crossed my mind to command an Army of women. I never did learn to salute properly or to master the Thirty-inch stride." Who would have been most likely to have made the statement above?

Oveta Culp Hobby

Contribution to the civilization of it's origin. China?


Contribution to the civilization of it's origin. Egypt?


Which of the following members of the U.S. Senate co-authored the economic policies of President Ronald Regan?

Phil Gramm

Indicate how the Columbian Exchange and Triangular Trade Routes affected the different populations by completing the following table. Europeans?

Population Increased.

Indicate how the Columbian Exchange and Triangular Trade Routes affected the different populations by completing the following table. Native Americans?

Population decreased.

Africans in the Americas?

Population increased.

In which of the following eras did the European aristocracy lose the most power and privilege?

Post-World War I Era

in which of the following eras did the European aristocracy lose the most power and privilege?

Post-world war I era

Which of the following is a true statement concerning Reconstruction (1865-1877)?

President Johnson's plan was rejected by Radical Republicans who sought to punish the leaders of the Confederate Army and Government.

During the early phase of the New Deal, the Supreme Court declared several New Deal era laws unconstitutional. Which of the following best describes how President franklin D. Roosevelt proposed to deal with the reluctance of the Supreme Court to agree with Roosevelt's New Deal agenda?

President Roosevelt asked Congress to increase the number of Supreme Court justices so that he could appoint justices who agreed with him.

Jane McCallum

President of the Texas Equal Suffrage Association who led Texas Campaigns for Suffrage

James K. Polk

President of the US when Texas became a state.

"The role of the federal government greatly expanded since the 19th century. When business and industry sought profits over worker and consumer safety it became necessary for the federal government to intervene in regulate industry. The failure of business during the Great Depression again required the intervention of the federal government in order to ensure the relief and recovery of the American people. During the late 20th century the federal government again had to protect Americans when states refused to ensure due process for African Americans during the Civil Rights era." "Aggression first by the Germans and then by the Soviet Union resulted in the United States being forced to increase the federal budget and the size of the military and intelligence organizations. Unlike a social programs, the military and intelligence agencies provide protection for all Americans and the American way of life. In order to control run-away federal spending it will be necessary to slash funding for social programs, but in order to ensure the strength of the US and the protection of the nation, military and intelligence funding should be increased." From the passages above, all of the following conclusions can be drawn about the expanding role of the federal government except -

Programs and agencies run by the federal government have been ineffective.

Which of the following political traditions can be traced to Hammurabi's Code (1790 B.C.)?

Publishing the aw code so that everyone knows the laws and the punishments for breaking them.

Islam (religious texts or belief System).


If unemployment is about 9% and inflation is high, but steady, where in the business cycle is the economy?


"I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve". -Nelson Mandela With which of the following would Nelson Mandela most likely agree?

Reconciliation is necessary to advance democracy and freedom.

If unemployed is about 5% and falling inflation is rising at about 2% per year, where in the business cycle is the economy?


From about 500 BC to 50 BC which of the following statements about the government of Rome is accurate?

Rome practiced a form of republican government where the Senate held most of the power.

From about 500 BC which of the following statements about the government of Rome is accurate?

Rome practiced a form of republican government where the Senate held most of the power.

All of the following actions increased tensions during the Cold War except.

SALT II treaty was signed.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the speech below? "What is there that is free that we have not? Are our rights invaded and no Government ready to protect them? No! Are our institutions wrested from us and other foreign to our taste forced upon us? No! Is the right of free speech, a free press, or free suffrage taken from us? No! Has our property been taken from us and the Government failed to interpose when called upon? No, none of these! The rights of the States and the Rights of individuals are still maintained. We have yet the constitution, we have yet a judiciary, which has never been appealed to in vain -- we have yet just laws and officers to administer them; and an army and navy, ready to maintain any and every constitutional right of the citizen. Whence then this clamor about disunion? Whence this cry of protection to property or disunion, when even the very loudest cry, declared under their senatorial oaths, but a few months since, that no protection was necessary? Are we to sell reality for a phantom? Sam Houston. 1860.

Sam Houston was attempting to convince Texans to reject secession from the U.S.

Absolute Monarchy

Saudi Arabia

Which of the following types of investments is the safest but normally has the lowest rate of return?

Savings account

Which of the following best describes Mary Maverick's contribution to Texas History?

She kept a detailed diary that has served as a primary source on Texas' pioneer and revolutionary history.

Of the following religions, which one developed in ancient Japan?



Social and economic institutions exist that are not under the government's control.

The War with Mexico lasted from 1846 to 1848. Which of the following is a major reason that some Americans opposed this war?

Some Americans believed that President Polk deliberately started the war.

The war with Mexico lasted from 1846 to 1848. Which of the following is a major reason that some Americans opposed this war?

Some Americans believed that President Polk deliberately started the war.

Which of the following is an example of a people adapting to the environment rather than adapting the environment to the people?

Southwestern North America The Anasazi people used the cliffs of the Southwestern parts of the united states as their homes.

Which of the following explains why Spaniards explored Texas?

Spain wanted to find and claim new lands.

Which of the following European colonies in North America had missions?

Spanish colonies in California, Texas, and Florida.

Development in which of the following led to the rise of the Second Industrial Revolution and the creation of skyscrapers and other massive buildings and structures?


A teacher is supervising a student's research course. The student wants to research the smoking habits of high school students. Which of the following would the teacher suggest that the student do to collect data?

Survey a sample of students in the school.

During the 1970's, conflicts between Syria and Iraq almost led to a declared war between the two nations. Which of the following best explains the reasons for this conflict?

Syria damned up part of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers which limited the amount of fresh water that could flow into Iraq.

All of the following items spread from China along the Silk Roads and other trade routes throughout the world except -


"Woman's Holy War" 19th century images like the one pictured above depicted the temperance movement as primarily a women's crusade. Which of the following best explains why the temperance movement appealed more to women than to men?

Temperance was seen as a crusade to protect women and children from the financial ruin nd violent outburst that often accompanied alcoholism.

Which of the following was formed as a result of tectonic plate movements?

The Alps.

Excerpt from Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. 1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. 2. The aim of all liberty political association is the preservation of the natural rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. 7. No person shall be accused, arrested or imprisoned excerpt in the cases and according to the forms prescribed by law. Any one soliciting, transmitting, executing or causing to be executed any arbitrary order shall be punished. But any citizen summoned or arrested in virtue of the law shall submit w/o delay, as resistance constitutes an offense. 9. As all persons are held innocent until they shall have been declared guilty, if arrest shall be deemed indispensable, all harshness not essential to the securing of the prisoners person shall be severely repressed by law. 10. No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law. 13. A common contribution (tax) is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of administration. This should be equitably distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means. 17. Since property is an inviolable and sacred right, no one shall be deprived thereof except where public necessity, legally determined, shall clearly demand it, and then only on condition that the owner shall have been previously and equitably indemnified. - Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, 1789. Which of the following US documents is most likely the document above?

The Bill of Rights

in 1954 the supreme court handed down the opinion in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Which of the following best explains how this decision affected the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision?

The Brown decision overturned the separate but equal doctrine established in Plessy.

During the Constitutional ratification process, promises were made to alleviate some of the fears of Anti-Federalists. Which of the following best explains how the first Congress fulfilled the promises made to Anti-Federalists during the ratification process?

The Congress drafted a Bill of Rights that would protect individual and state rights from the federal government.

"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the US, in Congress assembled." In 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation. This document served as the first government of the United States. Which of the following best explains the intent of the Continental Congress in wording the document above as they did?

The Continental Congress wanted to ensure that power remained with the individual states.

Which of the following best explains the main reason for continuous conflict between Native Americans and English settlers during the 17th and 18th centuries?

The English continuously tried to expand westward into lands controlled by Native Americans.

" A recession is a period of time, normally two or more quarters (more than six months) of economic decline. A recession is typically accompanied by an increase in unemployment." According to current monetary policy, which of the following decisions would best help end a recession in the United States?

The Federal Reserve decreases the interest rate and buys government securities.

During Reconstruction, Freedman's Bureau was created in order to help former slaves adjust to life as freedmen. Which of the following best describes the Freedman's Bureau greatest success?

The Freedman's Bureau provided educational opportunities to former slaves.

As a result of the battle of Saratoga, the French decided to aid the American colonists in the war for independence. Which of the following best explains the reason for France's support?

The French wanted to weaken the British Empire.

The Russian Revolution in 1917 resulted in the overthrow of the monarchy nd the beginning of a civil war between different factions. Which of the following best describes another result of the Russian Revolution of 1917?

The Germans no longer had to fight a two front war.

Which region of Texas had an economic boom resulting from Spindletop?

The Gulf Coast

The Texas Lieutenant Governor is often called the most powerful politician in Texas. Which of the following explains why the Lieutenant Governor is considered so powerful?

The Lieutenant Governor is a member of both the executive and Legislative Departments and determines which bills are considered in the Texas Senate.

The Texians (Texas Revolutionaries) easily defeated the Mexicans at the Battle of San Jacinto. Which of the following is the best reason why?

The Mexican army was preparing for the upcoming battle by taking a day of rest and on that day, the Texians were able to lead a surprise attack.

After the fall of Mongolian rule in China, the Ming Dynasty gained power. Which of the following is an accomplishment of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)?

The Ming Dynasty expanded overseas trade with voyages of Zheng He.

"Their conquest was fierce and ruthless, but their rule resulted in peace and security for their empire. Conquered peoples kept their own cultural traditions as well as ensured that trade along the Silk Road flourished. At the height of their power, that had created the largest land-based empire in the history of the world." Which of the following empires is described in the passage above?

The Mongols

Which of the following is depicted in the graphic above?

The Nutrient Cycle

In 1453, the Byzantine Empire came to an end when the Ottomans sacked Constantinople. Which of the following is the best example of how the Ottomans showed tolerance for their conquered populations?

The Ottomans legalized a variety of religions including Judaism and Christianity.

Which of the following is an example of a secondary sources?

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

The Spanish first attempted to establish a Texas mission in 1690. What was the primary reason that the Spanish decided that they needed to establish a mission in Texas?

The Spanish discovered that the French had already established a settlement Fort Saint Louis and the Spanish wanted to discourage future efforts of French settlement.

The Intolerable Acts of 1774 included all of the following except...

The Tea Act

Which of the following terms would be best describe the author's point of view regarding the treatment of some German Americans during WWII?

The US government unfairly and unnecessarily signaled German-Americans and those of German descent for internment.

Which of the following ideas are most associated with the work of Karl Marx?

The abuses of the capitalist system would be solved only if they system was overthrown.

"I understand that you can separate a few children, to improve their education they need special instruction; but to separate all the Mexicans in one group can only be done by infringing the laws of the State of California. And I do not blame the Mexican children because a few of them are behind (in school work) for this segregation. On the contrary, this is a fact in their favor. I believe that this separation denies the Mexican children the presence of the American children, which is so necessary to learn the English language." - Judge Chambers, 1931 -Lemon Grove Incident, California Which of the following would be a valid conclusion, supported by the primary source above?

The access to equal educational opportunities was challenged in a court twenty years before the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in schools.

One of the first step in the process for making federal public policy is setting the "agenda" that determines which public policy issues will be addressed and when. Which of the following best describes the main influence on what is included on the agenda?

The agenda is determined by public pressure for certain issues.

During the first two decades of the 20th century, automobiles began to be sold in most major cities. Which of the following best describes how the automobile most incorporated American life?

The automobile allowed for people to live farther away from their place of employment.

Which of the following was the first significant challenge of Texas forces to Mexican control as most Texans wanted independence from Mexico?

The battle of the Alamo

Which of the following best describes the significance of the Battle of Palmito Ranch is US History?

The battle was the last major battle of the Civil War and resulted in the surrender of most of the trans-Mississippi forces, included those from Texas.

- United Kingdom 89% - Germany 88% -US 80% - Spain 76% - France 75% - Italy 67% - Ireland 60% Which of the following historical events best explains the pattern in the chart above?

The countries with the highest percentages of urban population were leaders during the industrial revolution while those with lower percentages do not have a strong history of industrialization.

IV. And also it be enacted.. That all servants imported and brought into this country, by sea or land, who were not Christians in their native country (except Turks and Moors...)... shall be accounted and be slaves, and as such be here brought and sold notwithstanding a conversion to Christianity afterwards... XI. Be it also enacted, by authority aforesaid, it is hereby enacted, That no Negros, mulattos, or Indians, although Christians, or Jews, Moors, Mahometans (Muslims), or other infidels, shall, at any time, purchase any Christian servant... XXXIV. And if any slave resist his master, or owner, or other person, by his or her order, correcting such slave, and shall happen to be killed in such correction, it shall not be accounted felony; but the master, owner, and every such other person so giving correction, shall be free and acquit of all punishment and accusation for the same, as if such accident had never happened: And also, if any negro, mulatto, or Indian, he or she so offending, shall, for every such offence, proved by the oath of the party, receive on his or her bare back, thirty lashes, well laid on; cognizable by a justice of the peace for that county wherein such offence shall be committed... XXXVI. And also it is hereby enacted and declared, That baptism of slaves doth not exempt them from bondage; and that all children shall be bond or free, according to the condition of their mothers, and the particular directions of this act. Which of the following best explains the purpose of the above document?

The document was created in order to established legal guidelines regarding the status of nd treatment of slaves.

Which of the following was a result of WWII in Texas?

The economy of the state moved more toward industrialization.

Demand Goes down

The government increases a tax on cigarettes

in 1820 Moses Austin traveled to San Antonio to petition for a land grant, and in the following year (1821) he received approval from the government to settle 300 American families on a 200,000 acres land in Mexican Tejas. The first Anglo-American colony was known as the "Old Three Hundred". Which of the following is reason this plan came under scrutiny and faced opposition from the government right after the colonists had settled there in 1822?

The grant had been made under a different government charter.

Private property

The individual has the right to own private land or business

Which of the following statements about the New Deal's impact on the United States' economy and society are correct?

The new deal failed to provide widespread programs to assist African Americans and women. the new deal in creased the federal governments regulatory authority over banking and the stock market. the new deal introduced national retirement insurance through the Social Security Act.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the political boundaries in Iran?

The political boundaries were primarily drawn around physical features such as mountains.

Which of the following is a way for a bill to become law without the president's signature?

The president cannot sign the bill for ten days and then it automatically becomes law.

Demand Goes Up

The price of a steak decreases


The rivalry between sellers that motivates sellers to provide the best service and products at the lowest possible price or be forced out of business.

Spain ruled a vast empire based on the labor and exploitation of the Indian population . Which of the following is directly responsible for drastically reducing the native population during Spanish exploration?

The spread of diseases among the Indian population.

*http:// www.foiltimes.com/gasummary.htm* If a student wanted to use this as a source in a research paper, which of the following should the teacher instruct the student to do next?

The student should determine the validity of the source and find another source to confirm the information on this website.

"Atypical rains and low temperatures throughout coffee producing sections of Brazil, Columbia, and Indonesia have led to a lower than expected supply of coffee might lead to the lowest supply of coffee beans in the last decade. The governments of all three countries are discussing with coffee farmers the possibility of relief funds to help offset the loss in projected revenue. Which of the following will most likely happen to supply, demand, and price as a result of the conditions described in the article above?

The supply of coffee will decrease, the demand will increase, and the price will increase.

Which of the following statements is an example of a biased statement?

The united States is the most powerful country in the Western Hemisphere.

All of the following accurately describes effects of World War I except...

The use of atomic weapons began the transformation of military weapons and future warfare.

- United Kingdom 89% - Germany 88% -US 80% - Spain 76% - France 75% - Italy 67% - Ireland 60% Based upon the information in the chart above, which of the following assumptions would be most valid?

There is more pollution in the United Kingdom than in Ireland

"Map of Neutral, Central, and Allied powers" Which of the following is supported by the map above?

There were more countries in the Allied Powers than in the Central Powers.

Which of the following characteristics correctly describes the Caddo Indians?

They lived in the pine forests of East Texas; were the first farmers in Texas; were known as the "mound builders".

Which of the following best describes the roles that Simon bolivar, Miguel de Hidalgo, and Jose de San Martin played in the 19th Century Latin American history?

They were all leaders in Latin American revolutionary movements.

*Medieval church Which of the following best purposes of buildings such as the one pictured above?

They were religious buildings that were designed to serve local communities as well as a place where pilgrims prayed over Christian relics.

"Daddy what did you do in the Great War? *picture* Which of the following would be an appropriate use of this WWI British primary source document?

This document could be used to examine ways that the government used to recruit soldiers into the armed services.

Which of the following individuals holds the most patents for inventions in history?

Thomas Edison

The Sedition Act was passed 1789 and signed into law by President John Adams. Which of the following best describes the motives that Congress and President Adams had in supporting the Sedition Act?

To discourage people from criticizing Adams's foreign policies

Judaism (religious texts or belief System).


The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was a part of President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy. Which of the following best describes the role of the United States under the Roosevelt Corollary?

US intervention in Latin American affairs would be justified if Latin American countries could not handle their own domestic affairs.

consumer Sovereignty

Ultimately the buyers in a market determine whether a business stays in operation through seeking out the best products and services at the lowest possible prices.

Match each of the following countries with its form of government. Constitutional Monarchy?

United Kingdom

Hinduism (religious texts or belief System).


IV. And also it be enacted.. That all servants imported and brought into this country, by sea or land, who were not Christians in their native country (except Turks and Moors...)... shall be accounted and be slaves, and as such be here brought and sold notwithstanding a conversion to Christianity afterwards... XI. Be it also enacted, by authority aforesaid, it is hereby enacted, That no Negros, mulattos, or Indians, although Christians, or Jews, Moors, Mahometans (Muslims), or other infidels, shall, at any time, purchase any Christian servant... XXXIV. And if any slave resist his master, or owner, or other person, by his or her order, correcting such slave, and shall happen to be killed in such correction, it shall not be accounted felony; but the master, owner, and every such other person so giving correction, shall be free and acquit of all punishment and accusation for the same, as if such accident had never happened: And also, if any negro, mulatto, or Indian, he or she so offending, shall, for every such offence, proved by the oath of the party, receive on his or her bare back, thirty lashes, well laid on; cognizable by a justice of the peace for that county wherein such offence shall be committed... XXXVI. And also it is hereby enacted and declared, That baptism of slaves doth not exempt them from bondage; and that all children shall be bond or free, according to the condition of their mothers, and the particular directions of this act. Which of the following about Virginian colonial society can be inferred from the above document?

Virginia society was diverse and included individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds and religions.

The American concept, of religious freedom is actually an idea of?


Which of the following Progressive era reformers sought to secure African Americans immediate political, economic and social equality?

W.E.B. DuBois

*Immigration to Great Britain* Which of the following best describes the reason for the immigration patterns in the chart above?

Warfare and conflict throughout Europe forced many Europeans to escape their home countries.

*Russia, Japan, and the US.) Which of the following lessons would be the most appropriate in which to use these two images as primary source documents?

Western Imperialism.

How do the laws of supply and demand impact free trade?

What a nation imports and exports is largely determined by the supply and demand the each nation's suppliers and consumers, regardless of free trade or the presence of tariffs.

Match each term to unemployment too to its definition. Under-employment

When employed people are working less than they would like or they are working in jobs they are overqualified for

Which of the following individuals was the colonel in charge of the Alamo?

William B. Travis

Reconstruction ended in 1877. Which of the following best explains what led to the end of Reconstruction?

a compromise to resolve the disputed election of 1876.

During the 20th century major advances in science and engineering led to many technological innovations. Which of the following best describes the economic impact of these innovations?

a decrease in the number of factory jobs.

Which of the following best describes monopolistic competition?

a few companies produce basically the same product that is differentiated by advertising or packaging

In the town of Nacogdoches 11th Day of February, 1835. Before me, Citizen Radford Berry, sole constitutional alcalde of this town, and this municipality and the witnesses of my assistance, the stranger Thomas J. Rusk, who I declare, acknowledge and accredit to be originally of the United States of the North America; of the Christian Religion; 29 years of age; a married man with family, by profession a laborer and stock raiser, and that he wished to establish himself under a wise and just citizen and induced by the invitation held out foreigners, friendly to the country, and who wish to settle, to come and establish themselves. And to this end I administered the oath to obey, sustain and defend the laws, general as well as of the state... Citizens and Foreigners of the Nacogdoches District 1809-- 1836 by Carolyn Erickson The document above allowed Thomas J. Rusk to become--

a naturalized citizen of Mexico

Correlation Study

a researcher decides to examine how two school implement a new reading program and studies each school individually and then compares the results to each other.

Action research

a school system decides to examine how an alternate block schedule where students spend more time in a class each day, but attends class fewer days, impacts student results on advanced placement exams.

longitudinal study

a state decides to determine how effective their vocational and technology programs were in preparing students for jobs immediately after graduation as well as 10 years later.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the relationships between a research study's validity and reliability?

a study can be reliable without being valid

which of the following is a true statement regarding the relationships between a research study's validity and reliability?

a study can be reliable without being valid.

case study

a teacher decides to try a new approach to teaching historical writing and keeps a detailed journal and data on how well the students do woth this new method.

When the value of a nation's imports exceeds the value of exports -

a trade deficit exists.

The Industrial Revolution transformed the economic and social conditions in the Western World. Which of the following was central to the development of the western industrial revolution?

advancements in agricultural methods.

The Industrial Revolution transformed the economic and social conditions in the western world. Which of the following was central to the development of the western Industrial Revolution?

advancements in agricultural methods.

The work of Marie Curie most directly contributed to -

advances in radioactivity

As early settlers moved to Texas, Most of them settled--

along the Brazos River.

Which of the following aspects of European culture from the late Middle Ages led to the decline in the power and influence of the Catholic church?

an emphasis on inquiry and questioning of traditional ideas.

Which of the following describes how Jose de Escandon Shaped Texas history?

as a military leader and governor he helped secure the settlement of Nuevo Santander, one of the first permanent settlements in Texas.

In the 1980's and 1990's, the Texas economy--

became more diverse with the addition of high-tech jobs.

Neither political parties nor interest groups are mentioned in the Constitution; however, they have become a major factor in the U.S. governmental system. Political parties and interest groups are similar in all of the following ways except -

both nominate candidates for political office.

Both the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts were passed in response to the problem of -

business dealings limiting competition.

"After[dividing] the several classes of power, as they may in their nature be legislative, executive, or judiciary, the next and most difficult task is to provide some practicl security for each, agains the invasion of the others." - The Federalist, No.48

checks and balances

After assigning a research project in a U.S. Government class. Mr. Yang asked students to submit a research project proposal. After examining the research proposals above, which of the following would be the best topic for Mr. Yang to review or explain in more detail with the entire class during the next class session?

choosing selection samples.

Many historians have argued that the American Slave system would have died out had it not been for which of the following inventions?

cotton gin

In order for Texas to be readmitted to the United States, it had to do all of the following except--

create a public higher education system that admitted students from all races.

About one hundred men went towards the Custom's house where the king's money is lodged. They immediately surrounded the sentry posted there, and with clubs and other weapons threatened to execute their vengeance on him.. On this a general attack was made on the men (British Soldiers) by a great number of heavy clubs and snowballs being thrown at them (colonists) by which all our lives were imminent danger... Instantly three or four of the soldiers fired, one after another, and directly after three more in the same confusion and hurry. The mob then ran away... On my asking the soldiers why they fired without orders, they said they heard the word fire and supposed it came from me. This might be the case as many of the mob called out the fire, fire, but I assured the men that I gave no such order; that my words were, don't fire, stop your firing. In short, it was scarcely possible for the soldiers to know who said fire, or don't fire, or stop your firing. - British Captain Thomas Preston's Account of the Boston Massacre Thirty or forty persons, mostly lads, being by this means gathered in King Street, Capt. Preston's with a party of men with charged bayonets, came from the main guard to the commissioners house, the soldiers pushing their bayonets, crying, make way! They took place by the places, on which they were continuing to push to drive the people off pricked some in several places, on which they were clamorous and, it is said, threw a few snowballs. On this, fire, be the consequences what it will! One soldier then fired.. the soldiers continued the fire successively till seven or eight or, as some say, eleven guns were discharged. By this fatal maneuver three men were laid dead on the spot and two more struggling for life; but what showed a degree of cruelty unknown to British troops, at least since the house of Hanover has directed their operation, was an attempt to fire upon or push with their bayonets the persons who undertook to remove the slain and wounded! - Boston Newspaper Account of the Boston Massacre Which of the following would be the most appropriate use of these accounts in the classroom setting?

demonstrate that there are many conflicting historical accounts of different events in history and that the job of historians and history students is to explore these accounts to try to understand different accounts.

jeff eats one chocolate bar and it satisfies his sweet tooth. He then eats a second candy bar, but he recieves less satisfaction from the second chocolate bar than he did from the first one. Finally, Jeff eats one more chocolate bar, but receives even less, satisfaction than he got from the second one. Which economic term is described above?

diminishing marginal utility

"I understand that you can separate a few children, to improve their education they need special instruction; but to separate all the Mexicans in one group can only be done by infringing the laws of the State of California. And I do not blame the Mexican children because a few of them are behind (in school work) for this segregation. On the contrary, this is a fact in their favor. I believe that this separation denies the Mexican children the presence of the American children, which is so necessary to learn the English language." - Judge Chambers, 1931 -Lemon Grove Incident, California Which of the following best describes the tone of the primary source above?


"If a man has knocked out the teeth of a man of his same rank, his own teeth shall be knocked out. If he has knocked out the teeth of a plebian (commoner), he shall pay one third of a mina of silver..." - Code of Hammurabi Which idea of babylonian Society does this portion of the Hammurabi's code of law reflect?

divisions existed between social classes.

Under the US federal system the federal and state governments share some powers. Which of the following is a power that both federal and state governments have?

enforcing laws

"We entered this war because violations of right had occurred which touched us to quick and made the life of our own people impossible unless they were corrected and the world secure once for all against their recurrence. What we demand in this war, therefore, is nothing peculiar to ourselves. It is that the world be made fit and safe to live in; and particularly that it be made safe for every peace-loving nation which, like our own, wishes to live its own life, determine its own institutions, be assured of justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression. All the peoples of the world are in effect partners in this interest, and for our own part we see very clearly that unless justice be done to others it will not be done to us. The programme of the world's peace, therefore, is our programme.. -Woodrow Wilson 1918 Which of the following was proposed by Wilson and accepted by European negotiators at Versailles to address some of the concerns expressed in this excerpt?

establishment of a League of Nations

In the late 19th century, one way that businesses tried to eliminate competition was by -

forming monopolies or trusts.

The study of gender development and relationships has become a major area of specialization in the 20th century. Which of the following best describes the findings of most western gender socialization studies that have occurred in the 20th century?

girls are more likely to engage in activities that stress cooperation.

it is a relatively new term used to describe a very old process. Distance has been largely overcome and political boundaries removed to facilitate the exchange of goods and ideas. Propelled by the desire to improve one's life and helped by technology, bith the interconnectedness and interdependence have grown. This increasing integration of the world has enriched life but also created new problems as business sought to find cheaper labor elsewhere.


Which of the following noble practices was most explained by the legal system of primogeniture in Europe during the period normally referred to as the Middle Ages

having the second born son join priesthood

Both Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts were passed in an effort to -

increase competition in the market place.

Private enterprise

individuals have the right to decide which business he or she wants to enter.

Which of the following is most associated with upholding due process of law?

informing those accused of crimes of their rights.

Which of the following best describes he role that the Roman Catholic Church played in European political life during the 10th through the 15th century?

it blessed the reign of kings and princes.

"We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith... Having undertaken, for the glory of God... a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually... and combine ourselves ogether into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid: and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony: unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. - The Mayflower Compact 1620. The Mayflower Compact was signed by settlers of pymouth Colony prior to disembarking the Mayflower. Which of the following best explains the long-lasting impact of this document on the United States history?

it established the traditional American governmental concept of consent of the governed.

Which of the following describes the concept of patriarchy?

it is a social organization where families and society are dominated by males.

The proclamation of 1763 is considered one of the causes of the American Revolution. Which of the following best explains why American colonists objected to the Proclamation of 1763?

it limited colonial expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains

The year 1519 is an important date in Texas history because--

it was the date that the Spanish first mapped the coastline of Texas.

Eddie Bernice Johnson

member of the House of Representatives, representing parts of Dallas, she championed education, public housing, and prohibiting discrimination about individuals with AIDS

During the Cold War, Texas benefited greatly from -

military machine and equipment that was built in Texas.

Compared to European medieval culture, European Renaissance culture was..

more concerned with worldly-secular issues than during medieval culture.

When preparing a lesson on the French Revolution, Ms. Esparza chose to include a lesson on economics. Which of the following best describes which topics in economics would be necessary for students to review in order to better understand the French Revolution?

national taxation and expenditures

Which of the following was a a major cause of the decline of both the Roman Empire and the Chinese Han Empire?

numerous nomadic invasions.

Last night, the San Antonio City met to finalize next year's budget. During the public comments section of the meeting, two projects received the most attention - building a new park that would be designed specifically for children with physical disabilities and extending the library hours to accommodate evening activities including children's theatre and adult literacy programs. Josie Esparza, the City Council representative from District 3, remined the council that funding the new park would mean that the City would not be able to fund a planned extension of library hours throughout the city for the next fiscal year. After deliberation, the City council chose to fund a new park this year and to return to the issue of extending library hours during the next fiscal year.

opportunity cost

Many small businesses such as restaurants organize as a corporation rather than a sole proprietorship or a partnership. Which of the following would be the major reason why the owner of owners of a small business would incorporate?

owners of a corporation have limited liability and cannot be sued individually.

All of the following resulted from Civil Rights Act of 1964, except -

poll taxes were eliminated

When the state government passes a law requiring that landlords install water sprinklers and carbon monoxide detectors in their rental properties, this is an example of conflict between government responsibility to protect individuals and -

private property rights.

Professor Clark: "I used these methods which I told you about the --Negro and White dolls -- which were identical in every respect save skin color... I presented these dolls to them (children) and I asked them the "Show me the doll that looks bad... I found that of the children between the ages of six and nine whom I tested, which were a total of sixteen in number, that ten of those children chose the white dolls as their preference; the doll which they liked the best. Ten of them also considered every the white doll a nice doll. And , I think you have to keep that these dolls are absolutely identical in every respect except skin color. Eleven of these sixteen children chose the brown doll as the doll which looked bad. This is consistent with previous results which we have obtained testing over three hundred children, and we interpret it to mean that the Negro child accepts as early as six, seven, or eight the negative stereotypes about his own group.... Lawyer: Well, as a result of your tests, what conclusion have you reached, Mr. Clark? Professor Clark: The conclusion which I was forced to reach was that these children in Clarendon County, like other human beings who are subjected to an obviously inferior status in the society in which they live, have been definitely harmed in the development of their personalities; that the signs of instability in their personalities are clear, and I think that every researcher would accept and interpret these signs as such. Lawyer: Is that the type of injury in your opinion would be enduring or lasting? Professor Clark: I think it is the kind of injury which would be as enduring or lasting as the situation endured, changing only in its form and in the way it manifests itself. Which of the following fields would the study described above most likely be conducted?


Ms. Poole is preparing a pretest for her high school US History class. In preparing for the pretest, which of the following types of questions would best help her determine the level of her students' social studies skills?

questions related to interpreting maps, graphs, and charts as well as primary and secondary sources.

When women in the 1920's cut their hair and wore short dresses, they were -

rebelling against the social norms of the Victorian Age.

In 1215 King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta. This document required the king to follow the law and give basic rights to his lords. Which concept from the Bill of Rights can be traced to the Magna Carta?

right to a jury trial

Western African Kingdoms, such as the Mali, became wealthy and powerful in the 1300's primarily due to their...

role in the trade of gold and salt.

Which of the following was not a qualification to own land in Texas according to Spanish colonization law?

slaves could accompany land owners

Which of the following is a state power that greatly influences the functioning of the federal government?

states determine how to draw Congressional districts after a census.

While planning a lesson on westgate, Mr. Rojas decides to have students analyze the above primary source document. Which of the following activities would be an appropriate activity for students to engage in after reading and analyzing the above document?

students could use it as source material in preparing for a debate on whether or not President Nixon should face a criminal trial.

"For a world geography unit on Central Asia, Mr. Stephenson worked with the 9th grade English teacher, Ms. Moss on an interdisciplinary unit. As students learn about the geography, history, and current issues in central Asia, students will read selections from Three Cups of Tea - a book recounting an Americans' efforts to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan in English Class. Educational research suggests that the interdisciplinary unit on Central Asia would be very appropriate or 9th graders because -

students learn best when new content is connected to other new learning.

"The role of the federal government greatly expanded since the 19th century. When business and industry sought profits over worker and consumer safety it became necessary for the federal government to intervene in regulate industry. The failure of business during the Great Depression again required the intervention of the federal government in order to ensure the relief and recovery of the American people. During the late 20th century the federal government again had to protect Americans when states refused to ensure due process for African Americans during the Civil Rights era." Based upon the information in Passage A it is reasonable to infer that the author would -

support expanded the role of the federal government in health care.

All of the following are civic responsibilities except -

supporting one's family

Which of the following is most likely to occur when a country imposes a tariff on an import?

tax revenue increases

Which of the following events resulted in Mexico ending all immigration from the United States?

the 1826 seizure of the Old Stone Fort in Nacogdoches by American settlers who declared the area the Republic of Fredonia.

During the era of Mexican rule, why did Mexican officials become concerned with the influx of American settlers?

the American settlers often failed to convert to Catholicism leading to an influx of protestants to Mexican territory.

Excerpt from Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. 1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. 2. The aim of all liberty political association is the preservation of the natural rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. 7. No person shall be accused, arrested or imprisoned excerpt in the cases and according to the forms prescribed by law. Any one soliciting, transmitting, executing or causing to be executed any arbitrary order shall be punished. But any citizen summoned or arrested in virtue of the law shall submit w/o delay, as resistance constitutes an offense. 9. As all persons are held innocent until they shall have been declared guilty, if arrest shall be deemed indispensable, all harshness not essential to the securing of the prisoners person shall be severely repressed by law. 10. No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law. 13. A common contribution (tax) is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of administration. This should be equitably distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means. 17. Since property is an inviolable and sacred right, no one shall be deprived thereof except where public necessity, legally determined, shall clearly demand it, and then only on condition that the owner shall have been previously and equitably indemnified. - Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, 1789. From the excerpt above which of the following can be inferred about French cultural and political values?

the French value individual liberty and freedom.

The President of the United States is chosen by a vote of the Electoral College. Which of the following happens if no candidate receives a majority of the Electoral College votes?

the House of Representatives chooses the President.

"Every approach of the buffaloes to water was met by rifle bullets, and one or more bit the dust. Care was taken not to permit the others to drink,... Tortured with thirst, the poor brutes approach again and again, always to be met by bullets, always to lose some of their herd. In places favorable to such action,... a herd of buffalo has, by shooting at it day and by lighting fires and firing guns at night,... until it has been entirely destroyed. In many places the valley was offensive from the stench of putrefying carcasses.

the Native Americans in the Great Plains region.

The Battle of Vicksburg (1863) is considered one of the turning points in the Civil War. Which of the following best explains why it was important to the outcome of the Civil War?

the Union Army secured control of the Mississippi River.

That the only representatives of the people of these colonies are persons chosen therein by themselves, and that no taxes ever have been, or can be constitutionally imposed on them, but by their respective legislatures.

the above excerpt was a response by the Stamp Act Congress to the passage of taxes without allowing American representation in Parliament.

"that the only representatives of the people of these colonies are persons chosen therein by themselves, and that no taxes ever have been, or can be constitutionally imposed on them, but their respective legislatures." Which of the following most likely explains the context of the quote above?

the above excerpt was a response by the Stamp Act Congress to the passage of taxes without allowing Americans representation in Parliament.

"I, as President of the Republic, with my officers, am now present to surrender into the hands of those whom the people have chosen... The lone star of Texas, which ten years since arose amid clouds over fields of carnage, and obscurely shone for a while, has culminated and, following an inscrutable destiny, has passed on and become fixed forever in that glorious constellation which all freemen and lovers of freedom in the world must reverence and adore - the American Union... - Anson Jones The excerpt from this speech by Anson Jones in 1846 refers to -

the annexation of Texas to the US.

Which of the following most influenced the location of early civilizations such as those found in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley?

the availability of fresh water

Which of the following locations is considered a sacred location for Muslims?

the city of Mecca

All of the following heavily affected the economic conditions of Texas during the early years of the Great Depression except -

the closing of car factories

* Thank you Dr. Salk* This image was created in 1955. Which of the following led to the recognition of Dr. Salk depicted in this image?

the creation of the polio vaccine.

Which of the following best describes the impact of the Dred Scott decision (1857) on sectionism?

the decision outraged opponents of slavery in the north and west who saw it as a way to allow slavery in all sections of the US.

President Jefferson was the First Democratic-Republican President. Which of the following decisions did President Jefferson make that most challenged his Democratic-Republican political ideology?

the decision to purchase Louisiana from France.

Profit Motive

the desire to make money motivates individuals to seek out business opportunities.

"In 1990 the US government sued the state of Virginia over the all-male Virginia Military Institute (VMI). The federal government argued that the state of Virginia could not offer an exclusion program for men while not offering a comparative program for women. The Supreme Court agreed and ruled that, Virginia has shown no exceedingly persuasive justification for excluding women from the citizen-soldier training, provided with Virginia state tax revenue." Which of the following Constitutional principles was most likely used to justify the Supreme Court's ruling in the case above?

the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Which of the following best describes explains how the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment fundamentally changed the western world?

the ideas from the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment led to radical fundamentally changed the relationships between social classes, church and state, and the government and the government and the people.

"The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death; but it began both in men and women with certain purple and black swellings in the groin or alleviate this disease. An enormous number of ignorant men and women set up as doctors in addition to those who were trained. Either.. no treatment was possible or the doctors were so ignorant that they did not remedy. In any case very few recovered; most people died within about three days of the appearance of the dark tumors described above, most of them without any fever or other symptoms." Based on the excerpt above, it can be inferred that in 1350...

the medical profession was not regulated.

The phrase "God, gold, and glory" best describes which of the following motives in American history?

the motives for Spanish exploration and settlements throughout the Americas.

An entrepreneur is considering hiring a marketing consultant to develop a marketing plan for a new product. Which of the following would be the most important factor in the decision of whether or not to spend the money to hire a marketing consultant?

the number of other companies who produce a product similar to the new one.

Match each term to unemployment too to its definition. Unemployment?

the percentage of Americans who want a job and are looking for a job, but hasnt found one yet.

"religion supplies the pretext and gold supplies the motive," which of the following events is best described in the statement above?

the sending of Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors to the new world.

The Spanish-American war began in 1898. Which of the following was the immediate cause of this war?

the sinking of the USS Maine

Fascism became the political philosophy in Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany, and Franco's Spain. All of the following are features of the type of fascism practiced in these countries except -

the strengthening of the influence and power of labor movements.

When a nation is at "full employment" -

there are still some individuals unemployed.

All of the following describes the impact of the radio and television on political life except -

these inventions increased the number of politicians competing for public office.

During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many Native American children were sent to government supported boarding schools. Which of the following describes the purpose of these schools?

to assimilate Native Americans into American society.

All of the following have been argued as reasons for Truman's decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan except -

to counter a planned Japanese invasion of the West coast of the United States.

Prior to US involvement in WWII, Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act (1941). Which of the following was the real American intent of this act?

to provide military support to traditional American allies.

"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the US, in Congress assemble Which of the following groups would most likely disapprove of how the document above dealt with trade and other economic issues?

traders and merchants

A psychologist would most likely use the term classical conditioning when discussing the -

type of learning where a specific stimulus causes a certain response.

Which of the following aspects of medieval Europe was most different from those found at the end of the Roman Empire?

universities were established

A political Scientist would most likely use the term ticket-splitting when discussing situations where -

voters choose to vote for candidates from different parties for various offices in an election.

"And that claim is by the right... to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and feared self-government entrusted to us." All of the following resulted from the belief expressed in the above excerpt, except-

war with Russia.

Stephen F. Austin, Green DeWitt, and Lorenzo de Zavala were all influential in Texas history because they -

were all empresarios who recruited American settlers to move to Texas.

Match each term to unemployment too to its definition. Full Employment?

when almost everyone who wants a job has a job.

Match each term to unemployment too to its definition. Structural unemployment?

when the economy is not able to provide enough jobs for all those who are seeking employment

Match each term to unemployment too to its definition. Frictional unemployment?

when workers are simply between jobs for the short-term

Which of the following best describes the changing role that American women played during World War II?

women went to work in factories and other industries to support the war effort.

Match each term to unemployment too to its definition. Voluntary unemployment?

workers who choose not to work

Compared to most other states in the US, Texas' population in 2012 was described as -

younger and more diverse.

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