CF 522 - Career Counseling

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What two things does a career counselor do?

1) builds relationship w/ client 2) help client assess their qualities and characteristics and evaluate current quality of life (explore hx of past jobs and experiences, physical or mental health problems))

What is Parson's conceptual framework for helping a person choose a career?

1. A clear understanding of yourself, aptitudes, abilities, resources, limitations and other qualities. 2. A knowledge of the requirements and conditions of success, advantages and disadvantages, compensation, opportunities, and prospects in different lines of work. 3. True reasoning on the relations of these two groups of facts.

For what purpose was NOICC established?

1. Develop occupational information systems for each state 2. To assist in the organization of state committees 3. To assist all users of occupational information to share information 4. To provide the labor market information for the needs of use

What are the most widely used assessment tools from Holland's work?

1. Vocational Preference Inventory 2. Vocational Situation and Vocational Identity Scale 3. Positional Classification Inventory 4. Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory 5. Self-Directed Search(SDS) - (in 20 foreign language versions)

Holland's theory is based on what 4 basic assumptions?

1. people can be classified by 6 personality types (RIASC) 2. There are 6 categories of work environments 3. People search to find the work environment and job tasks that match their personality, values, and attitudes 4. A person's behavior is determined by the interaction b/w personality and the characteristics of the environment

When was the National Vocational Guidance Association was founded.


How many personality types does the Holland Theory of Types have?


How many stages of development in the career counseling movement did we experience in the US>

6 stages

Define protean career.

A career which encompasses any kind of flexible idiosyncratic career course, with peaks and valleys, left turns, moves from one line of work to another, and so forth. It is unique to each person—a sort of career fingerprint.

Define Practice in career development

A term used internationally by researchers and counselors in some countries to replace the terms "career guidance" and "counseling" (Herr, 2001). It appears that this is an effort to remove the confusion of terms that are often used interchangeably and are not clearly defined. For example, information can be accomplished through a career guidance curriculum module, but it also can be described verbally in an individual counseling session. Practice in career development therefore suggests a wide range of career services that are to be specifically identified by content and context.

Career intervention as defined by Spokane (1991)

Any activity (treatment of effort) designed to enhance a person's career development or to enable that person to make more effective career decisions (p. 22). Thus, a career intervention may include an interpretation of measured interest for career decision making or a group counseling component designed to enhance one's interpersonal skills.

What Holland personality type likes language, art, music, drama, and writing?

Artistic type

What are qualitative assessments?

Assesses subjective nature of client - card sorts, genograms, career lifetimes, examining childhood memories, and identifying life patterns

Why do we say assessment and testing is used synonymously but are not the same?

Assessment is dynamic, ongoing and a process. Testing is static representation of an identified construct.

When should goals for counseling be set up?

At initial session.

What need was career counseling created to meet?

Career counseling was created to meet the needs of a society during the shift from rural to urban living in the industrial age and has expanded its focus during other transitional periods of change in how and where we work and lived.

What was one of Frank Parson's major works?

Choosing a vocation

What Holland personality type likes prescribed plan and operating computers.

Conventional type

The assessment process is a conjoint process between whom?

Counselor and client

What is meant by the term "locus of initiative"?

Determining (as the counselor) whether the change resides within the person over the environment.

What are therapeutic plans developed around?


What does the acronym DOT stand for?

Dictionary of Occupational Titles

Holland personality types can be arranged according to what type of combinations?

Dominant combinations

What was Eggerth's contribution?

Eggerth took the TWA a step further. He stated that the focus needs to be on the NEEDS that are going to keep people in their work role. He stated that this model works if people are matched based on their abilities, values, and reinforcers.

Define career guidance

Encompasses all components of services and activities in educational institutions, agencies, and other organizations that offer counseling and career-related programs. It is a counselor-coordinated effort designed to facilitate career development through a variety of professional sevices that forst each client's ability and desire to manage their own career development.

What Holland personality type likes to be in leadership and want to acquire interpersonal and persuasive proficiencies?

Enterprising type

When was the first national conference of career guidance and where was it held?

First national conference of career guidance held in Boston in 1910.

Validity and standardized testing

For a test to have validity, it must first be reliable. Then, ask, does the test measure what it claims to measure?

Who is known as the father of the career counseling movement?

Frank Parsons

Purpose of a career counselor.

Help bridge the gap from trying to figure out life's purpose to embarking on a journey to obtain valuable work experience and knowledge.

Which theorist used a hexagon model to illustrate his personality types and environments?


DOT numbers can be cross-referenced to Holland's what?

Holland's Occupational Classification (HOC) system

Why did urban areas expand during the 1800s?


When was the NOICC established and by whom?

In 1976 by Congress

Define Career counseling

Includes all counseling activities associated with career choice over a life span. In career counseling process, all aspects of individual needs (including family, work, personal concerns, and leisure) are recognized as integral parts of career decision making and planning. It also includes counseling activities associated with work, maladjustment, stress reduction, mental health concerns, and developmental programs that enhance work skills, interpersonal relationships, adaptability, flexibility, and other developmental programs that lead to self-agency.

What does Holland's Modal Personal Style mean?

Individuals are attracted to a given career b/c of their particular personalities and numerous variables that constitute their background.

What dramatically changed work environments and living conditions in the 1800s?

Industrial revolution

The two terms that describes what occurs when combining this match.

Intrinsic job satisfaction and external job satisfaction

What Holland personality type likes science and math?

Investigating type

What is one interesting fact about the book "Choosing a vocation"?

It was posthumously published in 1909

Information from the assessment process should help inform the client to do what?

Make future decisions.

When does the "matching" occur?

Matching occurs at the beginning AND during. The TWA model assists clients to adjust the person to match their environment once in their work role.

Work Adjustment Theory (TWA) or Theory of Work Adjustment was developed by...

Minnesota psychologists Dawis and Lofquist

Which committee is charged with the development of the national career counseling guidelines?

NOICC In 1992, NOICC developed the

Who established the National Career Development Training Institute and what does it do? to train personnel to assist students and adults to acquire career planning skills.

NOICC established it in 1992 to train personnel to assist students and adults to acquire career planning skills.

What is the National Vocational Guidance Association called today?

National Career Development Association (NCDA).

What does the acronym NOICC stand for?

National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee

Is the goal of career counselor to diagnose?

No, but, if client presents w/ a dx or counselor recognizes clinical concerns, best practice is to work concurrently with client's present concerns

What informs the Military Occupational Classification (MOC)


The Federal employment statistics is derived from what two guides?

O*Net and SOC (Standard Occupational Classification)

What does "O*NET" stand for?

Occupational Information Network

Advocates for the Trait and Factor theory

Parsons and Williamson

What is the acronym used by Holland's personality type?


What are the Holland Theory of Types

Realistic Investigating Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional

What Holland personality type has mechanical skills but may lack social skills.

Realistic type

Standardized testing concepts.

Reliability and Validity

Reliability and standardized testing

Reliability measures test consistency. It is how consistent, stable, and trustworthy the results are over time. (If a person takes the test over and over again, are the results consistent?)

What Holland personality type likes to acquire interpersonal, educational, and human relational competencies?

Social type

What was the first stage of development in the career counseling movement in the US?

Stage 1 (1890-1919) - began the growth of placement services in urban areas to meet the growing industrial organizations

What was the second stage of development in the career counseling movement in the US?

Stage 2 (1920-1939) marked the growth of educational guidance in elementary and secondary schools.

What was the third stage of development in the career counseling movement in the US?

Stage 3 (1940-1959) was a time of significant growth of guidance needs in colleges and universities and in the training of counselors.

What was the fourth stage of development in the career counseling movement in the US?

Stage 4 (1960-1979) was highlighted by organizational career development. The nature of work became more appropriately viewed as a very pervasive life role.

What was the fifth stage of development in the career counseling movement in the US?

Stage 5 (1980-1989) was a period of significant transitions brought on by information technology and the beginning of career counseling private practice and outplacement services.

What was the sixth stage of development in the career counseling movement in the US?

Stage 6 (1990-present) is viewed as a time of changing demographics, the beginning of multicultural counseling, continued development of technology, and a focus on school-to-work transitions.

Trait and Factor theory is based upon the theory that...

That people naturally aim to work and live in environments that create comfort (it is congruence b/w their personality and work environmnt).

What is diagnosis?

The analysis of facts to gain an understanding or reach a conclusion to aid in future planning.

Career development, as defined by the ACA

The total constellation of psychological sociological, educational, physical, economic, and chance factors that combine to influence the nature and significance of work in the total life span of any given individual.

What is Williamson's approach?

There are 6 sequential steps: (1) analysis, (2) synthesis, (3) diagnosis, (4) prognosis, (5) counseling, and (6) follow-up

Define Career

Time extended working out of a purposeful life pattern through work undertaken by the person. -activities and positions involved in vocations, occupations, and jobs as well as to related activities associated with an individuals' lifetime of work.

Why was the National Vocational Guidance Association/National Career Development Association (NCDA) formed?

To aid in the employment of working Americans after WWI, the Great Depression, and WWII.

One main goal in career counseling.

To aid in the process of finding a job that matches the client's talents, abilities, values, skills and interests.

Why was the GI Bill of Rights passed?

To encourage veterans to attend college. The passage of bills on part of federal government was designed to help veterans find employment and this also encouraged the career guidance movement.

What is one of the earliest theories of the 20th century in career counseling?

Trait & Factor Theory

On what theory did Minnesota psychologists Dawis and Lofquist base their theory on when developing TWA?

Williamson & Parson's model of matching.

What is the core component of the career counseling process?


First decide on what the client is searching for (which career) then...

help client prepare for the career

Why do we do assessments?

it provides an objective measure of their abilities, strengths and weaknesses, interests, and describing personality traits

Goals should have...

measurable outcomes

Trait & Factor Theory theorizes that people...

naturally aim to work and live in environments that create comfort (it's congruence b/w their personality and work environment)

Examples of formal or standardized assessments (aka Quantitative assessments)

personality profiles, motivation questionnaires, and ability assessments

Trait & Factor Theory used personality to label...

personality traits

Enterprising type

prefers activities that entail influencing others to attain organizational or economic gain. They like to be in leadership and want to acquire interpersonal and persuasive proficiencies

Investigating type

prefers activities that entail observed, symbolic, systematic, and creative investigation of physical, biological and cultural phenomena.

Conventional type

prefers activities that entail the explicit, ordered, and systematic manipulation of data such as recordkeeping, filing materials, reproducing materials, organizing written and numerical data according to a prescribed plan, and operating computers to attain organization or economical goals

Realistic type

prefers activities that entail the explicit, ordered, or systematic manipulation of objects, tools, machines, and animals. Has mechanical abilities, but may lack social skills

Social type

prefers activities that include the manipulation of others to inform, train, develop, cure or enlighten. they like to acquire interpersonal, educational, and human relational competencies.

Artistic type

prefers ambiguous, free activities that entail manipulation of physical, verbal, or human materials to create art forms. They like language, art, music, drama and writing.

Assessments help clients gain...


Who owns all the findings from the assessment process?

the client

External job satisfaction

the dynamic resulting from this adjustment

Intrinsic job satisfaction

the joy comes from within and is called "Person-environment correspondence" (PEC)"

Under Holland's theory, if we understand a client's personality type...

we can help guide them in their career decision making process

Adjustment is easier (within the person or environmental)

within the person (b/c the client has more control over themselves than their environment)

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