CGS Final Exam

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Excel recognizes an entry as a value if it's a number if it begins with ____

+, =, $

Which dot pitches gives you the sharpest picture?


If cell A1 contained 10, cell A2 contained 2, and cell A3 contained =A1^A2 what would cell A3 show on the worksheet


You can insert ___ different kinds of pictures into PowerPoint


You are likely to decrease the average meeting length by ___ when you use a visual presentation


The chapter stated that ___ of what an audience learns comes directly from visual messages


You are twice as likely (___) to achieve your communication objectives using a visual presentation


Research shows that ___ of all environmental stimuli is received through visual reception


Which symbol means greater than?


To find numbers greater than or equal to 500, use which comparison operator?


Pressing Ctrl + ___ changes that current pointer during a slide show back to the arrow key


Personal computers commonly use the ___ code system to represent character data


When you double-click a field in a field list in Query Design View, it is

Added to the next available position in the query design grid

Should you apply artistic effect before or after you compress it?


The Group Footer section prints ___

After every group of records

Entrance and Exit are ___

Animation categories

The Distribute commands are in the ___ group


If you Excel worksheet is blocking your PowerPoint slide, click the ___ command to see both presentations

Arrange all

How are page numbers inserted in a document

As a field

The Report Header section prints

At the top of the first page

Which automatic feature in Word automatically corrects typos, minor spelling errors, and capitalization as you type?

Auto Correct

Which feature would you use to correct words that you frequently misspell as you type

Auto Correct

Which of the following keys will help you delete unwanted data in Edit mode?


Copyright law is a type of intellectual property law that protects ___ (books, the expression of an idea, underlying facts, or artwork)

Books, the expression of an idea, underlying facts, artwork

The PowerPoint guides appear as dotted lines intersect at the ___ of the slide


As soon as you move the pointer over the Mini toolbar, the toolbar becomes ___

Clearly visible

Which pointing device action should you use for selecting objects or commands, opening menus on the task bar?


You can apply a chart type to an existing data series in a chart to create a(n) ___ chart


This control is both a list box and a text box control

Combo box

To control how cropped images are treated with a PowerPoint file is saved, click options in the ___ dialog box

Compression settings

Which section break begins a new section on the same page?


When the ___ button is active, the sizing handles appear as straight black lines


When the ___ is active, the sizing handles appear as straight black lines


Documents properties include ___ (handouts, custom XML data, comments)

Custom XML data, comments

You move a file using which commands?

Cut and Paste

What Send to menu command copies the file to your computer's DVD drive?

DVD RW Drive (D:)

Controls placed in this form section print once for every record in the underlying object


The section generally constitutes the largest physical space on the report


What tool helps you detect and remove private or confidential information from a document

Document Inspector

PowerPoint uses ____, if it is installed, to create numerical charts


The Office Clipboard allows you to collect text and graphics from which other office applications before inserting them into you Word documents?

Excel, Access, PowerPoint

Which of the following is an exception to copy right protection? (copyright infringement, cyber law, fair use, intellectual property)

Fair use

T/F: A cell reference that does not change when it is copied is called a relative cell reference.


T/F: A chart must be located in a specific cell or at a specific address range


T/F: A continuous section break begins a new section and moves the text following the break to the top of the text page


T/F: A filter can be used to create calculated fields


T/F: A foreign key field is always on the "one" side of a one-to-many relationship between two sides


T/F: A slide template contains text and object placeholders that are arranged in a specific way on a slide


T/F: A slide template contains text and object placeholders that are arranged in a specific way on the slide


T/F: According to the order of precedence for arithmetic operators, operations contained within parentheses are performed last


T/F: Bound controls exist only to clarify or enhance the appearance of the form


T/F: Charts are updated automatically in Excel whenever data changes


T/F: Copyright protects the underlying facts or concepts, but not the expression of an idea


T/F: DVD + R's are rewritable


T/F: Each clip you download is automatically inserted into the clip Gallery folder and appears in the Clip Art task pane


T/F: Footnotes are placed at the end of a document


T/F: In a window, the Address bar is located just above the title bar


T/F: Indent markers on the horizontal ruler always indicate the default indent settings of the document


T/F: Phishing is a broad term that describes any program that is intended to cause harm or convey information to others without the owner's permission


T/F: Pressing E highlights the annotation drawing


T/F: Reports are view-only objects, meaning they can be used to read and display data but cannot be used to change data


T/F: SQL is the acronym for "Simple Query Language"


T/F: Slide Show view displays thumbnails of all slides; use this view to rearrange and add special effects to your slides


T/F: Technical information about components on a computer are called configurations.


T/F: The Auto Correct feature automatically corrects all your spelling and grammar errors as you type


T/F: The File Inspector looks for hidden data and personal information that is stored in the file itself or in the document properties


T/F: The Mailing Wizard is a special report wizard that precisely positions and sizes information for hundreds of standard business labels


T/F: The Navigation buttons on a datasheet display the total number of fields in the datasheet


T/F: The Navigation tab on the Property Sheet allows you to change the tab stop or tab order properties


T/F: The Paste option from the Excel Home tab allows the user to specify components of a cell's contents to be pasted


T/F: The Quick Access toolbar appears faintly above text when you first select it, and contains commonly used formatting commands


T/F: The asterisk is the wildcard used to represent one and only one character in criteria


T/F: The capabilities of various report views are mutually exclusive


T/F: The categories of functions available in Excel 2010 are financial and statistical


T/F: The font size is measured in units called Pixels


T/F: The record selector button is to the right of a record in a datasheet


T/F: To move text from one location to another, you have to retype the text in the new location


T/F: To reverse an Auto Correct adjustment, immediately click the Redo button on the Quick Access toolbar.


T/F: Use a negative indent if you want the subsequent lines of a paragraph to be indented more than the first line


T/F: When the paper orientation is set on landscape, the contents will print across the width of the page


T/F: When you apply highlighting to text, the highlighting is only visible on the screen and doesn't print


T/F: When you move text to a new location using the mouse, that text is added to the clipboard


T/F: Word places footnotes at the end of the document.


T/F: Word's Format Painter will only allow you to change the font styles used in other areas of a document by copying font styles from paragraph to paragraph


T/F: You can enter, edit, and navigate data in query data sheet just like a report datasheet


T/F: You can switch between views using the view buttons in the lower-left corner of the window


T/F: You can use the calendar Box to enter dates in a Date/Time field


T/F: You must select an entire paragraph to change its paragraph formatting


T/F: You would use the Font List Arrow to change the format of text to 20 points


The easiest way to filter the records for an exact match is to use the Filter by Form feature


There are nine basic categories of Smart Art graphics that illustrate text differently


To change the formatting of text from Calibri to Arial, which tool would you use?

Font Name List Arrow

What would change in order to make characters narrower and give text a tall, thin appearance?

Font Style

T/F: You can create custom theme fonts by clicking the ___ button, then clicking Create New Theme Fonts


Controls placed in the ____ form section print only once at the top of the print out

Form Header

To move an object to the back of the stack, click the Send Backward button in the Arrange group on the Drawing Tools ___ tab


You can format any text with a Word Art style. Select the text, click the Drawing Tools ___ tab one the Ribbon, then click a Word Art style option in the Word Art styles group


Which Word view displays document text so it's easy to read and annotate with comments and high lighting?

Full Screen Reading

The physical components of a computer are referred to as


The Font Color button is on the __ tab


The Font Color button is on the ___ tab


Which shortcut key moves focus to the first field of the current record


You can use colors, patterns, and borders to enhance the over all appearance of a worksheet and to make it easy to read one of the ways of adding these enhancements is by using the Border and Fill Color buttons in the Font group on the __ tab of the Ribbon


Which tab group will allow the insertion of rows and columns in a worksheet?

Home tab, Cells group

Which data type stores Web addresses?


You can insert a logo on a form using the ___ button on the Design tab

Insert Image

How do you force text in a column to the top of the next column

Insert a column break

____ will find all records where there is any entry in the field, even if the entry is 0

Is Not Null

You can search Help and Support by typing one or more descriptive ____


Which of the following is the smallest unit of measurement


Which of the following is not a bound control? (Text box, Combo box, List box, Label)


Cells in the first or top row are ___ names and provide further information about the data


Which chart type would be the best candidate to emphasize sales trends over a period of 6 months


A ___ is a box that lets you select an option from a list of options

List box

You can preview the look of a design theme before committing it using ___

Live Preview

A query datasheet is sometimes called a ___ of the data

Logical view

What type of margins are used in a document with facing pages, such as a magazine?


What type of indent would you use to move the left edge of a paragraph to the left of the left margin?

Negative indent

The default view that PowerPoint opens in is called ____


The ___ at the right side of the task bar contains icons that represent informational messages and programs you might find useful

Notification area

After you enter text in a placeholder, the placeholder becomes a text ___


Tables, queries, and forms are examples of Access ____


____ allocate system resources, manage storage space, maintain security, detect equipment failure, and control basic input and output.

Operating Systems

Which section would most likely contain page number and date expressions?

Page Footer

What task does Word not give you the ability to accomplish?

Perform calculations in a spreadsheet

Expansion cards plug into electrical connectors on the motherboard called ____


Which dialog box do you use to embed fonts? (Save options, font options, PowerPoint options, Embed font options)

PowerPoint options

The ___ is an area on the right side of a window that shows you what a selected file looks like without opening it

Preview Pane

A hard copy is another name for a file that you ___.

Printed from a printer

An example of an output device is a ____


Pressing Shift as you drag to create a shape maintains the shape's ___ as you change its size


The ____ toolbar is fully customizable

Quick Access

Which element of the Word program window contains buttons for saving a document and for undoing, redoing, and repeating a change?

Quick Access Toolbar

What temporarily holds programs and data while the computer is on and allows the computer to access that information randomly?


Slide sorter view is primarily used to (edit slide content, rearrange slides, add slide effects, add design themes)

Rearrange slides, add slide effects, add design themes

Which editing a record, pressing ESC a second time ____

Removes all change made to the record you are currently editing

You can use the ___ command to replace one font to another


Which report view's primary purpose is to quickly review the first page of the report?

Report View

You insert a comment in a worksheet by using the ____ tab on the Ribbon.


To format a cell or range, first you select it, and then you apply the formatting using the ___ or a keyboard shortcut.


Which chart type would be the best candidate to spot trends and extrapolate info based on research data?


The search text that you type is called your ___

Search Criteria

What is the name of the formatting mark that shows the end of a section?

Section break

Which button do you click to show formatting marks in a document?

Show/Hide P button

___ describes the technical details about each component of a computer system


A ___ is a box with up and down arrows; slick arrows or type to increase or decrease the value

Spin box

Which tab in the Properties dialog box shows information about revisions to the document as well as the number of pages, word, lines, paragraphs, and characters in the file?


Which element of the Word program window displays information about the current document, such as number of pages, and also includes the view and zoom buttons?

Status bar

To apply a table style, select the data to be formatted or click anywhere within the intended range, click the Format as Table button in the ___ group on the Home tab, and then click a style in the gallery.


Criteria ___ is the term for rules by which criteria must be entered in a query


A(n) ___ is any part of the computer system, including memory, storage devices and the microprocessor, that can be used by a computer

System program

Which key do you press to create a new bullet?


This Access object contains all of the raw data within the database


A Smart Art graphic consists of two parts: the Smart Art graphic itself and a(n) ___ pane


This control is used to display, edit, or enter data for each record. It does not provide a list of possible data entries

Text box

When you are typing in a text placeholder, which feature decreases the font size in order to fit the text in the placeholder?

The Auto fit options button

Where are the Clip Art images stored?

The Clip Organizer

The slides tab displays each slide as a(n) ____


The Group Header and Group Footer Section can be turned on or off in which pane?


T/F: A chart sheet is a sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart, which is linked to the workbook data


T/F: A form contains record navigation buttons, with information about the current record number and total number or records, similar to a data sheet


T/F: A primary key field uniquely identifies each records


T/F: A query can be used to create calculated fields


T/F: Although you can change a Clip's size by dragging a corner sizing handle, you can also scale it to change its size proportionally by a specific percentage or size


T/F: An Excel complex formula uses more than one arithmetic operator.


T/F: An interface card could be plugged into an expansion slot on the main board of a computer


T/F: Any data changed in the worksheet is automatically updated in the chart


T/F: Calculated expressions within text boxes start with an equal sign


T/F: Design elements that you place on the Slide Master appear on every slide in the presentation


T/F: Double-clicking a word selects the entire word


T/F: Excel includes a(n) scenario manager where you can name and save different what-if versions of your worksheet


T/F: Grouping means to sort records plus provide extra report sections


T/F: If your presentation has numerous slides, you can organize them into section in the Slides tab


T/F: In Page Layout view, the dotted line indicates the print area


T/F: In the outline tab, a highlighted slide icon next to the slide number indicates that the slide is selected


T/F: On the left side of the title bar, the Quick Access toolbar lets you perform common tasks with just one click


T/F: One way to move text within a document in Word is to select the text and drag and drop it to a new location


T/F: Portrait orientation means a page is taller than it is wide


T/F: PowerPoint accepts information in the form of files from a variety of sources, such a Microsft Acess


T/F: Smart Art styles are organized into sections; the top groups offers suggestions for the best match for the document


T/F: The Alternate Back Color Property helps differentiate parts of the report by allowing you to specify a new color for every other time that the section prints


T/F: The F2 key switches between Edit and Navigation modes


T/F: The Large Setting, Computer & HD Displays (960 x 720) is used for viewing on a computer monitor, projector, or other high definition displays


T/F: The Outline tab displays the text of your presentation in the form of an outline, without showing graphics or other visual objects


T/F: The communication path between a microprocessor, RAM, and peripherals is called the data bus


T/F: The question mark (?) is the wildcard character which stands for any single character in criteria


T/F: The same expression in different sections of a report produces different calculations


T/F: There are three Master views: Slide Master view, Handout Master view, and Notes Master view


T/F: To add delete, or change fields in a query you use Query design view


T/F: To check the spelling in more than one sheet of a multiple-sheet workbook, you need to display each sheet and run the spell check again.


T/F: To create custom theme colors, click the colors button, then click create New Theme Colors


T/F: Word Art, which lets you create curved or stylized text can be created using the Chart Tools Format tab


T/F: You can apply formatting before or after you enter data in a cell or range.


T/F: You can change the font and font size of any cell or range using the Mini toolbar.


T/F: You can change the font and font size of any cell or range using the mini toolbar


T/F: You can resize a chart to improve its appearance by dragging its sizing handles


T/F: You can right align a paragraph so that the text is flush with the right margin and has a jagged left edge


T/F: You would use the options on the Table Tools Layout tab to change the alignment of text in a table


You are running two programs at once that require 10 megabytes of RAM. What makes this possible?

Virtual memory

On a chart created in Excel, the horizontal axis is called the ____


Which type of cell reference preserves the exact cell address in a formula


You can use a spreadsheet to ___ by using variable to investigate and sample different outcomes

create what-if data scenarios

Excel templates make creating a professional looking spreadsheet easier by including all of the following except ___ in the template


All Excel formulas begin with the ___

equal sign (=)

A(n) ___ is a collection of stored information, such as a letter, video, or program


A(n) ___ is a built-in formula that uses that uses arguments to calculate information


In Escel, MAX and AVERAGE are examples of ____


A(n) ___ identifies each data series in a chart, generally with a different color


Word's ____ feature allows you to quickly search for replacements for a particular word or phrase within a document


It is a good idea to limit each slide to six words per line and ___ per slide


Megahertz is a measurement of ____

the speed of a microprocessor

T/F: In form layout view, you can move through records and view data, but you cannot enter or edit data


T/F: It would sense to set the Tab Stop property of a text box that will not be used for data entry to number


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