CH 1-3 Organizational Behavior Review

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Correlation can be positive or negative and can range from _____.

-1 to +1

Which of the following correlations indicate no statistical relationship between two variables?


Which of the following correlations indicate a perfect statistical relationship between two variables?


The _____ approach involves collecting performance information not just from the supervisor but from anyone else who might have firsthand knowledge about the employee's performance behaviors.


The factors that increase normative commitment include:

A sense that the organization has invested in the employee

There is _____ correlation between task performance and counterproductive behavior.

A weak negative

Which of the following occurs when an employee is assaulted or endangered such that physical and psychological injuries may occur?


For a kindergarten teacher, assisting her students out of a smoke-filled elementary school is an example of _____.

Adaptive task performance

_____ involves employee responses to job demands that are novel, unusual, or unpredictable.

Adaptive task performance

Employees who feel a sense of _____ commitment tend to engage in more interpersonal and organizational citizenship behaviors, such as helping, sportsmanship, and boosterism.


The desire to remain a member of an organization due to emotional attachment to, and involvement with, that organization is called "_____ commitment."


All of the following are forms of counterproductive behaviors EXCEPT:

Aggressive training.

"_____" possess low levels of both organizational commitment and task performance.


The _____ approach uses critical incidents to create a measure that can be used to evaluate employee performance.

Behaviorally anchored rating scales

Charlet, Rose, and Natalie are three dental hygienists who work for Dr. Doris at Healthy White. All three hygienists perform almost the same tasks every day. On an average, they see 12 people every day for regular teeth cleaning which involves cleaning, flossing, rinsing, and a normal checkup. Dr. Doris, on the other hand, has quite an unpredictable job. She has to respond to all types of teeth-related emergencies including surgeries. All three hygienists always try to help each other out, have a very good attitude toward each other, and keep each other informed about matters that are relevant to them and to Dr. Doris. Natalie specifically takes on the role of attending all community-related voluntary meetings and functions where Healthy White may have a stake or is asked to be present. She makes sure that she is up to date with all dental regulations and business-related news that may have an impact on Healthy White. Rose and Charlet, on the other hand, can be described as the unofficial publicists of Healthy White. They always represent the clinic in a very positive way away from work. Dr. Doris couldn't be happier to have such wonderful people working with her. Which of the following citizenship behaviors does Charlet exhibit?


Charlet, Natalie, and Rose are three dental hygienists who work for Dr. Doris at Healthy White. All three hygienists perform almost the same tasks every day. On an average, they see 12 people every day for regular teeth cleaning which involves cleaning, flossing, rinsing, and a normal checkup. Dr. Doris, on the other hand, has quite an unpredictable job. She has to respond to all types of teeth-related emergencies including surgeries. All three hygienists always try to help each other out, have a very good attitude toward each other, and keep each other informed about matters that are relevant to them and to Dr. Doris. Natalie specifically takes on the role of attending all community-related voluntary meetings and functions where Healthy White may have a stake or is asked to be present. She makes sure that she is up to date with all dental regulations and business-related news that may have an impact on Healthy White. Rose and Charlet, on the other hand, can be described as the unofficial publicists of Healthy White. They always represent the clinic in a very positive way away from work. Dr. Doris couldn't be happier to have such wonderful people working with her. Natalie's acts of attending events on behalf of Healthy White and keeping abreast of dental regulations and business-related news during her personal time refer to:

Civic Virtue

Mauve has been working as the creative head at Juno Designs for the past 10 years. Her growth at Juno has made her one of the finest designers in the field. Of late Mauve has been receiving several offers and inquiries from head hunters from other companies. Mauve feels that she should stay with Juno Designs because her retirement benefit increases during her later years of service as opposed to her initial years of service. This is an example of _____ commitment.


Miranda works for the United Bank at Madison. She feels over-worked and dislikes her job profile. But Miranda cannot quit because she needs the job to repay her education loan. What type of commitment does Miranda have?

Continuance commitment

Which of the following is one of the three types of organizational commitment that focuses on personal and family issues more than the other two commitment types?

Continuance commitment

_______ summarize the statistical relationships between variables.


Terry works doing oil changes and is sick and tired of rude customers. Terry decides to purposely use the wrong type of oil for the next rude customer knowing that it will harm the customer's engine in the long run but won't be traceable or noticed immediately. Terry is considering sabotaging the next rude customer's care, a form of ______.

Counterproductive Behavior

The most widespread form of psychological withdrawal among white-collar employees is _____, using Internet, e-mail, and instant messaging access for their personal enjoyment rather than work duties.


"_____" is a form of withdrawal in which employees appear to be working but are actually distracted by random thoughts or concerns.


OB primarily uses _______ models to understand motivation, learning, and decision making


Which of the following terms refers to the work and nonwork forces that bind us to our current employer?


Which of the following explains the term casual inferences?

Establishing that one variable really does cause another.

"Lone wolves" is one of the four types of employees based on the degree of organizational commitment and task performance. "Lone wolves" are likely to respond to negative events with _____.


Sean was recently added to the marketing team at Axon International. He will be starting at the company in two weeks. Sean has had the reputation of being an expert in ad campaigns and catching the nerve of the target audience. However, he also has the reputation of not getting along with anyone. He doesn't care much about where and for whom he works but is primarily motivated to achieve goals for himself and beat his own records. As soon as Amanda heard about Sean joining the team, she turned in her resignation. Ashton, another team member, called Sean and held a lunch meeting to express all the team members' concerns. He tried to reason with Sean to smooth things out before he formally joins the team. Amanda's reaction can be described as _____.


True of False: BARS emphasizes the results of job performance as much as it does the performance behaviors themselves.


True of False: Employees falling under the category of "stars" possess low levels of organizational commitment but high levels of task performance and are motivated to achieve work goals for themselves, not necessarily for their company.


True or False: A company that tells managers that only 10% of their subordinates can receive excellent performance ratings and an additional 12% must receive unacceptable rankings is using a percentage ranking system.


True or False: According to the method of experience, people hold firmly to some of their beliefs because scientific studies have tended to replicate results using a series of samples, settings, and methods.


True or False: According to the resource-based view of organizations, a firm's resources do not include resources related to organizational behavior, such as the knowledge, ability, and wisdom of the workforce.


True or False: Affective commitment exists when there is a sense that staying is the "right" or "moral" thing to do.


True or False: Analyses are written predictions that specify relationship between variables


True or False: Analyses are written predictions that specify relationships between variables.


True or False: Continuance commitment is defined as a desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of obligation.


True or False: Creative ideas that are not implemented do not count towards positive job performance.


True or False: Creative task performance is an expected behavior limited to jobs such as artist and inventor.


True or False: Despite its popularity, 360-degree feedback is not well suited for developing employee talent.


True or False: Employees falling under the category of "lone wolves" possess low levels of both organizational commitment and task performance and merely exert the minimum level of effort needed to keep their jobs.


True or False: Employees falling under the category of "lone wolves" tend to respond to negative events with voice because they have the desire to improve the status quo and the credibility needed to inspire change.


True or False: Evaluating an employee's performance based on results alone gives an accurate picture of which employees are worth more to the organization.


True or False: Examples of psychological withdrawal include missing meetings and tardiness.


True or False: Exit is defined as a passive, destructive response to a negative work event in which interest and effort on the job declines.


True or False: In addition to being more cognitive, knowledge work tends to be more structured and static in nature.


True or False: Interpersonal citizenship behavior is not important when employees work in small groups or teams.


True or False: It is often easy to "fix" companies that struggle with OB issues.


True or False: Jack grew up in Peoria. Both his family and his wife's family live there. This family background would create a high level of affective commitment.


True or False: Job satisfaction reflects employees' psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capacities.


True or False: Meta-analyses cannot form the foundation for evidence-based management.


True or False: Much of what we know about organizational behavior is considered universal and "culture-free" showing that managing people faces the sane challenges everywhere.


True or False: O*NET captures the "numerous small decisions" that separate the most effective organizations from their competitors.


True or False: People who engage in one form of counterproductive behavior do not usually engage in other forms.


True or False: Resources like culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation are termed "socially complex" because it is not always clear which organizations do (and do not) possess them, though it is clear how they came to develop.


True or False: Routine task performance involves employee responses to task demands that are novel, unusual, or, at the very least, unpredictable.


True or False: The O*NET is an online government database that describes the results of task performance behaviors that must be reported by firms to the government on an annual basis.


True or False: The Rule of One-Eigth suggests that about 88 percent of companies will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first.


True or False: The integrative model of OB presents five individual mechanisms that directly affect the individual outcomes: motivation; learning; and decision making; job performance; leadership styles and behaviors; and ethics.


True or False: The progression model of withdrawal argues that the various withdrawal behaviors negatively correlate with one another—that doing one means you're less likely to do another. The idea is that any form of withdrawal can compensate for, or neutralize, a sense of dissatisfaction, which makes the other forms unnecessary.


True or False: The social influence model of withdrawal behavior suggests that employees with fewer bonds will be most likely to quit the organization.


True or False: The theories and concepts found in OB are drawn from two disciplines: human resources management and strategic management.


True or False: There is a very low level of bias in a 360-degree rating system when participants believe the information will be used for compensation, rather than for skill development.


True or False: Voice is defined as a passive, constructive response to a negative work event that maintains public support for the situation while the individual privately hopes for improvement.


True or False:Firms that do not undergo an IPO typically have shorter histories and need an infusion of cash to grow or introduce some new technology.


True or False:The compensatory forms model of withdrawal argues that the various withdrawal behaviors are positively correlated.


The ______ method of performance evaluation can encourage hypercompetition among workers, behavior that is the opposite of what is needed in today's team-based organizations.

Forced ranking method

Which of the following is a type of serious interpersonal counterproductive behavior?


Which of the following occurs when employees are subjected to unwanted physical contact or verbal remarks from a colleague?


Which of the following takes the theories and principles studied in OB and explores the applications of those principles in organizations?

Human Resource Management

_______ are written predictions that specify relations between variables.


The scientific method requires that theories be used to inspire _____.


_____ represents communication that is rude, impolite, discourteous, and lacking in good manners.


According to the _____ model of withdrawal, various withdrawal behaviors are uncorrelated with one another, occur for different reasons, and fulfill different needs on the part of employees.

Independent forms

According to the integrative model, job satisfaction is a(n) ______.

Individual Mechanism

The resource-based view of organizations suggests that a resource is more valuable when it is _____.


______ adjustment, the extent to which expatriates have difficulty socializing and interacting with member of the host culture, can affect the level of organizational commitment in global organizations.


Natalie, Charlet, and Rose are three dental hygienists who work for Dr. Doris at Healthy White. All three hygienists perform almost the same tasks every day. On an average, they see 12 people every day for regular teeth cleaning which involves cleaning, flossing, rinsing, and a normal checkup. Dr. Doris, on the other hand, has quite an unpredictable job. She has to respond to all types of teeth-related emergencies including surgeries. All three hygienists always try to help each other out, have a very good attitude toward each other, and keep each other informed about matters that are relevant to them and to Dr. Doris. Natalie specifically takes on the role of attending all community-related voluntary meetings and functions where Healthy White may have a stake or is asked to be present. She makes sure that she is up to date with all dental regulations and business-related news that may have an impact on Healthy White. Rose and Charlet, on the other hand, can be described as the unofficial publicists of Healthy White. They always represent the clinic in a very positive way away from work. Dr. Doris couldn't be happier to have such wonderful people working with her. The three hygienists interact with one another in a manner that reflects high levels of _____.

Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior

Citizenship behaviors can be divided into the two main categories of:

Interpersonal and organizational

Which of the following is false about interpersonal behavior?

Interpersonal behavior is most important when employees work in large groups.

Which of the following statements about the O*NET is false?

It captures the "numerous small decisions" that separate the most effective organizations from their competitiors

Which of the following is primary individual outcome of interest to organizational behavior researchers according to the integrative model?

Job Performance

Managers know what behaviors to emphasize in training programs and to assess when doing performance evaluations by referring to a ______.

Job analysis

When a manager evaluated how much time a coach spends with the team, the coach's ethical impact on team member behaviors, and the clarity of the coach's explanations of new plays, the manager is assessing the coach's ______.

Job performance

Which of the following group mechanisms summarize how individuals attain authority over others?

Leader power and negotiation

As employees gain experience, they obtain job knowledge and use this knowledge to make accurate judgments on the job. Which individual mechanism is referred to in this statement?

Learning and Decision Making

A passive, constructive response to negative events that maintains public support for the situation while the individual privately hopes for improvement is referred to as _____.


Which of the following performance appraisal systems refers to a philosophy that bases an employee's evaluations on whether the employee achieves specific performance goals?

Management by objectives

Which of the following is one of the two primary goals managers have for their employees?

Maximization of job performance

Tran is interested in the effects of the choice of reward on employee motivation. She knows that there have been several studies done on this subject and compares their results looking for an average correlation. Tran is conducting a ______.


Which of these takes all the correlations found in studies of a particular relationship and calculates a weighted average of them?


Frank, an HR manager, believes that his implementations of HR practices in the company is impeccable, because he receives that inputs for these practices from the CEO himself. Which of the following philosophies is he relying on?

Method of Authority

Of the following methods, which suggests that people hold firmly to some belief because some respected official, agency, or source has said it is so?

Method of Authority

Which of the following is not one of the methods by which people "know" things?

Method of Education

Which of the following methods suggests that people hold firmly to some belief because it is consistent with their own experience and observations?

Method of Experiance

Which of the following suggests that people hold firmly to some belief because it "just stands to reason"—it seems obvious or self-evident?

Method of Intuition

Choose the method which suggests that people accept some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate that result using a series of samples, settings, and methods?

Method of Science

Donna believes that 360 degree performance review is ideal for her company because she recently read about a major survey of Fortune 100 companies that highlighted the effectiveness of this method. Which of the following philosophies is she relying on?

Method of Science

When employees engage in _____, they use work time and resources to complete something other than their job duties, such as assignments for another job.


Which of the following is a psychological withdrawal behavior?


Which of these individual mechanisms captures the energetic forces that drive employees' work efforts?


Apathetics tend to respond to negative events with _____, because they are low performers who lack marketable skills, and who do not have a high enough level of organizational commitment needed to engage in acts of citizenship.


Which of the following conditions is necessary to establish causal inferences?

No alternative explanation exists for the correlation

_____ commitment exists when there is a sense that staying at a firm is the "right" or "moral" thing to do.


Which of the following is one of the three types of organizational commitment?

Normative Commitment

The electronic database used to identify the set of behaviors needed to define task performance is known as the:

Occupational anchored ratings scale network.

_______ is a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations.

Organizational Behavior

Of the following, which is a primary individual outcome according to the integrative model?

Organizational Commitment

Which of the following terms refers to the desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of the organization?

Organizational Commitment

_____ is the organizational mechanism in the integrative model that captures "the way things are" in an organization.

Organizational Culture

Which organizational mechanism illustrated by the integrative model dictates how the units within the firm link to other units.

Organizational Structure

In Organizational Behavior research, a correlation of +1 between two variables is considered:


Adaptability involves all of the following EXCEPT:

Performing daily routine work.

Behavior that involves hostile verbal and physical actions directed toward other employees is referred to as _____.

Personal aggression

Which of the following individual characteristics illustrated in integrative model of OB reflect the various traits and tendencies that describe how people act, with commonly studied traits including extroversion, conscientiousness, and collectivism

Personality and Cultural Values

Behaviors that intentionally disadvantage other individuals rather than the larger organization are referred to as _____.

Political deviance

When a firm expands into a new product segment, it is known as _____.

Product Diversification

Behaviors that focus specifically on reducing the efficiency of work output are known as _____.

Production deviance

Which model of withdrawal has received the most scientific support?

Progression model

Behaviors that intentionally harm the organization's assets and possessions are referred to as:

Property deviance

"_____" contracts reflect employees' beliefs about what they owe the organization and what the organization owes them.


The resource-based view suggests that a resource is more valuable when it is _____.


The level of creativity demonstrated by PIXAR animators is rare. Therefore, according to the _______, these employees are valuable to the firm.

Resource-based view of organizations

Sandy works in a factory where employees are expected to complete 14 widgets each hour. The managers are very strict and frequently check to make sure employees are actually completing at least this base number of widgets each hour. The employees are being assessed on their ______.

Routine task performance

Maria is rather quiet at her work place. Her only friend at work, Nancy, quit the company a month ago. The _____ model suggests that Maria will soon quit her job because Nancy is not working in the same organization anymore.

Social Influence

Captive Minds, an entrepreneurial organization, started a monthly journal "Lecture Day." The journal is dedicated to the aspiring businessmen to put forth their business ideas in an open forum. Feedback is given through the company website, which can be viewed by all employees. Colleagues, managers, and peers can give their constructive feedback without revealing their identity. The employees welcomed this idea as they were able to give feedback without hurting anyone's ego. Which of the following systems has the management successfully implemented?

Social Networking System

Which of the following types of employees possesses high commitment and high performance and are held up as role models for other employees?


Which of the following focuses on product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability?

Strategic Management

Which of the following focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability?

Strategic Management

Which of the following consider employees' psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capabilities?


Which of the following considers employees' psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capabilities?


EuroOne, a mutual fund company, is cutting its human resource in large numbers because of the recession. The employees who still have their jobs are angered and depressed by the happenings. They have lost the trust they had in the management and are not sure if their future is secure with EuroOne. The employees are facing the "_____ syndrome."


The "_____ syndrome" is characterized by anger, depression, fear, distrust, and guilt that affects the employees who remain with an organization after a downsizing.


Which of the following is a form of physical withdrawal?


Charles finds an advertisement for an accountant's position at a local office. The advertisement mentions preparing, examining, and analyzing accounting records for accuracy and completeness as job responsibilities of the accountant's position. These job descriptions typically refer to:

Task Performance

_____ includes employee behaviors that are directly involved in the transformation of organizational resources into the goods or services that the organization produces.

Task Performance

Which of the following about the forced ranking method is false?

The B players possess the four Es of GE Leadership

Which of these is one of the conditions necessary to establish causal inferences?

The presumed cause precedes the presumed effect in time.

The scientific method begins with _____.


_____ is defined as a collection of assertions that specify how and why variables are related, as well as the conditions in which they should and should not be related.


_____ psychological contracts are based on a narrow set of specific monetary obligations.


True of False: Continuance commitment focuses on personal and family issues more than affective and normative commitment.


True or False: A correlation describes the statistical relationship between two variables.


True or False: A lack of employment alternatives is one of the factors that increase continuance commitment.


True or False: Big decisions are visible to competitors and observable by industry experts.


True or False: Causal inferences means establishing that one variable really does cause another.


True or False: Citizenship behavior is defined as voluntary employee activities that may or may not be rewarded.


True or False: Continuance commitment exists when there's a profit associated with staying and a cost associated with leaving.


True or False: Continuance commitment tends to create more of a passive form of loyalty.


True or False: Courtesy refers to keeping coworkers informed about matters that are relevant to them.


True or False: Feed back from BARS can help an employee develop and improve over time.


True or False: Job performance is formally defined as the value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute, either positively or negatively, to organizational goal accomplishment.


True or False: Leader power and negotiation summarize how individuals attain authority over others.


True or False: Learning and decision making deal with how employees gain job knowledge and how they use that knowledge to make accurate judgments on the job.


True or False: Organizational commitment is the desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of the organization.


True or False: Organizational commitment should increase the likelihood that an individual will respond to a negative work event with voice or loyalty.


True or False: People create history, a collective pool of experience, wisdom, and knowledge that benefits the organization.


True or False: Property deviance refers to behaviors that harm the organization's assets and possessions.


True or False: Proponents of evidence-based management argue that human resources should be transformed into a sort of R&D department for managing people


True or False: Service work involves direct verbal or physical interactions with customers.


True or False: Sportsmanship involves maintaining a good attitude with coworkers, even when they've done something annoying or when the unit is going through tough times.


True or False: Strategic management focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability.


True or False: Survivor syndrome refers to the anger, depression, fear, distrust, and guilt of the employees who remain after an organization downsizes.


True or False: Task performance includes employee behaviors that are directly involved in the transformation of organizational resources into the goods or services that the organization produces.


True or False: Task performance is the set of explicit obligations that an employee must fulfill to receive compensation and continued employment.


True or False: The Container Store, a retailer based out of Texas, is considering a performance based incentive system for its employees. This is an example of motivation.


True or False: The best way to understand correlation between two variables is to look at a scatter plot


True or False: The integrative model of OB acknowledges that employees work in one or more work teams led by some formal leader.


True or False: The integrative model of OB was designed with the Rule of One-Eighth in mind.


True or False: The method of intuition suggests that people hold firmly to some belief because it seems obvious or self-evident.


True or False: The strength of a correlation can be inferred from the "compactness" of its scatter plot.


True or False: Theory is defined as a collection of assertions—both verbal and symbolic—that specify how and why variables are related, as well as the conditions in which they should (and should not) be related.


True or False: To counter the effects of a bad product, effective management of OB can help make the product get better, incrementally, over the long term.


True or False: Understanding correlation is important because OB questions are not "yes or no" in nature.


True or False: Wasting resources is the most common form of production deviance.


Which of the following reflect(s) the degree to which employees feel that their company does business with fairness, honesty, and integrity?

Trust, justice, and ethics

"Stars" is one of the four types of employees based on the degree of organizational commitment and task performance. "Stars" likely respond to negative events with _____ because they have the desire to improve the status quo and the credibility needed to inspire change.


An active, constructive response to a negative situation, in which individuals attempt to improve the situation, is referred to as _____.


Sean recently joined the marketing team at Axon International. He will be starting at the company in two weeks. Sean has had the reputation of being an expert in ad campaigns and catching the nerve of the target audience. However, he also has the reputation of not getting along with anyone. He doesn't care much about where and for whom he works but is primarily motivated to achieve goals for himself and beat his own records. As soon as Amanda heard about Sean joining the team, she turned in her resignation. Ashton, another team member, called Sean and held a lunch meeting to express all the team members' concerns. He tried to reason with Sean to smooth things out before he formally joins the team. Ashton's reaction can be described as _____.


Some people react to bad rules or policies by constructively trying to change them, instead of passively complaining about them. This positive characteristic refers to:


Which of the following is a minor organizational counterproductive behavior?

Wasting Resources

_____ is the most common form of production deviance.

Wasting Resources

The set of actions that employees perform to avoid the work situation that may eventually culminate in the employee quitting the organization are referred to as _____ behavior.


Jacklyn loves her job, admires her boss, believes in the goals and vision of the company. She can't imagine looking for or finding a better job. Jacklyn most likely would demonstrate ______.

a high level of organizational commitment

Jess, Frank, and Ted are coworkers at Crossroad Inc. Having worked at CI for five years now, the three are discussing their career one day during lunch break when they heard Mary just quit and decided to work for a competitor. Frank remarks that it is not worthwhile for him to leave like Mary because he is so close to getting his big promotion. He has put in the time and hard work for this promotion. If he left for another company, he will not likely get this opportunity again. Ted replies to Frank that for him, it's the CI's relaxed atmosphere and his best friends at CI that keeps him working there. When they asked Jess about how he felt, Jess indicates that Mary had no bonds to CI. She was relatively new and had not invested any time at CI. "For me," Jess says, "CI gave me an opportunity and invested so much in mentoring me, preparing me for the position, and showing me the ropes to success. There is no way that I can desert them by leaving for another company." Ted is exhibiting:

affective commitment

According to the Rule of One-Eigth

at best 12 percent of organizations will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first

The management technique that assesses an employee's performance by directly assessing job performance behaviors is known as _____

behaviorally anchored rating scales`

Organizational commitment should decrease the likelihood that an individual will respond to a negative work event with _____ or _____.

exit; neglect

The term "focus of commitment" refers to all of the following EXCEPT:

industry regulations

"Citizens" is one of the four types of employees based on the degree of organizational commitment and task performance. "Citizens" are likely to respond to negative events with _____ because they may not have the credibility needed to inspire change but possess the desire to remain a member of the organization.


Organizational commitment should increase the likelihood that an individual will respond to a negative work with _____ or _____.

loyalty; voice

Nelson Roe works as an assistant coach for the Washington Wizards in the NBA. Recently he was offered the Head-coaching duties at the Portland Blazers. Though their terms and remuneration were very attractive and it would be a huge career move for Nelson, he declined the offer. He felt it was with Washington Wizards that he learned and developed as a coach, and that staying back at Washington Wizards is the right thing to do and is his obligation. This is an example of _____ commitment.


Red, Jess, and Frankare coworkers at Crossroad Inc. Having worked at CI for five years now, the three are discussing their career one day during lunch break when they heard Mary just quit and decided to work for a competitor. Frank remarks that it is not worthwhile for him to leave like Mary because he is so close to getting his big promotion. He has put in the time and hard work for this promotion. If he left for another company, he will not likely get this opportunity again. Ted replies to Frank that for him, it's the CI's relaxed atmosphere and his best friends at CI that keeps him working there. When they asked Jess about how he felt, Jess indicates that Mary had no bonds to CI. She was relatively new and had not invested any time at CI. "For me," Jess says, "CI gave me an opportunity and invested so much in mentoring me, preparing me for the position, and showing me the ropes to success. There is no way that I can desert them by leaving for another company." Jess is exhibiting:

normative commitment

Property deviance includes _____.

sabotage and theft

Culture, trust, teamwork, and reputation are termed "_____" because it's not always clear how they came to develop, though it is clear which organizations do possess them.

socially complex

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