Ch 1 MGT

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All activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.


An activity that produces something of value for other people may be defined by which of the following?

Master of technology

Executives and managers of the future must be able to get the most out of emerging technologies, whether these technologies are in manufacturing, communications, marketing, or other areas.

Global Strategiest

Executives of the future must understand world markets and think internationally. They must have a capacity to identify unique business opportunities and then move quickly to exploit them.

Follow-from-the-front motivator

Finally, the executive of tomorrow must understand group dynamics and how to counsel, coach, and command work teams and individuals so they perform at their best. Future organizations will place greater emphasis on teams and coordinated efforts, requiring managers to understand participative management techniques.


Generally speaking, most industries do not possess advanced technologies.

Executive managers

Generally, a team of individuals at the highest level of management of an organization.


In order to achieve success in positions, conceptual skills are far more important than technical skills.


In the changing economy, white males will represent only Ppercent of new entrants in the workplace.

Macro-organizational behavior

Macro-organizational behavioral research steps back and looks at an organization as a whole.

Industrial competitiveness

The ability to provide products and services more effectively and efficiently than competitors.

Organizational processes

The activities that establish the business goals of the organization and develop processes, product and resource assets that when used will help to achieve business goals.


The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.


The experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong, or in which one should be involved.

How do recognize and meet the challenges facing managers in the new millennium?

The fundamental challenge facing managers is how to achieve performance goals while simultaneously providing for employee welfare and satisfaction. Work may be defined as an activity that produces something of value for other people. Work serves several functions, including economic, social, status, self-esteem, and self-actualization. As managers in today's environment, several challenges arise, including international competition, new technologies, the need for increased quality, employee motivation and commitment, a diverse workforce, and ethical behavior. These challenges must be met by managers concerned about survival and competitiveness in the future.

First-line management

The level of management directly managing nonmanagerial employees.

Middle management

The managers in an organization at a level just below that of senior executives.


The process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the activities of employees in combination with other resources to accomplish organizational objectives.

Organization theory

The study of organization designs and organization structures, relationship of organizations with their external environment, and the behavior of managers and workers within organizations.


The study of people's behavior is behavior,

Organizational behavior

The study of the actions and attitudes of individuals and groups toward one another and toward the organization as a whole.

Leadership that embraces vulnerability

The successful executive of the future will understand how to cut through red tape to get a job done, how to build bridges with key people from highly divergent backgrounds and points of view, and how to make coalitions and joint ventures work.

Great communicator

To this list of four, we would add that managers of the future must be great communicators. They must be able to communicate effectively with an increasingly diverse set of employees as well as customers, suppliers, and community and government leaders

Long-range planning

When Susan is involved in strategic planning and development activities at ABC Products, it describes which of her managerial responsibilities?

Solar photovoltaic installers

Which of the following occupation shows the fastest growth rate in 2016-2026?

Industrial competitiveness

Which of these best describe a company's ability to provide products and services more effectively and efficiently than competitors?


Which of these is NOT matrix utilized in determining the relative competitiveness of the economies?


While there have been many attempts to provide a differentiation between leadership and management, they are the same


White females have historically dominated the American economic workforce.

Mary Parker Follett

Who espoused "The art of getting things done through people" definition of management?


Work can be defined as an activity that produces something of value for other people.

a source of alienation

Work serves all of these functions EXCEPT

What is the meaning of work in a societal context?

Work will almost inevitably be a large part of your life. An understanding of organizational behavior will aid you in making that part of life more productive and enjoyable for yourself as well those you are in a position to influence. In this course, our objective is to provide sound and relevant insights concerning individuals, groups, and overall organizational systems that will be helpful to you not just as an executive or CEO but also when you are starting your career as an individual contributor or subordinate.

Micro-organizational behavior

_______ is primarily concerned with the behavior of individuals and groups.

Organizational design

A formal methodology that identifies dysfunctional aspects of workflow, procedures, structures and systems, and then realigns them to fit current business goals and develops plans to implement change.


A fundamental challenge facing managers is how to achieve goals while simultaneously providing for employee welfare and satisfaction


A manager's skills represent the use of the tools, procedures, and techniques unique to his/her specialty.

Long-range planning

A process of setting goals that outlines the path for the company's future.


A set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based.

What is expected of a manager?

Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the activities of employees in combination with other resources to accomplish organizational goals. Managerial responsibilities include long-range planning, controlling, environmental scanning, supervision, coordination, customer relations, community relations, internal consulting, and monitoring of products and services. These responsibilities differ by level in the organizational hierarchy and by department or function. The twenty-first-century manager will differ from most current managers in four ways. In essence, he or she will be a global strategist, a master of technology, a good politician, and a premier leader-motivator.

Micro-organizational behavior

Micro-organizational behavioral studies focus on individual and group dynamics within an organization.


Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.


On a Global Competitiveness Index, which country ranks on the top?

What is the role of the behavioral sciences in management and organizations?

Organizational behavior is the study of people in organizations. It can be studied on a micro level, which focuses on individual or group behavior, or on a macro level, which focuses on organization-wide actions and events. A model of organizational behavior is presented, consisting of five building blocks: individuals and groups, tasks and technology, organization design, organizational processes, and management.


Over the last decade, Japan experienced an 8.5 percent annual growth rate in manufacturing productivity.

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