ch 10 agriculture

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282. Th e emergence of which of the following allowed people to settle in one location permanently rather than migrating seasonally? (A) Subsistence farming (B) Multicropping (C) Monoculture (D) Plantation agriculture (E) Commercial farming


283. Which of the following was developed during the Th ird Agricultural Revolution? (A) Th e cotton gin (B) Animal domestication (C) Cattle ranching (D) Genetic engineering (E) Seed agriculture


284. Which of the following crops was domesticated in northern Africa approximately 1,200 years ago? (A) Pineapples (B) Coff ee (C) Squash (D) Corn (E) Millet


A cleared field in shifting cultivation


285. When fl ying across the central United States, the view consists of patches of land about one square mile in size. Th is is evidence of which type of land-use pattern? (A) Metes and bounds system (B) Long lots system (C) Township and range system (D) Sectional system (E) Homestead system


286. Which of the following is true about agriculture in China? (A) Th e government dictates the types and quantities of crops grown. (B) China has the highest sanitary and phytosanitary standards in Asia. (C) Both rice and wheat are grown throughout China. (D) Organic farming accounts for most of the farming in China. (E) China is the largest exporter of agricultural goods in the world.


303. Which of the following types of agriculture is used most widely throughout the world? (A) Commercial farming (B) Slash-and-burn (C) Plantation (D) Shifting cultivation (E) Mediterranean


304. Which form of commercial agriculture is found primarily in developing countries? (A) Plantation agriculture (B) Livestock farming (C) Mixed farming (D) Dairy farming (E) Truck farming


305. All of the following states are located in the Corn Belt EXCEPT (A) Nebraska (B) Illinois (C) Indiana (D) Montana (E) Kansas


306. Which of the following crops is grown in the greatest quantity worldwide? (A) Tobacco (B) Cereal grains (C) Sugarcane (D) Rice (E) Soybeans


311. A society that relies on the cultivation of land is known as (A) municipal (B) metropolitan (C) naturalist (D) hunter-gatherer (E) agrarian


312. Th e program for developing countries that reduces their foreign debt and promotes local conservation funding is known as (A) Green Revolution (B) market gardening (C) debt-for-nature swap (D) sustainable planning (E) cultivation exchange


313. Which of the following is not an example of Mediterranean agriculture? (A) Oranges in Florida (B) Lemons in California (C) Raisins in Greece (D) Olives in Italy (E) Grapes in southwest Australia


314. Plants and animals that have been genetically adapted to suit human needs are considered (A) feral (B) cultivated (C) primitive (D) domesticated (E) indigenous


315. Which of the following is a benefi t of industrial agriculture? (A) It uses fewer fossil fuels. (B) It gives consumers more access to food. (C) It conserves water through irrigation. (D) It increases the number of farming jobs. (E) It decreases the amount of chemical fertilizers running off farm fi elds.


316. Slash-and-burn is an example of what type of agriculture practice? (A) Sustainable farming (B) Pastoral agriculture (C) Collective farming (D) Subsistence farming (E) Plantation agriculture


317. A crop grown for profi t is called a (A) staple crop (B) domesticated crop (C) food crop (D) primary crop (E) cash crop


318. Which of the following is not true about market gardening? (A) It sells goods directly to consumers and restaurants. (B) It requires more manual labor than mechanized farming. (C) It produces a diverse variety of crops. (D) It relies on monoculture production. (E) It operates on a relatively small scale.


319. Which of the following is not a cause of desertifi cation? (A) Overgrazing by animals (B) Off -road vehicles increasing soil loss in drylands (C) Overcultivation of semiarid lands (D) Policies favoring nomadic herding over sedentary farming (E) Irrigation resulting in salinization


The deliberate modification of earths surface through cultivation of plants or domestication of animals.

declining revenues and rising costs

What are two challenges of dairy farming?

seed agriculture

reproduction of plants through planting seeds


the seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pasture areas

mixed crop and livestock, dairying, grain farming, livestock ranching, meditteranean agriculture, horticulture

what are the 6 main types of commercial agriculture


where is shifting cultivation primarily practiced in?


281. All of the following crops might be grown on a truck farm EXCEPT (A) green beans (B) okra (C) strawberries (D) watermelons (E) rice


267. Th e Second Agricultural Revolution occurred at roughly the same time as the (A) American Civil War (B) Industrial Revolution (C) Green Revolution (D) Boxer Rebellion (E) California Gold Rush


268. Th e Th ird Agricultural Revolution is also known as the (A) Green Revolution (B) Industrial Revolution (C) Genetic Revolution (D) Rice Revolution (E) Plantation Revolution


269. Locations farthest from large bodies of water (A) experience the most natural disasters (B) have the most extreme climates (C) are most suitable for large-scale agriculture (D) need more water to irrigate crops (E) tend to have the highest population density


270. Dogs, pigs, and chickens were fi rst domesticated in (A) Western Africa (B) Central America (C) North America (D) Southeast Asia (E) Northern India


271. All of the following are forms of commercial agriculture EXCEPT (A) dairy farming (B) specialized fruit production (C) cattle ranching (D) grain farming (E) pastoral nomadism


272. A farmer plants corn in a fi eld one year, cotton in the same fi eld the following year, and then corn again. Th is farmer is practicing (A) subsistence agriculture (B) commercial farming (C) crop rotation (D) slash-and-burn agriculture (E) shifting cultivation


273. Which of the following crops is grown on the sides of terraced hills to allow fl owing water to run over the plants? (A) Wheat (B) Rice (C) Taro (D) Soybeans (E) Millet


274. Which of the following seed crops were fi rst domesticated in Mexico? (A) Rice and wheat (B) Corn and millet (C) Yams and palm trees (D) Squash and beans (E) Sugarcane and taro


275. In South America, most ethanol is produced using (A) corn (B) soybeans (C) wheat (D) palm oil (E) sugarcane


276. Market-gardening activities occur in which zone of von Th ünen's model of agricultural land use? (A) First zone (B) Second zone (C) Th ird zone (D) Fourth zone (E) Sixth zone


277. Which of the following was a short-term result of the collectivization of agricultural production in Communist countries? (A) Increased labor costs (B) Urbanization (C) Deindustrialization (D) Food shortages (E) Lower food costs


278. All of the following are plantation crops EXCEPT (A) cotton (B) tea (C) sugarcane (D) rubber (E) wheat


279. Cash-cropping is a form of (A) subsistence agriculture (B) extensive agriculture (C) pastoral nomadism (D) mixed farming (E) aquaculture


280. Which of the following methods of farming has become more popular in response to the widespread use of pesticides in farming? (A) Slash-and-burn agriculture (B) Crop rotation (C) Organic farming (D) Shifting cultivation (E) Agricultural industrialization


287. Which of the following describes how winter wheat is planted and harvested? (A) Planted in the fall, harvested in the winter (B) Planted in the spring, harvested in the summer (C) Planted in the winter, harvested in the spring (D) Planted in the spring, harvested in the winter (E) Planted in the fall, harvested in the spring


288. Which of the following machines is used to cut grain that is standing in the fi elds? (A) Tillage (B) Reaper (C) Th resher (D) Harrow (E) Transplanter


289. Which alternative energy source involves converting decaying plant matter into energy used to generate electricity or power engines? (A) Biodiversity (B) Solar power (C) Biomass (D) Organic conversion (E) Fermentation


290. A potential reserve is an energy source that (A) has not been fully utilized due to geographic restrictions (B) is not widely used because it is too expensive (C) can be used to generate electricity and create fuel (D) exists only in remote geographic locations (E) is suspected to exist but has not been discovered


291. A developer clears several acres of forest to make room for a shopping center. All traces of the original landscape have been eliminated. Th is is an example of (A) NIMBY (B) topicide (C) sustainable development (D) desertifi cation (E) agribusiness


292. Farming on long lots is most likely to occur along which of the following? (A) Mississippi River (B) Salinas Valley (C) Appalachian Mountains (D) Great Plains (E) Everglades


293. All of the following crops are products of Mediterranean agriculture EXCEPT (A) olives (B) grapes (C) dates (D) fi gs (E) apples


294. Which of the following refers to the decision to abandon the use of a product that harms the environment and switch to a product that is more environmentally friendly? (A) Subsistence (B) Substitution principle (C) Sustainability (D) Conservation (E) Recycling


295. Which of the following describes an example of creative destruction? (A) A farmer clears a forest in order to plant grain. (B) A developer uses landfi ll to build a restaurant on a river. (C) A farmer plants an orchard next to a fi eld where cattle graze. (D) A farmer plants corn in a fi eld where grain was previously grown. (E) A developer plants native plants around a shopping center.


296. Th e clearing of land through manual labor using simple tools is called (A) reaping (B) labor-intensive farming (C) cultivation (D) crop rotation (E) preservation


297. Mineral fuels are also known as (A) renewable resources (B) coal (C) fossil fuels (D) stored reserves (E) natural resources


298. In the preservationist land use model, people are encouraged to (A) not alter the natural environment (B) clear only land that is not currently in use (C) raise only enough crops to feed the local population (D) explore wilderness areas previously untouched (E) raise only those crops that do not require irrigation


299. Which of the following is characterized by the use of migrant workers who do not live on the farm for labor? (A) Cottage industry farms (B) Suitcase farms (C) Long-lot farms (D) Organic farms (E) Livestock farms


300. Th e theory that people will do what is in their own best interest even when it is not in the best interest of the common good is called the (A) theory of the common good (B) theory of nonsustainability (C) tragedy of the commons (D) comedy of the anticommons (E) theory of best self-interest


301. Herders who move herds constantly in order to fi nd food sources as old sources are depleted engage in (A) shifting cultivation (B) pastoral nomadism (C) commercial farming (D) agropastoralism (E) sedentarization


302. Which of the following is an example of the implementation of the sustainable land use model? (A) A logger who cuts down trees for lumber plants more trees. (B) A farmer plants a secondary crop in the space between the primary crops. (C) A farmer plants only what is needed to feed his or her family. (D) A herder moves from one location to another in order to fi nd food for his or her herd. (E) A developer clears a plot of land for a shopping mall and makes a donation to a conservation fund.


323. Th e agricultural location model suggests that (A) grain crops should lie closest to the market center to maximize profi ts (B) ranching should lie closest to the market center to maximize profi ts (C) timber and fi rewood should lie near the wilderness to maximize profi ts (D) vegetable farms should lie far from the market center to maximize profi ts (E) dairying should lie closest to the market center to maximize profi ts


324. Most of the U.S. Midwest was divided using which system? (A) Metes and bounds (B) Township and range (C) Universal transverse mercator (UTM) (D) Long lots (E) Nucleated


325. Th e farming of oysters is an example of (A) polyculture (B) hydroponics (C) aeroponics (D) aquaculture (E) waterlogging


326. A direct result of the U.S. farm crisis is (A) more jobs available in the farming industry (B) less food available for consumption (C) a decrease in the number of small farms (D) increased price of crops for consumers (E) higher profi ts for farmers


327. To reduce the risk of depleting the soil of nutrients, a farmer decides to plant legumes in a fi eld that previously grew corn. Th is practice is called (A) crop rotation (B) companion cropping (C) succession cropping (D) double cropping (E) no-till planting


328. Limiting the amount of timber cut from a forest to prevent forest depletion, thus ensuring its production for future use, is an example of (A) intensive subsistence agriculture (B) sustainable yield (C) nonrenewable resources (D) specialization (E) an adaptive strategy


329. Which of the following is not an example of a luxury crop? (A) tea (B) cacao (C) tobacco (D) wool (E) coff ee


330. Which of the following is true regarding the growing season? (A) Th e Northern Hemisphere has a longer growing season than the Southern Hemisphere. (B) Areas near the poles have longer growing seasons than regions near the equator. (C) Th e Southern Hemisphere has a longer growing season than the Northern Hemisphere. (D) Lands near the equator have longer growing seasons than at the poles. (E) Growing seasons are the same around the world.


331. All of the following are true of the Green Revolution EXCEPT (A) Some countries have instituted bans on genetically modifi ed food. (B) Crops are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. (C) Crops are grown from genetically modifi ed seeds to increase yields. (D) Th e high price of seeds and fertilizers perpetuates socioeconomic divides. (E) Farmers must buy new seeds each year.


332. Which of the following is an example of agribusiness? (A) Manufacturing clothing from cotton (B) Selling handwoven wool rugs (C) Processing crops into canned food (D) Cutting trees for lumber (E) Mining coal for energy


333. Th e enclosure movement changed farming in England during the 18th century by (A) consolidating the many small farms into fewer large farms (B) encouraging land closest to villages to be farmed rather than land in the rural countryside (C) requiring pens and corrals for any livestock within city limits (D) restricting herding and grazing to specifi c areas (E) initiating building codes for barns and silos


334. Which of the following is not a major hearth of agriculture development and animal domestication? (A) Western Africa (B) Central America (C) Southern Europe (D) Southeast Asia (E) Northwest South America


335. Th e Middle East is known as the Fertile Crescent because (A) it is the largest modern exporter of cereal crops (B) it developed new farming machinery that revolutionized modern agriculture (C) historically it has had a high birth rate (D) it off ered biodiversity in a complex marshland ecosystem (E) it was one of the fi rst areas of sedentary farming and urban society


336. Which of the following agricultural practices most closely followed hunting and gathering? (A) Swidden, or slash-and-burn (B) Pastoralism (C) Intensive agriculture (D) Extensive agriculture (E) Commercial farms


337. All of the following are true of crop rotation systems EXCEPT (A) Early crop rotation systems were mentioned in ancient Roman literature. (B) George Washington Carver helped popularize the use of peanuts in crop rotation in the United States. (C) Most crop rotation systems involve planting three or four crops in an area in succession to preserve yields and nutrient levels. (D) Crop rotation nearly always increases the need for artifi cial fertilizers. (E) Th e four-fi eld crop rotation system was a key to the 18th-century British Agricultural Revolution.


339. Which of the following is true of the environmental impact of organic farming? (A) Th e positive impact of organic farming on the environment is negligible because it is far less energy effi cient than conventional farming. (B) Organic farms are very benefi cial to the environment because they do not use tractors or other internal combustion farm equipment. (C) Organic farming has a positive environmental impact because organic farming helps sustain diverse ecosystems due to the lack of synthetic pesticides. (D) Th e overall eff ect of organic farming on the environment is negative because very few crops can be eff ectively produced with organic farming. (E) Organic farms are harmful to the environment because they produce far more waste than conventional farms.


340. All of the following are true according to the von Th ünen model of agricultural land EXCEPT (A) Th ere is a certain distance beyond which agricultural activity is not profi table. (B) Land values decrease with distance from urban markets. (C) Rents are highest close to urban markets. (D) Dairy farms are located close to the city because of the perishability of dairy products. (E) Forests for fuel and timber production could be located in any of the four rings.


344. All of the following are true of the beginning of agriculture EXCEPT (A) Evidence for domestication of fruit trees does not appear until thousands of years after the beginning of agriculture. (B) Evidence for domestication of the founder crops of agriculture has been dated to about 9500 BCE in the Fertile Crescent. (C) Agriculture grew up in many areas of the world between 9500 BCE and about 7000 BCE. (D) By the Bronze Age, agriculture was being practiced on a fairly large scale in many parts of the world. (E) Early animal domestication arose at nearly the same time as the earliest evidence of plant domestication.


345. Transhumance can best be described as (A) the use of feedlots to raise livestock (B) the seasonal movement of people and livestock over short distances for the purposes of grazing (C) a practice by which crops are rotated in a four-fi eld system (D) the use of animal manure as fertilizer in intensive cultivation (E) long cattle drives in the 19th century to move stock from pastures to railheads in Kansas, Texas, and Missouri


According to Whittley how much areas of agricultuyre are there?


Is shifting cultivation declning or increasing?

vegitative planting

The first form of agriculture and is the reproduction of plants though direct cloning of existing plants.

Humid Low-Latitude

Where is shifting cultivation mainly practiced in?

Mixed crop and livestock

What is the most common form of agriculture in the US?

truck farming

What is the most common type of commercial agriculture in SE US?

Seed agriculture

What type of plant cultication is practiced mainly today

Southeast Asia

Where did vegitative planting most likely originate from

NE US, SE Canada, NW Europe

Where is dairy farming most common in?

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