CH 11-14 NUT

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What percentage of infants and young children are affected by cow's milk allergy?


An appropriate caloric concentration of infant formula that provides adequate nutrients for full-term infants is approximately _______ kcal/oz.


Iron-rich food or a daily low-dose oral iron supplement should be initiated at what age?

4 to 6 months

Which of the following accurately describes requirements of fluids? (select all that apply) a. An adequate intake for total fluid for men is 15-16 cups (3.7L) daily. b. Women require 11-12 (2.7L) cups per day. c. An upper limit of 22 cups of fluid per day has been established. d. It takes approximately 5 days to compensate for loss of 1% body fluid.

A and B

Which snack should the hygienist encourage to decrease the incidence of dental caries? (select all that apply) a. cheese cubes b. crackers c. pastries d. raw vegetables

A and D

Which of the following accurately describe aspects of nutrient supplements? (Select all that apply) A. Complementary medicine uses complementary and alternative medicine in conjunction with conventional medicine B. Alternative medicine replaces conventional techniques with CAM. C. Most rigorous clinical trials have concluded that homeopathy provides very limited effective treatment D. The term natural on a label indicates that the product has been determined to be safe and contains only those ingredients listed.

A, B, C

Adolescent eating practices may result in which of the following nutritional deficiencies? (select all that apply) a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin C c. Folate d. Iron e. Pyridoxine (B7) f. Biotin (B7)

A, B, C, D, E

Vitamin B12 is associated with which of the following? (Select all that apply) A. Excessive amounts are bound to protein and stored in the liver for 3-4 years B. It functions as a coenzyme in folate metabolism in DNA synthesis C. It is essential to the formation and regeneration of red blood cells D. It's full name is biotin E. After gastric surgery, vitamin B12 levels are of concern

A, B, C, and E

Which of the following is true of requirements and regulation of sodium? (select all that apply) a. an RDA has not been established b. the sodium-potassium pump regulates sodium and other electrolytes c. the kidneys adjust sodium excretion to match sodium intake d. aldosterone released by the pituitary gland controls sodium reabsorption and excretion e. the Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate encourage limiting consumption of sodium to 2300 mg/day

A, B, C, and E

Which of the following is true of ECC? (select all that apply) a. ECC Is the current most current term describing this condition b. ECC is characterized by early rampant decay c. ECC is associated with inappropriate feeding practice d. Severe early childhood caries is the preferred terminology by pediatricians e. Infants with ECC are typically overweight because of eating patterns

A, B, and C

Which of the following accurately describe thirst as it relates to physiologic aspects of hydration? (select all that apply) a. The early sign of the need for fluid is often mistaken for hunger. b. Older patients often have a reduced sensation of thirst. c. Increased blood pressure stimulates release of theanine, which leads to the release of aldosterone. d. release of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex causes blood pressure to increase. e. the ability to regulate water balance is not precise in infants and older adults.

A, B, and E

Which of the following are true regarding prenatal physiologic roles of zinc? (select all that apply) a. Zinc is crucial early in pregnancy for formation of fetal organs b. An increase in high-protein food improves zinc intake c. Zinc is critical to erythropoiesis d. Severe zinc deficiency is associated with congenital rickets e. Requirements are highest in late pregnancy for fetal growth and development.

A, B, and E

While assessing oral tissues, signs of fluid volume deficit that a dental hygienist should look for include ______________. (select all that apply) a. dry tongue with longitudinal fissures b. xerostomia c. edema of oral mucous membranes d. increased salivary flow e. use of ma-huang

A, B, and E

Rich sources of folate include which of the following? (Select all that apply) A. Legumes B. Pork C. Green leafy vegetables D. Fortified cereals and grain products E. Grapefruit and oranges

A, C, D, and E

When counseling a parent regarding ECC, advice from the hygienist should include? (select all that apply) a. Limit child's access to sippy cup containing milk or juice b. If natural fluoride is low, install a home filtration system to add fluoride c. During first year, food that requires chewing should be added based on the number of erupted teeth d. Wean the infant from the bottle soon after the first birthday e. To encourage more consumption of fluids, add fruit juice to bottle and sippy cup

A, C, and D

Which of the following are associated with thiamin deficiency? (Select all that apply) A. Involuntary rapid movement of the eyeballs B. Flushing of the skin C. Depression and fatigue D. Beriberi E. Burning feelings of the feet

A, C, and D

Which of the following accurately describes energy drinks? (select all that apply) a. Energy drinks contain stimulants b. Although controversial, megadoses of vitamin B provide energy bursts c. The use of energy drinks can increase risk for caffeine overdose d. The amount of caffeine within the product is listed on the label. e. sales have doubled in the past 5 years

A, C, and E

Zinc is a component in more than 200 enzymes. Which of the following is true of physiologic roles, requirements, and hypo and hyper states of zinc? (select all that apply) a. Zinc deficiency is associated with increase susceptibility to periodontal disease b. Zinc supplements are essential to supplement a well-balanced diet c. Flattened filiform papillae are manifestations of zinc deficiency. d. Zinc deficiency is associated with increased acuity of taste and smell e. Zinc performs functions in cell growth and replication, sexual maturation, night vision. and appetite.

A, C, and E.

What vitamins are needed in larger quantities for lactating women than during pregnancy? (select all that apply) a. Vitamin A b. Riboflavin (B2) c. Niacin (B3) d. Cobalamin (B12) e. Vitamin C f. Vitamin D

A, D, and E

Which of the following is true of potassium deficiency? (select all that apply) a. Excessive loss or inadequate intake of potassium can result in hypokalemia b. Excessive bowel sounds and muscle weakness in legs are associated with potassium deficiency. c. Diminished insulin levels contribute to potassium deficiency. d. Vomiting and diarrhea contribute to potassium deficiency. e. Drugs such as diuretics are major contributors to potassium deficiency.

A, D, and E.

Which of the following statements accurately describes a physiologic role or utilization pattern of iron? (select all that apply) a. iron is present in every cell including both oral soft and hard tissues. b. this nutrient is involved in the conversion of beta-carotene to protein c. iron incorporates and distributes lipids within the blood d. approximately 4g (less than 1 tsp) is present in the body e. lactoferrin, a salivary glycoprotein, is capable of binding iron.

A, D, and E.

The most common developmental disorder of children


The best way to prevent osteoporosis is through building bone mass during what stage of life?


Folic acid antagonist.


Excessive weight gain during pregnancy increases the risk of: a. Gestational diabetes b. Pregnancy-induced hypertension c. Miscarriage or stillbirth d. Difficulty during delivery, requiring C-section e. Postpartum hemorrhage f. All of the above

All of the above

How do electrolytes affect hydration status? a. Cations and anions must be equally balanced b. Electrolytes are important in water and acid-base balance c. Electrolyte distribution differs in ICF/ECF compartments. d. All of the above

All of the above

The oral cavity is the site of a wide variety of systemic disease manifestations. Clinicians and patients can see signs and symptoms several ways. Which ways demonstrate this? a. Rapid cellular turnover b. Constant attack by microorganisms c. Trauma-tense environment d. All of the above

All of the above

Use of these products may detrimentally affect the fetus: a. Tobacco b. Alcohol c. Caffeine d. Medications e. Illegal drugs f. All of the above

All of the above

What is a public health concern for children younger than age 2 who come from low-income families.


Absence of major portion of the brain and skull.


Cracks in the epithelium around the corners of the mouth.

Angular cheilosis

Negatively charged electrolytes.


Pituitary gland.

Antidiuretic hormone

Capable of inducing an immune response with specific antibodies


Many suppress chemically induced oral neoplasias.


Each of the following is true of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome disorder EXCEPT: a. FAS is a cluster of birth defects resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure b. The brain is one of the first organs affected by alcohol c. At birth, an infant with FAS has a head circumference that is larger than normal d. The first trimester is the most vulnerable time for the fetus e. Four to five drinks per day can produce the full FAS.

At birth, an infant with FAS has a head circumference that is larger than normal.

Which condition is least likely to be caused by a deficiency of riboflavin? A. Glossitis B. Bilateral cheilosis C. Dermatitis D. Anemia

Bilateral cheilosis

Deficiency produced by ingestion of raw egg whites.


Oral signs of this vitamin deficiency include: pallor of the tongue and patchy atrophy of the lingual papillae. Although the pattern resembles geographic tongue, it is confined to the lateral margins or is generalized to the entire dorsum. What vitamin deficiency do these oral signs describe?

Biotin (B7)

Human breast milk provides distinct advantages over commercially produced formulas because the infant's immune system is not fully developed. (Statement/reason)

Both statement and reason are correct and related

T or F: An infant is considered premature if the gestational period is less than 39 weeks. Mortality rates are highest for infants born at 32-36 weeks' gestation.

Both statements are false.

T or F: Maxillary molars are affected first by early childhood caries. Artificial infant milk is more cariogenic than human breast milk.

Both statements are false.

T or F: Sodium deficiency can lead to an increased salivary flow rate. High levels of sodium cause calcium retention in the kidneys.

Both statements are false.

T or F: Although milk and milk products are excellent sources of riboflavin, approximately 30% of the dietary intake is furnished by foods in the grain group. Meat, poultry, and fish also provide about one-fourth of the dietary requirement.

Both statements are true.

T or F: Iodine is required for the production of thyroxine. Thyroxine, secreted by the thyroid gland regulates basal metabolic rate.

Both statements are true.

T or F: The slow childhood growth rate accelerates with pubescence until the rate is as rapid as that of early infancy. During pubescence, growth of long bones, secondary sexual maturation, and fat and muscle deposition create an increased nutrient requirement.

Both statements are true.

A goal for Healthy People 2020 is to reduce iron-deficiency anemia among pregnant females because the IOM has concluded that iron is the only known nutrient to warrant global supplementation during pregnancy. (statement/reason)

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

A megadose of a vitamin with intake of 20-600 times the RDA is actually a misnomer because at these levels, the vitamin is functioning as a drug rather than a nutrient. (Statement/reason?)

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

A multivitamin supplement containing folic acid is recommended for all young women because of the number of unintentional pregnancies in women 15-24 years old. (statement/reason)

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

Fluoride supplementation is recommended for all infants older than 6 mo. and children because this mineral increases the strength and acid resistance of developing tooth enamel. (statement/reason)

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

The RDA for iron is higher for premenopausal women than for men or postmenopausal women because of the blood loss during menstruation. (statement/reason?)

Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.

Conditions such as burns and growth spurts lead to additional riboflavin requirements because this nutrient acts as a coenzyme in the syntheses of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. (Statement/reason?)

Both the statement and the reason are correct but are not related.

Thiamin is crucial for normal functioning of the _________. A. Brain and muscles B. Heart and lungs C. Salivary and adrenal glands D. Intestines and liver

Brain and muscles

Involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth


Infant birth weights are most affected by nutrient intake during which gestational time period? (select all that apply) a. First 6-8 weeks b. first trimester c. second trimester d. third trimester

C and D

Low levels of these vitamins have been noted in women using oral contraceptive agents. What vitamins have been noted in this population? (select all that apply) a. Vitamin A b. Riboflavin (B2) c. Pyridoxine (B6) d. Cobalamin (B12) e. Vitamin C f. Vitamin D

C and D

Which oft he following is true of bottled water? (select all that apply) a. Most bottled water contains fluoride b. The USDA mandates that nutrient-added and flavored waters not contain kilocalories c. Bottle water also includes flavored and nutrient-added waters. (FDA) d. Bottle water is regulated by the US FDA.

C and D

Adolescence is a crucial phase for bone development. What nutrients are required for developing good bone mass? (select all that apply) a. Vitamin C b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin D d. Iron e. Folate f. Calcium

C, D, F

.Dietary reference intakes during pregnancy differ from when women are not pregnant. For women who are also vegans, they are also at risk for not consuming adequate amounts of what nutrients? (select all that apply) a. Fiber b. Folate c. Cobalamin (B12) d. Vitamin D e. Iron

C, D, and E

Broken down similar to other supplements.


Electrolyte distribution differs in ICF/ECF compartments. The principle anion in plasma and interstitial fluid is: a. Chloride b. Bicarbonate c. Phosphate d. All of the above


Primary anion in plasma and interstitial fluid.


Large, mushroom-shaped structures forming a "V" shape on dorsal surface of tongue.

Circumvallate lingual papillae

The only vitamin that contains a mineral.


The lack of which B vitamin is associated with development of pernicious anemia, glossopyrosis, glossitis, and cheilosis? A. Thiamin (B1) B. Riboflavin (B2) C. Niacin (B3) D. Pyridoxine (B6) E. Biotin (B7) F. Cobalamin (B12)

Cobalamin (B12)

Bacterial indicator of sanitation.


Each of the following is helpful information for the dental hygienist to convey regarding iron consumption and prevention of anemia except:

Consuming vitamin C with iron-rich foods diminished absorption of iron

Soy protein-based formulas are appropriate for each of the following EXCEPT:

Cow's milk protein allergy

Natural ingredient in breast milk related to brain and retinal development


A pregnancy that occurs less than 1 year after a previous pregnancy can contribute to each of the following EXCEPT: a. Increase incidence of preterm birth b. Decrease of fetal calcium and iron c. Fetal growth retardation d. Risk of maternal mortality and morbidity

Decrease of fetal calcium and iron

Excessive sweating.


Impairment of sense of touch.


Routine dental care during which stage of pregnancy is NOT associated with increased risk of serious medical events, preterm delivery, spontaneous abortion, or fetal death or anomalies?

Entire pregnancy

Formation of red blood cells.


Maternal iron-deficiency anemia is associated with each of the following EXCEPT: a. Impaired intellectual development b. Increased risk of preterm delivery c. Low birth weight d. Low iron intake e. excessive caloric intake

Excessive caloric intake

All of the following are contributing factors to development of ECC except:

Excessive cleansing of teeth with finger toothbrush

T or F: Infants who are given artificial infant milk tend to weigh less than breastfed infants. No artificial infant milk can match the benefits of breast milk.

False; True

T or F: The birth weight of an infant doubles in 3 months, and it has quadrupled by 1 year of age. Length or height increases by 50% by year of age.

False; True

T or F: Because of increasing cases of fluorosis, low levels of fluoride are added to commercial infant formula. Breast milk provides low levels of fluoride.

False; true

T or F: Soy protein-based formulas are considered superior to cow's milk protein-based formulas for managing infantile colic, fussiness, and prevention of atopic disease. Comparisons of various commercial formulas with human breast milk consistently indicate that breastfed infants had a slight advantage offer all other types of artificial formulas.


Taste buds are located within all of the papilla of the tongue EXCEPT A. Foliate B. Filiform C. Circumvallate lingual D. Fungiform


Smooth, threadlike structures on the dorsal surface of the tongue.

Filiform papillae

Each of the following oral structures is lined with keratinized mucosa EXCEPT: A. Floor of the mouth B. Gingival surrounding the teeth C. Dorsum of the tongue D. Hard palate

Floor of the mouth

Common nutritional deficiency. After bariatric surgery.


Excessive amounts of this nutrient can cause kidney damage and mask symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, resulting in neurological and cognitive symptoms. This nutrient can also protect against some common cancers, especially development of colorectal cancer. What is this vitamin?


The most common vitamin deficiency among the B-complex vitamin is usually due to low intake of: A. Vitamin B1 B. Vitamin B2 C. Pantothenic acid D. Folate


Which of the following has an important role in synthesis of RNA and DNA? a. Folate b. Thiamin c. Riboflavin d. Niacin e. Biotin


the recommended dietary allowance of which vitamin is significantly more than RDA for a woman who isn't pregnant?


The loss of which papilla types is most likely to result in a loss of taste buds and changes in taste acuity? A. Circumvallate and foliate B. Foliate and fungiform C. Circumvallate and fungiform D. Fungiform and filiform E. Filiform and foliate

Foliate and fungiform

A mother of a toddler is concerned because her son is not eating well. Each of the following is a sound tip the hygienist can provide except:

Food jabs should be discouraged with the patent taken charge of food intake.

What factors impact good nutrition during an infant's first year?

Foods added to infant's selections How infants are fed Quality of foods

During early phases of nutritional deficiency, which epithelial tissue is the most likely to be evident? A. Glossal B. Gingival C. Lips D. Palatal


Pregnant woman.


Absorption of iron at an increased rate.


Each of the following interferes with zinc absorption EXCEPT: a. Calcium b. Fiber c. Higher quality protein d. Phytate e. Phosphate salts

Higher quality protein

Low levels of estrogen and progesterone

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Elevated serum potassium level.


Elevated serum sodium level.


Preference for sweet foods

Innate desire

An imbalance in this nutrient can result in the following: delayed eruption of primary and secondary teeth, enlarged tongue, stillbirths, altered craniofacial. a. Zinc b. Iron c. Sodium d. Potassium e. Iodine


Signs and symptoms of a deficiency of this nutrient include: microcytic anemia, fatigue, faulty digestion, blue sclerae, pale conjunctivae, and tachycardia. What nutrient is missing? a. Zinc b. Iron c. Sodium d. Potassium e. Iodine


Likely inadequate in adolescent girls and women of childbearing years.

Iron and folic acid

Each of the following is true of human breast milk expect:

It is low in cholesterol



Which of the following are weight-related pregnancy complications except: a. Listeriosis b. Cesarean delivery c. Large-for-gestational-age infants d. Preeclampsia


Consistent high doses of folate can _____________. A. Mask a deficiency of vitamin B12 B. Act as an antioxidant C. Increase the risk of heart disease D. Increase the need for other B vitamins

Mask a deficiency of vitamin B12

Decreased production of estrogen and progesterone.


Liberates water.

Metabolism of Protein and Carbohydrate

Water loss can occur from each of the following EXCEPT: a. metabolism of fat b. Respiration inflammation c. Strenuous exercise d. Diarrhea e. Perspiration

Metabolism of fat

School-aged children (7-12) with untreated dental disease may:

Miss school days Be unable to concentrate in school Have poor academic performance Feel embarrassed, anxious

Severe hypothyroidism.


Cellular dead patches in intestines

Necrotizing enteroclotitis

A recent evaluation by, often called the "watchdog of the supplement industry," found that more than 90% of multivitamins tested contained essentially the ingredients and proportions listed on the product label. The presence of a United States Pharmacopeia (USP) symbol on a label means testing of the product has confirmed that the supplement is safe for everyone. (Statement/reason?)

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct

Sticky carbohydrate foods such as candies, cookies, and pastries are cariogenic, but crackers and raisins are not because crackers and raisins contain less processed, more natural ingredients. (statement/reason)

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct

A mother's food choices during pregnancy will affect her child's health, but have little bearing on later preferences because flavors from the mother's diet rarely transmit through amniotic fluid. (statement/reason?)

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

A person with a large amount of fat has a higher percentage of total body water than average because adipose tissue absorbs and retains water. (statement/reason)

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

Milk purchased in waxy containers contains less riboflavin because the components of the container have the potential to decompose riboflavin. (Statement/reason?)

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as docosahexaenoic acid, should not be consumed during pregnancy because they interfere with central nervous system and visual development in infants. (statement/reason)

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

The approximately 75% to 80% of sodium that is consumed from processed foods can be reduced by using sea salt, because the natural ingredients of sea salt provide more flavor, less sodium, and more minerals than table salt do. (statement/reason?)

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

Water losses result in increased kidney output because increased kidney function stimulates thirst and encourages fluid intake. (statement/reason?)

Neither the statement nor the reason is correct.

A new patient from Latin America presents in your office. Presents with diet heavily corn-based, rough and reddish skin, tired and depressed. Nonspecific burning sensation in oral cavity; smooth, shiny bright-red tongue swollen at the tip and lateral margins; and stomatitis - red and inflamed marginal and attached gingiva. What B vitamin might this person be deficient in?

Niacin (B3)

Deficiency or excessive amount of a specific nutrient.

Nutritional Insult

Each of the following decreases or destroys thiamin content in food EXCEPT: A. Olive oil added to vegetables during cooking B. Baking soda added to cooking water of vegetables C. Over cooking and high temperatures D. Consumption of raw fish E. Use of antacids as a calcium supplement

Olive oil added to vegetables during cooking

Contributes to ongoing cognitive development

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Children with special needs often have significant oral health issues. What oral condition may be observed in children with special needs?

Oral infections Dental Caries Periodontal disease Mastication/swallowing problems

Infant suckling during feeding encourages development of what oral structures?

Oral motor development Encourages mandibular development, including jar and chin

Movement of water from area of lower solute to higher solute concentration.


Each of the following is a classic sign of fluid volume deficit EXCEPT: a. Longitudinal fissures in dry tongue b. Sunken eyes c. Orthostatic hypotension d. Hypotension e. Pale urine

Pale urine

A deficiency of this vitamin is rare; however, symptoms include burning feelings of the feet, depression, fatigue, insomnia, and weakness. This vitamin may help wound healing, so encouraging patients who are undergoing oral or periodontal surgery to eat a well-balanced diet is encouraged. What is this vitamin?

Panthothenic Acid (B5)

The system most likely to be responsible for excessive salivation in a nervous dental patient is in the ___________.

Parasympathetic autonomic nervous system

Each of the following feeding tips provided by the dental hygienist are considered sound except:

Parents should assume control of food portions and not rely on the child's internal hunger cues.

Niacin deficiency.


Fluid retention in legs and feet

Peripheral Edema

Electrolyte distribution differs in ICF/ECF compartments. The principle anion in ICF is: a. Chloride b. Bicarbonate c. Phosphate d. All of the above


For children of all ages, dietary recommendations and energy needs must be balanced with what?

Physical activity Genetic factors Environmental factors

Which of the following meats is an exceptionally good source of thiamin? A. Beef B. Chicken C. Pork D. Turkey


Chronic deficiency of this is often unrecognized; however, health problems include hypertension, heart attack, stroke, kidney stones, and loss of bone minerals, leading to osteoporosis. Patients may feel tired, weak, and irritable while being unable to pinpoint why. What nutrient is missing in their diet? a. Zinc b. Iron c. Sodium d. Potassium e. Iodine


Electrolyte distribution differs in ICF/ECF compartments. The principle cation in ICF is: a. Sodium b. Potassium c. Calcium d. Magnesium


High blood pressure that can cause premature delivery.


All of the following are appropriate nutritional recommendations for a dental hygienist to provide to lactating mother EXCEPT

Prescription drugs should be avoided, but herbal supplements are safe because they do not pass into breast milk

Each of the following is true of iron requirements except:

Preterm infants should receive iron supplements after 6 months.

A pt. presents for treatment. She is a woman of childbearing age and uses oral contraceptives. She reports primarily eating a vegetarian diet. Deficiency-induced glossitis is noted, accompanied by pain, edema, and papillary changes. The patient reported that initially her tongue had a scalded sensation, followed by reddening and hypertrophy of the filiform papillae at the tip, margins, and dorsum. The vitamin deficiency most likely causing these oral complications is?

Pyridoxine (B6)

A patient presents with burning, itchy eyes, loss of visual acuity, dermatitis, glossitis, and angular cheilosis. Which B vitamin might be lacking in their diet and contributing to these symptoms?

Riboflavin (B2)

Caries protective physical barrier


Separate fluid compartments.

Semi-permeable Membrane

Electrolyte distribution differs in ICF/ECF compartments. The principle cation in plasma and interstitial fluids are: a. Sodium b. Potassium c. Calcium d. Magnesium


Each of the following is a prudent recommendation for a dental hygienist to make for a menopausal patient EXCEPT: a. Supplement calcium and vitamin D slightly beyond UI level because of increased metabolic needs b. Encourage lean protein and regular exercise to maintain muscle mass c. Avoid alcohol and alcohol-containing oral hygiene products if xerostomia is present d. Consumption of 90 mg daily of isoflavones in soy products helps to increase bone mass

Supplement calcium and vitamin D slightly beyond UI level because of increased metabolic needs.

All of the following ingredients in tea are considered beneficial to health EXCEPT: a. Polyphenols b. Flavonoids c. Tannin d. Theanine


All of the following are sound recommendations regarding children's oral health except:

Teach children to use a quarter-sized amount of toothpaste to limit the amount accidentally swallowed

T or F: A deficiency of riboflavin can lead to pellagra. Riboflavin is not known to be toxic, but there is no benefit from high doses.

The first statement is false, the second is true.

T or F: Approximately 25% of reputable producers of bottled water use groundwater as their water source. Plain tap water is the most natural source of fluids.

The first statement is false, the second is true.

T or F: Increased levels of vitamins B6 and B12 have been noted in women taking oral contraceptive agents due to increased levels of estrogen. Progestins with OCAs can cause weight gain related to increased appetite and related carbohydrate metabolism.

The first statement is false, the second is true.

T or F: Most gravidas younger than 18 years old have adequate intake of calcium and iron, but lack stores of vitamin A, D, and niacin. Most girls this age are still growing and storing nutrients in their own bodies.

The first statement is false, the second is true.

T or F: The body's hydration status depends on an electrolyte balance of equal concentrations of solutes on kilocalories. Electrolytes are an important in water balance and acid-base (pH) balance.

The first statement is false, the second is true.

T or F: Tooth development begins early in the second trimester. Calcification of deciduous teeth begins around the fourth month.

The first statement is false, the second is true.

T or F: High pH levels of sports and energy drinks resulting from hydrochloric acid content causes irreversible damage to teeth in just 5 days. Energy drinks cause twice as much damage to teeth as sports drinks do.

The first statement is false; the second is true.

T or F: Beriberi manifests with impairment of the autonomic nervous system. Other symptoms include bradycardia and decreased size of the heart.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

T or F: During heat exhaustion, a sodium deficit results in hyponatremia. Early symptoms include nausea, abdominal cramps, headache, hyperactivity, and excessive talking.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

T or F: Loss of 1 pound of body weight during exercise means that at least 2 cups of water have been lost. High protein diets during exercise retain more water than do diets high in fruits and vegetables.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

T or F: Low-dose iron supplementation during pregnancy, even if the gravida is not anemic, improves the woman's iron status and protects the infant from iron-deficiency anemia. Maternal and fetal goiter, cretinism, and intellectual impairments are linked to infant iron deficiency.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

T or F: Some nutrients may compete or block the action or absorption another nutrient. Most time-released supplements counteract this problem.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

T or F: Vitamin E not only prevents inflammation of the periodontium; it also promotes integrity of mucosal cell membranes. A deficiency of vitamin E is associated with parotid gland enlargement.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

T or F: Vitamin deficiencies, especially the B-complex vitamins, seldom occur in isolation. Foliate, a B-complex vitamin, is the exception because it functions separately from other vitamins.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

T or F: Women practicing pica behaviors are usually from lower socioeconomic groups or have less than a high school education. Pica, affecting 10% of American women, is more frequently practiced by women living in densely populated urban areas.

The first statement is true, the second is false.

Each of the following accurately describes physiological roles of thiamin EXCEPT: A. Thiamin functions as a coenzyme in the Krebs cycle B. The main effects of thiamin deficiency are disturbances of protein and lipid metabolism C. Thiamin is an essential component in synthesis of niacin D. Also known as Vitamin B1, thiamin helps regulate appetite

The main effects of thiamin deficiency are disturbances of protein and lipid metabolism.

Early childhood caries causes destruction of tooth surfaces. All of the following accurately describes aspects of ECC except:

The primary contributing factor to ECC is infection with lactobacilli

All of the following is true of protein requirements for infants except:

The recommended dietary allowance for older infants is 1.78 g/kg.

Each of the following is true of health issues concerning maternal weight before and during pregnancy EXCEPT: a. The goal for women who are overweigh before pregnancy is to avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy b. Women who gain more than 22 pounds during pregnancy are more likely to retain the weight c. The risk of spontaneous preterm birth decreases in underweight women d. Infants born to mothers who gain more than 50 pounds during pregnancy are at risk for higher body mass in later life.

The risk of spontaneous preterm birth decreases in underweight women.

Calcium and magnesium are among the nutrients added to sports drinks to restore fluid balance during exercise, because these minerals are not readily available in a well-balanced diet. (Statement/reason?)

The statement is correct, but the reason is not correct.

Excess water is eliminated by the kidneys because ADH secretion is increased when osmoreceptors detect excess water. (Statement/reason?)

The statement is correct, but the reason is not correct.

Fungiform papillae are pale pink because they are covered with keratinized mucosa and have a rich blood supply. (Statement/reason?)

The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct,

Cellular edema is present during hypernatremia because when sodium losses exceed water losses, sodium moves from the ECF to the ICF, and water enters the ICF.

The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct.

Current recommendations for nutrition during pregnancy focus on avoidance of undernutrition because the placenta does not perform well if the mother's nutritional status is poor. (statement/reason)

The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct.

Oolong and black teas provide higher levels of polyphenols and flavonoids than green teas do, because oolong and black teas are oxidized or fermented. (statement/reason?)

The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct.

Patients older than the age of 70 are encouraged to choose fortified sources of vitamin B12 because the synthetic form is better absorbed than naturally occurring vitamin B12 in foods. (Statement/reason?)

The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct.

Patients taking medications for bradycardia exhibit increased salivary flow because such medications affect salivary secretion control by cholinergic parasympathetic nerves. (Statement/reason?)

The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct.

The "morale vitamin"


While this vitamin deficiency is seldom seen in patients in the US, anorexia, heaviness or weakness in the legs, beriberi, and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome are all representative of the lack of this vitamin.

Thiamin (B1)

A leading cause of death related to food borne illness.


T or F: Children with cerebral palsy, down syndrome, and intellectual disabilities are likely to have abnormal sensory input and muscle tone. A small, underdeveloped tongue is common in many such disorders and results in diminished nutritional status.

True; False

T or F: Human breast milk contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Compared with cow's milk, human milk is low in lactose and relatively high in protein.

True; False

T or F: Infants both with cleft palates are high risk of developmental delays. While holding the infant in the sitting position during feeding may be easier, it results in nasal regurgitation.

True; False

T or F: Tooth eruption patterns of school-aged children are marked by exfoliation of all or most primary teeth and eruption of permanent teeth. During this period, application of topical fluoride is less effective than systemic fluoride administration.

True; False

T or F: The most powerful predictor for how much children eat is how much food is put on their plate. The MyPlate sections for kids are different from those of adults.


Deficiencies in which of the following nutrients is least associated with manifestations of systemic disease in the oral cavity? A. Vitamin A B. B-complex vitamins C. Vitamin C D. Protein

Vitamin A

Deficiency produces squamous meta plasma in salivary gland ducts.

Vitamin A

Synthesis of keratin in tooth enamel depends on ___________.

Vitamin A

Oral contraceptives may reduce maternal levels during pregnancy and lactation.

Vitamin B6

Ensures optimal activity of white blood Ellis.

Vitamin C

Each of the following is true EXCEPT:

Vitamin D-fortified whole milk should not be provided until 2 years

Which is the most natural source of fluids for quenching thirst?


Associated with malnourished alcoholics.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Increased incidence of dental caries and susceptibility to oral infections.


Only 22% to 34% of women receive dental care during pregnancy. Which of the following accurately describe prenatal oral health conditions? a. Even when oral problems exist, most women do not see a dentist. b. Pregnancy tumors are large lumps originating from gingivitis. c. Periodontal disease is a significant risk factor for preeclampsia d. Dental erosion can result from nausea during pregnancy e. all of the above

all of the above

The most powerful predictor for what children will eat is:

amount of food

The ideal time to begin taking folate to prevent neural tube defects is: a. before conception b. once pregnancy begins c. at 6 weeks d. upon completion of the first trimester

before conception

When talking with a young woman trying to become pregnant, the dental hygienist recalls that weight adjustment ideally should be achieved: a. before conception b. after conception c. before labor d. during lactation

before conception

The factor that is least predictive of a healthy pregnancy is: a. the mother's nutritional status before conception b. appropriate weight gain c. gestation of 39-41 weeks d. birth weight less than 5.5 lbs

birth weight less than 5.5 lbs

The best time period for a pregnant woman to receive routine dental care is during the ______________. a. first 6-8 weeks b. first trimester c. entire pregnancy d. third trimester e. last month

entire pregnancy

Many women are choosing to become pregnant at an older age. Maternal risks of pregnancy after age 35 include all of the following EXCEPT:

genetic risks

Well-conducted trials support probiotics in infant formulas for their role in preventing....

necrotizing enterocolitis

To help prevent early childhood caries, the dental hygienist should recommend the infant....

not be given nighttime bottles

A mother asks about healthy snacks for her three children under 4 years old. All of the following are wise choices except:

nuts and seeds

Equalization of solute concentration of intracellular fluids and extracellular fluids is accomplished by ____________.

osmotic pressure

Each of the following is commonly deficient in the diet of adolescents except;


Each of the following describe physiological roles of water EXCEPT: a. acts as a solvent for chemical reactions b. regulates temperature by pooling as perspiration on skin c. maintains stability of body fluids d. enables transport of nutrients and excretion of waste

regulates temperature by pooling as perspiration on skin

Dissolved substances that freely cross cellular membranes are _______________.


Estimated energy requirements increase during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. This additional energy is necessary EXCEPT: a. building new tissues b. supporting metabolic expenditure c. enabling physical movement with additional weight d. sparing energy for fetal growth

sparing energy for fetal growth

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