Ch 13-15

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24. Which of the following is a cause of conflict related to an organization's structure?

Authority relations

58. Which of the following styles of conflict management is used to achieve temporary settlements to complex issues?


37. In the context of power networks, which of the following is true of an equal versus equal relationship?

Conflict in this network can lead to depression.

13. _____ ensures that all essential organizational tasks are assigned to one or more jobs and that the tasks receive the attention they need.


53. Which of the following is a difference between distributive bargaining and integrative negotiation?

Distributive bargaining is a win-lose approach to negotiations, whereas integrative negotiation is a win-win approach to negotiations.

39. Which of the following is a planned strategy to reduce the size of an organization?


11. _____ is the ability to see life from another person's perspective.


51. _____ is an alternative work arrangement that is responsive to individual biorhythms.


41. _____ is a withdrawal mechanism that provides an escape from a conflict through daydreaming.


54. _____ makes spatial differentiation even more of a reality for organizations.


23. Which of the following structural conflicts occurs when individuals do not have knowledge of another department's objectives?

Goal differences

36. In comparison with other approaches to job design, which of the following is most likely a positive outcome of the motivational approach?

Greater job involvement

42. Which of the following is a feature of the German approach to work?

Hierarchy and authority relationships are valued.

15. _____ is the degree of differentiation between organizational subunits and is based on employees' specialized knowledge, education, or training.

Horizontal differentiation

40. _____ is a compromise mechanism whereby an individual patterns his or her behavior after another's.


37. In comparison with other approaches to job design, which of the following is most likely a negative outcome of the motivational approach?

Increased training time

64. Which of the following is most likely a reason why decision making is of poor quality in a weak or deficient organizational structure?

Information linkages do not provide the correct information to the right person.

11. _____ is the design process of linking tasks together to form an organizational structure that supports goal accomplishment.


54. _____ is an approach in which the parties' goals are not seen as mutually exclusive, but the focus is on both sides achieving their objectives.

Integrative negotiation

20. Which of the following is a structural factor of conflict in an organization?


14. Which of the following is a negative consequence of conflict in an organization?

It breaks down group cohesion.

25. In the context of Mintzberg's organizational structures, which of the following statements is true of the simple structure?

It emphasizes strong centralization of decision making in the upper echelon.

33. Which of the following statements is true of the social information-processing model of job design?

It emphasizes the social context of work.

40. Which of the following statements is true of the Japanese approach to job design?

It encourages collective and cooperative working arrangements.

15. Which of the following statements is true of functional conflict?

It helps individuals develop a better awareness of themselves.

23. Which of the following statements is true of job rotation?

It horizontally enlarges jobs.

50. Which of the following statements is true of negotiation?

It involves an open discussion of problem solutions.

51. Which of the following is true of distributive bargaining?

It is a competitive, win-lose approach to negotiations.

45. Which of the following best defines due process nonaction?

It is a procedure set up to address conflicts that is so costly, time-consuming, or personally risky that no one will use it.

48. Identify a true statement about job sharing.

It is a way of addressing demographic and labor pool concerns.

10. Which of the following is true of a job?

It is not the same as an organizational position.

13. Which of the following is a positive consequence of conflict in an organization?

It leads to the generation of new ideas.

27. Which of the following is a person-job fit model rather than a universal job design model?

Job Characteristics Model

28. The _____ was developed to diagnose jobs by measuring five core job characteristics and three critical psychological states in the Job Characteristics Model.

Job Diagnostic Survey

24. _____ is defined as designing or redesigning a job by incorporating motivational factors into it.

Job enrichment

22. Which of the following is a variation of job enlargement?

Job rotation

34. In comparison with other approaches to job design, which of the following is most likely a negative outcome of the mechanistic approach?

Lower job satisfaction

13. According to the six patterns people follow in defining work, _____ people define work as primarily a physical activity a person must do that is directed by others and generally performed in a working place.

Pattern D

42. Identify a true statement about Woodward's classification schemes for technology.

Process technology is classified as the most complex.

44. In the context of adjusting work design parameters, which of the following methods can be used to reduce uncertainty?

Providing employees with timely and complete information needed for their work

38. _____ is a conflict evident for middle managers in which conflicting expectations are placed on the manager from bosses and employees.

Role conflict

41. Which of the following statements is true of sociotechnical systems (STS)?

STS emphasizes teamwork and self-managed and autonomous work groups.

14. Which of the following is a form of differentiation?

Spatial differentiation

18. _____ has the potential to give an organization political and legal advantages in a country because the organization will be identified as a local company.

Spatial differentiation

40. _____ is defined as the tools, techniques, and actions used by an organization to transform inputs into outputs.


45. _____ is when employees work at home or in other locations geographically separate from their company's main location.


47. Which of the following statements is true of telecommuting?

Telecommuting is neither a cure-all nor a universally feasible alternative.

57. In which of the following ways has the basic design dimensions been affected by advanced information-processing technologies?

The basis of centralization has been changed.

35. Which of the following statements is true of the divisionalized form of organizational structure?

The middle level of management is the key part of the organization.

28. In the context of Mintzberg's organizational structures, which of the following is a difference between the simple structure and the machine bureaucracy?

The simple structure is a centralized form of organization, whereas the machine bureaucracy is a moderately decentralized form of organization.

33. Which of the following statements is true of defining moments?

They help people crystallize their values and serve as opportunities for personal growth.

48. Which of the following statements is true of organizational strategies and goals?

They provide legitimacy to an organization.

24. In the context of design dimensions, which of the following is most likely an important organizational variable for flexible structures?


19. _____ help individuals understand their roles in an organization, especially in times of crisis.

Vertical linkages

28. Which of the following statements is true of intragroup conflict?

Virtual teams are not immune to conflict.

57. In which of the following situations should the avoiding style of conflict management be used?

When an issue is trivial or more important issues are pressing

11. _____, which can be defined as mental or physical activity that has productive results, is organized into jobs.


55. International businesses generally base their structures on certain factors. To achieve vertical differentiation, _____.

a hierarchy of authority must be created that clarifies the responsibilities of both domestic and foreign managers

36. According to Mintzberg's organizational structures, the _____ is designed to fuse interdisciplinary experts into smoothly functioning temporary project teams.


44. In the context of ineffective techniques for dealing with conflict, _____ is delaying action on a conflict by buying time, usually by telling the individuals involved that the problem is being worked on.

administrative orbiting

25. As organizations move toward the team approach and empowerment, there should be less potential for conflict from _____.

authority relationships

30. According to the Job Characteristics Model, _____ is the degree to which a job provides an employee with substantial freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling work.


52. Short organizational life cycles put more pressure on the organization to:

be both flexible and efficient.

58. To meet the conflicting demands of efficiency and customization, organizations need to:

become dynamically stable.

38. The _____ to job design emphasizes a person's interaction with physical aspects of the work environment and is concerned with the amount of physical exertion required.

biological approach

22. An organization that is high in formalization, centralization, specialization, standardization, and complexity and has a tall hierarchy of authority is said to be highly _____.


62. The three organizational parts of the _____ are those that create demand, produce product, and provide support.

circle organization

59. A win-win style that is high on both assertiveness and cooperativeness is known as _____.


22. One of the causes of conflict related to an organization's structure is _____.

common resources

42. In the context of conflict management strategies, the _____ is founded on different assumptions: the potential for win-win outcomes, honest communication, trust, openness to risk and vulnerability, and the notion that the whole may be greater than the sum of the parts.

cooperative strategy

56. One way of classifying styles of conflict management is to examine the styles':

cooperativeness and assertiveness.

49. Using a _____ made up of members from different departments improves coordination and reduces delays by allowing many activities to be performed at the same time rather than sequentially.

cross-functional team

63. An organizational structure may be weak or deficient if it is out of alignment with its contextual variables, in which case:

decision making is delayed due to the hierarchy being overloaded.

32. When intrapersonal conflicts challenge individuals to choose between right and right, the decision presents _____.

defining moments

19. Personal factors of conflict in an organization arise from:

differences among individuals.

15. Contrary to the famous statement made by Harold Geneen, former chairman of ITT: "If I had enough arms and legs and time, I'd do it all myself," all organizations must divide work. This statement reflects the understanding that jobs result from:


26. In the context of Mintzberg's organizational structures, the simple structure achieves coordination through _____.

direct supervision by the upper echelon

52. In the context of confronting and negotiating, sometimes _____ causes negotiators to focus so much on their differences that they ignore their common ground.

distributive bargaining

34. The _____ of organizational structure is a loosely coupled, composite structural configuration composed of units, each of which may have its own structural configuration.

divisionalized form

47. The area an organization claims for itself with respect to how it fits into its relevant environments is known as its _____.


26. Competition between groups must be managed carefully so that it does not escalate into a(n):

dysfunctional conflict.

31. The strength of the machine bureaucracy is:

efficiency of operation in stable, unchanging environments.

52. Employees may experience technostress when:

electronic performance monitoring is used.

44. The _____ of an organization is most easily defined as anything outside the boundaries of that organization.


18. According to Frederick Taylor, the role of a worker in an organization is to:

execute tasks defined by the management.

56. International businesses generally base their structures on certain factors. To achieve horizontal differentiation, _____.

foreign and domestic operations should be grouped in such a way that the company effectively serves the needs of all customers

12. An organization chart shows:

formal lines of authority and responsibility.

49. A major disadvantage of the _____ work pattern is that longer workdays may be a drawback for employees with many family or social activities on weekday evenings.

four-day workweek

45. The _____ of an organization includes economic factors, political considerations, ecological changes, sociocultural demands, and government regulation.

general environment

53. One potential problem with _____ is that corporations can become pitted against sovereign nations when rules and laws conflict across national borders.


55. For integrative negotiation to be successful, parties should:

have a common goal.

60. Unlike managers today, managers of the future will most likely:

have broad cross-functional collaboration.

35. In the context of managing intrapersonal conflicts, political skills can:

help buffer the negative effects of stress that stem from role conflicts.

12. According to the six patterns people follow in defining work, Pattern A people define work as an activity:

in which value comes from performance and for which a person is accountable.

35. The ergonomics-based motivational approach to job design is grounded in:

industrial psychology.

16. The process of connecting jobs and departments into a coordinated, cohesive whole is known as:


48. In the context of changing structure of an organization, a(n) _____ is a liaison between groups with very different interests.


26. A problem with job enrichment as a strategy for work design is that it:

is based on an oversimplified motivational theory.

50. Flextime, an alternative work pattern, _____.

is designed to ease traffic and commuting pressures

17. Managers should stimulate functional conflict when their group:

is suspected to be suffering from groupthink.

16. A key to recognizing a dysfunctional conflict is that:

it is often emotional or behavioral in origin.

29. The machine bureaucracy emphasizes:

limited horizontal decentralization of decision making.

30. In the context of Mintzberg's structural configurations for organizations, an automobile plant with routinized operating tasks is most likely to use a(n) _____.

machine bureaucracy

39. A defense mechanism in which a person responds with pessimism to any attempt at solving a problem is known as _____.


32. The social information-processing model of job design has four basic premises about the work environment. One such premise is that:

other people provide cues we use to understand the work environment.

66. In a _____ personality-organization constellation, people are suspicious of each other, hence distrust in working relationships may interfere with effective communication and task accomplishment.


65. The paranoid, the depressive, the dramatic, the compulsive, and the schizoid are:

personality-organization constellations.

32. The _____ is a decentralized form of organization that emphasizes the expertise of the employees in the operating core of the organization.

professional bureaucracy

33. According to Mintzberg's organizational structures, hospitals and universities are examples of a:

professional bureaucracy.

46. Telecommuting results in:

reduced absenteeism.

21. Mass production jobs:

require surface mental attention.

23. The _____ departments in many organizations are often more flexible than other departments in order to stimulate creativity.

research and development

34. Actions that are effective in managing intrapersonal conflict include:

role analysis and identifying values of an organization.

29. In the context of intrapersonal conflicts, the individuals who place expectations on a person are _____.

role senders

43. In the context of ineffective techniques for dealing with conflict, _____ is attempting to hide a conflict or an issue that has the potential to create conflict.


31. The _____ of job design emphasizes the interpersonal aspects of work design.

social information-processing model

17. The geographic dispersion of an organization's offices, plants, and personnel is referred to as:

spatial differentiation.

16. In the context of horizontal differentiation, _____ refers to the particular grouping of activities performed by an individual.


21. In the context of structural dimensions in organizations, _____ refers to the extent to which work activities are described and performed routinely in the same way.


49. As the level of formalization increases in an organization, the probability of _____ also increases.

strategic moves being incremental and precise

59. The demands placed on managers and on process capabilities in turn place demands on organizational:


47. An organizational goal that is more important to both parties in a conflict than their individual or group goals is a(n) _____.

superordinate goal

46. The level of an organization's environment that includes stakeholders such as unions, customers, suppliers, competitors, government regulatory agencies, and trade associations is called the:

task environment.

29. According to the Job Characteristics Model, _____ is the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work.

task identity

20. The strongest method of horizontal integration is through:


50. As the level of centralization increases in an organization, the probability of _____ also increases.

the decision process being goal-oriented and rational

19. Job enlargement was developed to overcome:

the difficulty of coordinating work within an organization.

18. To diagnose a conflict as functional or dysfunctional, a manager must look at:

the issue, the context of the conflict, and the parties involved.

10. Emotional intelligence is:

the power to control one's emotions and perceive emotions in others.

51. As the level of complexity increases in an organization, the probability of _____ also increases.

the strategic decision process becoming more politicized

41. In the context of Woodward's classification schemes for technology, custom shoemaking involves:

the use of unit technology.

12. The key to conflict management is:

to prevent or resolve dysfunctional conflict.

38. The _____ is the appropriate measure of an organization's size when discussing the design of organizational structure.

total number of employees

27. In the context of intergroup conflict, managers should encourage social interactions across groups so that:

trust can be developed.

43. According to Perrow's classification schemes for technology, problem analyzability examines the:

types of search procedures followed to find ways to respond to task exceptions.

25. Job enrichment increases the amount of job responsibility through:

vertical loading.

61. A temporary set of organizations designed to come together swiftly to exploit an apparent market opportunity is called a:

virtual organization.

14. According to the Work Value Scales study, the two common basic work dimensions across cultures are:

work content and job context.

17. Scientific management, an approach to work design, emphasizes:

work simplification.

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