ch. 13 chemistry for changing times
The stratosphere occurs in what range of altitude
How long does it take for ozone concentrations to drop to one-half of their maximum value according to the time progression in figure 13.8
2.5 hours
Between 2003 and 2013, by approximately what percent did CO emissions decrease?
The present carbon dioxide concentration in the Earth's atmosphere is about
The approximate percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere is
Alkenes react with oxygen atoms to form
Acid rain is defined as precipitation with a pH
Below 5.6
Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have molecules composed of
C and H only
Which pollutant is likely to make breathing problems worse?
A common by-product of sulfur dioxide removal from stack gases is
The U.S. agency responsible for gathering and analyzing air pollution data is the
The largest sources of particulate pollutants are
Electric power plants and industry
Which of the following is not usually released from burning fossil fuels
The starting materials in the industrial process for making ammonia are
N2 and H2
An amber haze over a city indicates the presence of
Even properly operated gas ranges in kitchens are a source of the indoor air pollutant
Automobiles emit
NOx and VOCs which form other pollutants including ozone
The pollutant that is harmful at Earth's surface yet protects life when in the stratosphere is
Which of these reactions leads to acid rain?
S + O2 -> SO2
Which pollutant is removed from stack gases by scrubbers that use lime?
Which of the following pairs of pollutant act synergistically in causing lung damage
SO2 and PM
Electric power plants are the largest source of
SO2 pollution
According to the World Health Organization, the worst pollutant in terms of health effects is
The ozone layer is found in the
Nearly all human activity occurs in the
Which of the following is not a problem caused by NOx emissions?
After nitrogen and oxygen, and ignoring water vapor concentration, the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere is
The main source of photochemical smog in most areas is
Earth's atmosphere
blends into outer space
A temperature inversion is a meteorological condition that
concentrates air pollutants
Which of the following processes consumes oxygen?
corrosion of metals
Chlorofluorocarbons harm the ozone layer by
destroying ozone molecules
Photochemical smog occurs mainly in
dry, sunny weather
The largest source of NOx pollution are
electric power plants and motor vehicles
A device that cleans stack gases by means of electric charges is called an
electrostatic precipitator
Conversion of atmospheric N2 to biologically useful forms is called nitrogen
The largest source of carbon monoxide pollution is
motor vehicles
Except in urban atmospheres, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) come mainly from
natural sources
Lightning can convert atmospheric N2 to
nitrogen oxides
Ozone is an allotrope of
In the stratosphere, some O2 is converted to
What pollutant can be generated by advertised indoor air electronic air cleaners
carbon monoxide is formed as a product of
partial combustion of fossil fuels
The pollutant usually described by size rather than composition is
Nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons combine in the presence of sunlight to cause
photochemical smog
Which of the following processes removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
Which of the following is a radioactive radon daughter
Removing NOx from automobile exhaust requires an
reduction catalyst
Radon in homes comes from
soil and rocks
In the mesosphere, oxygen atoms are produced by
splitting of O2 molecules
Air pollutants have decreased significantly since 1970 because
there are more pollution controls
Which of these is the largest source of carbon monoxide
transportation vehicles
Which portion of the sun's radiation spectrum is absorbed by ozone?
The air in cities in eighteenth century england
was smoky from coal burning