Ch 14 Gene Regulation in bacteria Ch 15 Gene regulation in Eukaryotes I: Transcriptional and Translational Regulation

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Unregulated genes are also called _______________ genes


The enzyme beta-__________________ cleaves the sugar lactose into ______________ and ______________.

galactosidase; galactose; glucose

the lacA gene encodes the enzyme _______________ ______________.

galactoside transacetylase

An operon is a group of two or more genes under the transcriptional control of _______________.

single promoter

Determine if it describes regulation at the transcription, translation or post-translation level. Riboswitches produce an RNA conformation that prevents ribosome binding.


The product of the lacY gene is required for the _______________ of _____________ into the bacterial cell.

transport; lactose

T/F: A transcription factor can have multiple domains.


T/F: Estrogen is a gonadocorticoid.


T/F: Glcocorticoid receptors have a nuclear localization signal that is hidden until a glucocorticoid is bound.


T/F: Glucocorticoid response elements function as enhancers.


T/F: In the absence of glucose and presence of lactose, allolactose combines with the repressor and allows RNA polymerase to proceed with transcription.


T/F: Polycistronic mRNA is transcribed from the lac operon when lactose is present in the cell.


T/F: The function of regulatory transcription factors is modulated.


T/F: The lac repressor does not completely inhibit transcription of the lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes.


T/F: The lac repressor protein is active in the absence of lactose within the cell.


T/F: The lacI gene makes a repressor protein.


T/F: The product of lacI is an allosteric protein that can undergo a conformational change when allolactose binds it.


T/F: Two glucocorticoid receptors function as a homodimer.


A polycistronic mRNA contains the sequences of _____________ genes.

two or more

Leucine _____________ motifs mediate dimerization between two ________________.

zipper; protein

Transcription of the lac operon results in the production of how many different mRNA transcripts?


Exposure of bacterial cells to lactose increases levels of lactose-utilizing enzymes ___________ (#) fold.


You are studying a bidirectional enhancer with the sequence 5'-CCTA-3'. Regulatory transcription factors that bind this sequence should also bind ______.


When ______(#) molecules of _______________ are bound to lac repressor, and repressor can no longer bind to operator, and RNA polymerase is free to transcribe the operon, the operon has been ___________.

4; allolactose; induced

B-galactosidase activity can be detected using the lactose analog B- ___________ because B-galactosidase cleaves it to a product of yellow color.


General transcription factors are required for the binding of ______ __________ to the core promoter and its progression to the elongation stage.

RNA polymerase

Monod, Jacob, and Pardee identified rare E.coli mutatns that had __________________________.

abnormal lactose adaptations

Monod, Jacob, and Pardee studied an E. coli strain with a lacI- mutation in which the lac operon was expressed even in the ____________ of ______________. Multiple choice question.

absence; lactose

An _______________ is a regulatory protein that binds to DNA and increases the rate of transcription.


Cyclic-AMP is a small effector molecule produced by the enzyme ___________ ______________.

adenyl cyclase

______________ is a small effector molecule that binds to the lac repressor and prevents the repressor from binding to __________.

allolactose; DNA

The intracellular concentration of the inducer ____________ remains high as long as ___________ is available in the environment.

allolactose; lactose

Allolactose molecules bind to regulatory sites on the lac repressor protein called ____________ sites that differ from the region of the repressor that binds the operator.


The binding of the allolactose inducer to the lac repressor occurs at a(n) ______ site.


In helix-turn-helix and helix-loop-helix motifs ______________ __________ side chains of the a-helix form ___________ bonds with nucleotides.

amino acids; hydrogen

A regulatory element that functions in the forward or reverse direction is said to be _____________________.


When the lac repressor is bound to the operator, RNA polymerase ________________ transcribe the lacZ, lacY, or lacA genes.


The somewhat imprecise term that describes how transcriptional regulation is influenced by glucose is ____________ _____________.

catabolite repression

_______________ genes encode proteins the bacterial cell needs all the time.


Unregulated genes have _____________ levels of expression.


DNA sequences that are analogous to the operator sites found near bacterial promoters are called _________________ elements or _____________ sequences.

control; regulatory

In general, transcriptional regulation is aimed at _____________ the initiation of transcription at the _______________.

controlling; promoter

The CAP site and the operator site are short _______ ____________. that function in gene regulation.

dna segments

The binding of a regulatory transcription factor to an ______________ can stimulate 10-1000 fold, which is called _______ regulation.

enhancer; up

Activators bind to __________________.


T/F: CAP binding causes the DNA to bend facilitating RNA polymerase binding.


T/F: Effector molecules influence gene expression by binding to DNA.


T/F: Gene regulation is constant.


T/F: Glucocorticoid receptors are membrane bound.


T/F: Glucocorticoid receptors bind to GRE elements which are present on newly synthesized mRNAs.


T/F: Steroid hormones are synthesized in the same cells where they function.


T/F: The CAP protein is an activator that binds to the operator.


T/F: The rate of transcription initiation rarely influences overall gene expression.


T/F: The structural proteins encoded by the lac operon are involved in lactose synthesis.


The transport of _____________ into a cell causes a _____________ in the concentration of cyclic-AMP by inhibiting ___________ __________.

glucose; decrease; adenyl cyclase

A domain called an a-_____________ is often found in transcription factors because it is the proper width to fit into the _____________ groove of the DNA double helix.

helix; major

The dimerization of two different proteins leads to a _________________.


The dimerization of two identical proteins results in a _____________.


An inducer is a small effector molecule that causes transcription to ____________.


lac operon regulation is ________________ and under ____________ & ___________ control.

inducible; negative; positive

When bound to operator, the lac repressor allows very small amounts of the ______ _______ to be made.

lac enzyme

When the levels of allolactose rises in an E.coli cell, allolactose binds to the _____ ______________ and prevents it from binding to the operator.

lac repressor

The ________ gene encodes a repressor protein.


The enzyme β-galactosidase is encoded by which gene?


If the cell has a mutation in the lacY gene, then the lac operon cannot be induced because _____________ cannot enter the cell.


Monod and Jacob studied _______________ metabolism in E. coli.


The lacA gene encodes galactoside transacetylase, an enzyme that covalently modifies ______.


When only ___________ is present, allolactose and cAMP levels are high.


The absence of ____________ results in the lac repressor protein binding to ___________.

lactose; DNA

______ glucose and ___________ lactose results in high levels of gene transcription from the lac operon.

low; high

What is the name for a strain of bacteria containing an F' factor?


A _____________ is a domain that has very similar structure in many different ________________.

motif; proteins

A protein such as a repressor that inhibits transcription is exerting ___________ control of transcription.


When the lac repressor binds to the lac _______________, site, RNA polymerase cannot transcribe the lacZ, lacY or lacA genes.


The lac repressor protein binds to the ______________ and blocks ______________.

operator; transcription

The lac repressor binds to the ______________ and prevents ______________ of the ______________ _______________.

operator; transcription; lactose operon

An _______________ is a group of two or more genes under the transcriptional control.


the lacY gene encodes lactose _____________, a membrane protein.


The function of a regulatory transcription factor can be modulated by covalent modifications, such as the attachment of a ________________ group.


An operon encodes a ____________ mRNA, an RNA that contains the sequences of two or more genes.


Transcription regulation by an activator protein is considered to be _____________ control.


Determine if it describes regulation at the transcription, translation or post-translation level. A protein is covalently modified.


Determine if it describes regulation at the transcription, translation or post-translation level. The product of a metabolic pathway inhibits the first enzyme in a pathway.


In an operon, the _________ signals the beginning of transcription.


The operon is flanked by a ______________ that signals the beginning of transcription and a _______________ that signals the end.

promoter; terminator

If gene regulation acts to prevent translation, what molecule will not be produced?


The phenomenon in which the level of gene expression can vary under different conditions is gene ___________________.


The research of Monod and Jacob led to the initial understanding of gene ____________ stemmed from an interest in ____________ adaptation.

regulation; enzyme

Proteins that regulate the rate of transcription of target genes are called _______________ transcription factors.


Jacob, Monod and Pardee formulated alternative hypotheses to explain the constitutive synthesis caused by the lacI- mutation. They proposed that the mutation either eliminated the function of the _______________ or that an internal _____________ was produced.

repressor; activator

The lac _____________ is inactivated by the binding to ____________.

repressor; allolactose

Repressors bind to ____________.


The binding of a small effector molecule to a regulatory protein changes the ________________ of the regulatory protein, which alters its DNA-binding ability.


Would using a merozygote better indicate regulation of a gene by a trans-acting factor or a cis-acting element?


When four molecules of allolactose are bound to the lac repressor, the lac operon is induced, and RNA polymerase ______________ the ____________.

transcribes; operon

The most common way that bacteria regulate gene expression is by influencing the rate of _____________ _____________.

transcription initiation

An enhancer is a DNA element that can be bound to a regulatory ______________ factor, which leads to ______ regulation.

transcription; up

Determine if it describes regulation at the transcription, translation or post-translation level. Antisense RNA binds to the mRNA.


A glucocorticoid response element functions as a(n) ______.


Transcription factor proteins contains regions called ____________ that have specific functions.


Regulatory elements that inhibit transcription are called silencers and their effect on transcription is called ______ regulation.


Variation in ____________ _______________ orientation and location makes it difficult to study al the regions of DNA that affect the expression of a given gene.

regulatory elements

A _______________ is a regulatory protein that binds to DNA and inhibits transcription.


A corepressor is a small molecule that binds to a _______________ protein, thereby causing the protein to bind to DNA.


Determine if it describes regulation at the transcription, translation or post-translation level. Repressor proteins bind to an mRNA and prevent ribosome binding.


You are studying a transcription factor that binds to DNA near a gene of interest. You discover that once the transcription factor binds, transcription of your gene of interest becomes undetectable. This is an example of __________ regulation.,


The binding of a small _____________ ______________ to a regulatory molecule alters the regulatory protein's conformation, and that alters the protein's ability to bind to _______.

effector molecule; DNA

LacIS mutations would result in a lac operon that is always ________________.


Determine if it describes regulation at the transcription, translation or post-translation level. A transcription terminator forms in the RNA.


Determine if it describes regulation at the transcription, translation or post-translation level. Genetic regulatory proteins bind to the DNA.


In bacteria, the most common way to regulate gene expression is by influencing the rate of __________________ initiation.


An inhibitor binds to an _________________ protein and prevents it from binding to DNA.


Following the binding of a hormone, two glucocorticoid ____________ form a dimer and travel to the ______________.

receptor; nucleus

A ____________ ___________ is a protein that influences the ability of RNA polymerase to transcribe a given ______.

transcription factor; gene

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