Ch. 14 Managing Teams

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A work team ________.

has shared leadership roles

Effective teams are characterized by ________ among members.

high mutual trust

A person who can adapt and adjust behavior to external factors has ________.

high self-monitoring


A prestige grading, position, or rank within a group


Because individuals want to be accepted by groups to which they belong, they're susceptible to pressures to conform.


Behavior patterns expected of someone occupying a given position in a social unit

________ refers to gestures, facial expressions, and other body movements that convey meaning.

Body language

Relationship conflict

Conflict based on interpersonal relationships

Process conflict

Conflict over how work gets done

Task conflicts

Conflicts over content and goals of the work

Dysfunctional conflicts

Conflicts that prevent a group from achieving its goals

Functional conflicts

Conflicts that support a group's goals and improve its performance

Global Teams

Drawbacks • Dislike of team members • Mistrust of team members • Stereotyping • Communication problems • Stress and tension Benefits • Greater diversity of ideas • Limited groupthink • Increased attention on understanding others' ideas, perspectives, etc.

Changing people involves changing ________.

attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and behaviors

Although a group has its own unique set of norms, common organizational norms focus on __________ and _________, __________ and _________.

effort and performance, dress, and loyalty.

Organizations face change because ________ create the need for change.

external and internal factors

Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining a behavior is called ________.


All work teams are groups, but only ________ can be work teams.

formal groups

When a manager molds an individual's behavior by guiding their learning gradual steps, this describes ________.

shaping processes

Which of the following is true about organizationally committed and satisfied employees?

lower rates of turnover and absenteeism

Members of an effective team exhibit intense ________ to the team.

loyalty and dedication

Research shows that __________ conflicts are almost always dysfunctional because the interpersonal hostilities increase personality clashes and decrease mutual understanding and the tasks don't get done.


Performance management, compensation and benefits, and career development involve making sure the organization ________ employees and that those employees ________.

retains, can perform up to standard

A problem that arises is that individuals play multiple roles and adjust their roles to the group to which they belong at the time. However, the differing expectations of these roles often mean that employees face _______ ________.

role conflicts

Communication that flows from employees to managers is called ________ communication.


A ________ has a strong, clearly focused leader.

work group

A ________ is characterized by individual and mutual accountability.

work team

Creating effective work teams

- Clear goals - Relevant skills - Mutual trust - Unified Commitment - Good communication - Negotiating skills - Appropriate leadership - Internal and external support

External Conditions Imposed on the Group:

- organization's strategy, - authority relationships, - formal rules and regulations, - availability of resources, - employee selection criteria, - the performance management system and -culture, - the general physical layout of the group's work space

When group conflict levels are too high, managers can select from five conflict management options:

1) avoidance 2) accommodation 3) forcing 4) compromise 5) collaboration

Types of work teams:

1) problem-solving team A team from the same department or functional area that's involved in efforts to improve work activities or to solve specific problem. 2) self-managed work team A type of work team that operates without a manager and is responsible for a complete work process or segment 3) cross-functional team A work team composed of individuals from various functional specialties 4) virtual team A type of work team that uses technology to link physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal

Stages of Group Development:

Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

Work teams

Groups whose members work intensely on a specific, common goal using their positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and complementary skills.

Social loafing

He tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually.

________ groups are natural social formations that appear in a work environment.


An individual who is high in ________ is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means.


________ argues that behavior is a function of its consequences.

Operant conditioning


Perceived incompatible differences that result in interference or opposition


Two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve specific goals.

James has been a manager for several years. He has several employees who work directly for him. James tries to understand these employees so that he can help them do a better job, motivate them, and understand their needs better. An employee has a bad habit of being late for work. James gets the employee to commit to be on time 3 days one week, 4 days the next, and on time each day the following week.________ is the term used to describe James's motivation technique for this employee.

Shaping behavior

Informal groups

Social groups. These groups occur naturally in the workplace and tend to form around friendships and common interests


Standards or expectations that are accepted and shared by a group's members

Group cohesiveness

The degree to which group members are attracted to one another and share the group's goals


The final stage of group development for temporary groups during which group members are concerned with wrapping up activities rather than task performance

Forming stage

The first stage of group development has two phases in which (1) people join the group and then (2) define the group's purpose, structure, and leadership

Performing stage

The fourth stage of group development when the group is fully functional and works on group task

Social network structure

The patterns of informal connections among individuals within a group.

Storming stage

The second stage of group development, characterized by intragroup conflict.

Norming stage

The third stage of group development, characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness.

Traditional view of conflict

The view that all conflict is bad and must be avoided

Human relations view of conflict

The view that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group

Interactionist view of conflict

The view that some conflict is necessary for a group to perform effectively


When a group exerts extensive pressure on an individual to align his or her opinion with others' opinions

________ interact primarily to share information and to make decisions to help each member do his or her job more efficiently and effectively.

Work groups

Formal groups

Work groups that are defined by the or- ganization's structure and have designated work assignments and specific tasks directed at accomplishing organizational goals.

The ________ component of attitude is based on emotions.


Although there are several forms of nonverbal communication, the best-known types are ________.

body language and verbal intonation

A high performance team has a(n) ________ of the goal to be achieved.

clear understanding

Effective teams' leaders can motivate team members by acting as ________.

coaches and facilitators

Effective teams are composed of ________ who have the necessary technical and interpersonal skills to achieve the desired goals while working well together.

competent individuals

It is the ___________ and ___________ of tasks that influence a group's effectiveness.

complexity, interdependence

Solomon Asch

demonstrated the impact that conformity has on an individual's judgment and attitudes. In these experiments, groups of seven or eight people were asked to compare two cards held up by the experimenter. One card had three lines of different lengths and the other had one line which was equal in length to one of the three lines on the other card. Each group member was to announce aloud which of the three lines matched the single line. Asch wanted to see what would happen if members began to give incorrect answers. - The experiment was "fixed" so that all but one of the members (the unsuspecting subject) were told ahead of time to start giving obviously incorrect answers after one or two rounds. Over many experiments and trials, the unsus- pecting subject conformed over a third of the time.

An individual who actively and enthusiastically supports new ideas, builds support, overcomes resistance, and ensures that innovations are implemented is called a(n) ________

idea champion

The cognitive dissonance theory proposed that the desire to reduce dissonance is determined by ________

importance, influence, and rewards

When Jack and Sam talk to each other in the lunch room, they are engaging in ________ communication


Work groups

interact primarily to share information and to make decisions to help each member do his or her job more efficiently and effectively. There's no need or opportunity for work groups to engage in collective work that requires joint effort

The degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job or actively participates in it refers to the employee's ________.

job involvement

Responding to an employee's incorrect behavior by withdrawing a privilege is ________ reinforcement.


Managers need to remember that as they communicate, the ________ component usually carries the greatest impact


Punishment ________ undesirable behavior and eliminates it.


Most managers, at one point or another, will face organizational changes, which is any alteration of ________.

people, structure, or technology

Managers can build effective teams by understanding what influences ________.

performance and satisfaction

Managers will usually have higher-performing and more satisfied employees if consideration is given to matching ________.

personalities with jobs

A behavior followed by something pleasant, such as praising an employee for a job well done, is called ________ reinforcement.


For ________ stress to become ________ stress there must be two conditions. There must be uncertainty about the outcome, and the outcome must be important.

potential, actual

If stress can be traced to boredom or to work overload, jobs should be ________.


The view that we can learn both through observation and direct experience is called ________.

social learning theory

Managers must provide a ________ for teams through proper training, performance evaluation, incentives, a supportive human resource system, and the resources needed to get the job done.

supportive climate

a low-to-moderate level of __________ conflict consistently has a positive effect on group performance because it stimulates discussion of ideas that help groups be more innovative.


Examples of Formal Work Groups

• Command groups—Groups that are determined by the organization chart and composed of individuals who report directly to a given manager. • Task groups—Groups composed of individuals brought together to complete a specific job task; their existence is often temporary because when the task is completed, the group disbands. • Cross-functional teams—Groups that bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals from various work areas or groups whose members have been trained to do each others' jobs. • Self-managed teams—Groups that are essentially independent and that, in addition to their own tasks, take on traditional managerial responsibilities, such as hiring, planning and scheduling, and evaluating performance.

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