CH 14 Reconstruction

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Freedmen's Bureau

U.S. federal government agency established in 1865 to aid freedmen (freed slaves) in the South during the Reconstruction era of the United States, which attempted to change society in the former Confederacy. military operation, led by Gen. Olive O. Howard. helped with food, hospitals, reuniting families, dealing with the law

General O. O. Howard

United States Army officer and union general in American civil war, led freedmen's bureau to integrate freed slaves in southern society

15th Amendment

United States Constitution prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Carpet baggers

a person from the northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction.


a tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop as rent. allowed to work on land and shared harvest crop with landowner (cheated by landowner)


a white Southerner who collaborated with northern Republicans during Reconstruction, often for personal profit.

13th amendment

abolished slavery. "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction"

14th Amendment

citizenship for all persons regardless of race, born naturalized in U.S. national citizenship and forbidding the states to restrict the basic rights of citizens or other persons. both houses had to approve, 2/3 of states had to approve

Compromise of 1877

democrat Samuel j. Tilden NY against republican Rutherford b. Hayes. Hayes wins 185-184. b/c he won electoral college vote with 3 states (SC, FL, Louisiana) by exchange of pulling northern troops out of south

Black Codes

laws passed by southern states in 1865 & 1866, after civil war. laws intended to restrict African Americans' freedom and compelling them to work in a labor economy based on low wages or debt. If African Americans broke codes they could be arrested, chained and put back into slavery like job. black codes allowed whites to still feel in control, b/c of fear of black retaliation.

Radical Republicans

organized around an uncompromising opposition to slavery before and during the Civil War and vigorous campaign to secure rights for freed slaves during Reconstruction. voted in b/c of turn against Johnson. members- Thaddeous Stevens PA, Charles Sumner MA.

Klu Klux Klan

originally prankster group, escalates into white men racial violent group; -racist, hardened by war, no fear of punishment, vengeance for war, mob mentality

Memphis Riots

violent events may1-3 1866, in Memphis Tennessee. racial violence ignited by political, social and racial tensions following civil war. black meeting to discuss future lives, whites surround meeting and shots fired and whites hunt down blacks. Black loss; 44 killed, 90 homes burned, 5 women rapped, 12 schools burned. Johnson didn't do anything to control killings.

Col. M. F. Pleasant

worked for Johnson, pardoned wealthy and slave holders

Colfax Massacre

(______ riot), occurred on Easter Sunday April 13, 1873 in Louisiana. during 1872 election. Racial violence, group of white Democrats armed with rifles and small cannon, overpowered Republican freedman and state militia trying to protect the grant parish courthouse. most freedman killed after surrender, nearly 50 were killed later that night after being held prisoner.

1867 Congressional Reconstruction

(overrode Johnson presidential veto) -5 military districts -military makes arrests, trials -military directed constitution -not extremely radical

Abraham Lincoln

16th president of U.S, saved the union during American civil war, and emancipated the slaves. attention focused on end of war and made 10% plan which had no malice towards south.

Andrew Johnson

17th president after the assassination of Lincoln. considered worst president, but picked by Lincoln b/c he came from border state. came from south raised poor. hated rich slave holders and slaves, forgave confederate soldiers, but not slave holders and wealthy. if they owned more than 20,000 acres of land they had to personally be pardoned by Johnson

"Swing around the circle"

1866, Johnson travels for campaign against 14th amendment, speeches more aggressive with drunkenness and arrogance of disaster for democrats

10% Plan

Lincoln's plan, which specified that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once ten percent of it's voters swore an oath of allegiance to the union. assassinated April 1865

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