Ch. 16: Review Questions

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-Reproduction -Growth and Development -Maintenance of Electrolyte, H2o, and nutrient balance -Regulation of cellular metabolism/ energy balance -Mobilization of body defense

5 Functions of Hormones


A strong stimulant of uterine contraction realized during childbirth. -a trigger for milk ejection -acts as a neurotransmitter to the brain -positive feedback mechanism

Growth Hormone

A tissue building hormone that increases the blood level of fatty acids and encourages use of fatty acids for fuel

inhibits or prevents urine formation and regulates water balance

Effects of ADH:

parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates the blood calcium amount. If calcium decreases, the parathyroid glands sense the decrease and secrete more parathyroid hormone. The parathyroid hormone stimulates calcium release from the bones and increases the calcium uptake into the bloodstream from the collecting tubules in the kidneys

Explain how negative feedback mechanisms maintain blood levels of hormones within very narrow ranges.

Oxidize glucose calogernic effect maintence of BP Regulation of tissue growth

Function of the thyroid hormone is:

Graves Diseaase

Hyper secretion of the thyroid hormone. -produces a substance that mimics the TSH causing rapid heart rate bulging eyes


Hypo secretion of the thyroid hormone in infants -can cause retardation, thick tounge

Hormonal- chemicals into bloodstream with a longer duration of activation, but slower speed on the target cells. Neural- Contol and Coordinates activities of cells, moves nerve impulses down cells by neurons. High speed, short duration.

Indicate important differences between hormonal and neural controls of body functioning.

Hypothalamus Pituitary Thyroid Parathyroid Adrenal Gland Pineal Gland Pancreas Gonads Placenta

List the major endocrine organs

Diabetes Melitus

Not enough insulin (type 1)-hyposecretion Too much insulin (type 2)- hyper secretion

Adrenal Cortex

One of the adrenal glands: -three layers of glandular tissue that synthesizes and secretes corticosteroids

excessive bone degradation would cause high blood Ca+ levels

Symptoms of hyper secretion of PTH:


Thyroid hormone homeostatic imbalance in adults


Which anterior pituitary gland hormones are known as tropic hormones?


__________ produce the estrogens and progesterone

Steroid based

____________ based hormone: These hormones are synthesized from cholesterol. They are all lipid based and CAN cross the plasma membrane.


____________ based hormones: a third type of hormone that is a signaling chemicals that mediate inflammation and alergic reactions . -they have multiple targets and effects like raising blood pressure, increase uterine contraction, enhance blood clotting

triaangular pyramid behind the stomach

location of the pancreas

Addrenal glands

A paired pyramid shped pair of organs atop of the kidneys.

Pituitary gland

Define: This is the size and shape of a pea on a stalk. it has an anterior and posterior part.

endocrine gland

Define: A ductless gland that produces hormones and lacks ducts. The hormones are released into the surrounding tissue

exocrine gland

Define: These glands have ducts. They produce a non hormonal substance like sweat and saliva and carry them through a duct to the membrane surface

The body puts out too much urine

Describe Diabetes insipidus

hormones stimulate bother endocrine organs to release their hormones

Describe Hormonal Stimuli

Changing blood levels of ions and nutrients directly stimulate secretion of hormones (body fluids)

Describe Humoral Stimuli

Nerve fibers stimulate the hormone release

Describe Neural Stimuli

4 to 8 glands that are embedded in the posterior of the thyroid.

Describe the shape and location of the parathyroid glands?

Adrenal Medulla

One of the adrenal glands: -made of nervous tissue; part of the sympathetic nervous system

from pt gland trauma or accidentally removed during the thyroid removal Hypocalcimea-low blood ca increased excitability of neurons tetany, muscle twitches

Symptoms of hypo secretion of PTH:

Tropic hormone

The ______ hormone regulates activity of other endocrine glands and once released the hormone goes and begins working on another gland

Posterior Pituitary

The ________ Pituitary: composed of neural tissue. Releases hormones made fro the hypothalamus. It secretes two hormones. Oxytocin and ADH

Anterior Pituitary

The ________ pituitary is composed of glandular tissue. Manufacture and release hormones: GH, ACTH, LH, TSH, FSH, PRL.

Hyposecretion: failure of exile maturation Hypersecretion: no effects

The effects of Gonadotrophin hormones like FSH, LH, ICSH:

Action of insulin

This describes the action of _______: -enzymes are triggered to oxidize glucose for ATp -polymerize glucose to form glycogen -Convert glucose to fat


This is secreted by prolactin cells of the anterior pituitary. -Stimulates milk production


This occurs during a thyroid hormone homeostatic imbalance in adults with a lack of iodine

Polyuria - huge urine output Polydipsia - excessive thirst Polyphagia - excessive food consumption and hinger

Three cardinal signs of Diabetes Mellitus

2 tyrosine molecules 4 iodine molecule

Thyroxine-T4 contains

2 tyrosine molecules 3 iodine molecules

Triiodothyronine- T3 cotains

Hormonal Humeral Neural

What 3 stimuli activate endocrine organs

inhibits the ADH

What do alcohol and diuretics do to ADH?

A chemical messenger released into the blood to regulate specific body functions

What is a hormone

-Stimulate osteoclast to digest bone matrix and release Ca to blood. -Enhance reabsorption of Ca and secretion of phosphate by kidneys -Promotes activation of Vitiamin D ( by kidneys); increases absorption of Ca by intestinal mucosa

What is the function of the PTH? (parathyroid hormone)

Lowers CA levels and targets osteoclasts

What is the role of calcitonin?


____________ produce testosterone

Amino Acid Based

______________ based hormone: most hormones are classified as this. -they are water soluble and can't cross the plasma membrane

releasing hormones from the hypothalamus control secretion from the anterior pituitary. the hypothalamus releases substances that the blood carries directly tot eh anterior pituitary the posterior pituitary releases hormones when a nerve impulses from the hypothalamus signal the axon ends of neurosecretory cells int eh posterior pituitary

explain how the hypothalamus controls the actions of the posterior and anterior lobes of the pituitary gland

pineal gland

small hanging roof of third ventricle. -melatonin can affect this by day/ night cycles

increase blood glucose levels

the main action of glucogon

thyroid gland

this gland is a butterfly shaped gland under the neck portion that secrets 2 hormones known as calcitonin and the thyroid hormone


this is large in infants, but shrinks with age because of memory you gain as an adult

Pituitary Dwarfism

too little GH in a kid


too much GH in a kid


too much GH in an adult

tissues with receptors for specific hormone

what is a target cell

mineralocorticoids glucocorticoids gonadocorticoids

what three hormones does the adrenal cortex secrete:

because it is made up of endocrine and exocrine glands

why is the pancreas a mixed gland

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