Ch 18,23,24,25,26

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

who developed the binomial system of nomenclature

Carolus Linnaeus

The first kingdom to be recognized beyond plantae and animalia was


Breeds of dogs such as German shepherds occur as a result of

artificial selection

The ______ are zooflagellates that are very primitive and may give biologist clues as to the evolutionary relationships between the prokaryotes and the protist


Backpackers diarrhea a common infection between campers and hikers is caused by

E coli

My mitochondria have disc shaped cristae and I am often used as an indicator of organic pollution such as sewage


The island where Charles Darwin observed variation among organisms and compared them to those organisms found on the mainland were the?

Galapagos Islands

Ancestors of _______ represent an intermediate state in eukaryotic evolution when cells each had two haploid nuclei but fusion had not occurred


in ciliates macro-nuclei control______

all cell functions except reproduction

when a cell reproduces by developing a bulge that enlarges and separates from the mother cell it is reproducing by


the protein coat of a virus is called


Some bacteria avoid being phagocytized by a hosts immune system by means of a

capsule 1 slime layer

What does natural selection allow a population to do

change genetic traits for the organism to survive

in paramecium, the surface of the cell is covered with thousand of short hairlike


A chain of round bacteria would be called


The bacterium that causes botulism disease is harmless until it?

contains a certain prophage DNA

When populations with separate ancestors adapt in similar ways to similar environmental constraints, it is referred to as

convergent evolution

the commercially important unicellular protists that are used in filters, polishes, and other industrial processes


what is a temperate bacteriophage

do not always destroy their host

which classification level would contain the greatest number of species



evolutionary modification that improves an organisms chances of survival and reproductive success in a given environment

the study of organisms and there relationships to one another is

evolutionary systematics

members of alveolates are characterized by the presence of

flattened vesicles

what is a taxon

formal grouping of organisms at any given level such as species,genus,phylum

Pelicanus is the

genus name

_______ conversion occurs when a bacterium carrying viral genes takes on new, atypical characterisitcs


pseudopodia are used by amoeba for ingesting food as well as


are autotrophs found in the kingdom animalia


is Anas Platyrhychos correct


what is a virulent phage

only have lytic lifecycles

The genetic code demonstrates, the universality of living things because it is common to virtually all


The original 2 kingdoms that were established to organize living organisms were

plantae and animalia

green algae is thought to have given rise to which kingdom


within bacteria small circles of DNA called _______ exist in addition to the bacterial chromosome


Viral infections in humans spread via the circulatory sysytem. Viral infections in plants spread from cell to cell by


the 5 stages of lytic infection are attachment, penetration,________ assembly, release


How do retroviruses differ from other RNA viruses

retro are RNA viruses that have a DNA polymearse called reverse transcriptase

human, and other mammals ranging from mice to elephants would be considered

shared ancestral

heterkonts are characterized by having

single posterior flagellum in flagellate cells

which classification level would be the least inclusive


How do viral proteins damage host cells

they alter permeability of the plasma membrane, or inhibit synthesis of host nucleic acids or proteins

What are homoplastic features(homoplasy)

traits required from convergent evolution and not inheritance

Symbiotic association in which one partner benefits and the other is unaffected is


Name the steps of Darwins concept of natural selection

1- overproduction 2- variation 3- resources limit population growth 4- differential reproductive success

how many species have been described and named to date

1.9 million

most biologist recognize how many domains


How do euglenoids reproduce

Binary fission

the classification level of phylum is immediately above the level of


an organism which gains nourishment from dead organisms


Members of this group have both plant like and animal like characteristics makin classification difficult


Name the group that contains the organism trypanosomiasis which causes African sleeping sickness


what is the evolutionary history of a group of related species


_____ make up the base of the food web in aquatic ecosystems


Organs or parts of organs that are seemingly nonfunctional and degenerate, often undersized or lacking some essential art is known as


Most protist are found in what type of environment


members of this group are typically multi-cellular and have phycoerythrin and phycocyanin as their accessory photosynthetic pigments


malaria is caused by an ________ which is carried to a host by a _______

apicomplexan, mosquito

list 2 kingdoms that contain decomposers

archaebacteria and fungi

bacteria may reproduce by

binary fission, budding, fragmentation

name 3 shapes of bacteria

cocci, bacilli, spirillium

in fresh water ciliates, special organelles called ______control water regulation

contractive vacuole

individuals in this group often have intracellular shells of interlocking plates


Name 2 geological activities that are common in areas where tectonic plates meet

earthquakes and volcanoes

______ are dormant structures formed by bacteria in response to adverse environmental conditions


closely related or similar genera are grouped into a single


Most bacterial cells keep from bursting in a hypotonic environment by

having a cell wall high concentration of dissolved solutes

brown algae lack true roots but have similar structures called _______ that anchor them to substrate


Bird and insect wings are both adapted for flight but they are from 2 very separate ancestors.________ structures


name some sources of variation in a population

mutations and adaptations

Fungi may be differentiated from plants because fungi are

not photosynthetic

viroids cause a variety of plant diseases and are composed only of

nucleic acids/ proteins

A virus that infects a bacterium is called a


if biologist classifies organisms based on number of similarities between taxa without considering homolapsy and homologous features the ____ system is being used


Evolution is a genetic change in a ______ that occurs over time


mad cow disease is an example of an infection caused by a


in the 6 kingdom system protozoa are classified as


members of phylum _______ typically move with one or more flagella


the specificity of viruses to different types of cells is due to ______ sites on the host cell


the pheetic approach to systematics is based primarily on

shared characters

a _____ character is a trait which has evolved relatively recently

shared derived

who penned an essay stating that populations have the capability to outgrow their food supply resulting in disease, famine, competition

thomas Malthus

the symbiotic dinoflagellates which live in the bodies of marine invertebrates are


Who proposed that the earth's geological features formed slowly over time, creating long periods for evolution


Symbiotic association in which one partner lives on or in another


how might the scientific name for the bullfrog be abbreviated

R. catesbiana

gram positive bacteria would stain_____ in a gram stain because of a thick layer of _______ in their cell walls

violet, peptidoglycan

a ______ consists of short segment of a nucleic acid with a protein coat


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