Ch 19 and 20 Age of Exploration test questions

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Where did the following products originate?

Tomatoes - North America Tobacco - North America corn - North America peanuts - North America turkey - North America horses - Europe sheep - Europe honeybee - Europe yams - Europe, Africa, Asia coffee bean - Europe, Africa, Asia peach - Europe, Africa, Asia

Consequences of the slave trade in the Americas

contributed labor, brought expertise in agriculture, and brought the African culture to the Americas

What items were transported to Africa and traded for captured Africans?

gold, guns, manufactured goods, rum, and goods from new world

Consequences of the slave trade in Africa .

numerous cultures lost generations of their fittest members, countless African families were torn apart, and it devastated African societies by introducing guns into the African continent.

What are some examples of items that slaves were sold for?

sugar, coffee, tobacco, and molasses

What factors enabled the Spanish to defeat the Aztecs?

superior weaponry, Cortes was able to enlist the help of various native groups, and Natives could do little to fight diseases the Spanish brought to the Americas.

Identifying important events in European exploration of the East: Spanish expedition led by Ferdinand Magellan

Proved it was possible to sail around the world

Identifying important events in European exploration of the East: 1488 Portuguese Captain Bartolomeu Dias

Reached the Southern tip of Africa. During a large storm his ship was blown into the Indian Ocean.

Identifying important events in European exploration of the East: 1275 Marco Polo

Reached the court of Kublai Khan in China

Identifying important events in European exploration of the East: 1498 Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama

Reached the port city of Calicut on the southwest coast of India.

What dispute started the French and Indian War?

1754 a dispute over land claims in the Ohio Valley led to war between the British and the French on the North American continent.

What role did the Renaissance play in launching an age of exploration?

By early 1400's Europeans were ready to venture beyond their borders. The Renaissance encouraged a new spirit of adventure and curiosity. This spirit of adventure prompted Europeans to explore the world around them.

Explain the term capitalism.

Capitalism in an economic system based on private ownership and the investment of resources, such as money, for profit.

What role did colonies play in mercantilism?

Colonies provided raw materials that could not be found in home country and Colonies provided a market for the finished goods made from the raw material that they produced.

Identifying important events in European exploration of the East: 1419 Prince Henry of Portugal

Established a School of Navigation

Why were the Early French North American holdings so sparsely populated?

French colonists had no desire to build towns they were only interested in making money off of the land by fur trading .

Identifying important events in European exploration of the East: 1492 Italian Captain Christopher Columbus sailing for Spain

Launched an expedition west across the Atlantic in an attempt to find an alternate trade route to Asia.

What was the significance of Magellan's voyage?

Magellan set out to be the first to sail into the newly discovered Pacific Ocean. Magellan's crew were the first people to circumnavigate, or sail around, the world.

Identify the new technologies, who developed them, and the usefulness of each technology

Magnetic compass - invented by the Chinese - allowed explorers to track direction traveled.

What advantages did Europeans see in enslaving Africans?

Many Africans had been exposed to European diseases and had built up immunities, many Africans had experience in farming and could be taught plantation work, Africans were less likely to escape because they did not know their way around the new land, and their skin color made it easier to catch Africans if thay escaped and tried to live among others.

How did some enslaved Africans resist their bondage?

Many Africans made themselves less productive by breaking tools, many Africans made themselves less productive by uprooting plants, many Africans made themselves less productive by working slowly, and thousands of Africans ran away

What was the main result of the French and Indian War?

The main result of the war the British seized control of the eastern half of North America.

Why is the Colombian Exchange considered a significant event?

This global transfer of plants, animals, disease, and food, brought together the Eastern and Western Hemispheres and touched in some way, nearly all the peoples of the world.

How did Bartolomeu Dias explain his motives for exploring?

"To serve God and His Majesty, to give light to those in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to do."

Identify the new technologies, who developed them, and the usefulness of each technology: Caravel

- New ship designed by European builders - the sturdier ship could withstand the long voyage

Identify the new technologies, who developed them, and the usefulness of each technology: Triangular sails

- adopted from the Arabs - allowed ships to sail into or against the winds.

Identify the new technologies, who developed them, and the usefulness of each technology: Astrolabe

- had been perfected by the Muslims - used to calculate latitude or distance north or south of the equator.

Why were the Dutch and the French able to coexist in relative peace with the Native Americans?

The French and the Dutch settlers developed a mostly cooperative relationship with the Native Americans due mainly to the mutual benefits of the fur trade.

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