Ch 22 Practice Set

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59) The brachiocephalic vein receives blood from the ________. A) plantar veins B) hepatic portal vein C) inferior vena cava D) vertebral vein E) common iliac veins


65) In fetal circulation, blood may bypass the pulmonary circuit by passing from the pulmonary trunk to the aorta through the short muscular vessel known as the ________. A) fossa ovale B) ligamentum arteriosum C) ductus venosus D) ductus arteriosus E) umbilical arteries


13) Veins are much more easily distended under pressure than are arteries ________. A) because their walls are thinner and contain a lower proportion of smooth muscle fibers B) because of vasoconstriction C) because their walls are thicker, and veins contain a greater proportion of elastic fibers and collagen D) only in a few specialized cases E) because the lumen of veins is much smaller than the lumen of arteries of similar diameter


2) The heart, arteries, and capillaries normally contain ________ of the blood volume (roughly 1.5L of whole blood). A) 30-35% B) 75-80% C) 45-50% D) 60-65% E) 20-25%


22) Which of the following contains baroreceptors and chemoreceptors? A) carotid sinus B) pulmonary trunk C) deep palmar arch D) cerebral arterial circle E) ophthalmic artery


27) Which vessel(s) supplies the superior surface of the muscular diaphragm? A) superior phrenic arteries B) bronchial arteries C) intercostal arteries D) superior mesenteric artery E) inferior abdominal aorta


35) In the leg, the femoral artery becomes the ________. A) popliteal artery B) inferior mesenteric artery C) tibial artery D) saphenous artery E) iliac artery


41) The first paired branches of the abdominal aorta are the ________. A) inferior phrenic arteries B) superior mesenteric arteries C) gonadal arteries D) renal arteries E) common iliac arteries


46) The medial aspect of the knee is supplied by which vessel? A) descending geniculate artery B) dorsalis pedis artery C) celiac trunk D) fibular artery E) inferior phrenic artery


52) The hepatic portal vein carries blood ________. A) high in nutrients B) high in oxygen C) high in acid D) from the kidneys E) to the digestive tract


6) Large veins ________. A) include the superior and inferior vena cavae B) include the cephalic vein C) have a tunica media with a high density of elastic fibers D) have a tunica media with both smooth and skeletal muscle cells E) resemble expanded capillaries microscopically


6) The thoracic aorta begins at the level of vertebra T5 and penetrates the diaphragm at the level of vertebra ________. A) T12 B) L5 C) T8 D) L3 E) S1


8) Precapillary sphincters consist of which of the following? A) smooth muscle B) epithelial tissue C) cartilage D) skeletal muscle bands E) endothelial cells


48) Which vessel divides at the level of the larynx? A) subclavian artery B) brachiocephalic trunk C) common carotid artery D) vertebral artery E) basilar artery


10) Which of the following diffuses across the capillary endothelial cells? A) lipid-insoluble materials B) gases C) glucose D) large carbohydrates E) nucleic acids


11) Which layer of the arterial wall undergoes focal calcification in atherosclerosis? A) adventitia B) tunica media C) tunica intima D) external elastic membrane E) internal elastic membrane


12) Which vessels collect blood from capillaries? A) large veins B) venules C) arterioles D) small veins E) precapillary sphincters


16) Pulmonary veins enter which chamber of the heart? A) right ventricle B) left atrium C) left ventricle D) right atrium E) pulmonary trunk


21) The thyroid gland is supplied by which vessel? A) common carotid artery B) thyrocervical trunk C) axillary artery D) pulmonary trunk E) vertebral artery


24) Which vessel(s) enters the cranium at the foramen magnum? A) internal carotid arteries B) vertebral arteries C) external carotid arteries D) anterior cerebral artery E) posterior cerebral arteries


32) Which of the following is a paired branch of the abdominal aorta? A) celiac artery B) renal artery C) superior mesenteric artery D) inferior mesenteric artery E) median sacral artery


33) An unpaired artery that branches from the abdominal aorta includes the ________. A) suprarenal artery B) superior mesenteric artery C) phrenic artery D) gonadal artery E) lumbar artery


42) At the ankle, the anterior tibial artery becomes (the) ________. A) lateral plantar artery B) dorsalis pedis artery C) medial plantar artery D) dorsal plantar arch E) peroneal artery


43) Which vessel(s) originates between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries? A) splenic artery B) gonadal arteries C) lumbar arteries D) descending geniculate artery E) common hepatic artery


49) The rectum and terminal portion of the colon are supplied by which vessel? A) celiac trunk B) inferior mesenteric artery C) internal iliac artery D) inferior phrenic artery E) superior mesenteric artery


5) At the cubital fossa, the brachial artery divides into the ________. A) tibial and fibular arteries B) radial and ulnar arteries C) internal iliac arteries D) external carotid arteries E) internal carotid arteries


53) Which of these is the major tributary of the superior vena cava? A) superior mesenteric vein B) azygous vein C) left colic vein D) inferior mesenteric vein E) splenic vein


54) Because of their proximity to the surface, ________ are usually used to obtain blood samples. A) deep veins B) superficial veins C) jugular veins D) venules E) venous sinuses


58) Which of the following organs drains its blood through the hepatic portal system? A) kidney B) stomach C) suprarenal gland D) uterus E) urinary bladder


60) The longest vein in the body is the ________. A) small saphenous vein B) great saphenous vein C) femoral vein D) cephalic vein E) sartorius vein


66) Age-related changes in the heart include ________. A) increased maximum cardiac output B) reduction in the elasticity of the fibrous skeleton C) increased size of coronary vessels D) decreased pressures in the great vessels E) absence of scar tissue in cardiac muscle


26) Which great vessel structure is divided by the diaphragm into a superior thoracic portion and an inferior abdominal portion? A) aortic arch B) left common carotid C) descending aorta D) superior mesenteric artery E) inferior mesenteric artery


31) At which vertebral level does the abdominal aorta split into the left and right common iliac arteries? A) T7 B) T12 C) L4 D) S1 E) S4


36) The right common carotid artery and right subclavian arteries are branches of (the) ________. A) thyrocervical trunk B) vertebral artery C) brachiocephalic trunk D) aortic arch E) pulmonary trunk


4) Which of the following applies to elastic arteries? A) These vessels distribute blood to the skeletal muscles and internal organs of the body. B) They have a poorly defined adventitia. C) The media of these arteries contains a high density of elastic fibers and relatively few smooth muscle cells. D) The tunica media consists of scattered smooth muscle fibers that do not form a complete layer. E) They have an average diameter of 50 µm.


1) Vasoconstriction and vasodilation occur due to sympathetic activation of which vessel layer? A) endothelium B) tunica interna C) tunica media D) tunica externa E) adventitia


14) Which statement regarding blood vessel distribution is TRUE? A) Blood pressure within the pulmonary circuit is relatively high. B) Only veins make anastomotic connections. C) Walls of pulmonary arteries are thinner than those of systemic arteries. D) Pulmonary arteries conduct only oxygen-rich blood. E) Peripheral distribution of arteries and veins on the left and right sides is identical, especially near the heart.


17) Which of the following is a branch of the aortic arch? A) pulmonary trunk B) cephalic vein C) brachiocephalic trunk D) common iliac artery E) right pulmonary artery


2) Which vessels have an average diameter of 30 µm, have a poorly defined adventitia, and an often-incomplete tunica media? A) venules B) elastic arteries C) arterioles D) muscular arteries E) capillaries


55) What is the significance of the presence of dual venous drainage, one superficial and the other deep, in the neck and limbs? A) These vessels have a completely different distribution and so must be located far from one another to avoid competitive drainage issues. B) There is no known significance for this phenomenon. C) This distribution is important for regulation of body temperature. D) This placement is important in the regulation of the distribution of hormones in the circulation. E) This distribution is critical for proper lymphatic drainage.


57) Which of the following is involved in draining blood from the cavernous sinus to the internal jugular veins? A) straight sinus B) superior sagittal sinus C) petrosal sinus D) temporal veins E) external jugular veins


62) Which of the following drains into the external iliac veins? A) gluteal veins B) internal pudendal veins C) deep femoral veins D) obturator veins E) lateral sacral veins


63) As it proceeds toward the liver, the hepatic portal vein receives blood from which of the following? A) hepatic veins B) lumbar veins C) gastric veins D) the suprarenal veins E) great saphenous veins


64) The interatrial opening, which results in the interatrial partition remaining functionally incomplete up to the time of birth, is known as which of the following? A) ductus arteriosus B) ligamentum arteriosum C) foramen ovale D) ductus venosus E) inferior vena cava


7) After crossing the elbow, the radial and ulnar veins fuse with the anterior crural interosseous vein to form the ________. A) median cubital vein B) basilic vein C) brachial vein D) axillary vein E) cephalic vein


50) Which vessel branches into medial and lateral circumflex arteries? A) gonadal artery B) lumbar artery C) celiac trunk D) deep femoral artery E) median sacral artery


5) Muscular arteries ________. A) are larger than elastic arteries and smaller than arterioles B) have a tunica media with a high density of elastic fibers C) are exemplified by the aorta D) have a thick media with a large amount of smooth muscle fiber within them E) collect blood from capillaries


1) When an artery constricts, the ________ is thrown into folds that give arterial sections a pleated appearance. A) external elastic membrane B) mesothelium C) tunica adventitia D) endothelium E) tunica media


15) Which statement regarding the pulmonary circuit is TRUE? A) Blood enters the left atrium from the capillary beds in peripheral tissues. B) The pulmonary trunk is the terminal end of the pulmonary circuit. C) Compared with the systemic circuit, the pulmonary circuit is relatively longer. D) Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood. E) Blood enters the pulmonary trunk from the left ventricle.


19) Which is the first branch of the brachial artery? A) axillary artery B) vertebral artery C) subclavian artery D) deep brachial artery E) internal thoracic artery


20) Which vessel becomes the basilar artery? A) thyrocervical trunk B) brachiocephalic trunk C) brachial artery D) vertebral artery E) axillary artery


23) The cerebral arterial circle encircles which structure? A) cerebellum B) pons C) medulla oblongata D) infundibulum E) tectum


28) The ascending aorta begins at (the) ________. A) external carotid artery B) apex of the heart C) conus arteriosus D) aortic valve E) aortic arch


3) The outermost layer of a blood vessel, which is very thick and composed chiefly of collagen fibers with scattered bands of elastic fibers, is the ________. A) tunica media B) tunica intima C) external elastic membrane D) adventitia E) internal elastic membrane


34) Which of the following is the right branch of the celiac trunk? A) cystic artery B) splenic artery C) superior mesenteric artery D) common hepatic artery E) gastroduodenal artery


37) After leaving the thoracic cavity and passing over the outer border of the first rib, the subclavian artery becomes the ________. A) brachial artery B) radial artery C) clavicular artery D) axillary artery E) ulnar artery


38) After passing from the thoracic cavity over the border of the first rib, the subclavian artery changes its name. The name changes continue along the arm and to the hand. In correct order, these names are: (1) superficial palmar arch (2) deep palmar arch (3) brachial artery (4) radial artery (5) axillary artery (6) ulnar artery A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 B) 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 C) 1 or 4, 2, 3 or 5, 6 D) 5, 3, 4 or 6, 1 or 2 E) 4 or 6, 1 or 2, 5, 3


4) In the pulmonary circuit, blood enters the pulmonary trunk directly from the ________. A) left atrium B) right atrium C) coronary sinus D) right ventricle E) left ventricle


40) The common iliac arteries divide to form a branch that enters the pelvic cavity and a branch called the ________ that proceeds to the lower limb. A) inferior branch B) femoral artery C) inguinal artery D) external iliac artery E) sacral artery


44) The gallbladder, duodenum, pancreas, and spleen are supplied by which vessel? A) superior mesenteric artery B) suprarenal artery C) inferior phrenic artery D) celiac trunk E) inferior mesenteric artery


7) Which of the following is TRUE of an artery? A) The vessel walls are relatively thin. B) Blood flow is the slowest of all classes of vessels. C) The histological structure permits a two-way exchange of substances between the blood and body cells. D) The lumen is relatively smaller than that of a corresponding vein. E) The adventitia is frequently absent.


9) Another name for muscular arteries is ________. A) sinusoids B) elastic arteries C) conducting arteries D) distribution arteries E) arterioles


9) The umbilical vein drains into the ductus venosus, which is connected to an intricate network of veins within the developing ________. A) placenta B) heart C) spleen D) liver E) lungs


10) Arteriorsclerotic changes that occur with aging include the deposit of ________ on weakened vascular walls, increasing the risk of a stroke or infarct. A) sodium chloride B) magnesium salts C) potassium salts D) manganese salts E) calcium salts


18) Which vessel supplies the pericardium? A) axillary artery B) radial artery C) brachial artery D) vertebral artery E) internal thoracic artery


25) Which vessel supplies the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain? A) middle cerebral artery B) basilar artery C) ophthalmic artery D) vertebral artery E) anterior cerebral artery


29) The anterior chest wall is supplied by (the) ________. A) coronary circulation B) thyrocervical trunk C) radial artery D) vertebral artery E) internal thoracic artery


3) The ________ is composed of arteries and veins that transport blood between the heart and the lungs. A) systemic circuit B) renal circuit C) hepatic portal circuit D) infundibular circuit E) pulmonary circuit


30) The midbrain and lateral surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres receive blood from the ________. A) common carotid artery B) anterior cerebral artery C) external carotid artery D) basilar artery E) middle cerebral artery


39) The parietal branches of the thoracic aorta include the ________. A) bronchial arteries B) intercostal arteries C) mediastinal arteries D) pericardial arteries. E) superior phrenic and intercostal arteries


45) Which vessels supply the urinary bladder? A) celiac trunk vessels B) suprarenal arteries C) gonadal arteries D) sacral arteries E) internal iliac arteries


47) Which vessel is found on the ventral surface of the brain along the pons? A) ophthalmic artery B) external carotid artery C) anterior cerebral artery D) internal carotid artery E) basilar artery


51) The suprarenal arteries originate on either side of the aorta near the base of which vessel? A) inferior mesenteric artery B) renal artery C) gonadal artery D) common iliac artery E) superior mesenteric artery


56) The radial side of the upper arm and forearm contains a long superficial vein named the ________. A) basilic vein B) cubital vein C) radial vein D) median antebrachial vein E) cephalic vein


61) The azygous and hemiazygous veins are the chief collecting veins of the ________. A) head and neck B) pelvis C) upper limbs D) lower limbs E) thorax


8) The ________ is formed by the union of the inferior mesenteric vein and veins from the spleen, the lateral border of the stomach, and the pancreas. A) gastric vein B) cystic vein C) superior mesenteric vein D) pancreatic duodenal vein E) splenic vein


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