ch 25 ww1 ap euro

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who was alexander kerensky

an important liberal political leader of the provisional government in russia.

schlieffen plan

attack plan by germans, proposed by schliffen, lightning quick attack against france. proposed to go through belgium then attack france, belgium resisted, other countries took up their aid, long fight, used trench warfare.

according to primary source 25.1, why did kaiser wilhelm offer austria-hungary unconditional support in its actions against serbia after the assassination of archduke francis ferdinand

because serbia was protected by russia, whom they were trying to attack.

reasons for gb's entry into ww1

belgium's ports were close to the british coast and german control of belgium would have been seen as a serious threat to britain.

bolsheviks vs. mensheviks

bolsheviks: communist, everything ruled by the state, politically soviets, wanted a small, diciplined party. mensheviks: pro-social classes in order to overthrow, bourgeois, wanted a more democratic party with mass membership.

how did the moderate social democrats in germany put down the radical communist spartacist uprising?

called in nationalist free corps militias, bands of demobilized soldiers who had kept their weapons, to crush the uprising.

first moroccan crisis

consequences: britain, france, and russia began to see germany as a threat to dominate all of europe. background: british want suez canal in egypt, and access to india. causes: french, with britain backing them try to make a colony, 1905 wilhelm II advocates free trade and independence, morocco is last territory that is not a colony, important trade route > germany wants.

first battle of the marne (date, players, outcomes)

date: september 6-12, 1914 players: france and britain vs. germany outcomes: germnay lost and gave up hope on schlieffen plan

russia's february and october revolutions 1917

february: an unplanned uprising of hungry and angry people in the capital. october: took place with an armed insurrection in petrograd on 7 november both led to change in composition of a country: february overthrew the tsar and october instituted a new form of government.

how did lenin respond to the peasants' seizure of land when he rose to power in 1917?

he mandated land or form in order to offer his approval for what the peasants had already done

paris peace conference - clemenceau's objective

he wanted to create a buffer state between germany and france.

war guilt clause

in treaty of versailles; declared germany and austria responsible for ww1; ordered germany to pay reparation to allied powers.

rasputin's influence, rise, and fall

influence: over government, romanov family, russian political affairs. rise: eased the symptoms of the czar's hemophiliac son, alexei romanov. fall: became unpopular when Russian defeats in war began.

reasons for austria-hungary's declaration of war (other than assassination)

it hoped to stem the tide of hostile nationalism within its borders.

reasons for italy switching sides

italy joined the allies because of the treaty of london and it was promised austrian territory in return

lenin's differences from marx

lenin believed that a vanguard party must seize the state machinery and power on behalf of the workers and then lead the way towards communism.

lenin's model of revolution (what were marx's steps? what did lenin say was the highest stage of capitalism?)

lenin's steps: capitalism-imperialism-socialism-communism marx's steps: capitalism-socialism-communism highest stage: production becomes completely social while appropriation (money) remains private.

main causes of ww1

militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

what mistakes were made repeatedly on the western front

military commanders attempted to mount massive offensives designed to break through entrenched lines.

petrograd soviet army order no. 1

military officers were stripped of their authority and power was placed in the hands of elected committees of soldiers.

how did paul von hindenburg and erich ludendorff react to germany's loss in the war in the fall of 1918?

not wanting to shoulder the blame, they insisted moderate politicians should take responsibility for the defeat.

eastern front vs. western front

on the western front the war was fought in trenches and many people died for little land gains while on the eastern front it was freezing conditions with little supplies causing many men to freeze to death but on both sides extreme amounts of soldiers died. the war on the eastern front remained more mobile, with germany in a more dominant position.

france's petain's leadership style/promises

only tough military justice, including executions for mutiny leaders, and a tacit agreement with the troops that there would be no more grand offensive's and a bold the new general-in-chief to restore order within the french military.

wilson's notion of self-determination

people should be able to choose a national government through a democratic process and live free from outside interference.

following the first world war, what was one of the most difficult domestic problems faced by governments

providing care for the large number of injured veterans.

how did most socialists in western and central europe choose to participate in government

redistribution of economic and political power, and new methods of organizing everyday life.

germany's auxiliary service law

required all males between the ages of 17 and 60 to work only at jobs considered crucial for the war effort.

what were the two-front wars that military planners had anticipated prior to the first world war

russia had assumed a two front war against germany with austria-hungary, and germany had assumed a two front war against russia and france

reasons for anglo-german rivalry c. 1900-1914

the arms race: britain had long viewed their navy as the key to their status as the leading world power. germany intended to create a fleet to match the royal navy and wanted to expand the limits of his empire by conquering overseas colonies. likely due to fierce commercial, colonial, militaristic, and industrial competition between Britain and germany.

as noted in primary source 25.5, the general syrian congress in july 1919 sought "absolutely complete political independence for syria." how did it reconcile this demand with the mandate system

the mandate system was to be understood as nothing other than economic and technical assistance that did not prejudice the complete independence of syria.

why were the balkans considered a "power keg"

the ottoman empire had been forced to give up its territory in the region, leading to growing ethnic nationalism.

what ultimately happened to ukraine and belarus, parts of the russian empire when ceded to germany in treaty of brest-litovsk?

the soviet union reconquered those territories during its civil war.

walter rathenau

the talented foresighted jewish industrialist in charge of germany's largest electric company, convinced the government to set up the war raw materials board to ration and distribute raw materials.

willhelm's alliance changes

the triple alliance was the main pact for the central powers. this group involved germany, austria, and italy. italy however, declared neutrality at the out break, leaving germany with only austria. they were soon joined by bulgaria and the ottoman empire.

what was the fatal turning point in russian prosecution of the war

the tsar's decision to assume command of russia's armies, leaving the government in the hands of the strong-willed, autocratic tsarina.

armenian genocide

the turkish government organized the department of the armenians in the ottoman empire because of their siding with russian liberators and over a million were murdered or starved - one of the first genocides of the 20th centuries.

why did germans use subs knowing that it would involve the us

they believe that improved submarines could starve british into submission before the us could come to britain's rescue.

why did many colonies fight for their mother countries

they believed they would gain their independence

what was the primary political weakness of the white forces as they fought against the bolsheviks

they had a poorly defined political program that failed to unite the enemies of the bolsheviks.

why did germans accept the terms and conditions of the treaty of versailles

they had little alternative, especially as the naval blockade was still in place and the german people were starving.

how did western powers react to the declarations of independence by syria and iraq shortly after ww1

they invaded the two regions and defeated the independence movements.

why did lenin sign the treaty of brest-litovsk with gremany in march 1918

they wanted to get out of going into ww2, so that they could prepare for their own civil war

what was the outcome of the western front offensives

they won, although with slow advances, they were equipped with machine guns, so winning was inevitable for the western front.

women and ww1

thousands of women had to pick up where men left of, meaning many women had to step up and do the work of men as many of them were fighting the war, women worked in many places like post offices and local shops, but the most important work they did was in factories like building munition for the war and putting themselves at risk of disease in these environments. consequence: change the opinion of many men about the usefulness of women, some women the vote in 1918, however the vote was only given to women over 30, who owned their own house or was married to someone who did and university graduates.

14 points, alsace-lorraine provision. was it honored

yes, germany returned alsace-lorriane to france.

balfour declatation

a letter written by the british government to the zionist leader, lord rothschild which stated the governments intentions in declaring a jewish state in the middle east, did not take into consideration the natives already living there.

allies and central powers

allies: britain, france, united states, russia, italy central powers: germany, ottoman empire, austria-hungary, bulgaria

sykes-picot agreement

an agreement between the british and the french. france gets syria and lebanon, and britain gets iraq, palestine, and transjordan.

paris peace conference

an agreement to ensure a world war would never happen again

bismarck's alliance system strategy/ purpose (in relation to france)

designed to isolate france and maintain peace between russia and austria-hungary.

what does wilfred owen want the reader to understand in "dulce et decorum est" (primary source 25.2)

that it is neither sweet nor fitting to die for one's country.

john mccrae's poem "in flanders fields," as shown in primary source 25.2, states that the dead want...

the living to fight those who killed them.

what was the result of allied support of white armies in russian civil war

tt helped the bolsheviks, who could appeal to patriotic nationalism against the allies.

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