Ch 3, 4 and 7
In a task group, when the members are working to solve an issue, the leader will usually want to the focus
When an individual member has had several minutes of "airtime" in this session, the later is probably trying to decide whether to or focus
Hold or shift
After a particular topic has been discussed at length the leader may want to the focus
The leader conducts a round where members tell their name and share what they hope to gain from the group
A. Beginning/warm up
The members of an Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) therapy group are talking about the dynamics that existed in their families of origin. To make the session more meaningful, the leader proposes that the members to rise coffee their family dynamics using other members of the team as subjects
A. Deepening the focus
Which of the following represents a mistake in the closing stage of a group
A. Ending the group abruptly because time has run out
Which of the following is important to consider when planning the first session of a group
A. Having a dynamic opening
When planning, a group leader should consider
A. How ready he/she is to lead a group of that type in composition
When leading a single session group
A. Little may be accomplished if member switch topics frequently
When a leader believes the topic a member has brought up has relevance for the entire group, she may want to shift the focus from that member to the topic.
Rounds and Dyads have very little value when a leader is trying to focus a group
A. Through
A common mistake is planning warm up or introductory activities that last long
A. True
A leader may shift the focus from a person to the topic the person is discussing if she feels the issues may be relevant to most other group members.
A. True
Asking group members to finish a sentence completion form, make a list, or give thought to a particular word the leader places for everyone to see are all examples of the later getting the points of focus
A. True
Progress reports are helpful both for the member who shares and for the rest of the members who hear how others are using what they learn in the group
A. True
Use a written material or writing as an exercise is often a very effective technique when working to focus a group
A. True
When leading a session, it is sometimes necessary to be flexible and deviate from a plan when it is clear that members are not benefiting from it
A. True
The authors suggests the use of and exercises to establish the focus of a group session
All of the following activities would be appropriate for the first group session except
B. Asking members to share a lot of deep, personal information
Malik has been talking for a while. The leader says, "Malik, you have raised some points that are also relevant to others. Let's spend some time discussing those. Which of the following leadership skill has she just used?
B. Both of the available choices
When should the purpose be clarified with the members
B. During the first session
Which of the following is false regarding group evaluation
B. Evaluation should be conducting frequently with rigor
The smart leader can never have too many activities planned, especially if she feels the members might not talk
It is usually best to let "the clock" end a group rather than trying to guide the members to a closing especially when the session has been an interesting morning
B. False
Saying, "Can we wait A moment on that until John is finished?," Is an example of
B. Holding the focus on John
The leader give a mini lecture about the days topic and facilitate discussion by asking relevant questions
B. Middle/working
Members are focusing and seriously all the groups purpose
B. Middle/working/
Big picture planning may involve
B. Thinking about all of the topics to be covered in group
Because the numbers are becoming acquainted with one another the Phase may need to be longer in the first session
Beginning or warm up
Ch 4
Ch 7
Which of the following is true
C. Both choices are true
Which of the following is the purpose of the first session
C. Both of the available choices
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the depth of sharing in a group?
C. Both of the available choices are true
The most important cats up a group leadership is having
C. Clarity of purpose
Members are sharing information about what they will do differently next week
C. Closing
The leaders ask members what stood out to them about the session
C. Closing
A task group member who rarely speaks up begins to share an idea that has merit. Her comments are taking the group in a worthwhile direction. The leader encourages her to say more.
C. Holding the focus
Which of the following is the least important consideration during the working phase of a group
C. How closely the leader sticks to his or her plan
Deepening the focus should be done during the phase of a group
C. Middle /working
A mistake that leaders my make my planning a session is
C. Planning to conduct a deep feedback exercise in the beginning stage of group
A small chair or a large piece of paper with a word on it can the groups focus
D. A and C
When a leader evaluates a session she pays particular attention to
D. All of our available choices
Planning a group session involves
D. All of the available choices
When determining whether to hold the group's focus on a topic, group leaders should consider
D. All of the available choices
Which is true about the purpose of a single session group
D. All of the available choices
Which of the following represents a mistake in group planning
D. All of the available choices
Which of these things help the leader to clarify the purpose of the group
D. All of the available choices
All of the following are appropriate ways to begin a session etc.
D. Allowing one number to talk through most of the warm-up time
Exercises use in the first session start by the following purposes except
D. Determining how successful the overall group is going to be
During the beginning stage of a counseling group when a member gets off-track that is bring up a topic unrelated to the purpose of the group the leader should
D. Redirect the conversation back to the topic the members originally wanted to discuss
As one member of a parenting group shares her struggle with holding her children accountable through use of consequences, another member nods her head in agreement. The leader says to the second member, I've noticed that you were nodding your head. What are your thoughts about what has been said?
D. Shifting the focus
The Afters identify each of the following as a possible purpose for a group session except
D. To fill time
Which of the following is false about the purpose of a group
D. When the leader is clear about the purpose of the members will also be
Asking a very thought-provoking question is one technique that can be used to the focus
The chart can provide members a concrete way to visualize and understand how superficial or intense group sharing has been
Group exercises need to be followed by and not just conducted one after the other
Discussion or processing
Because a group leader is so involved in the planning and leading of her group her evaluation of her own role and the effectiveness of a particular group is subjective and therefore not very useful
The best way to deepen the focus in a personal growth group is to hold the focus on one member until he or she talks
As long as a group leader is clear about the purpose of a group members usually figure it out on their own
Once purpose is established in the opening session of a group the sessions that followed do not need to have a clear purpose
The authors believe that by keeping the purpose of a group vague the members are much more appreciative of the leaders effort when the real purpose finally becomes clear
What's a group has begun it is never acceptable to alter its purpose
The purpose of the group should be determined during the session
Leaders originally follow their plan even when their plan is not working demonstrate lack of
Before deepening the groups focus to an intense level, The authors suggest that the leader consider the groups
The author that buys against shifting the of the group without informing members
When selecting activities for a group of members who are educationally disadvantaged the leader should be sensitive to the possibility of limitations regarding how well members can
Read and Write
Clarity of purpose is most important in groups
Single session
Two factors importance to considering when determining when a group will meet especially in a school or residential setting are frequency of meetings and
Time of day
The focus of a group counseling session was center upon a person, and activity, or a/and
According to the authors being clear about the purpose of the group is the most important group leadership concept to be learned
Although it is important for a leader to receive feedback at the end of a group experience he should interpret the feedback with caution because some members will only give positive feedback from a need to please while others may give inaccurate negative feedback because of underlying anger at authority
It is considered acceptable for groups to have more than one purpose
When the purpose of a group is clear and well understood by the members the leader of the members are more likely to accomplish the goals of the group
During the Stage the leader attempts to get a sense of the members energy and interest levels
Warm up