CH 30

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Gulf War

Congress gave president bush permission to intervene in what war in the Middle East after iraq invaded kuwait in 1990, resulting in the US militarys launch of operation desert shield in august 1990 and operation desert storm in january 1991, and American triumph over the iraqi army after only 100 hours of ground combat?

Newt Gingrich

Congressional Republicans, led by Texas Congressman Dick Armey and what georgia congressman, offered a new "contract with america" in 1994, with republican candidates pledging their commitment to a conservative legislative blueprint?


Democrat Barack Obama denounced the war in Iraq and predicted the sectarian violence that ensued,was a former law professor and community activist, became the 1st African American US President winning the 2004 and 2008 elections -- and was a senator from what US state?


In 1998 President Clinto ordered the US military to launch cruise missiles at al-Queda camps in afghanistan in retaliation for al-Qaeda bombings on US embassies that killed several people in what continent?

Bill Clinton

President Bush, whose candidacy was harmed by an unexpected economic recession in 1991, lost the 1992 presidential election to what charismatic arkansas governor, who campaigned as a centrist democratic who advocated for free trade, tax cuts, and welfare reform?


Republicans accused clinton of perjury for denying having sexual relations with a white house intern before a grand jury and in a public statement, resulting in the house of representatives attempt to impeach clinton in 1998.

Soviet Union

What nation collapsed during president George HW bush tenure, after its leader lifted restraints on hi citizenry's freedom and democratized the nation's government, resulting in the splintering of this once powerful nation into multiple republics after the revolutions of 1989?

Bush Doctrine

Whats the name of the doctrine initiated by President Bush in 2001, which invoked the idea that the US has the right to unilaterally and pre-emptively declare war on any regime or terrorist group that threatens the US resulting in prolonged conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and entanglements with nations throughout the world?


Whats the name of the radical islamic terrorist group that was led by wealthy saudi osama bin lade, was comprised of supporters from over 60 nations, was sheltered by the taliban--a radical islamic movement in afghanistan--and was responsible for the 1993 bombing of the world trade center, a string of attacks at US embassies and military bases, and the 9/11 attacks?

Michael Dukakis

george HW Bush, who was presidetn reagans vice president from 1981 to 1989, ia a WW2 veteran, founded a lucrative oil co, ad served as a member of the house of representatives from texas, triumohed over what liberal massachusetts goveror in the 1988 presidential election?

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