Ch. 4 Microbiology (#10-24)

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Drag the labels onto the flowchart to trace the movement of proteins through the endomembrane system and out of the cell. Plasma membrane Vesicle from golgi Golgi apparatus Vesicle from rough ER Rough ER

1. Rough ER 2. Vesicle from rough ER 3. Golgi apparatus 4. Vesicle from golgi 5. Plasma membrane

Which of the following would not move freely across the cytoplasmic membrane? a) Positively charged hydrogen ions b) Small alcohols c) Dissolved oxygen d) Dissolved carbon dioxide

a) +/- ions can't easily cross the membrane

A positively charged sodium ion a) would require the use of integral protein channels to pass through a cell membrane. b) would get stuck in the hydrophobic core of the membrane. c) freely diffuses directly across the cell membrane.

a) Ions need to use an integral protein

In which eukaryotic organelle are amino acids and fatty acids oxidized? a) peroxisome b) centrosome c) thylakoid d) lysosome

a) Peroxisomes contain oxidase and catalase, which are used in the oxidation of many substances.

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the glycocalyx found in bacteria? a) creates a slimy, slippery coating that prevents bacteria from attaching to surfaces b) if firmly attached, contributes to bacterial virulence c) a viscous coating surrounding the cell made of polysaccharide, polypeptide, or both d) a structure that can be visualized using an acidic negative stain and a basic counterstain

a) The glycocalyx enables the bacteria to attach to surfaces and create biofilms. Bacteria WANTS to attach to other things

What will happen to a cell that is placed in a solution containing a high concentration of sugar, a molecule that cannot pass across the cell membrane? a) The cell will lose its interior water, causing it to shrivel up and possibly die. b) The cell will pump the salt in the cytoplasm out of the cell via simple diffusion. c) The cell will swell up with water and burst.

a) The sugary solution will steal the cell's internal water, making the cell shrivel up.

What carries instructions for making proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm? a) mRNA b) ribosomes c) DNA d) Rough ER e) ATP

a) mRNA The "m" in mRNA stands for "messenger"; mRNA is the messenger that carries genetic instructions from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.

Why is no energy required in passive transport? a) The concentration gradient drives the movement. b) The membrane physically moves the molecules. c) Transport proteins move the molecules, so no energy is required.

a) molecules move according to the concentration gradient. High --> Low

A glycoprotein a) is a type of peripheral protein above that can be used as a receptor or in enzymatic functions. b) can be used in enzymatic functions. c) is a type of peripheral protein. d) can be used as a receptor.

a) peripheral protein used as receptor or for enzymatic functions

Integral proteins are mostly involved in a) transport function. b) recognition sites. c) enzymatic function. d) receptors.

a) transport

How does water enter and exit a cell? a) By simple diffusion or by use of an integral transport protein b) By simple diffusion across the membrane c) By use of an integral transport protein d) By use of a peripheral transport protein

a) with simple diffusion or integral protein

Where are lipids made in the cell? a) Golgi apparatus b) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) c) ribosomes d) rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) e) mitochondria

b) Smooth ER

Which of the following is found in the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells but is ABSENT from the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells? a) water b) DNA c) enzymes d) a cytoskeleton

b) The DNA in eukaryotes is in the nucleus, not the cytoplasm.

The structural framework in a cell is the a) endoplasmic reticulum (ER). b) cytoskeleton. c) extracellular matrix. d) endomembrane system. e) plasma membrane.

b) cytoskeleton

Hydrophobic molecules would enter a cell a) by passive transport directly across the membrane. b) through integral transport proteins. c) by active transport directly across the membrane.

b) integral proteins

Which of the following molecules would be blocked by a cell membrane? a) Water b) Ions c) Dissolved oxygen d) Simple alcohols

b) ions Can: uncharged, small, nonpolar, O2, CO2 Can Not: ions, large, polar

How is simple diffusion different from other types of passive transport? a) Simple diffusion is only the diffusion of water. b) Simple diffusion does not require a permease. c) Simple diffusion only brings material into the cell, not out of it. d) Simple diffusion requires ATP.

b) simple diffusion doesn't use a protein or any ATP

Which of the following eukaryotic organelles is correctly matched with its function? a) mitochondrion--protein synthesis b) vacuole--storage of materials c) flagellum--DNA exchange d) glycocalyx--semipermeable membrane

b) vacuole--storage of materials Mitochondria = energy conversion, ATP production Flagellum = motility through substances Glycocalyx = helps important vascular cells adhere to blood vessels, contains important enzymes to keep breaking down food for absorption

How is osmosis different from simple diffusion? a) Water requires a special permease. b) Water movement is driven by the concentration of solutes rather than its own concentration. c) Water requires energy to move across a cytoplasmic membrane. d) Water cannot pass freely across the membrane.

b) water moves according to the solute concentration, not osmotic concentration

Which statement regarding the structure or function of ribosomes is correct? a) Ribosomes are found both free-floating and attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes and in prokaryotes. b) The ribosomes in the prokaryote are slightly larger than those found in the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum. c) In eukaryotes, the ribosomes found in chloroplasts and mitochondria are 70S ribosomes, which are similar in size to prokaryotic ribosomes. d) Ribosomes are the sites of lipid biosynthesis in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

c) 70s ribosomes in chloroplasts and mitochondria, similar to prokaryotic ribosomes ~The fact that prokaryotic ribosomes and the ribosomes in mitochondria and chloroplasts are the same size provides evidence for the endosymbiosis theory~

Which of the following statements regarding active transport is false? a) It requires the use of a transport protein. b) It requires ATP. c) It powers the diffusion of water across the cell membrane.

c) Active transport uses ATP to move against the gradient. It uses proteins to move across the plasma membrane.

Which of the following statements accurately describes specific bacterial cell walls? a) In bacteria with acid-fast cell walls, the carboxylic acid in the walls forms a layer outside a thin layer of hydrophilic polypeptides. b) Gram-negative bacterial cell walls contain teichoic acids, whereas the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria do not. c) In gram-negative bacteria, the thin layer of peptidoglycan is surrounded by an external membrane made of phospholipids, lipopolysaccharides, and proteins. d) The cell walls of gram-negative bacteria contain many more layers of peptidoglycan than those of gram-positive bacteria.

c) In gram-negative bacteria, the thin layer of peptidoglycan is surrounded by an external membrane made of phospholipids, lipopolysaccharides, and proteins. Gram+ has a thick peptidogylcan layer; Gram- has a single thin layer. Gram- has an outer membrane, thin pep. layer, and cell membrane. Gram+ has teichoic acids.

Once equilibrium is reached, a) passive transport starts over to create a concentration gradient. b) molecules no longer move. c) molecules move, but there is no net movement in a particular direction. d) the membrane permits all molecules to freely move across the membrane.

c) Molecules can move, but there's no longer a concentration forcing them a certain direction.

Nonspecific permeases a) are not used for passive transport. b) allow only water to cross the cytoplasmic membrane. c) allow a variety of molecules to cross the cytoplasmic membrane. d) allow only one type of solute to pass through the membrane.

c) allow a variety of molecules to cross Permeases are membrane transport proteins. Nonspecific permeases would be unassigned and can work on many different molecules.

What makes phospholipid membranes good at keeping some molecules out, and allowing others to freely pass? a) They are completely hydrophilic. b) They are positively charged. c) They have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions. d) They are completely hydrophobic.

c) hydrophilic and hydrophobic

Which of the following represents the digestion center of the cell responsible for breakdown macromolecules and worn-out organelles? a) nucleus b) mitochondrion c) lysosome d) Golgi complex e) rough ER

c) lysosomes use their digestive enzymes to break stuff down

Where in a cell is ATP made? a) ribosomes b) lysosomes c) mitochondria d) nucleus e) chloroplasts

c) mitochondria

Which of the following molecules will not be able to easily pass directly through the phospholipid portion of the cell membrane? a) oxygen b) carbon dioxide c) polar molecules d) nonpolar molecules

c) polar Can: uncharged, oxygen and carbon dioxide (small, nonpolar) Can Not: ions, large, polar

You are observing a Gram stain of spherical-shaped microorganisms that are linked in a chain and stain purple. How would you describe these bacteria using the correct terminology for the cell shape and arrangement? a) gram-positive coccobacilli b) gram-negative staphylococci c) gram-positive tetrads d) gram-positive streptococci

d) Gram+ strep Gram-positive cells stain purple, and the term streptococci indicates a chain of spherical-shaped cells.

One of the ways smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from rough endoplasmic reticulum is that rough ER is covered by a) the extracellular matrix. b) the Golgi apparatus. c) the cytoskeleton. d) ribosomes. e) mitochondria.

d) Ribosomes dock on the rough ER, and proteins are completed inside the rough ER.

The __________ produces plasma-membrane-associated proteins, which are then sent to the __________ for sorting and processing. a) mitochondrion; rough ER b) lysosome; Golgi complex c) rough ER; nucleus d) rough ER; Golgi complex e) peroxisome; mitochondrion

d) Rough ER makes proteins. The golgi sorts, processes, and ships them. Ribosomes bound to the rough ER are responsible for producing proteins for secretion, membrane-associated proteins, and proteins for other organelles. Upon completion, the protein is sent to the Golgi, where it is modified and shipped off to the plasma membrane.

Which of the following organelles breaks down worn-out organelles? a) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) b) Golgi apparatus c) mitochondria d) lysosomes e) rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

d) lysosomes

Where is the genetic information of the cell stored? a) Golgi apparatus b) lysosomes c) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) d) nucleus e) rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

d) nucleus

What structure acts as a selective barrier, regulating the traffic of materials into and out of the cell? a) endomembrane system b) extracellular matrix c) cytoskeleton d) plasma membrane e) nuclear envelope

d) phospholipid bilayer plasma membrane

Which of the following makes up the largest part of the cell membrane? a) carbohydrate molecules b) cholesterol c) peripheral proteins d) phospholipid molecules

d) phospholipids

Which type of molecule forms channels through the cell membrane? a) carbohydrate b) phospholipid c) cholesterol d) protein

d) protein

Which of the following is part of the endomembrane system? a) cytoskeleton b) ribosomes c) mitochondria d) flagellum e) Golgi apparatus

e) Golgi apparatus The endomembrane system manufactures, processes, and transports lipids and proteins. It includes the ER, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and vesicles. The Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins.

A patient enters your office complaining of excessive stiffness and cramps after vigorous exercise. Tests reveal the patient has Brody disease, a muscle disorder characterized by impairment of skeletal muscle relaxation due to the inability of the muscle cells to regulate calcium levels in the cytoplasm. Which organelle is most likely affected in this patient? a) Golgi complex b) rough ER c) lysosome d) peroxisome e) smooth ER

e) Smooth ER is responsible for a variety of functions, including calcium balance in muscle cells. The ability to clear calcium from the cytoplasm and into the smooth ER allows muscle cells to relax. -rough ER is responsible for the production of specific proteins and is not directly involved in calcium regulation. -golgi is the shipping and sorting center, collecting cargo from the ER and sending it to its final destination. -lysosomes break down macromolecules and worn-out organelles -peroxisome is responsible for the breakdown of fatty acids and amino acids.

What is a hallmark of passive transport across cell membranes? a) It requires the use of ATP. b) It occurs along an electrochemical gradient. c) It may involve the use of transport proteins. d) It occurs along an electrochemical gradient, and may e)involve the use of transport proteins. f) It cannot occur without assistance from an integral membrane protein.

e) passive transport = passive diffusion and facilitated diffusion

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