CH 5-6 Org Behavior

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15. Allen, the manager, is setting goals and giving feedback to his staff. He is employing expectancy theory.


48. Research has found that pay for performance has ____ ________ _______ on performance quantity

48. A modest impact

88. What are some of the factors that research has shown to affect expectancy in Vroom's model of motivation?

88. Task knowledge; self-efficacy; task difficulty

3. The monetary incentives that link a portion of pay directly to results or accomplishments are known as ? for ?

3. Pay; performance

13. In equity theory, you compare your outputs and inputs to those of another person.


26. What can be equally effective as monetary rewards?

26. One-on-one time with top leadership

28. People motivated by a high need for affiliation _____________________________.

28. Prefer to work in cooperative teams

33. The theories that focus on the process by which internal factors and environmental characteristics impact employee motivation are known as ________________________.

33. Process theories

34. Fundamental characteristics of action plans include:

34. Being specific about what will be achieved; incorporating specific time limits; focusing on results

39. Altering specific jobs to improve employee experience and productivity is job _____.

39. Design

66. Conditions that make pay for performance effective include:

66. Using multiple measures of performance; calibrated performance measures that ensure accuracy; paying top performers a lot higher than other employees

9. When monitoring performance, it is important to check progress to identify ? that can be remedied.

9. Problems

94. Job crafting is expected to result in _________________________________________.

94. Increased employee engagement; improved employee performance

35. Key components such as types of rewards, distribution criteria, and desired outcomes are part of an organization's:

35. Reward systems

31. For feedback to be perceived as useful and credible, it must be:

31. Honest, timely, and constructive

4. The psychological mechanisms that guide the intensity of one's behaviors are known as:

4. Motivation

47. List the three approaches to job designment and their explanation.

47. Top-down approaches: management changed the activities in jobs to increase motivation; Bottom-up approach: employees redesign their own jobs, increasing engagement; Idiosyncratic ideals: individual employees and managers jointly negotiate the tasks to be completed

50. List examples regarding objective goals, project goals, and behavioral goals.

50. Objective goals: increase sales by 10%; Project goals: finish the productivity reports for the end of the year group summary; Behavioral goals: communicate progress clearly to others in my work group, Listen to others during meetings without interrupting

6. Herzburg's motive factors include:

6. Opportunity to advance, recognition, and stimulating work

6. Strengthening a behavior by offering a pleasing reward is ?

6. Positive reinforcement

95. Although not supported by research, Herzberg's two-factor theory is useful because ___________________________________________________________________.

95. Positive recognition to reinforce performance increases intrinsic motivation; it is harder to motivate someone who is dissatisfied with pay or working conditions; building motivators into a job is the core of job design

40. True or false: Goal-setting is most effective when it is general and open ended enough for flexibility.

40. False

41. Provide an example of the types of perceptual error in performance evaluation.

41. Halo: rating an employee high across al dimensions because they dress well; Recency: rating an employee low for the year based on one late report at the end of the year; Leniency: rating an employee high across all dimensions regardless of actual performance; Central tendency: rating an employee average on all dimensions

42. Effective feedback can be used in organizations to:

42. Give a road map to success; share information about work product quality; ensure agreement on expectations

45. Job enrichment is the job design method that uses _______________ loading to improve motivation.

45. Vertical

46. The three acquired needs stated in McClelland's theory are the needs for achievement, _______________ and _____________.

46. Affiliation; power

46. When managing others, it is important to know whether a person prefers ________ or ______ rewards.

46. Intrinsic; extrinsic

55. Job design terms that individuals _______________ for themselves involving scheduled flexibility, career development, or other adjustments are known as idiosyncratic deals.

55. Negotiate

55. Compensation, benefits, and growth opportunities are all part of an organization's options for total ________ for employees.

55. Rewards

56. The job design method that puts more variety into a job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty is job ______.

56. Enlargement

56. What are aspects of a performance management process function?

56. Explaining the reason to terminate employment; locating a need for employee development

57. What describes a way to increase goal commitment by naming someone who can assist you pursuing your goal?

57. Determining sources of support

58. What describes the instructional function of feedback.

58. When new behaviors are taught; when roles are made more clear

59. Skinner labeled unlearned reflexes, or stimulus-response connections ___________ behavior.

59. Respondent

62. The process of strengthening a behavior by rewarding it is _______ reinforcement.

62. Positive

72. The theory that there is a purposeful if-then link between a target behavior and a consequence is:

72. Skinner's operant theory

73. Which are among the results of effective performance management?

73. Increased productivity; lower employee turnover; higher customer engagement ratings

74. Advantages of designing jobs using job rotation include ___________________________________________________________________.

74. Building employee knowledge and ability to promote from within; providing employees with a broader perspective of the organization; increased worker flexibility for scheduling through cross-training

74. Although most employers rely on fixed interval reinforcement schedules, some examples of effective rewards includes:

74. Spot rewards; variable bonuses for achieving major goals; celebrations of milestones

82. Among the reasons that research has found performance management systems to be unsuccessful are that:

82. That the process itself is always very time consuming; the day-to-day job and the review elements have little or nothing in common; performance reviews focus on only a few elements, some of which may be unimportant

87. What are the top-down approaches to job design?

87. Job rotation; job enlargement; job enrichment

89. Among the lessons to be learned from equity and justice theories are _____________________________________________________________.

89. An appeals process is important to employees feelings of equity; employee perceptions about reward systems and procedures are what is important; employees want a voice in decisions that affect them

9. Brenda has two exams and a research paper scheduled within the next 10 days. She creates a study plan in which she studies an hour a day for each exam and devotes an additional 90 minutes to her research paper. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Brenda is invited to go out with her friends. Instead, she stays at home and sticks with her study plan because she knows this will help her learn more effectively.


5. Strengthening a desired behavior by removing a displeasing consequence is:

5. Negative reinforcement

60. Locke and Latham's research on goal setting identified four motivational mechanisms among which are that goals _______________________________________________.

60. Direct attention; foster the development of plans; increase persistence

60. Ignoring an undesirable behavior until it disappears is known as _____________.

60. Extinction

61. Total rewards offered by an organization may include:

61. Compensation such as base pay and other monetary incentives; personal growth opportunities such as training; benefits such as health and wellness and retirement funds

61. Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior are known as _______.

61. Needs

62. Job crafting is the _______________________________________________________.

62. Approach to job design in which individuals make physical and cognitive changes in the task or relational boundaries of their work.

8. The theory that explains how people strive for fairness in social exchanges is ? theory.

8. Equity

4. Maslow's need hierarchy and Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theories are both examples of process theories.


8. Effective managers give employees timely and task-specific feedback about what they are doing right, but do not give feedback about what they are doing wrong.


10. Research does not support the two-factor aspect of Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory.


11. In order to fit a situation, a manager should consider creating behavioral, objective, or task/project goals as appropriate.


12. Ferdinand sets a goal for himself of finishing the first draft of a project report by Friday. This is a performance goal.


14. Negative feedback can have a positive motivational effect.


15. List the four steps in the goal setting process.

15. Determine goals; encourage goal commitment; give support; form an action plan

15. McGregors theory ? Is a pessimistic view of employees that includes the need to motivate them with carrots sticks.

15. X

27. The job design method that moves employees from one job to another job is job _______________.

27. Rotation

50. The National Labor Relations Act supports the right of certain employees to discuss compensation in which of the following situations?

50. Outside work time; on social media

52. SMART goals stand for:

52. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant, and Time Bound

53. The goals of idiosyncratic deals in job design include ___________________________.

53. Increasing employees' intrinsic motivation; increasing employees' productivity

53. It is important to provide clear guidance on how to improve performance:

53. When giving both positive and negative feedback

54. Results, behaviors, actions, and nonperformance factors such as equity are examples of:

54. Distribution criteria for rewards

63. When is feedback motivational?

63. When there is promise of a reward; when it is a reward

64. Involving employees in the design, selection, and assessment of reward systems:

64. Increases their effectiveness as motivators

64. A sense of accomplishment after learning a new skill is a form of _________ motivation.

64. Intrinsic

65. Self-determination theory is based on research that shows intrinsic motivation _____________________________________________________________________.

65. Has a more positive impact on task performance; is longer lasting than extrinsic motivation

65. True or false: When managers assist employees in taking care of work, they are both driving employee engagement and engaging in effective performance management.

65. True

66. The job characteristics model builds intrinsic motivation by ______________________.

66. Designing jobs with the 5 core characteristics

67. A customized process between two or more people with the intention of enhancing learning and motivating change is _______________.

67. Coaching

68. Exit interviews provide:

68. Guidance on what an organization needs to improve; guidance on what an organization does well; accurate information about why employees leave

69. Two common schedules used to change behavior are the __________ reinforcement and _____________ reinforcement schedules.

69. Continuous; intermittent

7. Provide some examples of intrinsic rewards

7. Providing donations to a food cupboard; completing quarterly financial statements without errors.

7. Be able to identify and explain the needs from Maslow's needs hierarchy

7. Self-actualization, esteem, love, safety, physiological

70. The goals of the bottom-up form of job design known as ________ deals include improving intrinsic motivation and productivity through individual arrangement such as scheduling flexibility.

70. Idiosyncratic

70. The performance evaluation method known as 360-degree feedback is useful because it:

70. Provides performance evaluation from peers, subordinates, and managers

71. Managers can improve feelings of inequity over pay by ______________________.

71. Communicating reasonable expectations; making sure objective measures for rewards are understood

73. An important lesson from Maslow is that once a need is fulfilled, it no longer ____________ an individual.

73. Motivates

75. The characteristics of effective coaching include:

75. Specific performance goals; being developmental

78. True or false: People tend to recall positive feedback more accurately than negative feedback

78. True

79. The approach to job design in which individuals make physical and cognitive changes in the task or relational boundaries of their work is known as _______ __________.

79. Job crafting

83. An example of outcome with positive valence using Vroom's expectancy theory would be a(n) _____________________ and ____________________.

83. Pay raise; promotion

84. The personal factors that moderate the effectiveness of the core job characteristics include __________________________________________________________.

84. Knowledge and skills; the strength of an individual's need to grow; context satisfaction such as pay and co-workers

90. Psychologist J. Stacy Adams first applied ______ theory in the workplace.

90. Equity

91. The outcomes of an equity comparison include ____________________________________________.

91. Negative inequity; positive inequity; equity

92. According to research on the elements of organizational justice, which of them relate strongly to desired outcomes?

92. Distributive justice; procedural justice

93. Which theories focus especially on developing an environment that fosters long-term commitment and intrinsic motivation?

93. Self-determination theory; acquired needs theory

42. According to goal setting theory, which of the following are needed in order for goals to motivate employees?

42. Goal specificity; ability to achieve the goal; commitment to the goal

43. What is found in both performance management and performance appraisal?

43. An evaluation of performance

43. Jobs designed using Taylor's scientific management methods often create problem such as ___________________________________________________________________.

43. High levels of dissatisfaction and stress; low sense of accomplishment; poor mental health

44. What are the following are extrinsic motivators?

44. Promotions; pay rises

44. A desired outcome of the ________ system is to retain talented people.

44. Reward

45. The two functions of feedback are to:

45. Instruct; motivate

24. Provide the steps in a performance management system

24. Define performance; evaluate performance; review performance; give consequences

49. Give an example of each type of reward criteria

49. Results: profit; Behavior: teamwork; Nonperformance considerations: nature of the work

52. Herzberg proposed that individuals will experience the absence of job dissatisfaction when they have no grievances about _________ factors.

52. Hygiene

8. The process of weakening an undesired behavior by the contingent presentation of something displeasing or the withdrawal of something positive is:

8. Punishment

80. Feedback is only positive or negative when:

80. Compared to a goal

80. The general categories of motivation theories include _____________________________________________________________.

80. Content theories; process theories

81. Research has found it is important to use two-way communication and to follow up after disciplinary acts because:

81. It is perceived differently based on the sex of the person delivering it; it is affected by the supervisor's use of apologies and explanations; it is perceived differently based on the cultural characteristics of the person delivering it

81. According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, the need to excel, solve problems, and surpass others is the __________ __________ ______________.

81. Need for achievement

82. What is true of McClelland's power need?

82. Personal power is the need to control and manipulate others for personal gratification; institutional power is the need to organize people to achieve organizational goals

85. Managers should design jobs that fulfill _______ level needs to create committed and motivated employees.

85. Higher

16. The form of organizational justice that reflects the perceived fairness of how rewards are allocated is:

16. Distributive justice

25. In Equity theory, inputs can include ?

25. Personality traits, skills and knowledge, and education

27. Skinner labeled behavior that is learned when one acts on the environment to produce desired consequences ______________ behavior.

27. Operant

38. The three common sources of feedback include:

38. Self, task, others

47. Examples of pay for performance rewards include:

47. Merit pay; bonuses

75. Job design terms that individuals negotiate for themselves involving schedule flexibility, career development, or other adjustments are known as _____________ _________.

75. Idiosyncratic deals

76. Maslow's needs hierarchy theory would predict that once the need for love is satisfied, the need for ______ will emerge as the most powerful.

76. Esteem

76. Executives and high-level manager are able to get more accurate feedback about their own performance if they:

76. Separate feedback from the performance review process; seek it by creating an open, honest environment; collect feedback anonymously

77. One way managers can improve employee perceptions of procedural justice is to ________________________________________________________________.

77. Allow them to participate in important work decisions.

77. According to Jim Boomer, a professional service firm consultant, employees will go through the motions, but won't buy into a firm's performance management system:

77. If senior managers don't also hold themselves accountable for their goals

78. The theories that focus on what people need to motivate them are _____ theories. The more dynamic theories that focus on how to motivate them are ________ theories.

78. Content; process

79. Managers can support employees' goal achievement by:

79. Offering needed training; paying attention to employees' reward preferences; supplying timely and task-specific feedback

86. Douglas McGregor's book, which formulated two contrasting views of human nature is _______________________________________.

86. The Human Side of Enterprise

33. The process of strengthening a behavior by removing an unpleasant consequence is _________ reinforcement.

33. Negative

38. The question "What intrinsic and extrinsic rewards will I receive if I achieve my desired level of performance?" represents which element Vroom's expectancy theory?

38. Instrumentality

51. The ___________________ schedules that produce the strongest behavior and are most resistant to extinction are variable interval and the other is variable ratio.

51. Reinforcement

14. Provide examples of factors that influence perception of feedback.

14. Accuracy - measure the right things in the right way; credibility of the source—trust the person delivering the feedback to be honest; reasonableness of the goals—Nobody has ever reached the goal and received the bonus; fairness of the system—only family members receive pay raises

16. Fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval are four subcategories of ? reinforcement schedules.

16. Intermittent

17. If a target behavior is rewarded every time it occurs, then it is a(n) ? reinforcement schedule.

17. Continuous

18. A performance goal is related to

18. achieving a defined outcome.

19. Monitoring performance involves

19. Measuring the progress towards the goals and tracking the achievement of the goal

2. Name two aspects of a learning goal.

2. Learning new knowledge; adding to a skill set

20. The monetary incentives that link a portion of pay directly to results or accomplishments is:

20. Pay for performance

21. Strengthening a behavior by offering a pleasing reward is ?

21. Positive reinforcement

22. Provide examples of extrinsic rewards

22. A promotion and a pay raise

13. Adding to a new skill set and learning new knowledge are aspects of a ? goal

13. Learning

13. The quantifyability of a goal is known as goal ?

13. Specificity

1. Identify the components of motivation.

1. Direction of thoughts and intensity of behaviors

1. Feedback offers ? to those who can positively impact the situation.

1. Information

10. Identify three components of the performance management process

10. Defining expectations; overseeing performance; creating consequences

10. Self-determination theory assumes that our behavior and well-being are influenced by innate needs that include:

10. Relatedness, autonomy, and competence

11. Performance appraisal differs from performance management because ?

11. Performance appraisal is just the performance review

11. Feelings of inequity are based on whether you perceive that the outputs you receive our adequate to compensate for your collective ?

11. inputs

12. Weakening a behavior by not reinforcing it or ignoring it is ?

12. Extinction

28. What is true of Thorndike's law of effect?

28. Behaviors with unfavorable consequences tend to disappear; behaviors with favorable consequences tend to be repeated.

71. Comparing actual performance to a previously set goal is the step in the performance management process called:

71. Evaluating performance

72. The job design method that offers an employee the opportunity to experience achievement, recognition, and stimulating work through vertical loading is _____ ________.

72. Job enrichment

36. True or false: Both performance management and performance appraisal are continual processes.

36. False

23. Provide examples for the following types of intermittent reinforcement schedule: fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval.

23. Fixed ratio - piece rate pay; variable ratio - slot machines; fixed interval - biweekly paychecks; variable interval - pop quizzes

25. If a target behavior is rewarded every time it occurs, then it is a(n): ?

25. Continuous reinforcement schedule

29. An individualized and customized form of performance management is ____________________________.

29. Coaching

30. The general criteria for distributing rewards in organizations include:

30. Tangible outcomes of performance such as sales or profits; behaviors such as teamwork or cooperation; nonperformance factors such as equity

32. Define the general outcome of reward systems

32. Desired outcome: more of what is desired such as achieving sales goals; Nothing: no change in sales goal achievement; Undesired side-effects: employees provide unrealistic delivery dates to increase sales

37. Involving employees in the design, selection, and assessment of reward systems increases perception that they are ________ and valuable.

37. Fair

39. Cutting the pay of two top executives at Carnival Cruises because of major accidents and mishaps is the form of behavior modification known as ____________________.

39. Punishment

4. Provide examples for the types of measurement— timeliness, quality, quantity, and financial metrics

4. Calls were answered within 24 hours; there were no defective products returned; 10 more customers were served; cost of waste was reduced by 10%

1. Performance management involves monitoring, measuring, and evaluating, but does not include providing consequences for employees' performance.


12. The elements of equity theory include:

12. Perception of inputs; comparison of the ratio of output is two inputs perceptions of outputs

14. True or false: According to Herzberg's theory, issues related to hygiene factors will cause an employee to move from a State of no dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction.

14. True

17. McGregors theory ? proposes a set of assumptions about people at work: that they are responsible, creative, and committed.

17. Y

18. Identify three outputs that are recognized as positive outcomes in equity theory.

18. Promotions, challenging assignments, and bonuses

19. The question that asks "how much do I value the rewards I will receive?" Represents which element of Vrooms expectancy theory?

19. Valence

2. Maslow's needs hierarchy theory ranks food, air, and water as fulfilling what type of need?

2. Physiological

20. Understand what Frederick Herzberg's theory states.

20. Job satisfaction is associated with motivating factors; job dissatisfaction is associated with hygiene factors; managers can improve motivation by improving both motivators the create satisfaction and hygiene factors that reduce this satisfaction

21. Self-determination theory is based on research that shows we all want to fulfill innate needs that create intrinsic motivation. Be Able to identify the need that corresponds to the following: competence needs; Autonomy needs; relatedness needs

21. Complements needs - I need to feel knowledgeable and capable of completing a goal; autonomy needs—I need to feel independent and able to influence my environment; related needs— I want to be connected with others and belong to a group

22. Activities that involve alteration of specific jobs or sets of interdependent jobs to improve employee experience and motivation are known as ?

22. Job design

23. True or false: Maslow's need hierarchy theory includes esteem needs and physiological needs

23. True

24. Managers can use three innate needs in self-determination theory to foster intrinsic motivation in their employees. Be able to match the innate need to a management method that will foster that need.

24. Competence: provide resources such as time, coaching, and training to build knowledge; provide tangible resources, rewards, and recognition for learning new skills / Autonomy: delegate meaningful assignments and back employee decisions; develop trust in employees using new technology to work off site / Relatedness: create commitment to a common purpose with a corporate vision; create family-type work environment

26. Which of the following are included in Maslow's need hierarchy theory? Physiological needs, esteem needs, hygiene factors, acquired need

26. Physiological needs; esteem needs

29. The kind of management that sets standards established y facts gained from systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning is ____________________________________.

29. Scientific management

3. Expectancy theory can be used to predict ? in situations where there is a choice between two or more alternatives.

3. Behavior

30. Research has shown that setting ________ helps motivate individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve success.

30. Goals

31. Locke and Latham's theory is that ________________________________________.

31. Goal achievement leads to job satisfaction; job satisfaction motivates employees to commit to higher levels of performance

32. List the core job characteristics and their definitions.

32. Skill variety: requires the ability to use several different skills to perform a job; Task identity: requires the competition of a whole or identifiable piece of work; Autonomy: an individual experiences freedom, discretion, and independence in doing the job; Task significance: the extent to which a job affects the lives of others inside or outside of the organization; Feedback: an employee receives direct and clear information about

34. When employees are able to offer challenging, but constructive opinions to managers, their perception of procedural justice is improved because they have ________.

34. Voice

35. McGregor's Theory Y is a more positive set of assumptions managers have about employees including that they ____________________________________________.

35. Are self-engaged and committed to work; are creative

36. Locke and Latham's findings about goal setting theory include that ____________________________________________________________.

36. People need the ability and resources to achieve the goal; successful goal achievement reinforces employee satisfaction and leads to setting higher goals; goals that are specific and difficult lead to higher performance

37. Vroom's ____________ __________ requires that all three of the elements must be high for motivation to be high.

37. Expectancy theory

40. List the job crafting and their definitions.

40. Changing the task boundaries: alter the scope, nature, or number of tasks one takes on; Changing the relational nature of one's job: alter the quantity or quality of the relationships one has at work; Cognitive crafting: changing one's perception of the existing tasks and relationships in a job

41. The more modern and positive set of assumptions Douglas McGregor formulated about people at work is ____________.

41. Theory Y

48. According to Maslow's needs hierarchy theory, managers should focus on motivating employees with ______________________________.

48. Emerging needs

49. Among the content theories of motivation are _________________________________.

49. Acquired needs theory; self-determination theory; Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory

5. Education, skills, creativity, experience, and personal appearance can all be perceived as ? In Adam's equity theory

5. Inputs

51. Since Maslow's theory is a prepotent hierarchy, Kyle will not be motivated by the need for belonging until which of the following is met?

51. Safety needs

54. An unfair social exchange, such as not being paid for overtime worked, is likely to _____________________________________________________________________.

54. Lead to changes in attitude or behavior; cause cognitive dissonance that prompts action; create the need for the employee to correct the situation

57. According to David McClelland's acquired needs theory, _________________.

57. One need often predominates over the others

58. Goals lead to higher performance when __________________ and ________________ are used to stay focused and committed to a specific goal.

58. Feedback; participation

59. According to the National Labor Relations Act, companies are not allowed to prevent which category of employees from discussing their compensation?

59. Rank and file workers

63. Job content factors that create motivation include ___________________________.

63. Advancement; stimulating work; recognition

67. Define the three forms of job crafting.

67. Changing the task boundaries: alter the scope, nature, or number of tasks one takes on; Changing the relational nature of one's job: alter the quantity or quality of the relationships one has at work; cognitive crafting: changing one's perception of the existing tasks and relationships in a job

68. According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, the need to influence or teach others to achieve is the __________ ________ ______________.

68. Need for power

69. If you are trying to complete a term paper by the due date, setting a goal of avoiding a late penalty will help to direct your attention away from ________-_________ activities.

69. Goal; irrelevant

9. David McClelland's theory about the drivers of employee behavior is the:

9. Acquired needs

1. The two types of motivation are goal-oriented and failure-avoiding.


10. Goals should always be stated in terms of measured outcomes.


11. Process theories of motivation include equity theory and Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory.


12. Expectancy theory is a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness.


14. When a person perceives that his or her outcome to input ratio is greater than that of a relevant comparison person, he or she is experiencing negative inequity.


15. Carla has been asked to analyze the needs of Supreme Research's largest clients. She has not done this type of task before, so her supervisor provides feedback on the analysis of each customer. Continuous reinforcement schedules are detrimental when employees are learning a new task or skill.


4. Alberto wants to get a 90 or above on his next chemistry test so that he can skip the final. This is a learning goal, rather than a performance goal.


5. The acquired needs identified by McClelland include the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for esteem.


6. In the four general steps in the goal-setting process, deficiencies in each step can be made up for with strength in others.


13. Collecting performance information from multiple sources helps a person being evaluated to get a broad view of his or her performance.


2. An effective performance management system consists of four steps that form a feedback loop.


2. Joanna is motivated by the feeling that she's done the best she can do. This represents intrinsic motivation.


3. Process theories are more dynamic than content theories.


3. The functions of performance management processes include guiding employee development and making employee-related decisions.


5. Typically, managers overemphasize performance goals and underemphasize learning goals.


6. Georgia, one of your employees, appears to be motivated by a high need for achievement. Therefore, as her manager, you should put her in charge of projects.


7. Alice wants to join THS, the Theatrical Honor Society. She plans to volunteer at the local community theater, take an additional course in stagecraft, and submit her CV—all before December. Alice creates a schedule for her goals, ensuring that everything will be done in time. Writing goals down increases goal commitment and the likelihood of successfully meeting the goal.


7. People who have a high need for affiliation make the best managers.


8. According to self-determination theory, a manager should provide tangible resources, time, contacts, and coaching to improve employee competence.


9. In Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction arise from different sets of factors.


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