ch. 5 Psych

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Bandura concluded that there were _____ elements of observational learning.

violence on tv, agressive

Bandura conducted some of his research to study possible links between children's exposure to ______ and _____ behavior toward others

variable interval schedule of reinforcement

Fishing is an example of an activity with a:

negative reinforcement.

Following a response with the removal of something unpleasant is called:

Behavior modification

For each day of the week that Tanya is good, she earns a fake dollar from her teacher. By the end of every week, Tanya has the option of using her dollars to buy something from the school store or saving them to buy something at a later time. The issue of fake dollars in response to good behavior is an example of _______.


If researchers are looking to create a conditioned response, what is one thing that must occur to make that happen?


In classical conditioning, the actual response involved in a CR and a UCR are the same. (For example, it might be salivation in both cases.) However, what makes that response (salivation) considered conditioned or unconditioned depends on whether the subject is responding to a ____ or a ____.

unconditioned response

In the context of a classical conditioning experiment, when a dog salivates as he eats his food, the dog's salivation is called the ___________.

unconditioned stimulus

In the context of a classical conditioning experiment, when a dog salivates as he eats his food, the food is considered the ____________.


Köhler determined that insight cannot be gained through ____ learning alone.

negative reinforcement

Layla's new puppy keeps chewing the bottoms of her favorite curtains. Now, whenever Layla sees the puppy begin chewing, she turns on a device that makes a continuous loud, annoying sound. She will not turn it off until the puppy stops chewing. Layla is using which technique to change the puppy's behavior?

stimulus generalization

Theo gets excited whenever he finds a quarter lying on the ground outside. While walking home from school one day, Theo noticed a shiny round object lying on the sidewalk and became very excited. He soon realized that the object was a bottle cap and his excitement quickly dissipated. Which of the following concepts is demonstrated in this example?

conditioned stimulus

When a previously neutral stimulus, through repeated pairing with the unconditioned stimulus, begins to cause the same kind of reflexive response, the neutral stimulus has become:


Which scientist is associated with discovering the classically conditioned response?


While in the store with her little sister, Amber decided to stop to take a look at some jewelry. As soon as she turned her head, her sister disappeared. Though it only took minutes to find her sister, Amber's fear of losing her little sister again caused her to keep a very close eye on her from that moment on. Amber's change in behavior demonstrates which of the following?

Stimulus discrimination

___________ occurs when an organism learns to respond to different stimuli in different ways.

applied behavior analysis (ABA).

A modern term for a form of behavior modification that uses shaping techniques to mold a desired behavior or response is:

neutral stimulus

A stimulus that has no effect on the desired response is a(n):

promise her an ice cream cone when she sings

Aida loves to sing for her family and friends but is extremely shy. In order to encourage Aida to sing again, which of the following is a primary reinforcement that Aida's mom might use?


Ama slows down her car after seeing a police officer on the side of the road. This example of change demonstrates ____.


Noah is a junior in college and has always been an average student. This semester, he has a political science class for which he feels very passionate, and he sees himself pursuing a career in politics. For the first time, he wants to do well so that he can get an "A." This is an example of which element of observational learning?

stimulus substitution

Pavlov believed that the CS, due to its association close in time with the UCS, came to activate the same place in the brain originally activated by the UCS. What is this belief called?


Research suggests that once people learn something its is always present somewhere in ____.


Sammy and his friends are watching animated fight scenes on television. Based on Bandura's findings in the Bobo doll experiment, it seems likely that later, at play, Sammy and his friends will ____ many of the violent actions they witnessed on TV.


Seligman connects learned helplessness to:


The central idea of toilet training a cat is breaking down the process into a series of small stages. This is an example of:


The mental events that take place inside a person's mind while behaving are known as:


The second group of rats in Tolman's maze experiment was not reinforced for finding the exit until the tenth day. Once they started getting reinforcement, the rats learned to exit almost ____.

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