ch 6

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Which statement best describes economic trends in the United States during the 1920s?

A. Americans eagerly purchased millions of consumer goods.

The musician Duke Ellington once said of jazz, "It is becoming increasingly difficult to decide where jazz starts or where it stops." Which statement best explains Ellington's point?

A. Jazz combines elements of many different styles of music.

How did the development of more affordable automobiles in the 1920s impact the standard of living in the United States?

A. Rural and urban populations could easily connect with one another.

Which statement best describes the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s?

A. These expatriates wrote about their feelings of alienation and criticized consumerism.

Which statement explains why labor unions supported immigration restrictions during the 1920s?

A. They feared the arrival of unskilled foreign workers would threaten their jobs and decrease their wages.

Which statement explains how the end of World War I affected job opportunities for African Americans?

A. White soldiers returning from Europe replaced many African Americans in well-paying jobs.

Fats Waller and Count Basie contributed to the

A. development of jazz music

The purpose of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was to

A. increase racial pride among African Americans

Which statement best describes the role the advertising industry played in the consumerism of the 1920s?

B. Advertisements helped consumers identify which new products they wanted to buy.

What was a prominent characteristic of President Harding's presidential term?

B. Corruption

Which statement best summarizes the Great Migration of African Americans during the early decades of the 1900s?

B. Encouraged by better job prospects in the North and West, African Americans left the South hoping to escape poverty and racial discrimination.

What was one effect of the Harlem Renaissance?

B. It helped popularize jazz music.

What was an effect of the Scopes Trial of 1925?

B. It popularized the debate between religion and science.

Which statement best explains how U.S. immigration policies of the 1920s contributed to the Great Migration?

B. They created labor shortages in cities, motivating employers to recruit African American workers from rural areas.

What similarities did American writers of the 1920s such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, and Ernest Hemingway share?

B. They felt alienated from the dominant values of their home country.

Which activity was a major part of American "leisure" culture during the 1920s?

B. going to the movies

During the 1920s, many African Americans become strikebreakers because they were

B. prevented from joining labor unions

Langston Hughes's writings were most influential at —

B. promoting pride in African American culture

During the 1920s, which practice was common in both northern and southern areas of the United States?

B. racial discrimination

U.S. consumerism during the 1920s contributed to the rise of

B. the advertising industry

Which change resulted from the Great Migration?

C. African American cultural influences spread into the mainstream culture.

Which statement describes an unintended effect of Prohibition?

C. It encouraged organized crime because of huge profits from bootlegging.

Which statement best describes the purpose of the Johnson-Reed Act?

C. It limited immigration from Asia and southern and eastern Europe.

In the United States, the 1920s were nicknamed the

C. Jazz Age

According to scholar Alain Locke, the "New Negro" differed from previous generations of African Americans by

C. demanding respect and an end to discrimination

Which factor contributed most to U.S. economic growth during the early 1920s?

C. high demand from foreign markets

The primary goal of the Ku Klux Klan was to

C. maintain white supremacy in the South

In 1925, John T. Scopes was arrested for

C. teaching about evolution in a public school

The term Great Migration refers to the movement of African Americans from

C. the rural South to urban areas in the North and West

Which trend most contributed to the Red Summer?

D. an escalation of racial tensions in northern cities

Which statement best describes the business trends that prevailed in the United States during the 1920s?

D. Large numbers of Americans directly influenced the economy by purchasing stocks and buying luxury goods on credit.

Which statement best describes the impact of World War I on African Americans living in the United States?

D. Many African Americans became more vigilant about seeking the full benefits of citizenship.

Which statement best explains how the Great Migration contributed to the Harlem Renaissance?

D. The movement of large numbers of African Americans to New York City fueled a burst of artistic creativity there.

How did technology contribute to American "leisure" culture during the 1920s?

D. The radio allowed people in different parts of the United States to listen to the same programs.

Beginning in the 1920s, a large number of northern communities blocked African American settlement by

D. creating covenants that restricted who could buy or rent homes

Look at the map below. Great Migration Map Which direction on the map best describes the movement of African Americans during the Great Migration?

D. from D to B and C

Publications such as Alain Locke's The New Negro and the NAACP's The Crisis shared the goal of

D. promoting the works of important African American thinkers and artists

Which factor was most likely to convince African Americans to leave the South during the 1920s?

D. the availability of better-paying jobs in the North and West

Prepackaged frozen foods, refrigerator-freezers, and other such consumer goods became popular in many 1920s households primarily due to the -

D. widespread installation of power lines

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