ch. 6

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Traditional medicines 4 core principles

1. belief in a connection among the individual, earth, and a life or energy force 2. a belief that a person's state of health reflects a balance or harmony of three connected elements - the individual, the earth, and the energy force 3. a belief that tx for a health problem involves the whole individual, physical, emotional, or mental and spiritual 4. a belief in the use of herbal remedies, ritual chants, acupuncture, bone setting, or smudging

Depression doesn't cause death but there are two correlations b/w depression and death

1. depression may influence production of hormone epinephrine which suppresses immune system 2. a depressed person may engage in unhealthy behaviours that increase the probability of death

Social ecological environmental determinants

1. social environment - interpersonal, familial, cultural factors that affects an individual's emotional state of wellbeing 2. physical space & perceived quality of the physical space

Four constructs

1. spirituality 2. community 3. environment 4. self balance of these defines good medicine

Physical environment determinants

1. the environment and individuals health outcomes 2. contaminated physical environment cause physiological health problems

3 reasons why universality of positive psychology isn't true

1. understanding the meaning of words across cultures (sympathy is positive in Western culture and negative in Chinese culture) 2. Eastern philosophy proposes negative emotions play an important role in the development of happiness 3. pessimism may work to promote problem solving and defensive pessimism is a coping strategy

Traditional Chinese medicine 3 structures

1. yin and yang 2. five elements 3. Qi

Contributions of traditional medicine

25% of all modern medicines are made from plants used first by traditional healers salicylic acid - ground bark from a willow tree hoodia gordonii - appetite suppressing used by Sans people of south Africa, now used in P57 in US

Biopsychosocial model

Engel 2002 supports the belief endorsed by many in health psychology that wellbeing is determined by biological, psychosocial, and sociological factors

Some illnesses can occur independent of symptoms


Psychological Factor #1 - Emotions

Hippocrates - first credited for linking emotions and health stating and imbalance of body fluids (humors) could lead to illness Current studies show that our immune system and our behaviours can affect our physiological wellbeing

Spiritual practices can promote healthy behaviours

Muslims and some christian denominations include abstinence from alcohol which can be a health enhancing behaviour


Taoist philosophers substantial energy force that flows within the body parallel to or as part of the circulation of the blood

Quality of life

a study found people wanted to have a total knee replacement surgery because they valued mobility, independence, and improved energy levels rather than pain or discomfort from the knee osteoarthritis these concepts represent QOL that were driving factors for the knee replacement surgery

Wellness model defines health

according to an individual's assessment of his or her own state of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing

Health systems and health policy

agencies and regulations respectively that define the structure of healthcare and that regulate its services

Native americans also believe medicine exists within each individual

an experience that caused someone to smile and continues to evoke the same response years later is considered medicine medicine can also be the peacefulness of a moment

Mal aires/Mal viento

bad air or bad winds illnesses caused by supernatural forces, exposure to sudden change in environmental temperature headaches, coldness, diarrhea, vomiting, paleness, fatigue


being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen, taking time to express thanks

Common principles of native american practices are

belief in a higher power called the Creator/the Great Spirit/or Great one, a belief in the interconnectedness of the mind, the body and the spirit, and the belief that wellbeing characterizes the state of harmony among the mind, body, spirit and natural environment

Central to practice of curanderismo

belief to maintain a healthy body an individual must achieve a balance among biological needs, social-interpersonal expectations, physical and spiritual harmony, and individual and cultural-familial attachments

Loatians belief on health

believe their health depends on the status of the 12 souls that compromise a person's life force known as H'wen the 12 souls correspond to parts of the body

Positive psychology

builds on wellness model of health moves away from biomedical concept of health which focuses on identifying, isolating, and repairing problems, to a more holistic or ecological perspective regarding human potentials, motives, and capacities

Impact of emotions on health

depression negatively influences the physiological health of individuals resulting in an early onset of death

Sociological factor #2 - family and culture

diet, orientation to exercise and sports Asian diets minimize the risk of chronic disease diets high in fruits and vitamin E decrease the incidences of death due to COPD

Psychological Factor #2 - Health Behaviours

emotions can and often do influence health behaviours anxiety and depression are cited by some individuals as factors that contribute to their abuse of alcohol or other substances

Psychosocial influences

emotions, social support systems, health behaviours, personal traits

Mal de ojo

evil eye supernatural or mental illness headaches, fever, rashes, death

Yin and yang

explains that all things function in relation to two forces, elements, or principles these forces are in a constant state of dynamic balance, continually interacting to maintain harmony

Sociological influences

familial, cultural, and community factors

Biomedical model

first formal Western model of wellbeing proposes that health is the absence of disease or dysfunction and locating and eradicating the illness will restore a person to good health

Unlike western medicine, native american

focuses on healing the person and the community not the pathology and curing the disease western medicine takes an 'adversarial' approach seeking to destroy the disease native american approach is consistent with 'teological' medicine and seeks learning lessons from a disease or what message comes from the illness


found in many Latin American countries, holistic approach to health that treats a persons material, spiritual, and psychic health in addition to his or her physical needs

Postive psychology limitations

happiness psychology universality of positive psychology


herbalists specialize in the use of herbs, homeopathic medicines, and religious amulets orange leaf tea - citrus aurantium - stomachaches garlic - allium sativum - earaches

Character strengths most strongly correlated with life satisfaction

hope zest gratitude curiosity love

Mal projimo, duende, & brujería

illness caused by negative thoughts/feelings, negative encounters or witchcraft negative thoughts feelings of person(s) about another; negative encounters; manipulation of negative energies causing harm negative influences cause mental and physical harm

Wellness model

includes the psychological, social, and emotional factors from the biopsychosocial model but adds two new dimensions: quality of life and spirituality


indigenous healers used by many rural South Africans

Spirituality on wellbeing suggests

individual tranquility in troubled times, guidance on healthy lifestyles and behaviours, emotional wellness, and an ability to regulate pain levels

Dual spirituality and medicine

individuals incorporate spirituality into their healing traditions even in cultures where the biomedical model of health is strongly favoured


interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experiences taking an interest in all ongoing experiences, finding all subjects and topics fascinating, exploring and discovering


magical fright illness caused by frightening experiences loss of soul, loss of appetite, vomiting, crying, insomnia, depression, introversion


masseuses massages, general physical imbalances, sprains, bone setting


may not be applicable to some people or cultures in spite of its claims of being a universal phenomenon because in some cultures there is no universal belief in the right of individual happiness

Traditional medicine

medical practices, knowledge, and beliefs in cultures who practices predate those of Western medicine it includes the use of plant, animal, and mineral based medicines as well as spiritual techniques to administer to an individuals health needs

Treating illness using TCM

medical providers trained in CTM are taught to probe both the physiological and psychological determinants of health a complete exploration of the illness may take multiple visits - takes longer than Western medicine


men or women that are native american medical practitioners that are intended to restore a person to a healthy state

5 elements

metal, wood, water, fire, and earth each is paired with a body organ an a season of the year demonstrating close connection b/w humans and nature



Advantages + disadvantages of TCM

more effective cure for illness, fewer side effects, more effective treatment for chronic illnesses

Negative emotions, positive effects

negative emotions can active the SNS which is a part of the ANS (which controls HR, digestion, perspiration, responses to dangers - which can stimulate the immune system) someone with anxiety (a negative emotion) will seek medical help for a cold than someone without anxiety


not necessarily religion a persons philosophy, values, and meaning of life on health status

Workplace environments as determinants of emotional health

nurses working in operating rooms - fatigue nurses working in ICU - anxiety nurses working on surgical/medicine - depression

Limitations of biomedical model

only physical agents cause illness - overlooks emotional or psychological influences on wellbeing problem-oriented approach to health and wellness overbroad definition of illness


optimism, future-mindedness, future orientation expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it, believing that a good future is something that can be brought about

Psychological environment and health

overcrowded neighbourhoods communities with high crime rates (anxiety + not leaving home = lack of physical exercise outside)


passive, life-sustaining, conserving energies yin energies often associated with darkness and cold and with water and females associated with heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, lungs yin organs are vital to sustaining life

Positive affect

people were exposed to a cold, the people will a positive affect developed a less severe form of the illness compared to those with negative affect positive affect can decrease mortality rates among people with diabetes

Socioeconomic class

poor - less than 16 000 working class - 16 000 - 35 000 lower middle class - 35 000 - 75 000 upper middle class - 100 000 - 500 000 wealthy - greater than 500 000

Problem-oriented approach

proposes a change in normal bodily functions that results in a deviation from or dysfunction of the body signals a problem to be rectified someone who is deaf would not be considered ill because they have a dysfunctional auditory system


psychic experiences including telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychic healing

Advantages + disadvantages of western medicine

quicker, rapidly controls symptoms, contains spread of contagious illnesses inability to cure the illness and the strong unpleasant side effects of some of the medication

Positive psychological states are influenced by

social and environmental factors that include interpersonal relationships, social networks, religion and religious faith and external factors including socioeconomic status

Sociological Factor #1 - socioeconomic class and income

socioeconomic class - categorizes individuals according to their positions in society as determined by their parents level of education and occupation, their family's social status, and their family's income and wealth people with lower SEC express more negative affect and experience more stress

Happiness psychology

some argue that the principle focus of positive psychology is to study what makes people happy this creates a limited application to the work in health psychology


spiritualists faith healers, interpersonal relationships, spiritual health, seance, limpia (spiritual cleansing)

Native american emphasizes

spirituality and unity of mind, body, spirit similar to curanderismo and ecological model

Unlike TCM, curanderismo

spirituality plays an important role in the concept of health and healing

Biopsychosocial model limitations

still places biology at the core of the definition


stress may influence the production of hormones which affects the immune system epinephrine a hormone released when someone is stressed suppresses the immune system making the person more susceptible to viral or bacterial illnesses


strong forces that cause change usually characterized as male - active, assertive, aggressive associated with light, fire, heat gall bladder, small and large intestines, bladder organs that transmit and eliminate nonessentials from the body

Spiritual meditation

study on people with migraines, those who used the meditation techniques fared much better than those using any other techniques to alleviate migraines reported decrease in frequency of headaches and negative affect

Circle of life

symbolizes power, peace, and unity each individual holds responsibility for helping to contribute to the circle living harmoniously with all living elements that are also part of the circle

Some scientists belief on spirituality

that it is a pseudoscience or a primitive superstition and therefore not something to be included in rigorous studies that explain individual health outcomes

El don

the healing gift

Positive psychology on health psychology

the most effective way to prevent illness is to focus on the positive goals of building competencies and on the reinforcing factors that prevent negative events from occurring it may facilitate a transition from biopsychosocial to the social ecological approach by examining the multiple contributions both positive and negative to wellbeing

Positive vs. negative psychology

the principle intent of positive psychology is to seek and discover an optimal balance b/w positive and negative thinking and to understand psychological phenomena in their totality to understand an individual we need to examine both

Emotions and the immune system

through nerve fibres in our bodies that connect with the CNS


traditional healer who practices a form of medicine called curanderismo

Development of biomedical model

two studies: Koch's discovery of the relationship b/w microorganisms and disease and Pasteur's discovery of vaccines that protect individuals from microorganisms


valuing close relationships with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated, being close to people


vitality, enthusiasm, vigor, energy approaching life with excitement and energy, not doing things halfway or halfheartedly, living life as an adventure, feeling alive and activated

Current scientist beliefs on spirituality

with new research scientists especially in the health fields believe that spirituality is essential for some individuals to obtain optimal health

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