CH 8 QUIZ 2 - IT 341

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what is the IPv6 global unicast address structure?

/48 global routing prefix, a 16 bit subnet ID, and a 64 bit interface ID.

Within a network, there are different types of devices that require addresses, including: (there are 5)

1) End user clients 2)servers/peripherals 3)servers accessible from internet 4)intermediary devices 5)gateway

what are the Three primary considerations for planning address allocation explain them

1)Preventing the duplication of addresses each host in an internetwork must have a unique address. (needs proper documentation and planning) 2)Providing and controlling access some hosts, such as servers, provide resources to internal hosts as well as to external hosts. The Layer 3 address assigned to a server can be used to control access to that server. 3)Monitoring security and performance of hosts network traffic is examined for source IP addresses that are generating or receiving excessive packets.

formula for subnets

2^n (n = number u borrowed)

formula for hosts

2^n - 2 (n = what is left)

he 16 bit section can create up to 65,536 /____ subnets.



A bridge between two networks. Routers and firewall devices have an IP address assigned to each interface serves as the gateway for the hosts in that network.

Broadcast domain

Each router interface connects a broadcast domain and broadcasts are only propagated within its specific broadcast domain.

Which IPv6 network prefix is only intended for local links and can not be routed?


End user clients

Most networks allocate addresses dynamically using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). reduces the burden on network support staff and virtually eliminates entry errors. addresses are only leased for a period of time. Changing the subnetting scheme means that the DHCP server needs to be reconfigured, and the clients must renew their IP addresses.

What is a result of connecting two or more switches together?

The size of the broadcast domain is increased.

servers that are accessible from the Internet

assigned private addresses internally the router or firewall at the network must be configured to translate the internal address into a public address.

What does the IP address represent?

broadcast address

Switches propagate ___________


16 bit subnet ID section of the IPv6 global unicast address can be used by an organization to

create internal subnets

traditional subnetting

creates subnets of equal size. Each subnet in a traditional scheme uses the same subnet mask.

the prefix length and the subnet mask are different ways of

dentifying the network portion of an address.

address plan

determining the needs of each subnet in terms of size, how many hosts per subnet, how host addresses will be assigned, which hosts will require static IP addresses, and which hosts can use DHCP for obtaining their addressing information.

Intermediary Devices

devices are assigned addresses for network management, monitoring, and security. static addressing bc we do not know how to communicate with them

Routers______ propagate broadcasts.

do not

problem with large broadcast domain

hosts can generate excessive broadcasts and negatively affect the network. Slow network operations due to the significant amount of traffic it can cause Slow device operations because a device must accept and process each broadcast packet

The IP address and subnet mask configured on the router interface are used to

identify the specific broadcast domain

If more host addresses are needed, more host bits are required, resulting

in fewer subnets.

what is performing a network requirement study

looking at the entire network and determining the main sections of the network and how they will be segmented.

A large broadcast domain is

network that connects many hosts

traditional subnetting results in a waste of

of unused addresses. reducing the total number of subnets available

IPv4 subnets are created by using

one or more of the host bits as network bits.

size of the subnet

planning the number of hosts that will require IP host addresses in each subnet of the subdivided private network.

broadcasts are only

propagated within its specific broadcast domain.

solution to a large broadcast domain

reduce the size of the network to create smaller broadcast domains in a process called subnetting

reasons for subnetting and how it reduces..

reduces overall network traffic improves network performance. enables an administrator to implement security policies such as which subnets are allowed or not allowed to communicate together.


reduces size of network to create smaller broadcast domains

The VLSM subnetting scheme...

reduces the number of addresses per subnet to a size appropriate for the WANs. subnet mask will vary depending on how many bits have been borrowed for a particular subnet,

What are two benefits of subnetting networks? (Choose two.)

reducing the size of broadcast domains grouping devices to improve management and security

planning IP address assignment

requires decisions on each subnet in terms of size, the # of hosts per subnet, and how host addresses will be assigned

servers and peripherals

should have a predictable static IP address. Use a consistent numbering system for these devices.

The more bits borrowed to create subnets,

the fewer host bits available.

There are two considerations when planning subnets:

the number of host addresses required for each network the number of individual subnets needed

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