Ch 9: Endocrine System

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The prefix "para" is from Greek for __________.


The suffix "ology: means __________.

"The study of"

Which hormone causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water from forming urine and as a result, increases blood volume?

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Lena is hypoglycemic. To counter this condition and restore homeostasis, which of the following hormones would NOT be released?


Which hormone causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water from forming urine and as a result, increases blood volume?

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

The prefix "foli" is Latin for __________.


What could occur with hyposecretion of adrenal cortical hormones?

electrolyte and water imbalance

What hormone is release following humoral stimulus?

Calcium ion

Which of the following is a humoral stimulus for hormone release?

Calcium ions

Which of the following disorders is a disease of the adrenal gland?

Cushing's syndrome

Jamal visited his doctor to complain about his constant thirst and excessive urination. A blood test revealed that Jamal had low levels of antidiuretic (ADH). What is Jamal's diagnosis?

Diabetes insipidus

Jamal visited his doctor to complain about his constant thirst and excessive urination. A blood test revealed that Jamal had low levels of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). What is Jamal's diagnosis?

Diabetes insipidus

How do lipid-soluble hormones carry out their actions at their target cells?

Directly activate genes and stimulate protein synthesis

In patients with Cushings' syndrome, the presence of a "moon face," a buffalo hump" of fat on the upper back, hyperglycemia and high blood pressure are the result of excess production of __________.


An enlargement of the thyroid gland is the condition known as _________.


Without iodine in the diet, which thyroid gland disorder may result?


The secretions from which of these glands differs between males and females?


Tia is 31 years old and has been diagnosed with acromegaly. Which hormone is she hyeprsecreting?

Growth hormone (GH)

Tia is 31 years old and has been diagnosed with acromegaly. Which hormone is she hypersecreting?

Growth hormone (GH)


Homeostatic imbalance resulting from hypersecretion of growth hormone in adulthood; results in bone enlargement, primarily of the hands, feet, and face.

Which hormone is released by nerve impulses?


How does the hypothalamus regulate the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland?

It secretes releasing and inhibiting hormones that travel through the blood to the anterior pituitary gland.

Calcitonin is made by the _________ cells of the thyroid gland.


Located laterally on the thyroid, the _________ glands secrete hormones that regulate calcium levels in blood.


Calcium level in the blood is regulated by hormones released from the _____________.

Parathyroid and thyroid

Which hormones help maintain a relatively constant calcium concentration in the blood?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin

The ______ gland is often incorrectly referred to as the "master gland" due to the extent of its effect.


The placenta plays a primary role in the development of a fetus, but it also secretes a hormone called _______, which makes the pelvic outlet structures more flexible.


What are the results when hormone secretion is regulated by a negative feedback mechanism?

The concentration of a hormone remains within a narrow range.

What occurs when blood glucose concentration falls below the normal range?

The pancreas secretes glucagon

Which of these occurs when blood glucose concentration falls below the normal range?

The pancreas secretes glucagon

Name the gland that is located at the base of the throat, just inferior to the laryngeal prominence ("Adam's apple").


What endocrine gland is located in the neck?


Which gland controls basal metabolic rate (BMR)?


Which of these hormones prods the thyroid gland to release thyroxine (T4)?

Thyrotropic hormone (TH) or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Which of these hormones prods the thyroid gland to release thyroxine (T4)?

Thyrotropic hormone (TH) or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)?

Julie, who is middle-aged, feels tired all the time and has a hard time concentrating. She always feels cold and despite dieting, has gained a significant amount of weight. The hyposecretion of which of the following hormones is causing Julie's symptoms?


True or False: ADH cause the kidneys to reabsorb more water from the forming urine. As a result, urine volume decreases and blood volume increases.


True or False: Being ductless is a characteristic of an endocrine gland.


True or False: Calcium ions are released following humoral stimulus


True or False: Cushing's syndrome is a disease of the adrenal gland.


True or False: Hyposecretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or luteinizing hormone (LH) leads to sterility in both males and females.


True or False: Luteinizing hormone, and anterior pituitary hormone, triggers ovulation of an egg from the ovary and causes the ruptured follicle to produce progesterone and some estrogens.


True or False: Oxytocin is released in significant amounts ONLY during childbirth and nursing in woman.


True or False: The hypothalamus makes oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone, which are transported to the posterior pituitary for storage.


Cushing's syndrome

A disease produced by excess secretion of glucocorticoids (such as cortisol); characterized by adipose tissue accumulation, weight gain, and osteoporosis.

Graves' disease

A form of hyperthyroidism caused by autoimmune antibodies that act like TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and characterized by high basal metabolic rate, nervousness, and bulging eyes; exophthalmos.

diabetes insipidus

A homeostatic imbalance resulting from hyposecretion of antidiuretic hormone, resulting in the production of large volumes of very dilute urine.

Failure of the pituitary to stop producing growth hormone (GH) after body growth is completed results in __________.


Hypersecretion of growth hormone could lead to which of the following conditions?


What gland is located just superior to the kidneys?


Corticoids are released from the _______________.

Adrenal cortex

Which of these is an example of using a humoral stimulus to cause hormone secretion?

An increase in blood glucose stimulates the release of insulin.

What hormone stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb water as urine is being formed?

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Endocrine glands differ from exocrine glands in that _____________.

Endocrine glands are ductless and exocrine glands release secretions at the body's surface or into ducts

The field of _________ studies the organs and chemicals that regulate life processes such as growth, reproduction, and metabolism.


Which hormone is released by nerve impulses?


What two groups of steroid hormones are made by female ovaries?

Estrogen and progesterone

Graves' disease is accompanied by a condition in which the eyes bulge or protrude anteriorly. This condition is known as


True or False: Acromegaly is a disease of the adrenal gland.


True or False: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), released by the posterior pituitary, causes urine volume to increase as blood volume decreases.


True or False: Diabetes insipidus is a disease of the adrenal gland.


True or False: Graves' disease is a disease of the adrenal gland.


True or False: The endocrine gland secretes into a body cavity.


One of the two hormones made by the pituitary that help regulate reproductive cells is luteinizing hormone. The other hormone is __________.

Follicle-stimulating hormone

Thyroid hormone is derived from a sticky colloidal substance housed in __________ within the thyroid.


Stimuli, such as changing blood levels of certain ions and nutrients that trigger hormone release, are called __________ stimuli.


Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is secreted by the parathyroid glands in response to low blood concentration of calcium ions. This mechanism operates by a

Humoral stimulus

What is the functional relationship between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary?

Hypothalamus synthesizes the hormones stored and released by the posterior pituitary.

What is the functional relationship between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary?

Hypothalamus synthesizes the hormones stores and release by the posterior pituitary.

Receptors for steroid hormones are found ___________.

In the cytoplasm of the cells of target tissues

Where are receptors for steroid hormones found?

In the nucleus of target cells

Alcohol inhibits the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). What impact will this have on the body?

Increased thirst and dehydration

Elderly people are more likely type 2 diabetes due to the decline in __________ production.


The clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce hormones are the __________.

Islets of Langerhans

The two mechanisms that hormones use to trigger changes in cells depend on whether the hormone is water or _________ soluble.


Justin has discovered he is sterile. Hyposecretion of which of the following hormones might be causing Justin's sterility?

Luteinizing hormone

The hormone involved in rhythmic activities, such as day/night and season changes, is ______.


What is the main mechanism for regulating hormone secretion?

Negative Feedback

What is the main mechanism for regulating hormone secretion?

Negative feedback

Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a _________.

Negative feedback mechanism

The two regulatory systems of the body are the endocrine system and the _________.

Nervous system

Why don't all body cells respond to a particular hormone?

Only cells that have receptors for the hormone can respond

The hormone that stimulates the contraction of smooth muscle in the uterus is ___________.


The posterior pituitary stores and releases ________.

Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Some people purchase melatonin as an over-the-counter medication. FOr what specific purpose?

Sleep aid

Some people purchase melatonin as an over-the-counter medication. For what specific purpose?

Sleep aid

What is the primary effect of prolactin?

Stimulate and maintain milk production after childbirth

An individual hormone affects only certain tissue cells called its _______ cells.


The hormone produced by male testes, which is necessary for sperm production is ________.


The hormone produced by male testes, which is necessary for sperm production is


Which of these results when hormone secretion is regulated by a negative feedback mechanism?

The concentration of a hormone remains within a narrow normal range.

What role does insulin play in maintaining homeostasis?

When blood glucose levels are elevated after a meal, insulin stimulates glucose uptake by cells to bring glucose levels back to normal.

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