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"clump together"


-no nucleus, but many organelles -cell fragments of cytoplasm from a megakaryote -act in multiple ways to reduce or hault bleeding

3 causes of anemia

1) inadequate erythropoiesis or hemopoiesis 2) hemorrhagic anemia=bleeding 3) hemolytic anemia= rbc destruction

transportation, protection and regulation

3 main functions of blood are


4.6-6.2 million/uL= RBC count in _____


A method antibody action, one antibody binds to two or more antigen molecules and sticks them together


A protein called ____ produced by the stomach binds Fe2+ and transports it to the small intestine


Abnormally high/low _____ leads to heart strain or heart failure

Where blood comes from

Absorption of tissue fluid and modification by liver

pluripotent stem cell

All formed elements trace their origins to a common type of bone marrow stem cell , the

RBC disorders

Anemia, polycythemia and sickle cell disease are all ____ _____

antigen-antibody complexes

Antibodies agglutinate foreign antigens into ________ that immobilizes the antigens until certain immune cells can break them down


Biconcave discs with no organelles, DNA or nucleus Incapable of production of protein synthesis and mitosis function is to transport most o2 and co2

fluid distribution, pH balance, thermoregulation

Blood plays a role in regulating what 3 things ?

antigens and antibodies

Blood types are based on interactions between large molecules called _____ and ____


Bone marrow uses iron to make _____

colloid osmotic pressure(COP)

Contribution of protein to blood osmotic pressure is called


Erythroblasts mutiply and synthesize hemoglobin, their nuclei degenerate and they are then called ______. Later they become erythocytes

liver and spleen

Expired erythrocytes break up in what two organs?

plasma cells

Gamma globulins come from _________, which are connective tissue cells that are descended from white blood cells called B lymphocytes


Hemoglobin consists of four protein chains called _____

alpha, beta

Hemoglobins consist of 2 _____ chains which are 141 amino acids long and 2 ___ chains which are 146 amino acids


High/low ______ leads to hypertension, hypotension,edema


Hypoxemia stimulates secretion of


If any Rh agglutinogens are present on RBCs the person is Rh ______ *usually he or she has antigen D

apoferritin, ferritin

Liver binds surplus iron to a protein called ____ , forming an iron storage complex called ___


Only form of iron that can be absorbed by small intestine

sodium ions, erythocytes, proteins

Osmolarity of the blood is mainly a product of ________,_______,______

Erythrocyte production(erythropoiesis)

Pluripotent stem cell --> erythrocyte forming unit --> erythroblast---> reticulocyte --->erythocyte Describes what process

colony forming unit(CFU)

Pluripotent stem cells differentiate into _____ which generate the respective blood cell lines


RBC excess

negative feedback

RBC homeostasis is maintained by a __________loop


Resistance of fluid to flow, resulting from the cohesion of its particles; thickness or stickiness of a fluid


Serum is essentially identical to plasma except for the absence of the clotting protein _______

Rhesus monkey

The Rh blood group is named for the ______ ____


The production of blood is called

albumin, globulin, fibrinogen

Three major categories of plasma proteins are


What electrolyte is more important that any other solute for the osmolarity of the blood


What is the most abundant plasma solute by weight


When the blood clots and the solids are removed, the remaining fluid is the blood ______


_____ contributes all of the major proteins except the gamma globulins


_____ is 2.0 times as viscous as water because of its proteins (mainly albumin)


______ is a sticky protein that forms the framework of a clot

whole blood

______is 4.5-5.5 times as viscous as water because of RBCs


_____are the only cells in the body that carry on anaerobic fermentation indefinitely


_____regulates the passage of materials into and out of the blood


____is a connective tissue with plasma and formed elements


a deficiency of RBCs or hemoglobin is called


accounts for 33% of the cytoplasm of RBCs; this is the red pigment that gives an RBC its color and name. It is known especially for its oxygen-transport function , but also aids in the transport of co2 and the buffering of pH


an effect of severe dietary protein deficiency and hypoproteinemia

ant D/anti Rh

antibodes are produced only upon exposure to mismatched RBCs. Problems arise if there is a second exposure


are cell fragments having pseudopods that make amoeboid motion possible


become tissue macrophages clean up dead neutrophils largest wbc

myeloid hemopoiesis

blood formation in the bone marrow is called

lymphoid hemopoesis

blood formation in the lymphatic organs is called


blood types are based on antibodies called _____ in the blood plasma


blood types are based on antigens called ____ on the surfaces of the RBCs

hypoplastic anemia

caused by a decine in erythropoiesis

secondary polycythemia

causes are Dehydration, living at a high altitude, emphysema, strenous aerobic activity, smoking

aplastic anemia

complete cessation of erythropoiesis


complex molecules that are unique to each individual(except identical twins), occur on surface of all cells and trigger immune response. They enable cells to distinguish between its own cells from foreign matter

circulatory system

consists of the heart, blood vessels and blood

pernicious anemia

deficiency of intrinsic factor leading to inadequate vitamin B12 absorpotion *common usually only in strict vegetarians

sickle cell disease

disorder of RBC count, single gene mutation replaces glutamic acid with valine as the 6 amino acid of the beta chain

primary polycythemia

due to cancer of the erythropoietic line of the red bone marrow


erythropoietin(EPO) stimulates the ECFU to transform into an _____,which multiply and synthesize hemoglobin

blood plasma

extracellular matrix of blood is ________


fe2+ in small intestine binds to a plasma protein called ______and travels to the bone marrow, liver and other tissues

type AB

has no plasma antibody


hematocrit value for ___ is about 38%-42% RBCs


hematocrit value for ____ is 45%-52% RBCs

dangers of polycythemia

high blood volume, high blood presssure and viscosity, poor circulation, clogged capillaries, strain on heart , embolism , stroke heart failure are all what?


how many molecules of oxygen can one hemoglobin carry

dangers of anemia

hypoxia, and tissue necrosis low osmolarity low viscosity


if a person lacks Rh agglutinogens on the RBCs the person is Rh______ *lack antigen D


immune gamma globulins secreted by plasma cells


key nutritional requirement for erythropoiesis


low RBC count causes oxygen deficiency in the blood

hemorrhagic anemia

low rbc count due to bleeding

hemolytic anemia

low rbc count from rbc destruction

iron deficiency anemia

most common form of nutritional anemia characterized by small pale erythrocytes usually cause by blood loss without sufficient compensatory iron ingestion


named for a temporary network (reticulum) composed of ribosome clusters and polyribosomes


nonprotein moiety that binds o2 to a ferrous ion (fe2+) -each can carry one molecule of o2


oxygen deprivation in tissues


percentage of whole blood volume composted of RBCs


plasma protein that is the precursor of fibrin 4% of plasma protein


play roles in solute transport, clotting and immunity divided into 3 subclasses from smallest to largest molecular weight =alpha, beta and gamma 36% of plasma protein


posses a nucleus and organelles live in connective tissues, but "work" in bloodstream 5 different types, but al play roles in defense


production of RBCs is called


production of WBC is called


production of platelets is called


rupture of RBCs , releases hemoglobin and leaves empty plasma membranes


rupturing of RBCs , releases hemoglobin and leaves empty plasma membrane


smallest and most abundant plasma protein; major contributor to blood viscosity and osmolarity 60% of plasma protein


smallest of formed elements , but 2nd most abundant after RBCs


the occurance of multiple phenotypic effects from a change in a single gene

glycopproteins, glycolipids

the plasma membrane of a mature RBC has _______ and ____ on the outer surface that determine a person's blood type

hemopoietic tissues

the tissues the produce blood cells are called

nitrogenous wastes

the toxic end products of catabolism

type AB

universal recipient

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