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AIDA model

A common model of the series of mental stages through which consumers move as a result of marketing communications: Awareness leads to Interests, which lead to Desire, which leads to Action.

short term sales

According to your text, sales promotions such as free samples and point-of-purchase displays are designed to build


An agent or intermediary with which the sender works to develop the marketing communications; for example, a firm's creative department or an advertising agency.

aided recall

An awareness metric that occurs when consumers recognize a name (e.g., of a brand) that has been presented to them.

communication channel

Based on the recommendation of its advertising agency, Home Depot chose to advertise on HGTV. In this situation, HGTV represents which component of the communication process?

social media

Customers can use the Internet to share their opinions about products and services via YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. In doing so, they can help facilitate the consumer decision process through use of

top-of-mind awareness

Disney starts off its stars with Disney Channel shows, records them on the Disney-owned Hollywood Record label, plays the songs in heavy rotation on Radio Disney and Disney movie soundtracks, organizes concert tours with Disney-owned Buena Vista Concerts, and sells tie-in merchandise throughout Disney stores. The goal of each of these elements is

passive or interactive

From the consumer's perspective, the elements of an IMC strategy can be viewed as being either


Google's AdWords system provides a Quality Score as a measure of _____, which indicates the usefulness of an ad message to consumers doing a Google search.

top-of-mind awareness

Harley Davidson has _____ if a consumer responds "Harley" when asked about American-made motorcycles.


Home Depot hired an advertising agency to develop television ads for its grand opening in southern Maine. The advertising agency represents which of the following components of the communication process?

i want it

If Lucy Hale (star of Pretty Little Liars) appears on Good Morning America and talks about her upcoming album and how great it is going to be, the viewing audience is all the more likely to demand access to it. This illustrates the "desire" element of

10 percent

If a sponsored link was delivered 100 times and 10 people clicked on it, then the number of impressions is 100, the number of clicks is 10, and the click-through-rate (CTR) would be


Jacob determined one of the metrics he would use to gauge the level of exposure his marketing message had with his target market was the number of times the target was exposed to his message throughout the six weeks of the campaign, representing its

competitive parity

Limitations of the _____ budgeting method include not allowing firms to exploit the unique opportunities or problems they confront in a market. If all competitors use this method to set communication budgets, their market shares will stay approximately the same over time.

feedback loop

Macy's is conducting marketing research to determine whether or not its advertising message could be clearly understood by its customers. This relates to which component of the communication process?


Measure of consumers' exposure to marketing communications; the percentage of the target population exposed to a specific marketing communication, such as an advertisement, at least once.

brand awareness

Measures how many consumers in a market are familiar with the brand and what it stands for; created through repeated exposures of the various brand elements (brand name, logo, symbol, character, packaging, or slogan) in the firm's communications to consumers.


Nathan gauged the level of exposure to his marketing campaign using the percentage of the target population exposed at least once to his advertisement, representing its

direct marketing

Omaha Steaks sending e-mail coupons for items that customers have purchased previously and mailing slick pictures of gourmet steaks and meal packages to addresses that have received orders in the past is an example of

direct marketing

Personalized e-mail marketing is an online, passive form of persuasive communication and would be classified as an example of

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Represents the promotion dimension of the four Ps; encompasses a variety of communication disciplines—general advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and electronic media—in combination to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact.

Competitive parity

Since her firm's share of the market has increased from 2.5 to 3 percent, Allyson had determined she would set her share of communication expenses at 3 percent of sales, which is an example of the use of the _____ method.

web tracking software

Software used to assess how much time viewers spend on particular web pages and the number of pages they view.

sales promotion

Special incentives or excitement-building programs that encourage the purchase of a product or service, such as coupons, rebates, contests, free samples, and point-of-purchase displays.


The AIDA model is also known as the _____ model.


The AIDA model represents a series of mental stages a consumer goes through and includes awareness, action, interest, and


The U.S. government promoted public participation in the 2010 census during the televised Super Bowl game in its efforts is to raise awareness of when and how the census works. This is an example of which of the following promotional elements?


The _____ method determines the budget required to undertake specific tasks to accomplish communication objectives.

return on marketing investment (ROMI)

The amount of profit divided by the value of the investment. In the case of an advertisement, the ROI is (the sales revenue generated by the ad - the ad's cost) / the ad's cost

communication channel

The medium—print, broadcast, the Internet—that carries the message.


The process of converting the sender's ideas into a message, which could be verbal, visual, or both.

personal selling

The two-way flow of communication between a buyer and a seller that is designed to influence the buyer's purchase decision.

consumer being targeted

There are three elements in any integrated marketing communication strategy: the _______, the channels through which the message is communicated, and evaluation of the results of the communication.

public relations

To support the other promotional efforts, firms use _____ to generate free media attention.

passive offline

Traditionally, advertising has been _____ and _____.


When designing in-store signage, retailers often develop yellow signs and shelf tags with bold lettering to catch consumers' attention. The use of visuals in this manner represents the _____ component of the communication process.

reach multiplied by frequency

Which of the following formulas is accurate for calculating gross rating points (GRP)?

lagged effect

a delayed response to a marketing communication campaign

Gross Rating Points (GRPs)

a measure used for comparing the effectiveness of different media vehicles: average reach x frequency


a paid form of communication from an identifiable source, delivered through a communication channel, and designed to persuade the receiver to take some action, now or in the future

top-of-mind awareness

a prominent place in people's memories that triggers a response without them having to put any thought into it

search engine marketing (SEM)

a type of web advertising whereby companies pay for keywords that are used to catch consumers' attention while browsing a search engine

feedback loop

allows the receiver to communicate with the sender and thereby informs the sender whether the message was received and decoded properly

objective and task method

an IMC budgeting method that determines the cost required to undertake specific tasks to accomplish communication objectives; process entails setting objectives, choosing media, and determining costs


an online diary (web log) that looks like a web page but is easier to create and update by posting text, photos, or links to other sites


any distraction that reduces the effectiveness of the communication process

rule-of-thumb methods

budgeting methods that base the IMC budget on either the firm's share of the market in relation to competition, a fixed percentage of forecasted sales, or what is left after other operating costs and forecasted sales have been budgeted


in the context of search engine marketing (SEM), it is a metric used to determine how useful an advertisement is to the consumer

mobile marketing

marketing through wireless handheld devices


measure of how often the audience is exposed to a communication within a specified period of time

direct marketing

sales and promotional techniques that deliver promotional materials individually


the firm from which an IMC message originates; the sender must be clearly identified to the intended audience

click-through rate (CTR)

the number of times a user clicks on an online ad divided by the number of impressions


the number of times an advertisement appears in front of the user

social media

the online and mobile technologies that distribute content to create interpersonal relationships

public relations

the organizational function that manages the firm's communications to achieve a variety of objectives, including building and maintaining a positive image, handling or heading off unfavorable stories or events, and maintaining positive relationships with the media


the person who reads, hears, or sees and processes the information contained in the message or advertisement


the process by which the receiver interprets the sender's message

social shopping

using the internet to communicate about product preferences with other shoppers

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