CH19 World War 1

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opposed U.S. entry into war


The Food Administration

Taught Americans to plant 'victory gardens' and to use leftover food wisely

This contained a suggestion of an alliance between Mexico and Germany that deeply angered the American people.

Zimmermann note

The Schlieffen Plan was effective because it?

allowed germany to drive quickly toward the french capital

Woodrow Wilson's ultimate goal at the Paris Peace Conference was to

establish the League of Nations

During World War I, federal powers

expanded greatly and created new powers.

During World War I, federal powers:

expanded greatly.

Agriculture in the 1920s

experienced declining incomes and increased bank foreclosures

Dollar Diplomacy

extend investments by the US and loans from US banks

W. E. B. Du Bois:

founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

"Birth of a Nation"

glorified the KKK as the defenders of the white civilization

What did the United States use to overcome the threat of German U-boats?

groups of guarded ships

What did the united state's use to overcome the threat of german u-boats

groups of guarded ships

When Eugene Debs was sentenced under the Espionage Act,

he gave the court a lesson on the history of American freedom

The Spanish Flu epidemic:

killed nearly seven times the number of americans as died of combat deaths in France

This began with the introduction of the tank and the airplane as weapons.

mechanized warfare

this began with the introduction of the tank and the airplane as weapons

mechanized warfare

Which of the following was a result of the Selective Service Act?

men were required to register for millitary service

The policy that kept the united state's out of the war for the three years was called


these people opposed to world war 1 because they perceived all wars as evil


The United States declared war on Germany

pledging a "war to end all wars" & to "make the world safe for democracy"

The Espionage and Sedition Acts

prohibited spying and interfering with the draft and false statements that might impede military success and made speaking out against the war effort or the government a crime

The Fourteen Points attempted to:

provide a peace agenda to create a new world order

The Fourteen Points attempted to:

provide a peace agenda to create a new world order.

In response to the Russian Revolution that led to the creation of the communist Soviet Union, the United States

pursued a policy of anticommunism that would remain at the center of American foreign policy during the twentieth century

The Treaty of Versailles:

required Germany to pay over $33 billion in reparations.

These people opposed World War 1 because they saw it as an imperialist struggle.


The Fourteen Points:

sought to establish the right of national self-determination.

The immediate cause of the war in Europe in 1914 was

the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The Red Scare:

was an intense period of political intolerance.

The Palmer Raids

were led by J Edgar Hoover, where 5,000+ people were arrested and held without charge. The abuse of civil rights ended this organization

Which company fired its employees if they failed to comply with the standards set by the Sociological Department of Americanization?

Ford Motor Company

Committee on Public Information

Four-Minute Men

The Panama Canal reduced the sea voyage between the East and West Coasts of the United States by _____ miles.


Which would NOT be considered a characteristic of a flapper

Advocated temperance

The anti-German crusade included all of the following measures EXCEPT

Barring German-Americans from serving in the military

Where did the assassination that triggered WW1 occur


What caused widespread starvation in Germany?

British Blockade


British ship sunk by Germans


Opposed US entry into war

During World War I, the government's treatment of labor could be best described as a. fair. b. strict and financially unrewarding. c. extremely brutal. d. so good that the right to form unions was finally granted. e. decent for native Americans but harsh for ethnic groups.


With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the great majority of Americans a. earnestly hoped to stay out of the war. b. favored entering the war in support of the Allies. c. supported the Central Powers. d. wanted to form a military alliance of neutral nations. e. favored U.S. mediation of the conflict.


Labor leaders were targeted by the Espionage and Sedation Acts because they: A. demanded better conditions for workers, even during a war crisis B. questioned whether war was right under any circumstances C. preferred the Russian system of government to the American system D. refused to work in industries that supported the war effort

A. demanded better conditions for workers, even during a war crisis

On April 2, 1917, Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war

Against Germany, to make the world safe for democracy

Which weapons of mechanized warfare were introduced in WW1

Airplanes and tanks

In 1914, this alliance consisted of France, Great Britain, and Russia


Armed with only a rifle and a revolver, he killed 25 Germans, silenced 35 enemy machine guns, and, with 6 other soldiers, captured 132 prisoners.

Alvin York

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the WW2

American isolationism

Which of the following was not a cause of World War 1?

American isolationism

assimilating immigrants


Wilson's Fourteen Points included all of the following principles EXCEPT

An end to colonization

Red Scare

Anti-labor crusade after the war

His assassination sparked World War 1

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The Zimmerman Telegraph

Arthur Zimmerman used it to call Mexico to join Germany to fight against the US


Assimilating immigrants

The most tenacious pursuer of "radical" elements during the red scare was

Attorney Gen.) A. Mitchell Palmer

One primary effect of World War I on the United States was that it a. opened new markets in Germany and Austria-Hungary. b. suffered severe business losses. c. conducted an immense amount of trade with the Allies. d. turned more of its economic activity toward Latin America and Asia. e. virtually ended American international trade


What caused widespread starvation in Germany? A. drought B. devaluation of German currency C. British Blockade D. Allied bombing of German farms

C. British Blockade

The policy that kept US out of the war for 3 years was called: A. Nationalism B. The Alliance System C. Neutrality D. Convoy System

C. Neutrality

Having shot down at least 29 enemy planes, he was America's leading ace pilot in the war.

Captain Eddie Rickenbacker

Railroads were able to the late nineteenth century what______ were to the 1920s


In 1914, this alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire

Central Powers

Wilson's Fourteen Points included all of the following principles except:

Closed diplomacy.

Four-minute men


Admiral William S. Sims convinced the british to use this as a hindrance to German U boat attacks

Convoy system

Which of these is NOT a true statement about the sinking of the Lusitania? a. 128 Americans onboard lost their lives. b. Germany expressed profound regret. c. Afterwards, Germany issued a warning to travelers about the perils of traveling in war zone waters. d. Germany immediately pledged not to sink unarmed passenger ships anymore. e. The incident helped feed a growing anti-Germany sentiment in the U.S.


The war might have involved only 2 nations (Austria-Hungary & Serbia) if not for: A. American Expeditionary Force B. Imperialism C. Propaganda D. Alliance System

D. Alliance System

Which of the following nations suffered the fewest casualties? A. France B. Great Britain C. Austria-Hungary D. USA


Of the following, the most compelling reason for the US to enter the war was: A. moral obligation to halt the refugee crisis in Belgium B. concern over the repayment of Allied debts to American banks C. a desire to become more involved in the affairs of Europe D. the outrage of American citizens over German submarine warfare

D. the outrage of American citizens over German submarine warfare

Having shot down at least 26 enemy planes, he was America's leading ace pilot in the war

Eddie Rickenbacker

improving the human species by controlling heredity


During World War I, federal powers

Expanded greatly

proposed agenda for the peace conference

Fourteen Points

He commanded the American Expeditionary Force (AEF)

General John J. Pershing

He commanded the American expeditionary force(AEF)

General john j Pershing

restricted Japanese immigration

Gentlemen's Agreement

relocation of blacks to the North

Great Migration

George Creel

Head of the Committee on Public Information 1917 which was allegedly formed to combat wartime rumors by providing authoritative info. It served as propaganda agency proclaiming the gov't version of reality and discrediting those who questioned that version


Improving the human species by controlling heredity

During World War I, the federal government

Increased corporate and individual income taxes

Between 1898 and 1934, why did the United States intervene militarily numerous times in Caribbean countries?

Interests in raw materials, such as bananas and sugar, and also due to the US obligation to establish order to an unruly world

Roosevelt Corollary

International police power in Western Hemisphere

The food administration

It was a government organization created to stir up a patriotic spirit which encouraged people to voluntarily sacrifice some of their own goods for the war. It helped the war effort by helping create a food surplus to feed America and its allies

The first female member of Congress was

Jeannette Rankin

The supreme military commander of American forces during World War I was

John J "Black Jack" Pershing

a world organization

League of Nations

international police power in the Western hemisphere

Leauge of Nations

Woodrow Wilson's moral imperialism

Led to military interventions to promote manufactured good and investments and democracy

Most of the money raised to finance World War I came from

Loans from the US public (Bonds)

Jazz music was born in New Orleans and was spread to the North by such musicians as

Louis Armstrong

This British liner was sunk by a German U-boat


British ship sunk by Germans


the british liner was sunk by a german u-boat


Who led a black separatist movement?

Marcus Garvey.

Which of the following was a result of the selective service act

Men were required to register for military service

This long term cause of the war encouraged competitiveness between nations and encouraged various ethnic groups to attempt to create nations of their own.


W E B Du Bois founded the

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

This long-term cause of the war involved the development of the armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy.


The Zimmermann Telegram

Outlined the German plan for an attack on the US by Mexico

These people opposed World War 1 because they perceived all wars as evil.


Zimmerman Telegram

Proposed a German-Mexican alliance

Fourteen Points

Proposed agenda for the peace conference

The Fourteen Points attempted to

Provide a peace agenda to create a new democratic world order

anti-labor crusade after the war

Red Scare

Great Migration

Relocation of blacks to the North

Gentlemen's Agreement

Restricted Japanese immigration

Which of the following nations was not a member of the "Big Four"


Where did the assassination that triggered World War 1 occur?

Sarajevo, Bosnia

Although American Women served in the navy, marines, and Army Corps of Nurses, they were not subject to this

Selective Service Act

Although American women served in the navy, marines, and Army Corps of Nurses, they were not subject to this.

Selective Service Act

Armed only with a rifle and a revolver he killed 25 Germans silenced 35 enemy machines guns, and with 6 other soldiers captured 132 prisoners

Selective Service Act

This required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service.

Selective Service Act

This requires men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service

Selective service act

These people opposed WW1 because they saw it as an imperialist struggle.


The Fourteen Points

Sought to establish the right of national self-determination

All the following were members of the Triple Entente except


What caused widespread starvation in Germany

The British blockade

How did World War I and the rhetoric of freedom shape the labor movement and workers' expectations?

The wartime language of democracy and freedom inspired hopes among American workers that social and economic justice was at hand.

In the battle of the Somme, this resulted in the exchange of seven miles of territory at the cost of 1.2 million casualties.

Trench warfare

The policy of the U.S neutrality was:

Vetoed by president Wilson

The administration of which president was plagued with scandals

Warren Harding

How did World War I and the rhetoric of freedom shape the labor movement and workers' expectations?

Wartime rhetoric inspired hopes for social and economic justice.

The Committee on Public Information

Was a government agency that sought to shape public opinion

As the war broke out in Europe, Americans

Were deeply divided

Fourteen Points

Wilson's plan for international peace after WWI sought to establish the right of national self-determination

proposed a German-Mexican alliance

Zimmerman Telegram

League of Nations

a world organization

On April 2, 1917, Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war

against Germany, "to make the world safe for democracy."

On April 2, 1917, Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war

against Germany, "to make the world safe for democracy." He did this because of the Zimmermann note and the sinking of the S.S. Lusitania.

Which weapons of mechanized warfare were introduced in World War I?

airplanes and tanks

The rise of the automobile

all of the above are true

in 1914, this alliance consisted of france, great britain, and russia


The Schlieffen plan was effective because it

allowed Germany to drive quickly toward the french capital

Wilson's Fourteen Points included all of the following principles EXCEPT:

an end to colonization.

All the following were members of the Triple Entente except:

any besides Russia, France, and Britain

his assassination sparked world war 1

archduke franz ferdinand

Senators opposing America's participation in the League of Nations:

argued that it would threaten to deprive the country of its freedom of action.

The Zimmermann Telegram:

asked for help from Mexico in the case of war between Germany and the United States

Wilson's Fourteen Points

attempted to provide a peace agenda to create a new democratic order - assured that the war was being fought for a moral cause

The 19th Amendment

barred states from using sex as a qualification for suffrage

The Nineteenth Amendment:

barred states from using sex as a qualification for voting.

The anti-German crusade included all of the following measures EXCEPT:

barring German-Americans from serving in the military.

As president, Woodrow Wilson:

believed that the export of U.S. manufactured goods went hand in hand with the spread of democracy.

"The Great Migration" refers to:

blacks moving from the South to the North.

"The Great Migration" refers to

blacks moving from the south to the north

1919 in the US

brought a worldwide flu epidemic, killing 20-40 million, racial violence increased, and more than 4 million workers engaged in strikes - the greatest wave of labor unrest in US history

in 1914, this alliance consisted of germany, austria-hungary, and the ottoman empire

central powers

The Committee of Public Information

claimed that the US was compelled to take part in the war to protect its liberties and free institutions

The Roosevelt Corollary

claimed the right of the United States to act as a police power in the Western Hemisphere.

The Roosevelt Corollary:

claimed the right of the United States to act as a police power in the Western Hemisphere.

The IWW and the Socialist Party

condemned the declaration of was as a crime against the people of the US and called of the workers of all countries to refuse to fight

This term describes a person who opposes warfare on moral grounds.

conscientious objector

this term describes a person who opposes warfare on moral grounds

conscientious objector

Admiral William S. Sims convinced the British to use this as a hindrance to German U-boat attacks.

convoy system

This involved merchant vessels traveling in large groups with naval ships acting as guards

convoy system

This involved merchant vessels traveling in large groups with naval ships acting as guards.

convoy system

Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918

criticism of government leaders or war policies became a crime

Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918:

criticism of government leaders or war policies became a crime

Woodrow Wilson won the 1916 election

due to his promise not to send troops to Europe, which won over all of the states with women's suffrage

Prohibition was supported by

employers and women reformers, but was not supported by Protestants

The flapper

epitomized the change in standards of sexual behavior

The Treaty of Versailles

established the League of Nations, and helped spread self-determination to oppressed minorities and people seeking independence

In the case of of Schenck vs united states, the supreme court

found him guilty of posing a clear and present danger during wartime

In the 1920s, movies, radios, and phonographs

helped create and spread a new celebrity culture

Theodore Roosevelt's taking of the Panama Canal Zone is an example of:

his belief that civilized nations had an obligation to establish order in an unruly world.

Closely linked with industrialization, this long-term cause of the war involved a contest for colonies.


closely linked with industrialization, this long-term cause of the war involved a contest of colonies


Between 1901 and 1920, the United States intervened militarily numerous times in Caribbean countries:

in order to protect the economic interests of American banks and investors.

President Wilson's response to thinking Lusitania

included a speech in which he said that if Germany was responsible for the killing of any more Americans, than a state of war would exist between the United States and Germany

During World War I, the federal government

increased corporate and individual income taxes.

During WWI, federal powers

increased greatly and created new agencies, such as the AFL, War Labor Board, Selective Service Act, and Food Administration

The spanish flu epidemic

killed five times the number of Americans as died of combat deaths in France.

Marcus Garvey

led a black separatist movement and launched the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Garveyites defined freedom as national determination

Between 1914 and 1916, the troubles between the US and Mexico

led to the reordering of internal affairs and interference acted as a warning of his foreign policy

this long-term cause of the war involved the development of the armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy


The Scopes trial illustrated a divide between

modernism and fundamentalism

Woodrow Wilson's moral imperialism in Latin America produced:

more military interventions than any other president before or since.

this long term cause of the war encouraged competitiveness between nations and encouraged various ethnic groups to attempt to create nations of their own


The policy that kept the United States out of the war for three years was called


The Eighteenth Amendment:

prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.

The 18th Amendment

prohibited the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor

In response to the Russian Revolution that led to the creation of the communist Soviet Union, the United States:

pursued a policy of anticommunism that would remain throughout the twentieth century.


refers to the process of assimilation

In the case of Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court:

restricted speech that presented a "clear and present danger."

During the war, in which way did Americans react to German-Americans?

restricted the teachings of foreign words and replaced commonly used German words, such as sauerkraut (all of the above)

Which of the following nations was not a member of the "big four" ?


Marcus Garvey

said blacks should return to Africa

these people opposed world war 1 because they saw it as an imperialist struggle


The Gentlemen's Agreement

stated that Japan agreed to end migration to the US except for the wives and children of men that were already in the states


struggled for the enforcement of the 14th and 15th amendments, but made no progress towards racial justice, even in the case of Bailey v. Alabama

During WWI, Progressives

supported U.S. entry into the war and hoped to disseminate Progressive values around the globe

The policy of U.S. neutrality was:

tested by both the British and Germans.

Which of the following nations suffered the fewest casualties

the U.S.

In The Crisis, W E B Du Bois stated that

the US was a shameful land because it lynches people, disfranchises its own people, encourages ignorance, and insults blacks

The war might have involved only 2 nations Austria-Hungary and Serbia if not for

the alliance system

The war might have involved only two nations, Austria-Hungary and Serbia, if not for?

the alliance system

of the following, the most compelling reason for the united states to enter the war was

the outrage of american citizens over german submarine warfare

African americans migrated north during the great migration for all of the following EXCEPT

the prospect of owning their own homes

Eugenics is

the study of the supposed mental characteristics of different races

Which of the following nations suffered the fewest casualties?

the united states

What were some of the motivations behind America's empire-building in the early 20th century?

to promote liberty and democracy

in the battle of the somme, this resulted in the exchange of seven miles of territory at the cost of 1.2 million casualties

trench warfare

The Great Steel Strike of 1919

united 365,000 immigrant workers in demands for union recognition, higher wages, and an 8 hour day

The Committee on Public Information:

was a government agency that sought to shape public opinion.

the committee on public information:

was a government agency that sought to shape public opinion.

President Wilson's response to the sinking of the Lusitania:

was a series of notes demanding that Germany stop such actions and pay reparations

The Red Scare

was a short-lived but intense period of political intolerance inspired by the postwar strike wave and the social tensions and fears generated by the Russian Revolution.

The Treaty of Versailles:

was never ratified by the United States Senate.

US control of the Panama Zone

was part of Theodore Roosevelt's policy of intervention in Central America

World War I:

was rooted in European contests over colonial possessions.

Wilson's political ideology

was to use self-determination to escape oppression. The treaty and 14 points encouraged Wilson's ideas through "equality of nations"

Dollar Diplomacy:

was used by William Howard Taft instead of military intervention.

The Great Migration

was when 1/2 a million blacks migrated from the South to the North for wages, economic opportunities, political freedom, and escape from lynching

During WWI, African soldiers

were barred from the navy, and if accepted, were used to supply units. Closing ranks did not help bring blacks any significant gains

As war broke out in Europe, Americans:

were deeply divided.

The prevailing racial attitudes of Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson

were extremely discriminatory against blacks; Roosevelt invited Booker T Washington to dine with him at the White House and Wilson supported D W Griffin's "Birth of a Nation"

Immigration restrictions during WWI

were made even over Wilson's veto, and required immigrants to be literate in at least one language

African-Americans in the North

were restricted from employment opportunities, excluded from unions, and experienced housing segregation and racial violence

American feelings of the war in 1914

were shattered because they believed in the triumph of reason and human progress

The espionage act (1917) and the sedition act (1918)

were the first federal restrictions on free speech since 1798

The Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act (1918)

were the first federal restrictions on free speech since 1798.

Americanization programs often targeted

women as bearers and transmitters of culture

the american protective league

worked with the justice department to identify radicals

this contained a suggestion of an alliance between mexico and germany that deeply angered the american people

zimmerman people

all of the following statements about the great steel strike of 1919 are true EXCEPT

the strike involved mostly non-immigrant workers

During the 1920s, consumer goods

were frequently purchased on credit

Al Capone was finally sent to prison for

tax evasion

Who rejected Wilson's "14 points" peace plan? A. Allied leaders B. Germans C. US Senate D. League of Nations

A. Allied leaders

Which of the following was not a cause of WW1? A. American Isolationism B. Imperialism Competition C. The Stockpiling of Weapons D. European Nationalism

A. American Isolationism

Where did the assassination that triggered WW1 occur? A. Bosnia B. Belgium C. Alsace-Lorraine D. The Ottoman Empire

A. Bosnia

American supporters of entry into the war could claim their country was fighting a moral war because: A. US joined the war only after Russia's oppressive monarchy was replaced B. Many citizens planted victory gardens C. Zimmerman note was intercepted D. African Americans were offered new job opportunities in Northern cities

A. US joined the war only after Russia's oppressive monachy was replaced

Which statement about the Red Scare is FALSE

It resulted in a wave of sympathy for persecuted workers

These people opposed WW1 because they perceived all wars as evil.


Not being able to convict Al Capone on bootlegging charges the federal government convicted for

tax evasion

The Ku Klux Klan

flourished in the early 1920s, especially in the north and west

The United States' main contributions to the Allied victory in World War I included all of the following except

foodstuffs, oil, munitions, financial credit

Which act restricted the freedom of speech by authorizing the arrest of anyone who made "false statements" that might impede military success

the espionage act

Selective Service Act

Authorized the federal government to raise a national army for the American entry into World War I through the compulsory enlistment of people. It was envisioned in December 1916 and brought to President Woodrow Wilson's attention shortly after the break in relations with Germany in February 1917.

German submarines began sinking unarmed and unresisting merchant and passenger ships without warning a. when the United States entered the war. b. in retaliation for the British naval blockade of Germany. c. in an effort to keep the United States out of the war. d. because international law now allowed this new style of warfare. e. in a last-ditch effort to win the war.


Which one of the following was not among Wilson's Fourteen Points, upon which he based America's idealistic foreign policy in World War I? a. Reduction of armaments b. An international guarantee of freedom of religion c. Abolition of secret treaties d. A new international organization to guarantee collective security e. The principle of national self-determination for subject peoples


Women's participation in the war effort contributed greatly to the fact that they a. became a large, permanent part of the American workforce. b. finally received the right to vote. c. were allowed to join the air force. d. organized the National Women's party. e. All of these


The Espionage and Sedition Acts affected freedom of speech because they: A. forced restaurant owners to offer liberty sandwiches rather than hamburgers B. Allowed the government to silence ideas that challenged its authority C. forced the repeal of the 1st amendment D. promoted biased ideas of designed to sway people's thinking

B. Allowed the government to silence ideas that challenged its authority

Which weapons of mechanized warfare were introduced in WW1? A. battlefront trenches B. airplanes and tanks C. hydrogen bombs D. pistols and bayonets

B. airplanes and tanks

Because militarism had been a major cause of the war, the framers of the Treaty of Versailles: A. required Germany to pay reparations for war damages B. barred Germany from maintaining an army C. stripped Germany of its colonies in the Pacific D. forced Germany to accept sole responsibility for the war

B. barred Germany from maintaining an army

The Treaty of Versailles overlooked the importance of: A. in identifying the guilty party in a war B. treating all nations justly, including the losers of a war C. including powerful nations like US in international peace-keeping organizations D. crippling any nations that might prove dangerous in the future

B. treating all nations justly, including the losers of a war

What did Calvin Coolidge believe was the chief business of the American people


Which of the following nations was not a member of the "Big Four"? A. Italy B. France C. Russia D. Great Britain

C. Russia

all of the following groups supported Prohibitions expect

Catholics priests who wished to curb the abuse of alcohol by parishioners

Many forces predisposed Ku Klux Klan members to accept the group's exclusionary message without much analysis. These forces included all of the following EXCEPT

Coolidge's economics policies

What reason did Senators give for opposing US membership in the League of Nations? It would... A. lead to international instability B. drain American finances C. interfere with free-trade agreements D. drag US into European conflicts

D. It would drag US into European conflicts

Which of the following was a result of the Selective Service Act? A. African Americans could not become Army officers B. Women could serve in combat positions C. Troops were segregated by race D. Men were required to register for military service

D. Men were required to register for military service

Gains made by American women during WW1 were: A. acceptance as full-fledged members of US Army B. beginnings of a movement for woman suffrage C. equal pay for equal work in many war industries D. increased support for women's right to vote

D. increased support for women's right to vote

As World War I began in Europe, the alliance system placed Germany and Austria-Hungary as leaders of the ____, while Russia and France were among the ____. a. Central Powers; Holy Alliance b. Central Powers; Triple Alliance c. Allies; Central Powers d. Triple Alliance; Central Powers e. Central Powers; Allies


President Wilson insisted that he would hold ____ to "strict accountability" for ____. a. Britain; repaying the loans made to it by American bankers b. Britain; the disruption of American trade with the European continent c. Germany; starting the war d. Germany; fair treatment of civilians in Belgium e. Germany; the loss of American ships and lives to submarine warfare


President Wilson viewed America's entry into World War I as an opportunity for the United States to a. reestablish the balance of power in European diplomacy. b. become a dominant global great power. c. rebuild its dangerously small military and naval forces. d. establish a permanent military presence in Europe. e. shape a new international order based on the ideals of democracy.


The United States declared war on Germany a. in response to demands by American munitions makers. b. because it appeared that France was about to surrender. c. because Wall Street bankers demanded it. d. after Mexico signed an alliance with Germany. e. after German U-boats sank four unarmed American merchant vessels.


Which of the following American passenger liners was sunk by German submarines? a. Lusitania b. Arabic c. Sussex d. All of these American ships were sunk. e. None of these were American ships.



Is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909. Its mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination". Its name, retained in accordance with tradition, uses the once common term colored people.

Why did General Motors surpass Ford in sales of automobiles in the 1920s

GM successfully marketed different styles and designs

Concert music composer...was influenced by both the music of....and traditional music

George Gershwin and Louis Armstrong

Red Scare

Is the promotion of fear of a potential rise of communism or radical leftism, used by anti-leftist proponents. In the United States, the First Red Scare was about worker (socialist) revolution and political radicalism. The Second Red Scare was focused on national and foreign communists influencing society, infiltrating the federal government, or both.

Franz Ferdinand

His assassination in Sarajevo precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia. This caused the Central Powers (including Germany and Austria-Hungary) and Serbia's allies to declare war on each other, starting World War I.

Closely linked with industrialization, this long-term cause of the war involved a contest for colonies.


Who was sentenced to death in a controversial criminal trial

Nicola Sacco


Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages that remained in place from 1920 to 1933.

The movement of tens of thousands of Southern blacks north during WWI resulted in

Racial violence in the north

The policy of U.S. neutrality was

Tested by both the British and the Germans

To obtain liquor illegally, drinkers went underground to hidden nightclubs known as


Great Migration

The Great Migration was the movement of 6 million African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West that occurred between 1910 and 1970.

League of Nations

The League of Nations was an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes.

Niagara Movement

The Niagara Movement was a black civil rights organization founded in 1905 by a group led by W. E. B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter.

All of the following statements about the Palmer Raids are true EXCEPT

The Palmer Raids permanently compromised civil liberties

The trial and execution of the Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti demonstrated that

The Red Scare extended into 1920s

Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles (French: Traité de Versailles) was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


The ship's sinking provided Britain with a propaganda opportunity, which helped shift public opinion in the United States against Germany and influenced America's eventual declaration of war two years later, in 1917.

Moral Imperislism

The idea is that you're taking over another nation to show them the error of their ways. For example, you could be taking them over to overthrow their dictatorship (or monarchy) or to "enlighten" them with Christianity.

Zimmerman Telegram

The message came as a coded telegram dispatched by the Foreign Secretary of the German Empire, Arthur Zimmermann, on January 16, 1917. The message was sent to the German ambassador for Mexico, Heinrich von Eckardt.

In the Battle of the Somme, this resulted in the exchange of 7 miles of territory at the cost of 1.2 million deaths

Trench Warfare

Fourteen Points

Was a statement given on January 8, 1918 by United States President Woodrow Wilson declaring that World War I was being fought for a moral cause and calling for postwar peace in Europe. Europeans generally welcomed Wilson's intervention, but his main Allied colleagues (Georges Clemenceau of France, David Lloyd George of the United Kingdom, and Vittorio Emanuele Orlando of Italy) were skeptical of the applicability of Wilsonian idealism.

Marcus Garvey

Was a Jamaican political leader, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator who was a staunch proponent of the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements, to which end he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL).[2] He founded the Black Star Line, which promoted the return of the African diaspora to their ancestral lands.

Sedition Act

Was an Act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds.

Emma Goldman

Was an anarchist known for her political activism, writing, and speeches. She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe in the first half of the 20th century.

George Creel

Was an investigative journalist, a politician, and, most famously, the head of the United States Committee on Public Information, a propaganda organization created by President Woodrow Wilson during World War I. He said of himself that "an open mind is not part of my inheritance. I took in prejudices with mother's milk and was weaned on partisanship."

The Red Scare

Was caused by the fear of a Russian invasion

As war broke out in Europe, Americans

Were deeply divided

President Harding's call for a return to normalcy meant

a call for the regular order of things, without Progressive reform

The red scare of 1919-1920 was provoked by

association of labor violence w/its fear of revolution

One of the most significant economic and social developments of the early 20th century was the development of the


besides work and school, most active agents of Americanization during the 1920s were

dance halls, department stores, and movie theaters

In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court

found certain fire-safety regulations unconstitutional

During the 1920s

government policies reflected the pro-business ethos of the decade

The Scopes of 1925

pitted creationists against evolutionists

the 18th amendment

prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages

Coolidge's administration was marked by


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