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Match the serous membrane correctly with the definition

1. Parietal pleura lines the thoracic cavity 2. Visceral pleura covers the lungs 3. Parietal pericardium lines the pericardial cavity 4. Visceral pericardium covers the heart 5. Parietal peritoneum lines the abdominal cavity 6. Visceral peritoneum covers the abdominal organs

The joint just proximal to the knee is which one of these?


When blood sugar levels increase after a meal, insulin is released. This lowers sugar levels back toward normal. This is an example of

Negative feedback

When there is a change in the internal body environment, how will the body react to maintain homeostasis by negative feedback?

Oppose the change

The ______ lines the internal walls of the abdominopelvic cavity

Parietal peritoneum

The outermost layer of the pleural membrane is the

Parietal pleura

Calcaneal is to heal as ______ is to sole of the foot


When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets attach and recruit more platelets to the area. These new platelets recruit even more, quickly increasing the number of platelets until the damage is sealed with a blood clot. This amplification is an example of

Positive feedback

If you are cold and your body alters the circulation near the skin in order to conserve heat, what characteristic of life is this representing?


When an organism senses and reacts to changes in their internal or external environments, this is an example of


Which of the following is true of positive feedback?

The change is amplified

How would a physiologist describe the small intestine?

The small intestine has a large surface area for more efficient digestion and absorption

Some homeostatic imbalances cause a variable that is normally controlled by negative feedback to be abnormally controlled by positive feedback


When a variable is regulated by negative feedback, its value fluctuates above and below the set point rather than being a constant


The ________ pericardium forms the heart's external surface


The layer of the pleural membrane that is attached to the surface of the lung is

Visceral pleura

Investigating the function of organ systems in a disease state best describes


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