CH2 Traits, Motives, and Characteristics of Leaders -m

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The achievement motive refers to

Finding joy in accomplishment for its own sake

What are the two groups of a leader's personality traits?

General personality traits & Task-related traits

Kent is an enthusiastic leader, so his enthusiasm is likely to

Help him build relationships with the group

The most effective type of humor for an organizational leader to use is directed at

Himself or herself

Emotional intelligence tends to

Improve with experience

Self-confidence is an important leadership characteristic in what settings?

In almost every leadership setting

Tenacity is considered to be an important leadership characteristic because

It often takes so long to implement a new program

Trusting a leader and the benefits

Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intentions (if you trust your leader, you're less likely to leave) belief in info provided by the leader; commitment to decisions; satisfaction with the leader;

A hands on and deeply engaged leader is most likely to be strong on which of the traits or characteristics?

Knowledge of the business

Strengths and Limitations of the Trait Approach

Leaders possess personal characteristics that differ from those of non-leaders. The current emphasis on emotional intelligence, charisma, and ethical conduct, which are really traits, attitudes, and behaviors, reinforces the importance of the trait approach.

Personalized power motive

Leaders seek power mostly to further their own interests. They crave the trappings of power, such as status symbols, luxury, and money. They do not worry about everyone liking them.

Passion for the work on the part of a leader often expresses itself as a(n)

Obsession for achieving company goals

Task related personality traits of leaders

Passion: passion for the work and the people. Passion goes beyond enthusiasm and often expresses itself as an obsession for achieving company goals. The downside to extreme passion for work is that it can lead to work addiction. One of the ways for an entrepreneur to inject passion into business is to tell a creation story.

What are the three classifications of characteristics associated with leadership?

Personality traits Leadership Motives & Needs Cognitive Factors & Intelligence

Donald Trump is seen as a leader with a

Personalized power motive

An authentic leader would most likely

Practice his or her values consistently

An important application of farsightedness for executive leaders is to

Predict the direction of environment forces

A key part of a leader having humility is to

Put group members in the limelight, rather than oneself

Jane is a farsighted leaders, so she

Sees the long-range implications of her actions

A leader with an internal locus of control

Take responsibility for events happening

Tenacity and Resilience

Tenacity multiples in importance for organizational leaders because it takes a long time to implement a new program or to consummate a business deal, such as acquiring another company. Resilience is part of tenacity because the tenacious person will bounce back from a setback through continuous effort.

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to do such things as understand one's feelings and have empathy for others, and regulate one's emotions to enhance one's quality of life.

With respect to heredity and environment, leadership effectiveness appears to be

The combined influence of heredity and environment

Leadership who have the "right stuff" have

The necessary traits and characteristics to lead effectively

The influence of heredity and environment on leadership

The traits, motives, and characteristics required for leadership effectiveness are caused by a combination of heredity and environment. Genetics play a role in determining leadership potential. Some people are born with a biological propensity for being more energetic than others. A person's genes, influence the emotional intelligence necessary for leadership.

Farsightedness and Conceptual Thinking

To develop visions and corporate strategy, a leader needs farsightedness, or the ability to understand the long-range implications of actions and policies. Conceptual thinking refers to the ability to see the overall perspective, and it makes farsightedness possible. A conceptual systems thinker is also a systems thinker because he or she understands how the external environment influences the organization and how different parts of the organization influence each other.

Finance manager Sharon has the reputation of "walking the talk," so she most likely scores high on the trait of


A systems thinker would be especially good at

Understanding how the external environment influences the organization

LMX- favorable exchanges with the leader (leader member exchange)

authenticity- be yourself; extraversion-helpful for leaders to be gregarious, outgoing, and upbeat; assertiveness- being forthright in expressing demands; enthusiasm, optimism, warmth, and sense of humor

What are the 6 cognitive factors as it pertains to leadership?

cognitive or analytical intelligence; practical intelligence; knowledge of the business or group; creativity; insight into people and situations; farsightedness & conceptual thinking

What are the limitations of the trait approach to leadership?

does not id which amount of characteristics are absolutely needed; can breed an elitist conception of leadership; different situations call for different combinations of traits.

Drive and Achievement Motive

drive motive- a propensity to put forth high energy into achieving objects and to persistence in applying that energy. achievement motive-finding joy in accomplishment for its own sake.

Social awareness

having empathy for others and intuition about organizational problems

Insight into people and situations

helps leaders make the best use of both their own and other's talents. insight also enables managers to do a better job of training and developing team members because they can wisely assess the members' strengths and weaknesses. An in-demand leadership skill is to be able to read people from different cultures, and then negotiate cultural differences.

Strengths of the Trait Approach

it can help people prepare for leadership responsibility and all of the issues that accompany it. A person might seek experiences that enable him or her to develop vital characteristics such as self-confidence, good problem-solving ability, and assertiveness.


know your own emotions

Internal locus of control

leader believes that he/she is the prime mover behind events. believes in his or her innate capacity to take charge.


leaders need courage to face the challenges of taking prudent risks and taking initiative in general.

What are the 5 task-related personality traits?

passion for the work and the people; emotional intelligence; flexibility & adaptability; internal locus of control; courage

What are the 4 categories of motives and needs?

power; drive & achievement; tenacity & resilience; strong work ethic

Cognitive factors and leadership

problem-solving and intellectual skills. There are five cognitive factors that are closely related to cognitive intelligence.

What are the 9 general personality traits?

self-confidence; humility; core self-evaluations; trustworthiness; authenticity; extroversion; assertiveness; enthusiasm (optimism & warmth); sense of humor

What are the strengths of the trait approach to leadership?

serves as a guide to leader selection; can guide individuals in preparing for leadership responsibility


the ability to control one's emotions and act with honesty and integrity in a consistent and adaptable manner

Practical intelligence

the ability to solve everyday problems by using experience-based knowledge to adapt to and shape the environment.

Relationship management

the interpersonal skills of being able to communicate clearly and convincingly, disarm conflicts, and build strong personal bonds. If leaders do not have emotional intelligence, they may not achieve their full potential despite their high cognitive intelligence.

Socialized power motive

the leader uses power primarily to help others. More emotionally mature than leaders with personalized power motive. They exercise power more for the benefit of the entire organization and are less likely to manipulate others through the use of power. They have longer-range perspectives.

Cognitive or Analytical Intelligence

understanding how to analyze company finances, use advanced software, manage inventory, and deal with international trade regulations. Researchers also found support for the old idea that intelligence contributes the most to leadership effectiveness when the leader is not vastly smarter than most group members. Leadership status more often than not was associated with superior intelligence.

General personality traits of effective leaders

1. self-confidence: improves one's performance, including leadership 2. humility: admitting you do not know everything and cannot do everything. 3. core self-evaluation: capturing bottom line self assessment composed of self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self-efficacy, and emotional stability. Leaders are more likely to make decisions more rapidly, and pursue initiatives to implement the decisions. 4. Trustworthiness: leaders must be trustworthy and they must also trust group members

Power motive characteristics

1. they act with vigor and determination to exert their power. 2. theory invest much time in thinking about ways to alter the behavior and thinking of others, and 3. they care about their personal standing with those around them.

The balance of opinion suggests that the contributors to leadership effectiveness are

A combination of nature and nurture

Flexibility and adaptability

A leader is someone who facilitates change. Leaders must be flexible enough to cope with such changes as technological advances, downsizings, global outsourcing, a shifting customer base, and a changing work-force. Leaders who are flexible are able to adjust to changing conditions

Research about emotional intelligence and leadership concludes that

A leader's mood and associated behaviors affect bottom-line performance

Leadership effectiveness tends to be higher when the leader's intelligence is

A little higher than that of average group member

Drive and Achievement Motive characteristics

Achieve through their efforts and take responsibility for success or failure. Take moderate risks that can be handled through their own efforts. Receive feedback on their level of performance. Introduce novel, innovative, or creative solutions. Plan and set goals.

Creativity among leaders tends to be distributed

Along a continuum from low to high

Knowledge of the business or group task

An effective leader has to be technically competent in some discipline, particularly when leading a group of specialists. Particularly important when developing strategy, formulating mission statements, and sizing up the external environment.

A person with high emotional intelligence is likely to

Build strong personal bonds with people

An important strength of the trait approach to leadership is that it

Can help with leadership selection and development

"Knowledge of the business" as a leadership characteristic is closely related to the leadership trait of

Cognitive ability


Creative ability lies on a continuum, with some leaders being more creative than others.

Limit of the Trait Approach

Does not tell us which traits are absolutely needed in which leadership situations. We also do not know how much of a trait, characteristic, or motive is the right amount. Too much focus on the trait approach can breed an elitist conception of leadership. It prompts some people to believe that to be effective, you have to have a high standing on almost every leadership characteristic. Different situations call for different combinations of traits.

What action on the part of a leader would most likely contribute to a reputation of trustworthiness?

Doing what she or he thinks is right in spite of the political consequences

An important part of being assertive is to

Express feelings and opinions forthrightly

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