Ch.3 Environmental History, Politics, and Policy, CH. 3 self-test & orion

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A ban on fishing in a marine protected area would be most consistent with which approach to natural systems?

Environmental Impact Statement

A completed __________________ can only be useful if it is made publically available

an unpleasant smell sometimes emitted by such factories

A new computer chip manufacturing plant has been proposed for a site near the town of Ecopolis. Various factors are being considered to determine whether the plant will be profitable and whether it will be good for the town. Which of the following factors would be considered an "externality?"

an environmental impact study be performed

A proposed interstate extension is expected to require that forest habitat may be lost. To understand the environmental risks associated with this project, the National Environmental Policy Act requires that

an environmental impact study be performed.

A proposed interstate extension is expected to require that forest habitat may be lost. To understand the environmental risks associated with this project, the National Environmental Policy Act requires that


A salmon fishery managed for preservation would see catch limits set to


Active management of natural resources is consistent with the goals of

A Sand County Almanac

Aldo Leopold explored the relationship between humans and nature and argued for a land ethic in his 1949 book, entitled:

D inorganic fertilizer

All of the following represent natural capital EXCEPT A legumes that fix nitrogen You got it wrong : B nectar sources C groundwater This is correct answer : D inorganic fertilizer

environmental impact analysis.

Almost any proposed major construction project triggers an _____________

direct cost

An expense that is easily given a dollar amount, typically borne by the producer, and passed directly on to the user or purchaser is a/an


An indirect cost that does not normally show up in the price tag of a product is considered a/an

difficult to value economically

An intangible factor is

modern environmental movement, environmental education

As a result of the _____________, ______________ has increase enrollment in courses such as AP Environmental Science, changed college investment strategies, and contributed to higher levels of sustainability on campuses


Because __________ preservationists see all forms of life as having intrinsic value, they value habitat protection that removes any human interference

industries that can afford to reduce pollution can sell their permits to those that cannot afford to reduce pollution.

Cap and trade markets theoretically reduce pollution because total allowable pollution levels are set and then


Declaring that lands are to be set aside and unmanaged as pristine wilderness is an example of

the marginal cost of pollution equals the marginal cost of pollution abatement.

Economists estimate that the optimum amount of pollution will occur when

natural capital

Economists refer to ecological systems that provide public service functions as

perform a public service

Economists use the term "natural capital" to refer to the ecological systems that


Environmental ___________ statements are required by the National Environmental Policy Act.

motivate a company to find ways to avoid the tax by seeking pollution-reducing technology.

Environmental taxes are presumed to lower pollution because the imposition of the tax will

China, USA, Germany, Japan

From greatest capacity to least capacity, rank the following four countries in capacity for renewable energy: China, Germany, Japan, USA

John James Audubon

His paintings of North American birds inspired widespread interest in wildlife.

Conservation allows for ecosystem management, preservation does not.

How does conservation differ from preservation?

C.) all of the choices are correct

Humans have, and have had in the past, great influence on the biological diversity in their surrounding environment as a result of A.) habitat destruction B.) introduction of non-native species C.) all of the choices are correct D.) pollution of the environment E.) hunting

avoid the tax

If companies wish to __________________, they will seek out strategies to manufacture goods without polluting

careful design and minimizes environmental impact

If people see that a project includes ____________ and__________, they are much less likely to take legal or political action to oppose it

Chernobyl (USSR).

In 1986, the world's worst nuclear power plant disaster occurred at


In the field of environmental economics, the central characteristic of an "externality" is that it is


Including _____________ will raise the cost of goods because they more fully price in environmental or social costs


Interstate commerce does not fall under the guidelines of

paper, wood, and food

Many products we consume originated as natural capital, including _____, ______, and ______.

the cost of pollution when calculating economic output

Most calculations of GDP exclude __________________


National Forests were managed by Gifford Pinchot using what kind of approach?

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), project will affect the environment

Once a construction project has been proposed, technical experts prepare an _______________ that considers how the _______________, including air, water, and soil, as well as the health of humans and other organisms.

landfilled, sinks

Once products are no longer useful, the leftover wastes are ________, dumped into rivers and the ocean, or burned. These final destinations of non-useful wastes are called _____.

allows humans to manage natural resources.

One concern with conservation is that it

disallows any human intervention in a natural area.

One concern with preservation is that it

technological advances occur faster than the accumulation of negative consequences of population growth.

One of the reasons that Ehrlich's predictions in the Population Bomb did not come to pass is

unavailable for extraction

Resources that could be extracted for profit on lands being managed for preservation would be

Antiquities Act of 1906

Select the Act of Congress that authorized the President to set aside sites that had scientific, historic, or prehistoric importance.

Yes, because use of that oil means the field is less and less of an asset.

Should draining of an oil field by a company be considered depreciation of capital?

natural capital

Sources of _____________ include water, soil, clean air, and a variety of biological materials.

natural resource depletion

Suppose you sold the garage off your house in order to raise money to distribute to your family. Your house, of course, would now be worth less due to lack of a garage, although you might feel, at the moment, richer. This situation is similar to national income accounts omitting what factor?


Terracing farmland is an example of


The Council on Environmental ____________ monitors the progress and conclusions of environmental impact statements.

lists impacts but fails to provide enough data regarding alternatives

The EPA rates Environmental Impact Statement drafts as Adequate, Insufficient Information, or Inadequate. Which of these do you think would get your submitted EIS a rating of Insufficient Information?


The environmental protection agency was created as part of the Federal Cabinet in

find the most effective way to achieve rational solutions for environmental problems.

The field of environmental economics seeks to

biocentric preservationists believe in protecting nature to keep it free from human interference.

The primary difference between utilitarian conservationists and biocentric preservationists is that

Environmental Impact Statement

The primary value of an _________________ is the information it provides to the public

only sources not sinks.

The question of natural capital includes all of the following, EXCEPT


True or False: Cap-and-trade legislation differs from legal emission limits by the former dealing with legal limits being set per emitter rather than the total amounts emitted to the environment per year.


True or False: Environmental economics focuses on the profits made by business as they use ecological resources.


True or False: Germany has the highest level of installed renewable energy capacity in the world.


True or False: Indirect costs are also considered to be externalities.


True or False: Natural capital includes includes minerals, forests, soils, water, clean air, and wildlife.


True or False: Policy instruments are legislative tools used to control the use of natural resources.


True or False: Public comment is encouraged when formulating environmental impact statements


True or False: The Environmental Protection Agency is part of the judicial branch of government.


True or False: The costs associated with controlling air pollution from industry, transportation, and other sectors are far smaller than are the resulting benefits to health.


True or False: The costs involved in obtaining, processing, and distributing a product are usually considered as externalities.


True or False: The results of an environmental impact statement can modify, or even cancel, a planned project.


True or False: The terms conservation and preservation are synonyms.

The cost of natural gas is low.

What does the opening section of the chapter suggest is a major reason why the U.S. has not developed as much capacity for renewable energy as other nations?


When both marginal costs _________, the costs of polluting are exactly offset by the expense to clean up the pollution

higher than if we did not include externalities.

When we include externalities in the overall price of a product, the cost of that product will be

be lower

When we include the depletion of non-renewable resources into a national income account, the value of GDP will

Office of Management and Budget

Which division does the final review of environmental regulations, including the full cost accounting analysis?

a book describing insecticides as biocides, contributing to a "silent spring"

Which is a notable contribution of Rachel Carson to the environmental history of the United States?

A.) harvesting salmon at a rate that allows the population to remain healthy

Which of the following actions would be consistent with the land ethic envisioned by Aldo Leopold? A.) harvesting salmon at a rate that allows the population to remain healthy B.) heavily grazing rangeland to produce cattle C.) clearcutting in a national fores You got it wrong : D.) none of the choices is correct

a watershed hundreds of miles away

Which of the following is NOT a resource that an amphibian might depend on?

B National income accounts overestimate GDP because they do include the costs of pollution.

Which of the following is a flaw in the way national income accounts measure GDP? A None of the choices is correct. You got it correct : B National income accounts overestimate GDP because they do include the costs of pollution. C National income accounts underestimate GDP because they include high estimates of depreciation. D National income accounts overestimate the effects of pollution and waste.

control of leasing of land to miners

Which of these actions properly responds to the inability of current national income accounting practices to provide a correct measure of natural resource depletion?

Civilian Conservation Corps

Which of these agencies was created to perform public works projects that protected natural resources?

The economy relies on natural resources, both sources and sinks.

Which of these best illustrates the relationship between economics and natural capital?

determination of trade-offs and costs for alternative actions

Which of these defines the process of "full cost accounting" in drafting environmental legislation?

An area of Yellowstone National Park is marked as a no access zone.

Which of these is the best example of preservation?

Solicitation of public comments is required.

Which of these is true regarding the Environmental Impact Statement process?

command and control

Which of these practices is NOT considered incentive-based regulation?

A company realizes it will pollute over quota, and buys more rights to pollute from another company.

Which of these practices represents use of a "tradable permit" by a company?

Natural areas should be respected, and protected from human activities.

Which of these statements is MOST compatible with a philosophy of biocentric preservation?


Which of these terms means "the careful and prudent use of natural resources"?

frontier attitude

Which of these would be considered the LEAST compatible with the philosophy of deep ecology?

The National Environmental Policy Act does not apply here.

Which parts of a land development project would be subject to the National Environmental Policy Act if the project were on private land and funded by private investment dollars?

biocentric preservationist John Muir

Who was the founder of the Sierra Club?

It served as a basis for almost 40 pieces of later legislation to protect resources.

Why is the National Environmental Policy Act considered such landmark legislation?

Cap and trade markets

______ and ______ ________ presume that some companies will be more able to reduce pollution than others and that those companies will sell their pollution permits to others


________ applies to projects on federal lands or projects funded using federal dollars

Environmental economics

___________ ____________ is focused on controlling pollution and environmental damage in general.

Natural capital

___________ includes Earth's natural resources and the processes that sustain life


___________ was a proponent of sustainability - he argued to use resources at rates that allow them to regenerate


____________ believe that protected areas need to be free of human disturbance


______________ means protecting an ecosystem in an undisturbed state that is free from human disturbance

Environmental Impact Statements (EIS),

________________ require careful scientific analysis to identify ways in which environmental impacts can be reduced or avoided, and include opportunities for public oversight and intervention.

Depletion of resources

________________ would represent a 'cost,' so incorporating it into GDP calculations will make reduce the estimate

Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)

____________________ are required for most major construction projects worldwide.

Julian Simon

argues that advances from technology solve population problems before they become severe


is the study of how people use their limited resources.

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