Ch.4-Math-Linear Equations

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What is the standard form of a linear equation?


m is ________ in y=mx

constant of proportionality

A linear equation is a type of equation whose graph is a _______


Slope is represented by the letter


The graph of the direct variation equation is a line with a slope of m that passes through the _____________


When two quantities, x and y, are _____________ , the relationship can be represented by the direct variation equation:


Slope is the ______ between any two points on a line

rate of change

What is the formula for slope


y=mx+b m represents the __________


the points on a line _________ are the of the equations


It is the measure of the _________ of the line


You can use a __________ to show the solutions of a linear equation


The _______________ of a line is the x coordinate of the point where the line crosses the x- axis. It occurs when y=_______

x-intercept 0

y=mx+b b represents the __________

y - intercept

The _______________ of a line is the y coordinate of the point where the line crosses the y- axis. It occurs when x=_______

y-intercept 0

What is slope intercept form?


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