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C) coordinating, cooperating, and communicating

100) Which are the task-related characteristics in the "Five C's" model of effective member behaviors? A) comforting, concentrating, and communicating B) cooperating, controlling, and conflict handling C) coordinating, cooperating, and communicating D) conflict handling, collaborating, and coordinating

D) Complex work often requires skills and knowledge beyond one person's abilities.v

101) Which of the following statements is correct regarding teams and task complexity? A) Teams perform better than individuals when the task is ambiguous. B) Teams are better than individuals for any level of task complexity. C) Teams are well-suited for tasks that do not require team members to have specialized roles. D) Complex work often requires skills and knowledge beyond one person's abilities.

D) there is no optimal team size

102) Based on research, what is the optimal team size? A) three to five B) five to seven C) greater than 10 D) there is no optimal team size

A) cooperating, coordinating, conflict-handling, communicating, comforting

103) What are the five C's of desirable teamwork behavior? A) cooperating, coordinating, conflict-handling, communicating, comforting B) cooperating, coordinating, conflict-handling, communicating, collegiality C) cooperating, colleagueship, comforting, communicating, caring D) cooperating, coordinating, conflict-handling, communicating, conduct

C) are diverse

104) Teams that ________ are more likely to have "faultlines." A) have very few members B) are involved in sequential interdependence C) are diverse D) are highly interdependent

A) in finding viable solutions to difficult problems

105) For which of the following would a diverse team be better than a homogeneous team? A) in finding viable solutions to difficult problems B) on tasks requiring a high degree of cooperation C) in situations where the team must reach the performing stage of team development quickly D) in most organizational activities as they will have fewer conflicts

C) The development process is slower.

106) Which of the following is correct regarding diverse teams? A) They become high performing very quickly. B) The members will see problems from the same point of view. C) The development process is slower. D) Team members should all share the same mental model.

D) Members try to establish norms of appropriate behavior and performance standards.

107) Which of the following generally occurs during the storming stage of team development? A) Members learn about each other and evaluate the benefits and costs of continued membership. B) Members shift their attention away from task orientation to an emotional focus as they realize their relationship is coming to an end. C) Members learn to coordinate their actions and become more task oriented. D) Members try to establish norms of appropriate behavior and performance standards.

D) adjourning

108) During the ________ stage of team development, team members shift their attention away from task orientation to a relationship focus. A) forming B) storming C) norming D) adjourning

D) Some teams regress to previous development stages during the development process.

109) Which of the following is correct regarding team development? A) The storming stage occurs first as members compete for team roles. B) Norms are established and communicated prior to the team forming. C) Most teams progress through the steps at the same speed. D) Some teams regress to previous development stages during the development process.

B) holding certain positions in a team and organization

110) What is the basis for the team roles members are expected to perform? A) presenting a certain image in their organization B) holding certain positions in a team and organization C) certain aptitudes and tastes that they possess D) the nature and type of the team environment

B) taskwork, teamwork

111) In the broadest sense, most team roles focus on either ________ or ________. A) teamwork, conflict B) taskwork, teamwork C) taskwork, coordinating the team D) providing emotional support, teamwork

B) They are used as general solutions rather than as specific solutions.

112) Which of the following is a major problem associated with team-building activities? A) They cannot be used to clarify the team's performance goals. B) They are used as general solutions rather than as specific solutions. C) Team building consists of informal activities rather than formal activities. D) Team building attempts to slow down the team development process.

B) Disband the group and replace it with people having more favorable norms.

113) Which would be the best strategy if a dysfunctional norm is very deeply ingrained in a team? A) Tell the group that corporate leaders are willing to tolerate the dysfunctional norm. B) Disband the group and replace it with people having more favorable norms. C) Supplement the existing group with one or two people having more favorable norms. D) Introduce rewards that support the dysfunctional norm.

D) norm

114) An example of a team ________ would be agreement that members should not interrupt others when they are speaking. A) role B) task C) stage of development D) norm

A) The team is sufficiently small.

115) Team cohesiveness would tend to be higher for which of the following? A) The team is sufficiently small. B) Entry into the team is unrestricted. C) The team has distinct faultlines. D) Members have limited interaction.

A) high

116) High team cohesion and team norms that support the company's goals will generally result in ________ performance. A) high B) low C) moderate D) poor

D) Team cohesion

117) ________ is the degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their motivation to remain members. A) Team composition B) Team building C) Team trust D) Team cohesion

C) foundations of team trust

118) The three ________ are calculus, knowledge, and identification. A) characteristics of remote teams B) ways to improve team cohesiveness C) foundations of team trust D) values of self-directed teams

A) It offers the lowest potential trust in organizations.

119) Which of the following is TRUE about calculus-based trust? A) It offers the lowest potential trust in organizations. B) It can sustain a team's relationship by itself. C) It is mainly based on the other party's predictability. D) It occurs when one party thinks, feels, and responds like the other party.

C) knowledge-based

120) Which of the following foundations of trust is determined mainly by the other party's predictability? A) calculus-based B) identification-based C) knowledge-based D) relational

C) knowledge-based

121) Edgar works on a team with four other accounting professionals within a company's accounting department. Edgar doesn't particularly agree with some of his teammates' ideas, such as leaving work early and taking long lunches. However, he works comfortably with the group because they possess top-notch accounting skills and have never let him down while working on a project together. What foundation of trust does Edgar have in this team? A) calculus-based B) identification-based C) knowledge-based D) cooperative

A) People usually believe fellow team members are reasonably competent.

122) What is the explanation for "quick trust"? A) People usually believe fellow team members are reasonably competent. B) People across the world are inherently trusting. C) Management requires immediate trust or non-trusting members will be removed from the team. D) It is based on established experience.

D) identification-based

123) Edgar is a member of a cohesive team and has bonded emotionally with the other members. Edgar most likely has ________ trust in the team. A) calculus-based B) knowledge-based C) personality-based D) identification-based

D) Complementary mental models

124) ________ are cognitive images held by specific (rather than all) team members but that are compatible with the mental models held by other team members. A) Shared mental models B) Trust-based mental models C) Conditional mental models D) Complementary mental models

C) Mental models

125) Team members often need to consult with coworkerswho possesses specific skills and knowledge. ________ help(s) them locate that knowledge within the team. A) Team cohesion B) Calculus-based trust C) Mental models D) Task interdependence

D) team building

126) Companies use ________ in an attempt to speed up or improve team development processes. A) mental models B) self-directed teams C) sanctions D) team building

D) interpersonal relations

127) Which type of team building aims to help team members build trust and become more cohesive? A) task-focused B) problem-solving C) role perception D) interpersonal relations

D) They have substantial autonomy over the execution of a task.

128) Which of the following is correct regarding self-directed teams? A) They are informal groups that exist in an organization. B) They usually exist as communities of practice. C) They consist of a group of employees who are subject to methodical supervision. D) They have substantial autonomy over the execution of a task.

A) They should have very little autonomy.

129) Which of the following would NOT improve the likelihood of success for a self-directed team? A) They should have very little autonomy. B) They should be responsible for an entire work process. C) Members of the team should work interdependently. D) They should be sufficiently independent from other teams.

B) They are cross-functional groups of employees that operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries.

130) Which of the following are described as remote teams? A) They are groups of employees who are almost identical to each other in skills and values. B) They are cross-functional groups of employees that operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries. C) They are formal work teams in which most members do not feel that they are really part of the team. D) They are informal groups that meet only in cyberspace.

B) lack of co-location and dependence on information technology

131) Which of the following are two features that distinguish remote teams from conventional teams? A) size and heterogeneity of the team B) lack of co-location and dependence on information technology C) joint optimization and primary work unit D) norms and trust131) Which of the following are two features that distinguish remote teams from conventional teams? A) size and heterogeneity of the team B) lack of co-location and dependence on information technology C) joint optimization and primary work unit D) norms and trust

A) provide documented work processes and clear objectives

132) Which of the following should be done to effectively manage remote teams? A) provide documented work processes and clear objectives B) specify the communication technology that the teams should use C) avoid face-to-face contact between team members D) use remote teams only for long-term projects

C) remote teams

133) The growth of ________ has been accelerated due to an increasing number of knowledge workers. A) self-directed teams B) team building activities C) remote teams D) task forces

C) hinder organizational decision making in teams

134) Inflated team efficacy and evaluation apprehension do which of the following? A) improve the creative process in teams B) help teams to avoid excessive conformity pressure C) hinder organizational decision making in teams D) reduce the discipline of a team in group meetings

B) It is more likely to occur when team members formally evaluate each other's

135) Which of the following statements about evaluation apprehension in team settings is TRUE? A) It increases with the individual's motivation to share his or her ideas. B) It is more likely to occur when team members formally evaluate each other's performance throughout the year. C) It motivates team members to generate creative solutions, no matter how silly they may sound. D) It tends to affect the discipline and functioning of team meetings.

A) Team efficacy

136) ________ is the degree to which team members have collective confidence in how well they work together and the likely success of their team effort. A) Team efficacy B) Self-efficacy C) Cohesion D) Conformity

D) production blocking

137) Having one team member speak at a time can result in ________, which is a time constraint. A) evaluation apprehension B) inflated team efficacy C) brainstorming D) production blocking

D) Psychological safety

138) ________ is a shared belief that engaging in interpersonal risk-taking will not have adverse consequences. A) Production blocking B) Evaluation apprehension C) Brainstorming D) Psychological safety

C) provide as many ideas as possible

139) Team members should ________ when they are in a brainstorming session. A) openly criticize each other's ideas B) avoid presenting ideas that seem silly C) provide as many ideas as possible D) present only feasible ideas in discussions

B) Team members silently and independently write down as many solutions as they can.

140) Which of the following occurs during the first step of the nominal group technique once the problem is described? A) Participants silently and independently rank-order or vote on each proposed solution. B) Team members silently and independently write down as many solutions as they can. C) Team members criticize or debate on the ideas presented by others. D) Team members enter their ideas using special computer software.

D) Production blocking

141) Magda works on a team of 15 people in research and development for a toymaker. They have weekly meetings to discuss new toy ideas. Occasionally, Magda will have a good idea that she wishes to discuss, but it takes so long for all her other teammates to finish talking that she will often just not bother to bring it up. Occasionally, there are arguments about which new project should have the most resources devoted to it, but Magda finds her coworkers always maintain respect for each other and work out a solution. ________ is the source of Magda's problem. A) Groupthink B) Evaluation apprehension C) Team efficacy D) Production blocking

A) brainwriting

142) Magda works on a team of 15 people working in research and development for a toymaker. They have weekly meetings to discuss new toy ideas. Occasionally, Magda will have a good idea that she wishes to discuss, but it takes too long for all her other teammates to finish talking and then the meeting is over before she gets a chance to bring up her idea. This week, she suggested that the team try ________; it minimizes production blocking by removing conversation during idea generation, and generates more ideas in the allotted time that members can further build upon. A) brainwriting B) brainstorming C) electronic brainstorming D) strategizing

A) Individuals write down their ideas rather than verbalize them.

143) Although there are many forms of brainwriting, what is the one common feature that each form has? A) Individuals write down their ideas rather than verbalize them. B) Individuals say their ideas out loud and do not write them down. C) It produces fewer quality ideas than brainstorming. D) Individuals submit their ideas to the supervisor via instant messaging.

D) psychological safety

144) In a culture that prioritizes ________, brainstorming should increase divergent thinking. A) the nominal group technique B) evaluation apprehension C) individual decision making D) psychological safety

A) the nominal group technique

145) The final step in ________ has participants silently and independently rank-order or vote on each proposed solution. A) the nominal group technique B) brainstorming C) team decision making D) team building

C) when employees directly interact and influence each other

72) When would a group become a team? A) when they operate without any supervisor B) when everyone in the department has the same set of skills C) when employees directly interact and influence each other D) when all employees are located in the same physical area72) When would a group become a team? A) when they operate without any supervisor B) when everyone in the department has the same set of skills C) when employees directly interact and influence each other D) when all employees are located in the same physical area

D) a temporary team formed to solve a problem, realize an opportunity, or design a product or service

73) What is a task force? A) an informal group that has the same members as the permanent task-oriented group B) a formal group whose members work permanently and spend most of their time in that team C) a formal group whose members must be able to perform all tasks of the team D) a temporary team formed to solve a problem, realize an opportunity, or design a product or service

B) They exist primarily for the benefit of their members.

74) Which of the following is correct regarding informal groups? A) They are initiated by the organization for special purposes. B) They exist primarily for the benefit of their members. C) They perform routine organizational goals. D) They always have a high level of interdependence.

D) a task force team

75) Synergie Inc. formed a team to improve revenues for its service stations along major highways in Malaysia. This team, which included a service station manager, a truck driver, and four or five marketing executives, disbanded after it had reviewed the Malaysian service stations and submitted a business plan. What type of team is this? A) a permanent team B) an informal group C) a departmental team D) a task force team

A) These teams consist of employees who have similar or complementary skills.

76) Which of the following best describes departmental teams? A) These teams consist of employees who have similar or complementary skills. B) These teams typically disband on completion of a specific project. C) Members have moderate power due to expertise. D) These are cross-functional teams whose members are usually drawn from several disciplines.

B) Social identity theory

77) ________ provides an explanation of why people belong to informal groups. A) The need to defend B) Social identity theory C) Confirmation bias D) Social loafing

D) People define themselves by their group affiliations.

78) According to social identity theory, which of the following is true? A) Teams are never as productive as individuals working alone. B) The most effective teams have a large number of members. C) The team development process occurs more rapidly for heterogeneous teams than for homogeneous teams. D) People define themselves by their group affiliations.

A) joining informal groups

79) Which of the following is based on the drive to bond and the dynamics of social identity theory? A) joining informal groups B) tending to ignore team norms whenever possible C) having difficulty feeling cohesive in teams D) engaging in social loafing

D) Informal groups

80) ________ are the backbone of social networks in organizations? A) Formal teams B) Remote teams C) Departments D) Informal groups

D) autonomy

81) Which of the following is NOT a distinguishing characteristic of teams in organizations? A) team permanence B) skill diversity C) authority dispersion D) autonomy

C) resources expended on team development and maintenance

83) What are process losses? A) productivity losses that occur when individual members need to learn a new task B) information lost due to imperfect communication among team members C) resources expended on team development and maintenance D) knowledge lost when a team member leaves the organization

B) process losses

84) Brooks's Law is a form of A) team cohesiveness. B) process losses. C) team norms. D) team design.

B) when the task is boring and not interesting

85) When is social loafing more likely to occur? A) in smaller rather than larger teams B) when the task is boring and not interesting C) in tasks with high interdependence D) when employees believe the team's objective is important

D) minimize social loafing

86) To ________, one would keep the team size sufficiently small and design tasks such that each team member's contribution is more noticeable to other team members. A) minimize team cohesiveness B) add more roles to the team C) increase the risk of forming dysfunctional norms D) minimize social loafing

D) social loafing

87) Charlotte noticed that several of her team members were checking email and looking at Facebook during their meeting, letting a couple people do all the work. Which type of process loss is this? A) team cohesiveness B) social identity C) pooled interdependence D) social loafing

B) Brooks's law

88) The vice president of research and development called the manager directly responsible for the development team that has been working on the construction of a fiber optics data center for one of the company's biggest clients. She wanted to know why after she had approved additional employees to join the team, they had not gained ground with the project, but actually dropped even further behind on reaching the due date. What is the name given by the software industry for the problems of adding people to a team? A) team building B) Brooks's law C) social loafing D) motivational process loss

D) task force

89) Prime Inc. has come up with a new product development project for which the project manager forms a team. The team includes Cam, Demarco, Tamara, and Aisha from accounting, marketing, manufacturing, and sales divisions respectively. On completion of the project, the team disperses and the four return to their original departments. However, each week, the four meet after work on Thursdays to play darts at a local pub. The type of team formed by the project manager is an example of a(n) ________ team. A) leadership B) self-directed C) departmental D) task force

C) informal group.

90) Prime Inc. has come up with a new product developmental project for which the project manager forms a team. The team includes Cam, Demarco, Tamara, and Aisha from accounting, marketing, manufacturing, and sales divisions respectively. On completion of the project, the team disperses and the four return to their original departments. However, each week, the four meet after work on Thursdays to play darts at a local pub. The four meeting after work to play darts is an example of a(n) A) community of practice. B) self-directed team. C) informal group. D) skunkworks team.

C) Brooks's law

91) Jacob was assigned recently to a large team working on a major software release that was taking longer than expected. Jacob and the other latecomers into the project spent a month partnered with a senior programmer who went over the project in detail with them and got them up to speed. Unfortunately, this training put the project even farther behind schedule. After a few months of working on the project with many other programmers, Jacob's work output becomes noticeably lower than it was before when he was working independently. The loss of work time on the project because of the training is known as A) process gain. B) the cost of doing business. C) Brooks's law. D) mythical man-hours.

C) resources expended toward team development and maintenance

92) How are process losses are best described? A) productivity losses that occur when individual members need to learn a new task B) information lost due to imperfect communication among team members C) resources expended toward team development and maintenance D) knowledge lost when a team member leaves the organization

A) Accountability

93) ________ is particularly strong when the team's performance depends on the worst performer. A) Accountability B) Social loafing C) Brooks's law D) Process loss

A) individual rewards for contributions to the team

94) Which of the following is NOT a factor that favors effective team behavior? A) individual rewards for contributions to the team B) information systems that support the team C) close physical layout of team members D) leadership that supports team behavior and structures

D) pooled

95) Sofia works for Galaxy Manufacturing Inc., where her team shares a machine and materials with another team that works a different shift. Each team is responsible for ensuring that the machine is in working order and the work area is fully stocked before handing it over to the other team at shift change. The two teams sharing a work space and machine is known as ________ interdependence. A) reciprocal B) sequential C) complete D) pooled

B) sequential

96) Sofia works for a Galaxy Manufacturing Inc., where her team shares a machine and materials with another team that works a different shift. Each team is responsible for ensuring that the machine is in working order and the work area is fully stocked before handing it over to the other team at shift change. While working, Sofia begins the manufacturing process, and then passes her work along to her teammate, Amanda, to complete the next step of the process. After this, Amanda passes it along to Nick to complete the process. The way Sofia's team functions is known as ________ interdependence. A) reciprocal B) sequential C) complete D) pooled

A) pooled

97) Single Corp. is a company with three divisions that produce completely different products. These three divisions must seek funding from the head office for a capital expansion project. The relationship between these three divisions would be best described as ________ interdependence. A) pooled B) sequential C) reciprocal D) anticipatory

B) reciprocal

98) Employees with ________ interdependence, in which work output is exchanged back and forth among individuals, should be organized into teams to facilitate coordination in their interwoven relationship. A) pooled B) reciprocal C) sequential D) total

D) comforting

99) Which of the following behaviors of effective team members would primarily assist in maintaining healthy psychological and interpersonal dynamics? A) cooperating B) coordinating C) communicating D) comforting

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