Change Management Final

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A ____________ test is self-administered and quantifiable, used in selection.


A ____________ is any individual possessing a broad range of diagnostic and developmental skills who facilitates a change intervention.

cross-functional teams.

A key design feature of horizontally linked structures is:

behavioral simulation.

A selection tool that uses role plays and behavior demonstrations is called a:

Stage 2: moving

ABC Inc. recently trained employees for newly required skills. This is an example of Lewin's Change Model, in ____________.


According to John Kotter (2013), 90% of businesses meet their aspirations for change because they have an increase sense of urgency and decreased complacency.

only; disequilibrium; status quo

According to Lewin, the ____________ way to motivate an individual to change is to create a sense of ____________ with the ____________.

organization's culture

According to Schein (2004) and Kotter (1995, 1996) change is only sustainable when new behaviors become part of the __________________________________ or part of its members' basic values, beliefs, or ways of thinking.

mobilizing adaptive behavior in the organization

According to Spector, leadership's primary role in change management is:

lead to quick performance improvement

After-action reviews are valuable because they:

environmental complexity.

An organization's level of differentiation is best determined by examining:

environmental dynamism.

An organization's level of integration is best determined by examining:


Companies that retain market domination over long periods tend to develop leaders _________.

it helps focus employees on what needs to change

Companies should kick-off sustainability efforts with diagnosis because?

Stage 2

Based on Lewin's Change Model, moving is found in which stage?

unfreezing, moving, refreezing.

Based on Lewin's Change Model, the order of stages are:

integration/differentiation, control/creativity and decision-making allocation.

Before embarking on change implementation, organizational leaders must face 3 key challenges in organization design:

B = ƒ (P, E)

Behavior (B) is a function of the person himself (P) and the environmental context (E) in which that person operates. Therefore:

changing what employees do and how they do it, changing employee relationship with others, sustainable changes and adaptive changes.

Behavior change requires:

it creates agreement about the requirements for change.

Change implementation should start with shared diagnosis because:

small, experimental units of change implementation.

Change pilots are best described as:

organizational redesign

Changing an organization's design is a process known as ____________.

organizational processes and technologies.

Changing techniques and tools refers to changes in:

formal design.

Company X implements a new system of rewards for its supervisors. This would be considered:

consultant facilitated.

Company X recently hired Janet, a specially trained individual who brings external perspective and has the required skills to conduct organizational diagnosis. Using Janet as part of the diagnostic process reflects:

Stage 3: refreezing

Company X recently merged with Company Y. After extensive discussions with employees from both companies, a new direction was identified. The executives decided to create a new structure to reinforce this move. This is an example of Lewin's Change Model in which stage?

Stage 1: unfreezing

Company X recently went through a process of major and shared diagnoses of their internal barriers in order to improve performance. Based on Lewin's Change Model, this is in ____________.

informal design.

Company Y introduces a new system of job design that includes a renewed focus on customer service. This would be considered:


Cross-functional teams are a good way to establish:

behaviorally anchored interviews

Dealing with recounted rather than actual behaviors is a weakness of which technique for person-organization fit screening?

dependency, stifling

Dominant individual leaders can create an internal dynamic that builds __________, while _________ initiative, innovation, and teamwork.

they articulate some specific territory in which the organization can contribute to sustainable development. they state a belief that going green and performing well is mutually reinforcing rather than mutually exclusive. they vow a commitment to a long-term social responsibility that transcends the performance of the company.

Effective "green visions" have three characteristics in common:

drive; reinforce

Effective change implementation, in fact, calls upon structural intervention not to ____________ change but to ____________ new patterns of behavior that have been created through earlier-stage interventions.

content, process, what is being changed and how are the changes being implemented.

Effective change involves:

shared diagnosis.

Effective change starts with:

changing the context of individual behavior.

Effective organizational change starts with:

turnaround; tools and techniques; transformational behavioral

Effective strategic renewal efforts combine aspects of ____________, ____________ change, and ____________ change.


Employee praise is a good example of an ____________ reward.

lack of participation in the process, lack of communication about the goals and process, imposing change and mishandling of the process by management

Employee resistance to change is caused by:

they were not involved in the process.

Employees often resist change because:

fair process.

Engagement, explanation and expectation clarity are 3 factors that contribute to:


Erwin (2009) concludes that focusing efforts on the change process seems to lead to improved performance and when focus is moved, performance declines.

it provides an assessment of human assets in the firm. it identifies the gap between current and future skill needs. it identifies poor performers and potential leaders. t targets required T&D efforts.

Evaluating employees is important because:

move employees towards new behaviors.

Feedback is a key opportunity for developing new skills, but it should:

discipline and efficiency to an operation helping the organization achieve efficiencies of operation standardization of offerings

Functional structures focus on both individuals and units in their contribution to the organization's tasks. As such, which of the following does functional structure bring to the organization?

organizational change

Going global always means:

social habit

In Lewin's view, getting group members to change their behaviors, and having those new behaviors become lasting rather than fleeting, involves breaking a(n) "____________."

make; buy

In developing required competencies, leaders can select a "____________" or "____________" approach.

formulate vision and strategies, rather the planning and managing budgets. communicate purpose and build commitment rather than issue repots and creating policies. think in log-term time horizons. work with an organization's culture and not its formal structures.

In leadership development, recruiting candidates with outstanding technical skills:

should be managed collaboratively.

In managing change, conflict:

fair in process. valid in content. appropriate in sequence.

In order to accomplish fair process, removal and replacement decisions should be:

none of the above

In order to ensure that top management supports strategic renewal:

content; reinforcer; driver

In process-driven change, ____________ is used as a ___________ rather than a ____________ of new behaviors.

self-contained units with a clear customer and measurable outcome.

In selecting a target for early pilots, organizational leaders should select:

none of the above

In succession planning, focusing on fast track managers is a good approach because:

organizational purpose, strategy, business model and organizational design.

In the Congruence Model of Effectiveness, the Internal Context refers to:


In the U.S., most pay-for-performance plans use a(n) ____________ level of aggregation.

project management

In this type of team, the multiple functions and tasks of the value chain are linked in order to enhance quality, coordination, and customer responsiveness.

focus coordination

Informal design addresses questions of ____________.

risks negative consequences.

Introducing a new incentive plan early in the change implementation:

giving the employees voice.

Managers can learn from employee resistance by:

not easily achieved

Moving from individual to shared leadership is desirable, and is:

a process of building dialogue and commitment among stakeholders.

Mutual engagement is best described as:

conscious strategic decisions made by the company

Nokia's loss of market share of U.S. cell phone business as a result of:

set the vision, diagnose the status quo, alter informal and then formal design elements.

Once a trigger event motivates a reevaluation of values, goals, and strategy, the transformation typically follows which set of sequential interventions?

generate detailed insight into the dynamics of an organization.

One of the advantages of diagnostic interviews over questionnaires is that interviews:

more on clarity of organizational strategy.

Organic controls typically rely:

broader than strategy

Organizational purpose is:


Organizations call upon ____________ performance bonuses to enhance the effectiveness of teams, but the bonus may undermine collaboration between teams.

psychological safety

Organizations seeking to create a dialogue will need to create ____________.

person-organization fit

Patagonia's statement that "it's easier to teach dirt bags to do business than it is to teach businessmen to be dirt bags" reflects what approach to employee selection?

matching the attributes of employees with company strategy.

People alignment is the process of:

beyond specific jobs to the desired future state of the organization.

Person-organization fit looks:

when the organization has specific tasks that need to be done, it hires individuals with the requisite skills. human resource specialists' work in a structured way to define the key knowledge, skills and abilities required in the performance of core organizational tasks. individuals are sought, and often tested, to determine their competency levels to perform specific tasks.

Person-task fit refers to:

behaviorally anchored interviews

Questions such as, "Give me an example of a work-related problem that you had to deal with" or "talk about a recent group experience you had at work and the role that you played" are examples of which type of interviews?


Removing the artifacts of status differentials is called:

they have limited knowledge of the total organization, especially how subunits fit together

Selecting an individual for a leadership position who has always worked in one functional area has which of the following downsides:

validity; effectiveness

Self-appraisal and data from multiple sources can increase the ____________ and ____________ of performance feedback


Structural change should be part of which stage in Lewin's change theory?

employees feel that they are being paid equitably.

Structural, system and technology changes should be ___________ the change process.

systematic focus

Targeting an organizational system guided by a framework that focuses on interactions refers to which guiding principles of organizational diagnosis?

turn raw data into actionable information that can guide behaviors. the processes and interactions of human behavior required to convert raw material into finished offerings.

Technology refers not just to the actual hardware but also to:

management style

The ______________of the chief executive can influence the behaviors of other organizational leaders.

internal process excellence customer satisfaction, employee learning and growth

The balanced scorecard balances financial measures with three additional metrics:

provide them after the fact as a reinforcement.

The best way to use bonuses in a change effort is to:

alignment perceptive

The effectiveness of organizations will be determined by a state of congruence between people, process, structure, values, and environment. Such underlying assumption is based on which organizational development perspectives?

upward communication

The flow of information from lower to higher hierarchical levels is called:


The group ____________ is (are) the shared expectations of how group members ought to behave.


The primary goal of dialogue in organizational diagnosis is:

organizational diagnosis

The process of ____________ can help build motivation and commitment to altering patterns of behavior.

what needs to be changed. how to bring about the change. why things need to be changed.

The process of organizational diagnosis is aimed at determining:

structural and design changes

The statement of "delayering, increased span of control, matrix, or horizontal structures—all of these work to develop generalists far earlier in their careers and place a greater premium on interpersonal competencies" refers to which practices for developing executives capable of adaptation and leading change?

career mazes

The statement of "explicit lateral movements replace rapid upward functional mobility with a far broader set of experiences" refers to which practices for developing executives capable of adaptation and leading change?

creating dissatisfaction with the status quo.

The term "unfreezing" refers to:

If it's not broken, don't fix it. Once you know what works, do more of it. Stop doing what does not work and do something different.

The three basic principles of the solution-focused approach include


To be effective, a change leader's initial task is to create ____________.

knowledge and skill development.

To be part of a change effort, training programs need to contain two components:


____________ are self-administered paper-and-pencil or computer-based data- collection forms.

a bond

To transform an organization from a collection of individuals into a coordinated, interdependent unit requires ___________ that transcends instrumentality.

interacting; interdependent

To understand or to predict behavior, the person and his/her environment have to be considered as one constellation of ____________ factors. The person and his context, in that view, are ____________ variables shaping behavior.

supervisory support peer support work conditions

Training fade-out is reduced by which of the following factors?


Transformational change seeks to ____________ employees to change their behaviors.

Triple bottom line

___________ is an organizational approach to defining performance that takes into account social, economic, and ecological dimensions and assumes that the three are mutually reinforcing.

an implementation trap.

Using the model of effective change implementation, beginning a change process with a new structure, such as a balanced scorecard measuring system, would be considered:


Voluntary action taken by organizations designed to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations is called:

questionnaire observation interview

What are the basic forms of data collection?

control over outcomes relationship between rewards and performance significance of the incentive valid evaluation of performance

What are the challenges in regards to pay-for-performance for individual incentives?

skill variety, task identity task significance autonomy feedback

What are the characteristics of job enrichment?

to use the technology to automate existing processes to use new technology to support transformed behaviors

What are the choices when introducing new technology in an organization?

grants rights to those who have the best relevant information.

When allocating decision-making rights, the ideal design:

disappointing, frustrating

When leaders impose change on their organization, often the results are ____________ and _____________.

more likely to change their behaviors in accordance with that solution.

When people participate in the process of defining a problem and its solution, they will be:

confused by the purpose of the change. unsure about the new competencies that are required. unwilling or unable to make changes in their behavior.

When structural change occurs early in a change process, employees are likely to be:

a shared diagnosis that has surfaced the relationship between past behavioral patterns and current performance shortcomings. a redesign process that has identified new patterns of behavior required for sustained outstanding performance. training and development that have been offered to employees as a way of gaining and demonstrating required new behaviors.

When using removal and replacement as implementation tools in support of strategic renewal and change, perceived fairness will be enhanced by a sequence of actions that has already included ___________.

positioned for an IPO

Which is NOT an advantage of going green?

None of the above.

Which is NOT one of the primary reasons people resist change, according to Smets & Thorson (2017)?


Which of following is NOT one of the five stages of responsiveness to issues of sustainability typically followed by companies?

Levels of differentiation must be matched by appropriate levels of integration. An organization's external environment determines proper levels of differentiation and integration. Differentiation and integration are related to environmental complexity and dynamism.

Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between differentiation and integration in organizational design?

They enhance organizational flexibility and creativity. They rely on shared values. They pay attention to performance outcomes. They involve interactive and open dialogue.

Which of the following applies to organic control mechanisms?

They may hamper an organization's ability to achieve flexibility andcreativity. They work well when core tasks are routine and repetitive. They rely on rules, procedures and authority relationships. They are congruent with a business strategy of predictability and standardization.

Which of the following applies to traditional control mechanisms?

providing a common sense of direction and goals that allows decentralized decision making. placing decision-making authority in the hands of employees who are best able to respond, and respond quickly, to a dynamic environment. providing a common purpose which enhances the ability of an organization to achieve required levels of coordination and teamwork. formulating strategy to help advance purpose and then change the strategy in response to or anticipation of a dynamic environment.

Which of the following best describe how leaders enhance the effectiveness of change implementation:

employee involvement and task alignment

Which of the following best describes the alternative to content-driven change?


Which of the following data collection lends itself to being validated on a wider scale?

design the new rules under which the organization will operate

Which of the following is NOT a core task of change leadership:

problematic coordination between functions and products

Which of the following is NOT a liability of matrix structures?


Which of the following is NOT a part of people alignment?

a single change leader would be able to handle the pressure alone.

Which of the following is NOT a potential consequence of overreliance on an individual leader

simplify operations

Which of the following is NOT a reason to go global?

provides extensive quantifiable data

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using interviews in the initial stage of change?

dialogue confluence

Which of the following is NOT an approach that characterizes high-commitment design?

it is based on shared diagnosis

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of content-driven change?

company's financial position

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a part of the external environment based on the Congruence Model of Effectiveness?

Make only the rational case

Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 Principles of Leading Change Management?


Which of the following is NOT one of the faces of change:

globalization, shifts in labor market, deregulations and mergers/acquisitions

Which of the following is a good example of a trigger event?

focus on actual rather than recounted behaviors

Which of the following is correct about the strengths of behavioral simulation?

easy to administer and score inexpensive to use on large scales simple to compare valid job success predictors when used in combination with other mechanisms

Which of the following is correct about the strengths of paper-and-pencil tests?

provides current work-based behavior as data offers deep and rich data on interactions among people can surface underlying emotions that impact behavior

Which of the following is correct in regards to advantages of behavioral observation at the initial stage of change in organizational diagnosis?

data are collected anonymously

Which of the following is correct in regards to advantages of questionnaires at the initial stage of change in organizational diagnosis?

matrix structure

Which of the following is correct when both divisional and functional structures exist in an overlapping fashion, allowing for dual focus?

active resistance

Which of the following refers to behaviors that block or impede change, usually by behaving in ways that contradict the goals of the change effort?


___________ training programs focus on behaviors and typically include role‐playing and feedback.

The involvement of employees in the data collection process enhances their commitment to the changes suggested by the process. Most commonly, organizational members inevitably know more about the hidden but critical aspects of organizational life. When employees participate in the data collection process, they are gaining the skills necessary to engage in ongoing data collection.

Which of the following statement is correct?

geographical structure

Which of the following structures could be used as a divisional option, particularly when a company is multinational?

injects the organization with new employees who possess the desired set of competencies implies developing

Which statement is correct in regards to developing required competencies through a "buy" approach?


With narrowly focused functional managers rather than broadly based leaders, organizations become:

Balance score card

_________ is a tool for measuring multiple outcomes; financial performance, customer satisfaction, internal process excellence, and employee learning and growth and the connection of those outcomes to the vision and strategy of the organization.

Green metrics

__________ are objective measurements of a firm's social and environmental impact.

Enacted values

___________ are the set of values that are implicit in actions or patterns of behavior.

Espoused values

___________ are the values called upon by individuals to explain or justify their course of action or pattern of behavior.


___________ is a public relations effort which claims environmental virtue without making any substantive organizational change.

Formal leader

___________ is an individual who is granted authority, usually based on hierarchical position.


____________ are actions of an organization designed to meet requirements imposed by law.

Removal and replacement

____________ deals with individuals who cannot or will not develop new competencies and behaviors.

transformational change

____________ directly targets patterns of employee actions and interactions in order to achieve and sustain outstanding performance.

Divisional structures

____________ enhance coordinated focus on the marketplace but make integration across highly autonomous divisional units difficult to achieve.

Decision-making rights

____________ involve(s) the rights to initiate, approve, implement, and control various types of strategic or tactical decisions.

People alignment

____________ involves assuring that the skills and behaviors of employees within the organization will enable the effective implementation of the organization's strategy

Pay equity

____________ is a belief on the part of employees that their pay is fair and equitable, and is a prerequisite for intrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic reward

____________ is a positive outcome naturally associated with a behavior.

content-driven change

____________ is a programmatic change in which specific programs are used as the centerpiece of implementation.


____________ is a structural change that pushes decision making down to lower levels of the organization.

Fair process

____________ is a widely shared perception that decisions are being made on the basis of valid criteria.

process-driven change

____________ is an approach to change that emphasizes the methods of conceiving, introducing and institutionalizing new behaviors.

Rapid upward mobility

____________ is considered a barrier to effective leadership development organizational because it prevents individuals from having to live with consequences of their actions and learning from their successes and failures.

Hierarchy/Power distance

____________ is one of the key sources of organizational silence and distortion in communication.


____________ is the process by which individuals receive data from the external environment, analyze that data, and adjust their thinking and behaviors accordingly.

Divisional structure

____________ is when all activities associated with a particular product or family of products is brought together in a divisional unit.


____________ is/are the process of learning about the dynamics of an organization's functioning.

organizational development

____________ offers a complex and systemic perspective on how and why people behave and organizations operate.

Merit pay

____________ raise(s) base salary based on performance.

Piece rate

____________ refer(s) to an employee who earns all or part of a wage based on number of units produced.

Psychological safety

____________ refers to a belief on the part of employees that the organizational climate is conducive for taking personal risks, especially around dialogue.

Extrinsic reward

____________ refers to a reward external to the individual and provided by the organization.

Functional structure

____________ refers to a structure meant to reinforce focus on the functional or technical tasks of the organization.

Knowledge component

____________ refers to an awareness of the forces demanding strategic renewal and change and the options available to the organization in response to those forces.


____________ refers to design elements called upon to establish order, create predictability, and ensure efficiencies of operation.


____________ refers to the advantages of efficiency and effectiveness conferred by the combined effect of interaction and collaboration among multiple units.


____________ refers to the internalized desire of employees to expend energy and discretionary effort on behalf of the goals of the organization.

Organizational structure

____________ refers to the manner in which employees are subdivided into units and divisions as a way of focusing their efforts on the required activities of the company.

Environmental complexity

____________ refers to the number of external factors impacting organizational operation.

Organizational context

____________ refers to the setting and circumstances in which employees work.

task alignment

____________ take(s) as a starting point for change the work that needs to be undertaken in order for a unit to achieve outstanding performance.

Stretch goals

_____________ are clearly articulated and challenging performance expectations.

Performance appraisal

______________ is a formal, regularly scheduled mechanism designed to provide employees with performance feedback.

Training fade-out

______________ is the failure of newly learned behaviors to transfer to on-the-job experiences.

360-degree performance appraisal

______________ uses performance feedback gathered from peers, subordinates, supervisors, and customers.


_______________ is designed to surface any misalignment that may exist between patterns of internal behavior and a desired new strategy.

People alignment

________________ can be described as the process of "getting the right people on the bus" and "the wrong people off the bus."

Succession planning

________________a formal process in which top executives regularly review all managers at or above a certain hierarchical level, looking at both performance and potential, and devise developmental plans for their most promising individuals.

Strategic renewal

a change in an organization's strategy involving some combination of new products/services, new markets, and a new business model

A trigger event

a shift in the environment that precipitates a need for altered strategies and new patterns of employee behavior.

Discontinuous change

large-scale, long-term reorientation of most or all of the central aspects of organizational life customers have to be involved.

Engaging executives in turnaround refers to:

stabilizing the company's financial position.

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