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A _________ is a single execution path with an execution stack, processor state, and scheduling information. A) domain B) strand C) thread D) message


A __________ is a dispatchable unit of work that executes sequentially and is interruptible so that the processor can turn to another thread. A) port B) process C) token D) thread


A ________ is a user-created unit of execution within a process. A) Kernel B) KLT C) lightweight process D) ULT


A user program executes in a __________ , in which certain areas of memory are protected from the user's use, and in which certain instructions may not be executed. A) kernel mode B) user mode C) task mode D) batch mode

User mode

The __________ contains the data to be written into memory and receives the data read from memory. A) I/O address register B) memory address register C) I/O buffer register D) memory buffer register

memory buffer register

The invention of the _________ was the hardware revolution that brought about desktop and handheld computing.


A __________ is a legitimate user who accesses data, programs, or resources for which such access is not authorized, or who is authorized for such access but misuses his or her privileges.


The central idea behind the simple batch-processing scheme is the use of a piece of software known as the _________ .


A __________ computer combines two or more processors on a single piece of silicon.


The concept of multiple programs taking turns in execution is known as __________.


__________ is a technique in which a process, executing an application, is divided into threads that can run concurrently.


Registers that are used by system programs to minimize main memory references by optimizing register use are called __________ .

user-visible registers

A total of _________ process states are recognized by the UNIX SVR4 operating system. A) 3 B) 9 C) 21 D) 15


In a multithreaded environment, a __________ is defined as the unit of resource allocation and a unit of protection. A) strand B) process C) string D) trace


A process is in the _________ state when it is in main memory and awaiting an event. A) Blocked B) Blocked/Suspend C) Ready/Suspend D) Ready


A process is in the _________ state when it is in secondary memory and awaiting an event.


__________ is concerned with the proper verification of the identity of users and the validity of messages or data. A) Availability B) Confidentiality C) Authenticity D) Data integrity


The principal objective of __________ is to maximize processor use.

Batch Multiprogramming

Small, fast memory located between the processor and main memory is called: A) Block memory B) Cache memory C) Direct memory D) WORM memory

Cache memory

One of the first time-sharing operating systems to be developed was the __________ . A) Compatible Time-Sharing System B) Real Time Transaction System C) Multiple-Access System D) Multiprogramming Operation System

Compatible Time-Sharing System

A(n) __________ is a set of resources for the movement, storage, and processing of data and for the control of these functions. A) architecture B) program C) computer D) application


Security and protection as it relates to operating systems is grouped into four categories: Availability, Data integrity, Authenticity, and __________ .


__________ is more efficient than interrupt-driven or programmed I/O for a multiple-word I/O transfer. A) Spatial locality B) Direct memory access C) Stack access D) Temporal locality

Direct memory access

The key to the success of Linux has been its character as a free software package available under the auspice of the ___________ . A) World Wide Web Consortium B) Free Software Foundation C) Berkeley Software Distribution D) GNU Public License

Free Software Foundation

The __________ is the interface that is the boundary between hardware and software. A) ABI B) ISA C) IAS D) API


Hardware features desirable in a batch-processing operating system include memory protection, timer, privileged instructions, and __________ . A) clock cycles B) associated data C) interrupts D) kernels


A __________ is an entity corresponding to a user job or application that owns resources such as memory and open files. A) task B) process C) thread D) token


A special type of programming language used to provide instructions to the monitor is __________ . A) FPL B) JCL C) DML D) SML


The principal disadvantage of the _________ approach is that the transfer of control from one thread to another within the same process requires a mode switch to the kernel. A) KLT B) LWP C) VAX D) ULT


_________ tables are used to keep track of both main (real) and secondary (virtual) memory.


__________ are characterized by the presence of many single-threaded processes. A) Multiprocess applications B) Java applications C) Multiinstance applications D) Multithreaded native applications

Multiprocess applications

__________ was designed to keep the processor and I/O devices, including storage devices, simultaneously busy to achieve maximum efficiency.


The __________ is a layer of software between the applications and the computer hardware that supports applications and utilities.

Operating System (OS)

The four main structural elements of a computer system are: A) Processor, Main Memory, I/O Modules and System Bus B) Processor, I/O Modules, System Bus and Secondary Memory C) Processor, Registers, Main Memory and System Bus D) Processor, Registers, I/O Modules and Main Memory

Processor, Main Memory, I/O Modules and System Bus

The __________ holds the address of the next instruction to be fetched. A) Accumulator (AC) B) Instruction Register (IR) C) Instruction Counter (IC) D) Program Counter (PC)

Program Counter (PC)

__________ is where the OS must prevent independent processes from interfering with each other's memory, both data and instructions. A) Support of modular programming B) Process isolation C) Automatic allocation and management D) Protection and access control

Protection and access control

The __________ is a point-to-point link electrical interconnect specification that enables high-speed communications among connected processor chips. A) QPI B) DDR3 C) LRUA D) ISR


A process in the _________ state is in main memory and available for execution.


When a process is in the _________ state it is in secondary memory but is available for execution as soon as it is loaded into main memory. A) Blocked B) Blocked/Suspend C) Ready D) Ready/Suspend


_________ is a good example of an OS using a combined ULT/KLT approach. A) TRIX B) Windows C) LINUX D) Solaris


The idea of having a many-to-many relationship between threads and processes has been explored in the experimental operating system _________ . A) VISTA B) TRIX C) SOLARIS D) LEOPARD


In a uniprocessor system, multiprogramming increases processor efficiency by: A) Taking advantage of time wasted by long wait interrupt handling B) Disabling all interrupts except those of highest priority C) Eliminating all idle processor cycles D) Increasing processor speed

Taking advantage of time wasted by long wait interrupt handling

The two basic types of processor registers are: A) User-visible and user-invisible registers B) Control and user-invisible registers C) Control and Status registers D) User-visible and Control/Status registers

User-visible and Control/Status registers

___________ is a facility that allows programs to address memory from a logical point of view, without regard to the amount of main memory physically available.

Virtual memory

The operating system's __________ refers to its inherent flexibility in permitting functional modifications to the system without interfering with service. A) efficiency B) ability to evolve C) controlled access D) convenience

ability to evolve

A _________ is an individual who is not authorized to use the computer and who penetrates a system's access controls to exploit a legitimate user's account.


An IDS comprises three logical components: sensors, __________, and user interface.


The processing required for a single instruction is called a(n) __________ cycle.


The fetched instruction is loaded into the __________ .

instruction register

When an external device becomes ready to be serviced by the processor the device sends a(n) _________ signal to the processor. A) access B) halt C) handler D) interrupt


The ___________ routine determines the nature of the interrupt and performs whatever actions are needed. A) interrupt handler B) instruction signal C) program handler D) interrupt signal

interrupt handler

Each location in Main Memory contains a _________ value that can be interpreted as either an instruction or data.

binary number

When an external device is ready to accept more data from the processor, the I/O module for that external device sends an __________ signal to the processor.

interrupt request

System access threats fall into two general categories: __________ and malicious software.


The OS has five principal storage management responsibilities: process isolation, automatic allocation and management, support of modular programming, protection and access control, and __________ .

long-term storage

When a new block of data is read into the cache the __________ determines which cache location the block will occupy.

mapping function

The unit of data exchanged between cache and main memory is __________ . A) block size B) map size C) cache size D) slot size

block size

The __________ is a device for staging the movement of data between main memory and processor registers to improve performance and is not usually visible to the programmer or processor.


When one process spawns another, the spawned process is referred to as the __________ . A) trap process B) child process C) stack process D) parent process

child process

A _________ is an individual who seizes supervisory control of the system and uses this control to evade auditing and access controls or to suppress audit collection. A) misfeasor B) clandestine user C) masquerader D) legitimate user

clandestine user

The portion of the operating system that selects the next process to run is called the _________ . A) trace B) process control block C) dispatcher D) PSW


Any resource allocation and scheduling policy must consider three factors: Fairness, Differential responsiveness, and __________ .


The __________ is the internal data by which the OS is able to supervise and control the process. A) executable program B) associated data C) nucleus D) execution context

execution context

Instruction processing consists of two steps: A) fetch and execute B) instruction and execute C) instruction and halt D) fetch and instruction

fetch and execute

The _________ tables provide information about the existence of files, their location on secondary memory, their current status, and other attributes.


Operating systems must evolve over time because: A) new hardware is designed and implemented in the computer system B) hardware must be replaced when it fails C) hardware is hierarchical D) users will only purchase software that has a current copyright date

new hardware is designed and implemented in the computer system

An __________ is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts as an interface between applications and the computer hardware.

operating system

It is the principal responsibility of the __________ to control the execution of processes. A) OS B) process control block C) memory D) dispatcher


One mechanism Intel uses to make its caches more effective is __________ , in which the hardware examines memory access patterns and attempts to fill the caches speculatively with data that is likely to be requested soon. A) mapping B) handling C) interconnecting D) prefetching


A __________ is a unit of activity characterized by the execution of a sequence of instructions, a current state, and an associated set of system resources. A) identifier B) process C) state D) kernel


The OS must maintain __________ tables to manage processes. A) process B) I/O C) memory D) file


A significant point about the __________ is that it contains sufficient information so that it is possible to interrupt a running process and later resume execution as if the interruption had not occurred.

process control block

The collection of program, data, stack, and attributes is referred to as the _________ . A) process structure B) process control block C) process location D) process image

process image

When the OS creates a process at the explicit request of another process, the action is referred to as __________ .

process spawning

The process control block information can be grouped into three general categories: process identification, __________ and process control information.

processor state information

Two essential elements of a process are __________ and a set of data associated with that code.

program code

A Control/Status register that contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched is called the _________.

program counter

The _________ is the less-privileged mode. A) user mode B) kernel mode C) system mode D) control mode

user mode

Three major lines of computer system development created problems in timing and synchronization that contributed to the development of the concept of the process: multiprogramming batch operation, time sharing, and __________ .

real-time transaction systems

The _________ chooses which block to replace when a new block is to be loaded into the cache and the cache already has all slots filled with other blocks. A) memory controller B) mapping function C) write policy D) replacement algorithm

replacement algorithm

The portion of the monitor that is always in main memory and available for execution is referred to as the _________ .

resident monitor

A common strategy to give each process in the queue some time in turn is referred to as a __________ technique. A) multithreading B) round-robin C) time slicing D) serial processing


The process is said to be operating in a _________ fashion if each process in the queue is given a certain amount of time, in turn, to execute and then returned to the queue, unless blocked.


External, nonvolatile memory is also referred to as __________ or auxiliary memory.

secondary memory

The earliest computers employed __________ processing, a name derived by the way the users have access to the systems.


Two major problems with early serial processing systems were scheduling and __________ .

setup time

The traditional approach of a single thread of execution per process, in which the concept of a thread is not recognized, is referred to as a __________ . A) task B) resource C) single-threaded approach D) lightweight process

single-threaded approach

The processor itself provides only limited support for multiprogramming, and __________ is needed to manage the sharing of the processor and other resources by multiple applications at the same time. A) memory B) data C) software D) hardware


A special type of address register required by a system that implements user visible stack addressing is called a __________

stack pointer

"The process was placed in a suspended state by an agent; either itself, a parent process, or the OS, for the purpose of preventing its execution," is a characteristic of a _________ process. A) blocked B) suspended C) ready D) swapped


__________ involves moving part or all of a process from main memory to disk. A) Swapping B) Relocating C) Suspending D) Blocking


In a _________ multiprocessor all processors can perform the same functions so the failure of a single processor does not halt the machine.


A __________ organization has a number of potential advantages over a uniprocessor organization including performance, availability, incremental growth, and scaling. A) temporal locality B) symmetric multiprocessor C) direct memory access D) processor status word

symmetric multiprocessor

To satisfy the requirements of handheld devices, the classic microprocessor is giving way to the _________ , where not just the CPUs and caches are on the same chip, but also many of the other components of the system, such as DSPs, GPUs, I/O devices and main memory.

system on a chip

In a time-sharing, multiprogramming system, multiple users simultaneously access the system through __________ .


A __________ is the maximum amount of time that a process can execute before being interrupted.

time slice

The technique where a system clock generates interrupts, and at each clock interrupt the OS regains control and assigns the processor to another user, is __________ . A) time slicing B) multithreading C) round robin D) clock cycle

time slicing

A __________ is set at the beginning of each job to prevent any single job from monopolizing the system.


We can characterize the behavior of an individual process by listing the sequence of instructions, referred to as a __________, that executes for that process. A) state B) trace C) process block D) priority


Multiprogramming operating systems are fairly sophisticated compared to single-program or _________ systems. A) uniprogramming B) time-sharing C) multitasking D) memory management


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