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political system

. Attitudes toward the police are influenced by people's attitudes toward the

tough enforcement on minor crimes directly contributes to a significant reduction is serious crime

. George Kelling and Catherine Coles argue that

training and equipment

. In the twentieth century, the two principal forces that underwent dramatic change were

gate keepers

. Police are the ___________ of the criminal justice system

the necessity of police accountability

. What is the most important feature of the law enforcement industry?

a reduction in the power of police cheifs

. Which of the following is an example of the impact of police unions?

the police resemble the military in some but not all respects

1. American law enforcement agencies are organized along quasi-military lines. This means


1. The positive or negative belief that strongly influences the public image of the identity, beliefs and actions of the police is called a


10. If an officer is fired by one agency, the process to ensure they are not hired by another

state police

10. The agency having statewide police powers for traffic regulation and criminal investigation is known as

zero tolerance policing

10. The policing approach that concentrates on relatively minor quality of life issues and is said to contribute to a significant reduction in serious crime is known as

to protect officers from supervisory oversight and accountability

10. Within almost all police departments there are "cliques," or informal networks of officers. What purpose does a horizontal clique serve?

The organizational style of the police is authoritarian.

11. In which way do the police resemble the military?

a. police role and treating citizens fairly. b. police organizations. c. recruitment, training, and supervision of police officers. all of the above

11. Policing is extremely complex, involving difficult questions about

recruitment effort

11. The number and quality of persons in the applicant pool depend in part on a department's

the nature of the work and the material benefits of the job

12. Surveys of recruits and new police officers consistently indicate they choose law enforcement as a career for two main reasons

the state of the economy and how the pay and benefits compare to other jobs.

13. The appeal of jobs in a police department often depends on

It is too rigid

14. Which of the following is a criticism of the bureaucratic form of police organization?

a. personal interviews b. criminal records checks c. background investigations

14. Which of the following is a popular selection test used by local police departments?

drug use

15. Eighty three percent of the largest police departments test job applicants for

b. Organizational self-protection and survival are seen to take precedence over the goals of the organization

15. Why are bureaucracies often accused of being too self-serving and inward-looking?

attitudes incompatible with good police work

16. Oral interviews of applicants are a good opportunity to assess

administrative rule-making

16. The control of police discretion and the reduction of misconduct have been achieved through bureaucratic principles using the technique called

oral interview

17. The most important part of the employment selection process is the

through de-bureaucrazation

18. How does the community policing approach attempt to modify a police organization?

recruit training score

18. Which of the following is the only predictive factor that correlates with future positive on-the-job performance?


19. The approach to de-bureaucratizing police organizations, which eliminates many rules and policies that are seen to stifle creativity and problem-solving, is called

illiterate and very poorly educated.

19. There are problems in the methods used to measure performance and select candidates. For example, written tests at best only screen out the


2. All police officers are peace officers, but all peace officers are not police officers. The legal status of peace officers is defined by

d. the cultivation of an "us versus them" attitude.

2. An important criticism of the quasi-military style is the

job security

2. The protection provided by civil service rules and police unions that makes firing an officer difficult is called:

They increase the likelihood that innovations will be accepted within the organization.

20. How do interagency task forces address problems within the traditional police organizational structure?

c. have become so successful that they can predict the future highest rank a trainee will achieve in her or his career

20. Psychological testing of potential police trainees

an individuals race, color, religion, sex or national origin

21. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act makes it unlawful for an employer to make hiring decisions on the basis of

They allow low-ranking officers to make intelligent decisions about policing policy.

21. Which of the following is not an advantage of multi-agency task forces?

c. Bona Fide Occupational Qualification

22. A BFOQ, which stands for ________, is related to equal employment laws and is any requirement that is "reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business."

The departments are able to acheive lower crime rates

22. What is the benefit of police departments becoming "learning organizations"?

c. reflects the composition of the community it serves.

23. The most useful measure of employment practices is the extent to which a police department

by increasing arrest rates

23. Under COMPSTAT, how is crime control achieved?

a. recruiting in the minority community. b. offering incentive pay for special skills. c. meeting with community groups to contact applicants.

24. With respect to recruiting, there are a number of steps that police departments can take to increase the numbers of minority officers. These include

d. affirmative action.

25. According to the textbook, the most controversial issue in police employment is

a. to ensure that personnel decisions are based on objective criteria

25. What is the purpose of civil service procedures?

a. the negative legacy of past discrimination

26. The basic premise of affirmative action is that simply ending discrimination does not automatically correct for

b. developing disciplinary procedures for personnel

26. Which of the following is a responsibility of civil service agencies?

a. It limits the police chief's personal power in personnel decisions

27. Which of the following is an outcome of civil service procedures?

lower qualifications

28. Opponents of affirmative action argue that it lowers personnel standards by forcing the employer to hire persons with

implements the plan

29. The effect of affirmative action on a police department is dependent on how the organization

crime fighter image

3. One of the most enduring myths about policing is the police

a traditional male occupation

3. Recruiting women for positions on the police force is difficult because many people view policing as


3. The typical police department has a complex hierarchical structure and an authoritarian management style also known as a

c. It provides a structured framework for settling differences between employers and employees

30. For what purpose is the collective bargaining method of negotiation designed?

a. It provides formal training. b. It is the process for weeding out unqualified recruits. c. It is a rite of passage into the police subculture.

30. The police academy experience serves which of the following functions

b. Field Training Officer

31. To supplement classroom academy training, most departments operate practical field experience programs with senior officers. These are called FTO programs, which stands for

b. observe performance and dismiss those whose performance is unsatisfactory

32. The purpose of the probationary period is to

a. examining a police officers' progress from recruitment to retirement.

33. The career perspective involves

a. the system used by the government to hire police officers and other government employees

34. The civil service system is

d. They typically do not receive shift differential pay or education incentive pay.

35. Most large police agencies engage in collective bargaining procedures. What are the findings concerning agencies that do not engage in collective bargaining?


35. Usually, the minimum age for becoming a police officer is


36. Generally, the maximum age at which a person can become a police officer is

a. The idea that organizations are created and structured to achieve specific goals.

36. What is the underlying premise of contingency theory?

c. Organizations are social institutions operating in relation to their external and political environments.

37. What is the premise of the institutional theory?

1 percent

37. What percentage of police departments requires a four-year college degree for appointment to the police department?

c. it would reduce the number of minorities qualified to be on the force

38. Requiring all applicants to have a four-year college degree is opposed by some people because

d. Organizations must obtain resources to survive.

38. What is the premise of the resource dependency theory?

some college

39. Generally, the majority of police departments require a __________ to be hired.

the military

39. Robert Peel designed the London Metropolitan Police Department along the lines of


4. Community policing is an alternative to the traditional form of policing. Its placement of greater responsibility on officers to be more responsive to neighborhood residents in an attempt to ______________ more traditional organizations.

CSI Effect

4. The belief that crime scene investigators play a major role in investigating and solving crimes is known as the

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

4. The legislation that bars employment discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, or sex is known as

a. it is the most efficient means of government that has been developed.

40. The bureaucratic form of organization exists because

54 percent

40. What percentage of Americans age 18 to 25 report ever having used marijuana?

vertical cliques

41. Friendships that are formed between officers of lower and higher rank that affect

83 percent

41. What percentage of Los Angeles police officers live outside the city of Los Angeles?

12 percent

42. By 2007, women represented what percentage police officers in the country?

a. police place greater responsibility on rank-and-file officers at the neighborhood level to become more responsive to neighborhood residents

42. Decentralizing in policing occurs when

b. background investigations

43. Investigations that cover previous employment, possible criminal records, and interviews with neighbors are called

c. specialized units with neighborhood officers who are more knowledgeable about the problems that face their neighborhoods are established.

44. Despecializing in policing is

c. increased significantly in recent years.

44. The employment of racial and ethnic minority police officers has

b. rules and policies that often stifle police creativity and do not encourage problem solving are eliminated

45. Deformalizing in policing is


45. The Supreme Court upheld the use of race in law school admissions in the state of

a police union

46. An organization legally authorized to represent police officers in collective

a. It provides formal training. b. It is a process for weeding out recruits who prove to be unqualified. c. It is a rite of passage that socializes recruits into the police subculture.

46. The police academy experience serves which of the following functions?

b. police careerists

47. At the police academy, instructors who relied primarily on "war stories" are called

collective bargaining

47. The method of determining conditions of employment through bilateral negotiations is called


48. According to the text, when the union and the city cannot agree on a contract a(n) ____________ exists.

b. police careerists

48. At the police academy, sworn police officers who had obtained college credentials and used college-style teaching techniques are called

d. is a police officer who teaches new police officers in the field

49. A field training officer is one who

police officers' salaries and benefits

49. Police unions have had a powerful impact on American policing. Most important, they have produced significant improvements in

task force

5. A type of structure of police organizations consisting of officers from different ranks within the same agency is known as a

bona fide occupational qualifications

5. Job requirements that are "reasonably necessary" to the normal operation of that particular business are called

contingency theory

50. The dominant theoretical framework for understanding the structures and practices of police organizations is

b. police management theory.

51. The belief that organizations are created and structured to achieve specific goals, such as crime control, is called

institutional theory

52. Which theory holds that police organization are social institutions that operate in their relation to the external social and political environment?

law enforcement and order maintenance

6. Police contribute to social control through both


6. The management program that uses technology as an organizational tool to achieve crime control through accountability is known as

d. police-community representation bar

6. The measure of the extent to which the personnel make-up of a police department reflects the community it serves is called

the city goverment

60% of all sworn officers work for


7. In order to carry out their responsibilities, police are heavily dependent upon

civil service system

7. The guide that ensures that personnel decisions are based on objective criteria, and not on favoritism, bias, and political influence is called the

affirmative action

7. This concept, the basis of which an employer must take positive steps to remedy past discrimination, is called

Police Union

8. An organization legally authorized to represent police officers in collective bargaining with their employer is called a

gate keepers

8. The decision by a police officer to make an arrest initiates most criminal cases. This factor makes police the __________ of the criminal justice system.


8. The type of training received by newly hired personnel at the police academy is generally known as

community policing

9. One of the more popular approaches to policing, which alters the basic organizational philosophy is known as

collective bargaining

9. The method of determining conditions of employment through bilateral negotiations is known as

investigate crimes

9. The office of Coroner/Medical Examiner is considered a law enforcement agency because the office has the responsibility to

Feild Training Officer (FTO)

9. To gain practical experience under the supervision of veteran police officers, a newly trained police recruit works with a

the local police department

A General Service Law Enforcement Agency would be

community policing

A model of policing that stresses a two-way working relationship between the community and the police—in which the police become more integrated into the local community and citizens assume an active role in crime control and prevention—is called

peace officer

A police officer is also known as

d. organization legally authorized to represent police officers in collective bargaining

A police union is an

represented the interest of the labor unions

According to Marxist historians, in conflicts during the 19th century between strikers and businesses, the police

local control

Almost every other country in the world has a centralized, national police force. In American policing there is a tradition of

police cheif

Although professionalization introduced a number of changes in policing, one of the forgotten entities remained the

English Herritage

American policing is a product of

a. a census of current employees b. identification of minorities c. developing a minority recruiting plan

An affirmative action plan includes which of the following elements?

J. Edgar Hoover

An important figure in American law enforcement appointed in the 1930s as the Director of the Bureau of Investigation was known as

use of force incidents

As a result of Supreme Court decisions on police practices, minority community protests about police misconduct, and an increasing numbers of lawsuits, procedures have been instituted to control

"father of American police professionalism."

August Vollmer was noted for being the

There is a disruption of normally assigned duties

Because police strikes are highly controversial and sometimes illegal, what action do

comments, warning, and rebukes

Before we had the modern police, citizens were the primary agents of social control. How was behavior regulated?

13 percent

By the mid-1990s, female officers were assigned to routine patrol duty for the first time, and departments were eliminating barriers to the recruitment of women. The percentage of female officers in most big city departments today is

train for all potential situation in residential life

City police are the most important component of the law enforcement system as they

changing the nature of police-citizen contacts and police management

Communications technologies like the two-way radio and the telephone changed policing by

municipal police that operate on a country wide basis

County police departments involve

d. when the social and administrative distance between the beat officer and the chief of police is decreased.

Delayerizing in policing occurs


During the nineteenth century, a major issue for political reformers of police was


During the political era of American policing, local politicians rewarded their friends with jobs on the police force. This practice was known as

coercive force

Egon Bittner argues that the capacity to use _____________ is the defining feature of policing.


England has ___ police departments

problem-oriented policing

Herman Goldstein developed P.O.P. This stands for

problem-oriented policing

Herman Goldstein developed the concept of

by federal statute

How is the role of each federal agency specified?


In response to the rise of crime and violence against police officers in the late nineteenth century, the police were issued as standard equipment


In the Police Service Study (PSS), the researchers found that ________ percent of the total calls for police services involved a violent crime.


In the nineteenth century, the one major component that influenced every aspect of American policing was

They serve all three components of the criminal justice system.

In what way do sheriffs have a unique role?

"For which social purpose do police exist?"

Jerome Skolnick asked the question


Movies and television shows strengthen the impression that all police are highly successful in solving crimes, when in fact only _____percent of all reported index crimes are solved.

Problem -oriented policing

Newport News, Virginia is noted for being one of the first experiments in

Sunday Closing Law

On December 3, 1882, the New York City Police arrested 137 people for violating the

Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment.

One of the more famous studies testing the effect of different levels of patrol on crime that challenged the traditional assumptions about policing was the

police union

One of the most dramatic expressions of the new police subculture was the emergence of


One of the most important aspects of policing is that officers exercise enormous amounts of ________ in handling various situations.

preventing crime

One of the most important factors shaping the police role is


Only about ____________ of police officers' activities are devoted to criminal enforcement.

community organizers

P.O.P. in Newport News represented a whole new role for the police. Officers functioned as


P.O.P. represents a proactive approach, which is very different from the __________ approach.

starting the first modern state police force.

Pennsylvania is noted for

settle problems, restore calm, arrest or remove someone from the home

People call the police because they want an officer to

problem oriented policing

Police departments around the world practice

report crimes to the police. provide information about suspects. cooperate in investigations all of these

Police depend on the public to

general service law enforcement agency

Police regularly prevent crime, investigate crimes and apprehend criminals; maintain order and provide service. These activities would define them as a


Problem-oriented policing represents a(n) _________________ approach.

They are required to have firearms training and certification.

Regarding the private security industry, what are the minimum training standards required by most states for private security personnel?

law enforcement, courts, and corrections

Sheriffs have a unique role in that they serve all three components of the criminal justice system

August Vollmer.

The "father" of American police professionalism is known as

Robert Peel

The "father" of modern policing is known as

Kansas City Preventive Patrol Expiriment

The 1972 police research experiment that tested the effect of different levels of patrols and challenged the basic assumptions about the effect of patrolling on crime was known as the

community policing

The Chicago Alternative Police Strategy is a type of

the Bureau of Investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was originally known as

problem oriented policing

The Specialized Multi-Agency Response Team (SMART) of Oakland, California, is


The United states has __ sheriffs departmentss

Delays allow the city or county to cope with budget shortfalls.

The annual average attrition rate for police is about five percent. Why, then, is hiring often delayed?

consolidation and contracting

The authors list two major remedies for issues associated with fragmentation. They are

the sheriff

The county jail is usually maintained by

the size of the department

The degree to which police have specialized units is dependent on

authorized strength

The distinction between a law enforcement agency's approved allotment of officers and the number of officers currently employed is known as


The early method of policing used to guard against fires, crime, and disorder throughout different parts of the day was known as the

catch criminals and prevent crime

The emphasis on crime fighting also creates unrealistic public expectations about the ability of the police to

police corruption

The failure of police reform is attributed to

Berkeley, California in approximately 1916.

The first college graduates hired as police officers were hired in

a. did not perform regular patrol duty. b. usually did not wear uniforms. c. did not carry weapons. d. all of these

The fist police women

police chiefs had to share their power and negotiate with unions over many management issues.

The formation of police unions had a dramatic impact on police administrations in that

the last decade of the twentieth century

The greatest changes in policing came during

budget costs

The idea of consolidating several smaller agencies into larger ones is an effort to solve which problem?

English Heritage

The idea of local control of police agencies was contributed to American policing by our

crime fighters

The idea that the police are a "thin blue line" fighting a war on crime adds to their image as

the 1994 Violent Crime Control Act.

The legislation allowing federal authorities to sue law enforcement agencies if a "pattern or practice" of abuse of citizen rights is called

community policing

The most important new development in policing in the 1980s and 1990s was the advent of


The national average of the police-population ratio is

social control

The police are part of the system of


The police today are a product of their

standered operating procedures

The policies used to assert control over the police operations and officers were collected in SOP manuals and became the basic tool of police managers. The term SOP stands for

team policng

The policing strategy that police should develop partnerships with neighborhood residents, develop programs for specific problems, lower the decision making in the

racial profiling

The practice of police making traffic stops of drivers solely on the basis of their race and not on the basis of any suspected criminal activity formally is referred to as

state and local

The primary responsibility for police protection rests with which level of government?


The process of replacing sworn officers with non-sworn personnel for certain positions is known as

establish and maintain a set of professional standards in police work

The purpose of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) is to

complex role by dealing with social issuers of crime

The reality of policing is that the police play an extremely

team policing

The reorganization of conventional patrol strategies by restructuring police operations along neighborhood lines and decentralizing decision-making authority is called

Miranda v. Arizona

The requirement that police officers advise criminal suspects of their rights before interrogation was established by which Supreme Court case?


The romanticized public image of police officers in the nineteenth century is actually


The second largest police department in the country is

police-population ratio

The standard measure for the level of police protection in a community, usually expressed as the number of sworn officers per thousand residents, is called the

Kerner Commission study

The study of criminal investigation that shattered traditional myths about detective work was known as the

the state police and Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The two most important law enforcement agencies that appeared before World War I were


The use of the two-way radio by police became widespread in the


There are over _____________ federal law enforcement officers

This approach seeks to gain greater control of discretion through written rules.

There are two schools of thought on how to improve police organizations. The dominant school accepts the basic principles of the organization and seeks to apply them more effectively. Which of the following is an example of this approach?


There is no formal, centralized system for coordinating or regulating all of the different law enforcement agencies. This decentralization is known as


This policy calls for the police to focus primarily on disorder, minor crime, and the appearance of crime through interventions that vigorously enforce criminal and civil laws and are conducted for the purpose of restoring order to communities

0 to 1

Typical police officers fire their weapon ____________ times during their career.

the Homeland Security Act

What act is responsible for launching the largest government reorganization at the federal level in recent decades?

d. formal and legally binding procedures governing personnel decisions

What are civil service procedures?

the decisions of the US Supreme Court

What are the most important set of national standards related to police procedures?

They have general arrest powers

What authority do most campus police in large universities have?

policing power and authority

What does our political system ensure where the police are concerned

they might be preferable to large consolidated agencies

What does the emphasis on decentralized policing under the community policing policy suggest about small local law enforcement agencies?

urbanization and growth of city departments

What factors have contributed to the eradication of most of a constable's function?

the police go on strike

What happens when the police union and management cannot agree on a contract?

a. negotiations involved in determining conditions of employment

What is collective bargining

mucicipal police

What is generally considered the most important component in American law enforcement?

to restore and develop the citizen role as co-producers of police services

What is the community policing movement attempting to accomplish?

Federal agencies do not have the order maintenance responsibilities

What is the difference between federal and municipal agencies?

State police have statewide police powers for traffic and criminal investigations

What is the difference between state police and highway patrol?

A lack of communication between agencies in the same geographic area

What is the major problem concerning the law enforcement fragmentation issue?

There's no penalty for not being accredited

What is the major weakness with accreditation?

b. The Bureau of Indian Affairs assumes policing responsibility.

What is the most common administrative arrangement concerning the police agencies of Indian tribes?

local police to focus their resources on places and people that are most responsible for crime and violence.

What is the most important law Congress has passed that applies directly to state and local enforcement agencies?

the 1964 Civil rights Acts

What is the most important law Congress has passed that applies directly to state and local enforcement agencies?

to require the licensing or certification of all sworn officers

What is the most important role of state governments regarding law enforcement?

d. to provide due process in resolving appeals for contract violations

What is the purpose of grievance procedures

20 percent

What percentage of all index crimes are cleared or solved?

the decision to make an arrest

What police action initiates most criminal cases?

a. Mapp v. Ohio

Which U.S. Supreme Court case, decided in 1961, established that evidence gathered in an illegal search and seizure could not be used against the defendant?

the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Which are the largest federal law enforcement agencies?

d. the National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement

Which commission found that the police used the "third degree" to extract confessions from suspects?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following U.S. presidents was the police commissioner of New York City?


Which of the following countries had the greatest impact on American policing?

a. the movies b. televisions shows about cops c. the news media

Which of the following groups create the myth of the crime fighter police officer?

state gaurds

Which of the following is not a category of state law enforcement?

correctional-civil model

Which of the following is not a model of a sheriff department, as identified by Lee Brown?

a. The reformers sought to define policing as a profession. b. The reformers sought to eliminate the influence of politics on policing. c. The reformers argued in favor of hiring qualified chief executives to head police departments. d. all of these

Which of the following statements characterizes the professionalization movement of police reform through the 1960s?

b. achieving diversity in hiring practices

Which of the following was determined by the Supreme Court to be a "compelling state interest?

David H. Baley

Who is the author of the book Police for the Future?

Alice Stebbins Wells

Who started the International Association of Police Women in 1915?

a. Civilians are less expensive than sworn officers

Why are civilians often utilized in police work?

This is due to retirements, resignations, and terminations

Why are most departments below their authorized strength?

It encourages the philosophy of the police fighting a "war on crime."

Why do many experts believe the quasi-military style is inappropriate for police

Most aspects of policing do not raise issues of constitutional law.

Why does relying on the Supreme Court to define minimum standards for police have serious limitations?

c. The approach provides a comprehensive picture of all the different producers of police services

Why is it important to take an industry perspective on policing?

a In most states it is a constitutional office

Why is the legal status of the sheriff unique?

They have the responsibility to investigate crimes

Why is the office of the coroner or medical examiner often considered a law enforcement agency?

Many federal agencies have enforcement or regulatory powers.

Why is there no agreement about the nature of federal law enforcement activities?

provide social services to the community

the police task is too

personnel costs

what does most of a police agency's budget go toward

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